Hadoop virtual machine: can't connect - hadoop

I've downloaded and extracted the Hadoop virtual machine from http://developer.yahoo.com/blogs/hadoop/posts/2010/10/yahoo-cloud-virtual-machine-appliance/. I've started this up in VMWare Player on Windows 7, and logged in.
However, I can't then connect to the IP address shown for the VM through SSH, nor can I ping it. What could be wrong?

Solution was to power off the VM, go to the VM settings, and select Network Adapter->Bridged.

what errors are you seeing?
if it is related to 64bit settings (commonly happens when you run it on vmware player), you need to enable it in your BIOS settings and reboot the VM.


How to fix docker-machine ip?

I am running a Docker container with docker-toolbox for windows and i am struggling to access it.
I can only access my container from the physical host and while using a LAN IP such as 192.168.x.x.
I want to fix this situation somehow, what are my options ?
This problem is only seen when docker-toolbox is needed and on window versions that use hyper-v by default (such as Windows Server 2012 RC2 and similars).
The problem is that VirtualBox and Hyper-V cannot co-exist on the same machine. Only one hypervisor can run at a time, and since Hyper-V runs all the time, while VirtualBox only runs when it is launched, VirtualBox is the loser in this scenario.
There are 2 possible solutions:
disable hyper-v:
open cmd as admin and type: bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off
configure virtual box to use hiper-v aswell

VirtualBox Ubuntu 14 guest running on win7 host has no Internet access with Bridged Adapter

My VM Linux ubuntu 14.04 LTS running on Win 7 host lost Internet access while running on Bridged Adapter. I do not know the precise event that this happened after - therefore it is hard for me to troubleshoot. So I'm here for some help :)
A couple of points:
It worked before - not sure what changed though. One thing might be related: I installed VMware player on the same host as well (but it is shut down);
Attaching the VM to NAT based Internet connection works fine;
I tried playing around with some of the settings in VirtualBox manager when the problem arose;
I tried disabling the VMware services (like DHCP service, NAT service, etc.) - that did not help.
I have attached some screen-shots that might be helpful. Thank you for your input! I would really appreciate not only the solution but the thinking process of how to troubleshoot it.
I solved it - in my case I have both VM virtualbox and VMware player installed in my machine. The connetions somehow got mixed up even when I was running only one of those applications.
Going to VMware Player > Virtual Machine settings for your VM > Network adapter > Configure adapters and try swithing around the adapters if you have the same set up as I had. It might be helpfull to restart the VirtualBox VM after you do some switching in VMWare player (but I'm not sure it is necessary);
Also, I think the internet connection was succesfully established on virtualbox VM once I turned on the VMWare VM - but I'm not sure 100% about it.
Please add comments if you had similar issue and how you resolved it - I think this would save countless nerve cells aroud the world :)
Fist of all, if your NAT mode network is working well then I assume there is nothing wrong with your virtual box installation. While the NAT mode doesn't require much additional setting beside set the virtual machine to use DHCP, the bridged adapter mode need some additional configuration. Because it's basically to simulate that your virtual machine has it's own LAN cable and plug it into the switch or router by "riding" your real connection (whether it is wired or wireless). So, to make it work please configure your Ubuntu's wired connection to use the same configuration as your host computer/windows (but of course with different IP address).
Good luck mate.
If you want to use VMs in bridged network options, do the following changes in the VMware network. Open Virtual network editor on VMware.
click on changes setting at the bottom. It will as you for admin permissions. click yes. now you will be able to see new connection in the list(possibly VMnet0) and able to edit the network settings.
select Bridge from option and click on Automatic settings. Unckeck all the other network options except the computer adapter. save the settings and restart VMs.

How to share Ubuntu's XAMPP installation with Windows 7 running on vmWare Workstation within Ubuntu

I am running Ubuntu 10.10 and also Windows 7 under vmWare Workstation within Ubuntu.
My internet connection in vmWare is shared from the host as 'NAT'
I am using XAMPP on Ubuntu for developing sites. I use http://localhost/mysite to open the site under development in Ubuntu.
I wanted to use a similar command to open these sites in the Windows 7 installation under vmWare.
While browsing some of the topics I came to know that it is possible by using some IP of 'NAT'.
I am totally new to Linux and vmWare both. Just migrated to Linux from Windows and need help understanding it in detail.
Kindly help me with the process of How to access these sites in vmWare.
Please help.
VMWare's installer should set up a new network interface on your Ubuntu system, check ifconfig -a to find its IP address.
Make sure your webserver is listening on either OR ( AND the vmware-interface IP address).
From the Windows system, try typing in http://<vmware-interface-ip>/mysite. Hopefully it'll go. You can check the windows networking control panels to see what the gateway address is, it'll probably match.
I hope this gets it going for you.

how to acces host services in virtual box with out additional networking

I have ubuntu 10.04 and virtual box running win xp now i want to test my page layout in ie so i want to access apache from with in my virtual box how can i set up this with out additional networking on the host (i.e. i want to have some kind'a peer to peer connection between the host and the guest)
You should be able to access your local (host) machine's Apache server from your Virtual Box using the default gateway of the virtual machine. If you type ipconfig at the command prompt, you will find that IP address.
Once you have that, just browse to that IP and folder in IE. (Or any other browser you might have installed, for that matter.)
Shutdown XP and delete all networking options for the VM from VirtualBox. Create a new networking option (by default), this is NAT. Start the XP VM and install VirtualBox Guest Additions. Rrefer the VirtualBox help file for instructions. You need to first mount the Vbox Guest Additions ISO as a CD-ROM drive. Restart the VM. Your XP guest and the Ubuntu host will be given IP on the same subnet. You can access Apache websites running on the host by typing the host IP address in the URL.

How to use the IIS server in a VM on Mac host?

I need to access my http://localhost/ (in IIS 6 on VM) from the MAC Host (Safari).
I am using NAT (or can use Bridged) network connection to the Guest, but not sure how to identify IP addresses, etc. A novice when it comes to networking ;-)
A simple solution if you want a consistent hostname is to install Bonjour for Windows in the VM with bridged networking and then use http://computername.local in Safari.
It's possible to forward ports from a NATed VM too or ensure a consistent IP address if you want; some instructions are here.
In Safari, you should be able to type in the IP address of your VM and be able to access IIS that way. Firewall settings permitting of course, but I assume you've set that up already.
If it doesn't work, could you please post more details about your current setup (VM software being used to run the guest, OS X version, Windows version) and I'm sure we'll be able to troubleshoot further.
Just try to off Windows firewall on your virtual machine. This works for me in NAT mode.
Also, as mantioned before, is nice to have Bonjour for Windows installed to have more useful URL.
