replacement for fbml multi-friend-selector - fbml

Since facebook is deprecating fbml, could someone point me in the direction of what would be the replacement for the multi-friend-selector? We use this to allow facebook users to send invitations to their friends to let them know about our site.

You might want to have a look at Facebook's Send Dialog and Request Dialog.
There also exist two JQuery Plugins you might be interested in. The first is an autocomplete plugin which includes a Facebook theme and the second is a full friend selector plugin. I already used both on production: (see the facebook theme)


How do I respond to theme changes in FluentUI Northstar in Teams?

I'm trying to use FluentUI Northstar for a React app for Microsoft Teams, but there does not seem to be a well-documented solution to work out what theme to apply, or how to respond when the user changes the theme.
As far as I can see, the theme is passed into the Provider, e.g.
<Provider theme={themes.teams}>...</Provider>
But while I could pass themes.teamsDark, for example, I am at a loss as to how to get this theme from Teams itself, or how to set up an onChange notification.
Is this possible, and (even better), is there any official MS documentation I have missed here?
To get notified of theme changes while your app/tab is in view you can use the microsoftTeams.registerOnThemeChangeHandler API documented here:
There is a useful community-built helper out there that can help you glue this all together:

Not able to customize webchat sendbox(Form field)

I want to customize webchat send input field, by adding label tag above the input field and remove the placeholder and add send text instead of icon using react.
Currently, I have tweaked using javascript(Es6)
Unfortunately, at this time, there is no built in feature of Web Chat that allows the developer to alter the send box (beyond hiding / not hiding it). If you feel strongly about this as a feature others could benefit from, I would suggest you present it as a feature request on the BotFramework-WebChat repo. You can do so here.
The method you are using (i.e. altering the DOM directly) is the correct method.
Hope of help!

How to track Google conversions with Joomla Chronoforms?

I have multiple form pages and one thank you-page.
I want to track if a form has successfully submitted, but I don't know how.
When a user submits a form and gets redirected to the thank you page, it'll add different parameters to the url of the thank you page. This depends on where the user came from.
How can I track this?
You can set this up completely outside of Chronoforms. Within Google Analytics, go to Admin section, then Goals and set up a new website goal. The key is to select it to be a destination type goal and set that to your thank you page url. you want to have the conversion work in Google Adwords conversions as well, you will need to add a code snippet to a custom HTML module in the debug position:
You should not use two conversion trackings for the same thing because you would end up double counting your conversions.
I see that your url has an event. Instead of using destination goals in google analytics you can use events to track a goal. After you do this you will have to link google analytics with google adwords and import the goal in google adwords.
Have in mind that conversion tracking from google analytics has a big conversion lag. Having said that, the best option is to use google adwords conversion tracking but this would require to have a unique url for each thank you page.

MEAN-SEO not working as expected

I have a project in meanjs.
It has html5mode disabled so my URLS are like that:
I am trying to implement AJAX snapshoots in order to allow Google Crawlers to see content generated by javascript on client side.
I installed a module called MEAN-SEO:
Now when I access the following URL:
I am redirected to:
And when I click on "products" or when I access directly, I am redirected to:
After reading the Google specification detailed here , what I need is to get is something without hashbangs, like the following:
What I am doing wrong?
Kind Regards.
Any specific reasons why you want html5mode off?
Here is something a lot of people have missed: Search engines (both Google and Bing) can now handle AJAX based content.
Their crawlers now understands pushstates, so if you just turn html5mode on you don't need any special handling to get your SEO working. You can load your content via AJAX, you can set title tags and meta tags with javascript and so on and so forth, and the crawlers will understand your content the same as if you had rendered things server-side. There is no need to do html-snapshotting or escaped_fragment handling for SEO anymore.
This has been announced on their developer blogs but unfortunately most of the documentation hasn't been updated with this information, so it's gone under the radar for a lot of people.
One word of warning though, Facebook does not handle pushstates, so if you want to support the Facebook crawler you still need to handle that separately.

How to install google analytics javascript on an overlay where content resides?

Typically, if it were a regular page-by-page website, I would install the analytics javascript before the body tag.
But, with a site where content is on overlays, how can analytics be installed to track views? (i.e. a one page portfolio site)
Thanks for any insight!
See Tracking Google Analytics Page Views with Angular.js. Even though I'm not sure if you are using something like Angular or just straight javascript, you could use a similar technique described there with hash urls that are set when a user clicks on a different part of the page, that way you could track how a user interacts with your single page site by making different urls for their interactions.
For more information see Pushing Functions onto the Queue.
In javascript that calls the overlay, you can add:
_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/url/of/page']);
