Windows Phone 7 Taking Photo - windows-phone-7

I am developing Windows Phone 7 application (7.0) and want to take photo without using CameraCaptureTask. There will be a button on main screen and it will take photo by clicking it instantly. Any solution?

In Windows Phone 7.0 you can only use the CameraCaptureTask for this. You have to upgrade on Mango if you need more functionality.


Pen Computing App Development in Windows Phone

I wanted to make an app in windows phone that takes in pen-computing input. Is there existing code infrastructure (templates and such) in the Windows Phone API that is available to the Windows Phone developer?
What I mean by pen-computing input is hand-writing input by users' fingers, giving us input like this:
Unluckily for Windows Phone 8 and Windows phone 8.1 InkManager class is not supported currently, so capturing handwritten input aint possible.
Though it works for windows 8 and 8.1 store apps which you can implement through Tutorial1 and Tutorial2
If you are focusing Windows phone would suggest to make app for Windows 10. They have release a better version of InkCanvas which is better than InkManager and works both store and phone apps being UWP. Check out this link for details on InkCanvas

Include Windows 8 namespace in Windows Phone 8 [duplicate]

I am trying to write a Windows Phone 8 SDK-based application. I keep seeing mention of a ProgressRing control but I don't see it in the Toolbox or in the xaml designer.
How do I use this?
ProgressRing is part of the Win8 UI controls, not WP8. In WP8 you should use SystemTray.ProgressIndicator instead which is part of the windows phone UI shell. See here and here for samples.
See below blog link for simple copy&paste code to exactly replicate the Windows ProgressRing (uses the actual style code). Works perfectly, just added it to my WP8 project:
There is more info about adapting it to WP8 in the answer to this question:
How to Use ProgressRing in Windows Phone 8
Download this app for your phone to see it in action.
ProgressRing is not available for Windows Phone 7 or 8, you have to use ProgressBar or rather the PerformanceProgressBar:

Marketplace title difference wp7 and wp8

I try to create wp7 and wp8 versions of my app, but I'm confused about Marketplace (Windows Store) title.
For WP7:
I use Windows 7 + VS2010 + WP7.1 SDK, and what I have:
When I open Marketplace Test Kit I need to add Marketplace title 200*200 pixels.
I also found this article: Creating Windows Phone 7 Application
and Marketplace Icons, where Marketplace title also 200*200 pixels.
For WP8:
I use Windows 8 + VS2012 + WP8 SDK, and what I have:
When I open Windows Store Test Kit I need to add Windows Phone Store app image 300*300 pixels.
I also found this article: App submission requirements for Windows Phone, where Windows Phone Store app image also 300*300 pixels.
My question is: Why it's happens? Why I need to add same image with different size for each version of my app?
Windows Phone 8 introduced higher resolution screens (768x1280 and 720x1280). This is up to 1.6x pixel count of WP7.
So to make sure the images look good on the higher resolution phones, a higher resolution image is required for your icons.

drop down notification area in windows phone 7

I am working on an application in windows phone 7.And I want to whether we can pro grammatically assign our own application icons in windows phones 7 's notification area.
And will microsoft bring drop down notification area like functionality in wp7 as we have
in android ,blackberry etc in the coming months.
No you cannot put your notification icons in the notification area. Instead you can use live tiles for that.
And as per the latest information ,in their next release Tango, they do not have any plans

Live tile inside windows phone 7 application

Is it possible to create a live tile inside our windows phone 7 application? I am asking the similar functionality as in AppHub app "...i'm a WP7!".
Please provide me input, how i can achieve this functionality?
Check out the HubTile control from the Silverlight Toolkit for Windows Phone over at codeplex.
Just be careful that it looks good and makes sense in your app - it's a very dynamic control and you can't see the Title of the control all the time.
