Writing to excel files in ruby using roo gem - ruby

I am parsing Excel and Excelx file using Roo gem. But I am not sure how to write in those files. set_value(row, column, text) method is not working.
#oo = Excelx.new('tes.xlsx')
#oo.default_sheet = #oo.sheets.first
def return_column
keywords = ["website", "url"]
keywords.each do |keyword|
1.upto(#oo.last_column) do |n|
data = #oo.cell(1, n)
return n if data.downcase=~/#{keyword}/i
def return_rows
n = return_n
2.upto(#oo.last_row) do |row|
data = #oo.cell(row, n)
stack << data
def appender
#oo.set_value(1,11, "hey")
The Error Message I'm getting is
/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p352/gems/roo-1.10.1/lib/roo/generic_spreadsheet.rb:441:in `method_missing': private method `set_value' called for #<Excelx:0x101221f08> (NoMethodError)
from /Users/bhushan/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p352/gems/roo-1.10.1/lib/roo/excelx.rb:168:in `method_missing'
from parser.rb:32:in `appender'
from parser.rb:35

No answers here actually answer the question of how to do this with Roo, so I'll add the solution that I just tested in our app.
Roo recently added functionality for editing cells: https://github.com/roo-rb/roo/blob/master/lib/roo/csv.rb#L42
You can use it like such:
sheet.set_value(1, 5, 'TEST', nil) # to set the 1st row, 5th column to the string 'TEST'
The last argument nil is not used in the function but has no default so it's required.
This is only added in version 2.7.0.

Try 'set' method instead of 'set_value' method in Excelx or OpenOffice object. For more refer API http://rubydoc.info/gems/roo/1.10.1/frames and I think roo gem specializes in reading excel contents than writing. For instance using set method will not save back to the spreadsheet file. It saves on the buffer I think. Try some other gems for writing

You can set the value of a column by pushing a string into it.
sheet.row(0).push 'some value'
The code below writes to a spreadsheet
require 'spreadsheet'
class Util::Table < ActiveRecord::Migration
def self.create_import_template
# create an xls workbook template for data importing based on models in activerecord
#format = Spreadsheet::Format.new(:weight => :bold)
#template_folder = File.join(Dir.home, 'Dropbox', 'horizon', 'data', 'templates')
#template_file = File.join(#template_folder, "data_import_template_#{Time.now.round(3).to_s.chomp(' -0700').gsub(':','-').gsub(' ','_').chop.chop.chop}.xls")
#book = Spreadsheet::Workbook.new
ActiveRecord::Base.send(:subclasses).each {|model| add_worksheet_to_template(model)}
#book.write #template_file
def self.add_worksheet_to_template(model)
# create a tab for each model that you wish to import data into
write_sheet = #book.create_worksheet :name => model
write_sheet.row(0).set_format(0, #format)
model.columns.each_with_index do |c,i|
column = ""
column << "*" unless c.null # indicate required field
column << c.name
write_sheet.row(0).set_format(i+1, #format)
write_sheet.row(0).push column

you can use set method
sheet.set(row, col, value)


How to "observe" a stream in Ruby's CSV module?

I am writing a class that takes a CSV files, transforms it, and then writes the new data out.
module Transformer
class Base
def initialize(file)
#file = file
def original_data(&block)
opts = { headers: true }
CSV.open(file, 'rb', opts, &block)
def transformer
# complex manipulations here like modifying columns, picking only certain
# columns to put into new_data, etc but simplified to `+10` to keep
# example concise
-> { |row| new_data << row['some_header'] + 10 }
def transformed_data
def write_new_data
CSV.open('new_file.csv', 'wb', opts) do |new_data|
What I'd like to be able to do is:
Look at the transformed data without writing it out (so I can test that it transforms the data correctly, and I don't need to write it to file right away: maybe I want to do more manipulation before writing it out)
Don't slurp all the file at once, so it works no matter the size of the original data
Have this as a base class with an empty transformer so that instances only need to implement their own transformers but the behavior for reading and writing is given by the base class.
But obviously the above doesn't work because I don't really have a reference to new_data in transformer.
How could I achieve this elegantly?
I can recommend one of two approaches, depending on your needs and personal taste.
I have intentionally distilled the code to just its bare minimum (without your wrapping class), for clarity.
1. Simple read-modify-write loop
Since you do not want to slurp the file, use CSV::Foreach. For example, for a quick debugging session, do:
CSV.foreach "source.csv", headers: true do |row|
row["name"] = row["name"].upcase
row["new column"] = "new value"
p row
And if you wish to write to file during that same iteration:
require 'csv'
csv_options = { headers: true }
# Open the target file for writing
CSV.open("target.csv", "wb") do |target|
# Add a header
target << %w[new header column names]
# Iterate over the source CSV rows
CSV.foreach "source.csv", **csv_options do |row|
# Mutate and add columns
row["name"] = row["name"].upcase
row["new column"] = "new value"
# Push the new row to the target file
target << row
2. Using CSV::Converters
There is a built in functionality that might be helpful - CSV::Converters - (see the :converters definition in the CSV::New documentation)
require 'csv'
# Register a converter in the options hash
csv_options = { headers: true, converters: [:stripper] }
# Define a converter
CSV::Converters[:stripper] = lambda do |value, field|
value ? value.to_s.strip : value
CSV.open("target.csv", "wb") do |target|
# same as above
CSV.foreach "source.csv", **csv_options do |row|
# same as above - input data will already be converted
# you can do additional things here if needed
3. Separate input and output from your converter classes
Based on your comment, and since you want to minimize I/O and iterations, perhaps extracting the read/write operations from the responsibility of the transformers might be of interest. Something like this.
require 'csv'
class NameCapitalizer
def self.call(row)
row["name"] = row["name"].upcase
class EmailRemover
def self.call(row)
row.delete 'email'
csv_options = { headers: true }
converters = [NameCapitalizer, EmailRemover]
CSV.open("target.csv", "wb") do |target|
CSV.foreach "source.csv", **csv_options do |row|
converters.each { |c| c.call row }
target << row
Note that the above code still does not handle the header, in case it was changed. You will probably have to reserve the last row (after all transformations) and prepend its #headers to the output CSV.
There are probably plenty other ways to do it, but the CSV class in Ruby does not have the cleanest interface, so I try to keep code that deals with it as simple as I can.

Save names and iterate through them ruby

Hey this is my first post and I´m an complete ruby noob.
This is my existing source-code for my Dashing/Roo Project.
require 'roo-xls'
SCHEDULER.every '10m' do
file_path = "/home/numbers.xlsx"
def fetch_spreadsheet_data(path)
s = Roo::Excelx.new(path)
#This should be edited
send_event('Department1', { value:s.cell('C',5,s.sheets[0]) })
#Checker if file has been modified
module Handler
def file_modified
I want to add a few Departments (for example Department1, Factory2 ....)
For Department1 it should use: 'C',1,s.sheets[0]; For Factory2 it should use: 'C',2,s.sheets[0] and so on.
I want to save the names into an array and then iterate through it.
So how could I implement this logic?
thanks a lot

What causes the error "undefined local variable or method `csv' for main:Object"?

I am trying to write a rake task for importing a CSV file into multiple models. The code compiles without error, but I get this error message when I attempt to run it:
rake aborted! NameError: undefined local variable or method csv' for
block in '
Here is the script:
desc "Imports the CSV file "
task :import_partial => :environment do
require 'csv'
csv.foreach('public/partial.csv', :headers => true) do |row|
# create records in independent tables
# create the Company object
this_company_name = row.to_hash.slice(*%w[county_name])
if !(Company.exists?(company_name: this_company_name))
Companies.create(row.to_hash.slice(*%w[company_name operator_num]))
thecompany = Company.find(this_company_name)
company_id = thecompany.id
# create the County object
this_county_name = row.to_hash.slice(*%w[county])
if !(County.exists?(county_name: this_county_name))
Counties.create(county_name: this_county_name)
thecounty = County.find(this_county_name)
county_id = thecounty.id
# create the GasType object
this_gastype_name = row.to_hash.slice(*%w[gas_type])
if !(GasType.exists?(gastype_name: this_gastype_name))
GasType.create(gastype_name: this_gastype_name)
thegastype = GasType.find(this_gastype_name)
gastype_id = thegastype.id
# create the Field object
this_field_name = row.to_hash.slice(*%w[field])
if !(Field.exists?(field_name: this_field_name))
Field.create(field_name: this_field_name, field_code: field_code)
thefield = Field.find(this_field_name)
field_id = thefield.id
# create the Formations object
this_formation_name = row.to_hash.slice(*%w[formation])
if !(Formation.exists?(formation_name: this_formation_name))
Counties.create(formation: this_formation_name, formation_code: formation_code)
theformation = Formation.find(this_formation_name)
formation_id = theformation.id
# debugging:
puts "company_id:", company_id
puts "county_id:", county_id
puts "gastype_id:", gastype_id
puts "field_id:", field_id
puts "formation_id:", formation_id
# create records in dependent tables:
# Use the record id's from above independent table create records containing foreign keys:
#Facilities.create(row.to_hash.slice(*%w[dir_e_w dir_n_s dist_e_w dist_n_s facility_name facility_num ground_elev lat long meridian qtrqtr range sec twp utm_x utm_y])
#Wells.create(row.to_hash.slice(*%w[api_county_code api_seq_num first_prod_date form_status_date formation_status sidetrack_num spud_date status_date td_date test_date wbmeasdepth wbtvd well_bore_status well_name])
My environment is: ruby 2.1.2p95, Rails 4.1.1
This is quite unclear, and have not found an example of similar error with an answer I understand yet....any help much appreciated!
I believe the error is in this line
csv.foreach('public/partial.csv', :headers => true) do |row|
It should be
CSV.foreach('public/partial.csv', :headers => true) do |row|
I believe the class name is uppercase - CSV.foreach, not csv.foreach.

Mapping XML to Ruby objects

I want to communicate between ruby and other applications in XML. I have defined a schema for this communication and I'm looking for the best way to do the transformation from data in Ruby to the XML and vice versa.
I have an XML document my_document.xml:
<distance units="km">20</distance>
Which conforms to an Schema my_document_type.xsd (I shalln't bother writing it out here).
Now I'd like to have the following class automatically generated from the XSD - is this reasonable or feasible?
# Represents a document created in the form of my_document_type.xsd
class MyDocument
attr_accessor :number, :distance, :distance_units
# Allows me to create this object from data in Ruby
def initialize(data)
#number = data['number']
#distance = data['distance']
#distance_units = data['distance_units']
# Takes an XML document of the correct form my_document.xml and populates internal systems
def self.from_xml(xml)
# Reads the XML and populates:
doc = ALibrary.load(xml)
#number = doc.xpath('/number').text()
#distance = doc.xpath('/distance').text()
#distance_units = doc.xpath('/distance').attr('units') # Or whatever
def to_xml
# Jiggery pokery
So that now I can do:
require 'awesomelibrary'
awesome_class = AwesomeLibrary.load_from_xsd('my_document_type.xsd')
doc = awesome_class.from_xml('my_document.xml')
p doc.distance # => 20
p doc.distance_units # => 'km'
And I can also do
doc = awesome_class.new('number' => 10, 'distance_units' => 'inches', 'distance' => '5')
p doc.to_xml
And get:
<distance units="inches">5</distance>
This sounds like fairly intense functionality to me, so I'm not expecting a full answer, but any tips as to libraries which already do this (I've tried using RXSD, but I can't figure out how to get it to do this) or any feasibility thoughts and so on.
Thanks in advance!
Have you tried Nokogiri? The Slop decorator implements method_missing into the document in such a way that it essentially duplicates the functionality you're looking for.

Ruby: how can use the dump method to output data to a csv file?

I try to use the ruby standard csv lib to dump out the arr of object to a csv.file , called 'a.csv'
dump(ary_of_objs, io = "", options = Hash.new)
but in this method, how can i dump into a file?
there is no such examples exists and help. I google it no example to do for me...
Also, the docs said that...
The next method you can provide is an instance method called
csv_headers(). This method is expected to return the second line of
the document (again as an Array), which is to be used to give each
column a header. By default, ::load will set an instance variable if
the field header starts with an # character or call send() passing the
header as the method name and the field value as an argument. This
method is only called on the first object of the Array.
Anyone knows how to pass the instance method csv_headers() to this dump function?
I haven't tested this out yet, but it looks like io should be set to a file. According to the doc you linked "The io parameter can be used to serialize to a File"
Something like:
f = File.open("filename")
dump(ary_of_objs, io = f, options = Hash.new)
The accepted answer doesn't really answer the question so I thought I'd give a useful example.
First of all if you look at the docs at http://ruby-doc.org/stdlib-1.9.3/libdoc/csv/rdoc/CSV.html, if you hover over the method name for dump you see you can click to show source. If you do that you'll see that the dump method attempts to call csv_headers on the first object you pass in from ary_of_objs:
obj_template = ary_of_objs.first
headers = obj_template.csv_headers
Then later you see that the method will call csv_dump on each object in ary_of_objs and pass in the headers:
ary_of_objs.each do |obj|
csv << obj.csv_dump(headers)
rescue NoMethodError
csv << headers.map do |var|
if var[0] == #
So we need to augment each entry in array_of_objs to respond to those two methods. Here's an example wrapper class that would take a Hash, and return the hash keys as the CSV headers and then be able to dump each row based on the headers.
class CsvRowDump
def initialize(row_hash)
#row = row_hash
def csv_headers
def csv_dump(headers)
headers.map { |h| #row[h] }
There's one more catch though. This dump method wants to write an extra line at the top of the CSV file before the headers, and there's no way to skip that if you call this method due to this code at the top:
# write meta information
csv << obj_template.class.csv_meta
rescue NoMethodError
csv << [:class, obj_template.class]
Even if you return '' from CsvRowDump.csv_meta that will still be a blank line where a parse expects the headers. So instead lets let dump write that line and then remove it afterwards when we call dump. This example assumes you have an array of hashes that all have the same keys (which will be the CSV header).
#rows = #hashes.map { |h| CsvRowDump.new(h) }
File.open(#filename, "wb") do |f|
str = CSV::dump(#rows)
