Application context and spring context is same? - spring

I am new to spring MVC,and just started working on it.I would like to know about the application context(web-applicationcontext) and the context provided by the spring i.e spring-servlet.xml whether it is same or different.
Hopefully somebody could give me the greater idea to come over this confusion.

The difference between the application context and servlet context is that whatever is specified in the application context can be referenced in the servlet context, but not vice-versa.
That's to say that you can have components that are reused through your servlets specified at the application context level, but certain things that are only specific to a certain servlet can be specified there to isolate them from the application and other servlets.
That's there if you have a need for fine-grained control.

You can treat them as being the same file. Look at this answer for more details.

The application-context provided by *-servlet.xml is the WebApplicationContext see here for more info on this. The root application is created by the contextLoader listener .
Quoting from the Spring reference,
"In the web MVC framework, each DispatcherServlet has its own WebApplicationContext, which inherits all the beans already defined in the root WebApplicationContext.
The WebApplicationContext is an extension of the plain ApplicationContext that has some extra features necessary for web applications. It differs from a normal ApplicationContext in that it is capable of resolving themes (see Section 15.7, “Using themes”), and that it knows which servlet it is associated with (by having a link to the ServletContext). The WebApplicationContext is bound in the ServletContext, and by using static methods on the RequestContextUtils class you can always look up the WebApplicationContext if you need access to it."
You can find the details of the root Application context here


How many containers in spring MVC?

I am new to spring. I wanted to know two things :
Does the Dispatcher Servlet and ApplicatonContext exists in two different containers (in terms of spring).
Also, if they are part of same container, then how is it possible that spring is creating two beans if I scan the classes in both of their config files?
Will be very thankful for any help.
SpringMVC has one Container i.e WebApplicationContext(Interface)
A Context represents your environment. It represents the state surrounding where you are in your system. For example, in web programming in Java, you have a Request, and a Response. These are passed to the service method of a Servlet. A property of the Servlet is the ServletConfig, and within that is a ServletContext. The ServletContext is used to tell the servlet about the Container that the Servlet is within. So, the ServletContext represents the servlets environment within its container. Similarly, in Java EE, you have EBJContexts that elements (like session beans) can access to work with their containers.(copy/paste from qoura)

Confusion regarding ApplicationContext in Spring MVC

I was referring to Spring configuration related blogs and came across some information on applicationContext. One article it is mentioned:
"In most simple cases, the ApplicationContext(defaule name for file is applicationContext.xml) is unnecessary. It is generally used to contain beans that are shared between all servlets in a webapp. If you only have one servlet, then there's not really much point, unless you have a specific use for it."
Where it is also mentioned:
"If you are not explicitly declaring the context configuration file name in web.xml using the contextConfigLocation param, Spring will search for the applicationContext.xml under WEB-INF folder and throw FileNotFoundException if it could not find this file."
Above two statements seems to be contradicting (though it is not). Can you please help clarifying above or suggests me link that clarifies above points?
From :
The Application Context is spring's more advanced container.
Similar to BeanFactory it can load bean definitions, wire beans together and dispense beans upon request.
Additionally it adds more enterprise-specific functionality such as the ability to resolve textual messages from a properties file and the ability to publish application events to interested event listeners. This container is defined by the org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext interface.
That means Application Context is a container and it can load beans from xml files and from #Bean annotations from your java code. With recent spring versions you can configure all of your beans in java code and not use xml files.

DispatcherServlet and ContextLoaderListener in Spring

What is the difference between DispatcherServlet and ContextLoaderListener in Spring framework? Do we need to configure both of them in web.xml when we are using spring framework?
AFAIK each DispatcherServlet will have a WebApplicationContext. By default the DispatcherServlet looks for a spring configuration file named [appname]-servlet.xml under WEB-INF folder.
Do we need to configure DispatcherServlet?
Yes, every spring application should configure DispatcherServlet as it is the one through which all the requests are routed. It decides the appropriate method of the controller class to handle the request. Once controller returns the model along with the logical view, DispatcherServlet takes the help of ViewResolver to resolve the view (generally JSPs) and will pass the model data to the view, which is finally rendered on the browser.
Do we need to configure ContextLoaderListener?
No, this is not mandatory. Spring applications can live with out ContextLoaderListener.
Why do we need ContextLoaderListener?
Usually when we build multi-tier applications we don't want to clutter all the beans in one config file [appname]-servlet.xml. For example if you configure spring security you wanted to include all those beans in security-context.xml, in the same way all the beans belonging to service layer are configured in applicationContext.xml and some would like to configure beans belonging to DAO layer in dao-context.xml. So when you configure all these beans in different context files, you need to let know spring that these files exist as spring only knows about [appname]-servlet.xml. ContextLoaderListener will help spring recognize all the other context files.
Hope this helps!
The root WebApplicationContext is a Spring Application Context shared across the application.
A DispatcherServlet instance actually has its own
One can have multiple DispatcherServlet instances in an application, and each will have its own WebApplicationContext.
The root WebApplicationContext is shared across
the application, so if you have a root WebApplicationContext and
multiple DispatcherServlets, the DispatcherServlets will share the
root WebApplicationContext.
However, for a simple Spring MVC application, one can even have a situation where there is no need to have a root WebApplicationContext. A DispatcherServlet would still have its own WebApplicationContext, but it doesn’t actually need to have a parent root WebApplicationContext.
So, which beans should go in the root Web Application Context and which beans should go in the DispatcherServlet’s Web Application Context?
Well, general beans such as services and DAOs make their way in root Web Application Context, and more web-specific beans such as controllers are included in DispatcherServlet’s Web Application Context.
When DispatcherServlet starts up, it creates a Spring application context and starts
loading it with beans declared in the configuration files or classes that it’s given.
But in Spring web applications, there’s often another application context. This
other application context is created by ContextLoaderListener
Whereas DispatcherServlet is expected to load beans containing web components
such as controllers, view resolvers, and handler mappings, ContextLoaderListener is
expected to load the other beans in your application. These beans are typically the
middle-tier and data-tier components that drive the back end of the application.
Good luck!

ContextLoader.getCurrentWebApplicationContext() always returns null

i'm running a web-app with spring-boot and have to use external articfacts which are using ContextLoader.getCurrentWebApplicationContext() to get some beans from.
But it always returns null.
According to the spring-bootdocumentation the parent application context is not a WebApplicationContext. Is there any other way to access the WebApplicationContext via ContextLoader.getCurrentWebApplicationContext()?
Thanks in advance!
ContextLoader isn't really applicable to Spring Boot applications (or any with Servlet 3.0 dynamic initialization). Spring Boot does set up the ServletContext so that WebApplicationContextUtils can locate the web context. Your external artifacts really ought not to be using ContextLoader static methods since it makes assumptions about the way the app is deployed. Can you change them? Or work out another way to set their state?

Spring-MVC: What are a "context" and "namespace"?

From XmlWebApplicationContext javadoc:
By default, the configuration will be taken from "/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml" for the root context, and "/WEB-INF/test-servlet.xml" for a context with the namespace "test-servlet" (like for a DispatcherServlet instance with the servlet-name "test").
What does it mean a Spring context?
What is the root context? What other kinds of Spring context are there?
What is a namespace?
Some follow-up questions:
What is a Spring ApplicationContext - is it some "thing" that holds the beans that are defined in a configuration XML file?
Looking at the code of ContextLoaderListener, it looks like it loads the data defined in the config XML file(s). But my Spring web app works without defining this listener or any other listener. How could it be?
In what scenarios would it make sense to have more than one instance of Spring's DispatcherServlet?
Is the root context (data from applicationContext.xml) applicable to every instance of DispatcherServlet, while other contexts (e.g. data from test-servlet.xml) applicable only to the relevant DispatcherServlet (i.e. test)?
"Spring context" = a Spring ApplicationContext.
"root context", in terms of a web application, means the main context that's loaded and used by the webapp. Typically, you'll start the root context with a ContextLoaderListener.
The root context isn't really a "kind" of context. It's just a role that a context plays. You have one root context in a webapp. Other contexts are not the root context. They're usually children of the root context.
A namespace here refers to the scope of an instance of Spring's DispatcherServlet. All it's saying right there is that if you name your servlet "test" in your web.xml, then by convention, Spring will look for a file named "test-servlet.xml" to use as that dispatcher's context. Incidentally, each context like this which is created for a dispatcher becomes a child of the root context.
Edit: To answer your new questions:
Follow the link in the first line of my answer to learn about the ApplicationContext. If you have questions not answered there, I'd suggest posting a new SO question.
The root context is optional. If you don't have the ContextLoaderListener defined, then you just don't have a root context. When you use a DispatcherServlet, it starts its own ApplicationContext, and it will get the beans it needs from there.
I don't know of one off the top of my head. I suppose if there were a need for drastically different configurations between some of the URL resources in your app, that might drive you to do it.
Yes. To state it in the proper terms, the root context is the parent context of any context started for a DispatcherServlet. Beans in a parent context are accessible through and by the child context, but the reverse isn't true.
In a web application, the architecture is usually divided into layers like the popular MVC structure.
So a web app comprises basically of a layer that handles the client requests i.e HTTPRequests
and a layer that services those requests .
To summarize : classes that are meant to handle the Http requests i.e the controllers which are mapped to urls come under the test-servlet.xml. This is called as WebapplicationContext containing only the beans that are required mainly to handle the client requests.
Now the next part is the Service/Dao layer that comprises of your business logic. Beans that perform such logic are loaded under ApplicationContext object.
Now you may ask why have they separated these things in to files or two different objects.
Its because, an application have the same business logic that can be used by multiple clients working on different protocol. You may use the same service layers to handle RMI as well as HTTP calls.
So Spring created a parent context that is started us as an ApplicationContext. And then if your applicationhandles web requests, you can create a dispathcher servlet which has its own Webapplicationcontext and initialized as a child of the parent context.
So all the parent beans can be referenced in the child and can be overiden but not vice versa
