windows equivalent of command substitution in makefiles - windows

I want to display current build(hg revision) number in the about box of my program. I thought about using a "define" (std::string rev = REVISION;) in the code and pass the value to g++ via makefile:
$(CPP) -c main.cpp -o main.o -DREVISION=`hg id -i`
would work like a charm, but im developing on windows for windows, so my Q: how to create such a behavior on windows.

If you're using g++ then your assumption is mostly right, excepting that passing a macro definition is done using -D option, not -d. Also, $(CPP) in Make usually refers to C PreProcessor. C++ compiler is $(CXX).
$(CXX) -c main.cpp -o main.o -DREVISION=`hg id -i`
Regarding command substitution, it should work fine if you run your build in UNIX-ish compatibility layer, like Cygwin or MinGW. If not, you could avoid using command substitution at all, and pass the result of hg id -i to the compiler literally, e.g. as follows:
REVISION := $(shell hg id -i)
$(CXX) -c main.cpp -o main.o -DREVISION=$(REVISION)


why does g++ add includes differently within makefile?

I am new to make files and having an issue where the g++ command works when run on the command line but not within a make file. The following line works:
g++ -I/home/user/ml/dynet/dynet -I/home/user/ml/dynet main.cpp
but the following make file can't find the required header file
ai: main.o
g++ -I/home/user/ml/dynet/dynet -I/home/user/ml/dynet main.cpp
the main.cpp is simple
#include <iostream>
#include "dynet.h"
int main() {
std::cout << "Hello World!";
return 0;
when I run the make I get the error that it can't fine the
user#LAPTOP-AUOAPRL1:~/ml/ai$ make
g++ -c -o main.o main.cpp
main.cpp:3:10: fatal error: dynet.h: No such file or directory
#include "dynet.h"
Why would the same line run differently? where is it looking when run within make? Thank you
GNU Make in it's infinite wisdom has chosen to use it's built-in rules. You can run without them by make --no-builtin-rules. It's not nice to have that as a prerequisite for building your files, but it might be useful when debugging "strange behavior" as it proves whether it's the built-in rules interfering with your mental model or not.
As for the wisdom itself, you only say how to build ai from main.o - not how to build main.o. That is what you're seeing - the built-in rule for building main.o.
What I think you want to do instead is have the rule like this:
ai: main.cpp
g++ ...
A tip; you should prefer using the built-in rules and variables, as it makes the makefile a little simpler to manage:
# using built-in variables
CC := g++
CPPFLAGS := -I/home/user/ml/dynet/dynet -I/home/user/ml/dynet
# inspired by built-in rules
ai: main.o
$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $^ $(LOADLIBES) $(LDLIBS) -o $#

Getting rid of QMAKE-generated makefile's output spam

If I would write makefile by hand , I can do something like this
CXX = #g++
%.o: %.cpp makefile
#echo Compiling $< ...
$(CXX) -c $(FLAGS) $<
This would hide the executed command (thanks to #) but leaves all diagnostic and compiler's output. It would remove huge lists of parameters out of output log, but also would leave a comprehensive message.
I'm unable to reproduce this behaviour with Qmake, because all I can supply is a variable named QMAKE_CXX, content of which it would paste as a compiler, no way to insert a line break to my knowledge. Using these commands results in output like this
Compiling main.cpp...; #g++ -c -o main.o main.cpp
Can I organize output similar to manual compiler while using only QMAKE project file?
Should be something like this:
QMAKE_CXX = #echo "Message" && $$QMAKE_CXX
QMAKE apparently got undocumented QMAKE_UIC and QMAKE_MOC, with former being broken in some versions. Also an undocumented CONFIG += silent which replaces command lines with similar messages and uses same principle.

Can you pass your code directly into gcc? For example: gcc -? 'int main(){return 0;}'

Can you pass your code directly into gcc? If so what is the command line option for it?
For example:
g++ -? 'int main(){return 0;}'
I need to know because I am using a system command and I rather not make files:
system("g++ -C "+code_string+" -o run.out");
Basile Starynkevitch solution worked, however I am getting compile errors when I use newlines:
echo '#include\nint main(){printf("Hello World"); return 0;}' | g++ -x c++ -Wall -o myprog /dev/stdin
Edit: fixed it
echo -e '#include\nint main(){printf("Hello World"); return 0;}' | g++ -x c++ -Wall -o myprog /dev/stdin
You could ask GCC to read from stdin. Read the Invoking GCC chapter of its documentation. Use its -x option with /dev/stdinor with -:
echo 'int main(){return 0;}' | g++ -x c++ -O -Wall -o myprog /dev/stdin
BTW, since int main(){return 0;} is a valid C program, you could use
echo 'int main(){return 0;}' | gcc -x c -O -Wall -o myprog -
Programatically, you should consider using popen(3) to get a some FILE* handle for a pipe(7) (so FILE* f = popen("g++ -x c++ -O -Wall -o myprog /dev/stdin", "w"); then check that f is not null) and fprintf into it then pclose it at last. Don't forget to test the status of pclose.
However, most of the time spent by GCC is not parsing (use -ftime-report developer option to find out). You often want to ask it to optimize (with -O2 -march=native or just -O for example), and you surely want to ask for all warnings (with at least -Wall and perhaps also -Wextra).
If you want to produce some plugin code in /tmp/ from some emitted C++ code in /tmp/ to be dynamically loaded on Linux, compile it as position-independent code into a shared object dynamic library with e.g.
g++ -o /tmp/ -fPIC -shared -Wall -O /tmp/
etc.... then use dlopen(3) on /tmp/ with dlsym(3) to fetch some loaded symbols. My GCC MELT is doing this.
Since parsing time is negligible, you could instead write C or C++ code in some temporary file (inside /tmp/ or /run which is often some fast tmpfs on most Linux systems, so writing into it does not require disk I/O).
At last, recent GCC (use at least GCC 6) also has GCCJIT (actually libgccjit). You could use it to build some representation of generated code then ask GCC to compile it.
See also this and that. Read the C++ dlopen mini howto and the Program Library HowTo, and Drepper's How To Write Shared Libraries
I rather not make files
Generating a temporary file (see mkstemp(3) etc... and you practically could also general some random file name under /tmp/ ending with .c, then register its removal with atexit(3) passed some function doing unlink(2)...) is really quick (but you should build some kind of AST in memory before emitting C++ or C code from it). And using some Makefile to compile the generated code with some make command has the advantage (for the advanced user) to be able to change compilers or options (by editing that Makefile to configure make).
So you are IMHO wrong in avoiding temporary files (notice that gcc & g++ are also generating and deleting temporary files, e.g. containing some assembler code). I would suggest on the contrary generating a temporary file (matching /tmp/mytemp*.cc) using some random numbers (see random(3); don't forget to seed the PRNG with e.g. srandom(time(NULL)); early in your main). It could be as simple as
char tmpbuf[80];
bool unique;
do { // in practice, this loop is extremely likely to run once
snprintf(tmpbuf, sizeof(tmpbuf), "/tmp/",
random(), (int)getpid());
unique = access(tmpbuf, F_OK);
} while (unique);
// here tmpbuf contains a unique temporary file name
You coded:
system("g++ -C "+code_string+" -o run.out");
Beware, + is usually not string catenation. You might use snprintf(3) or asprintf(3) to build strings. Or use in C++ std::string. And if you use system(3) you should check its return code:
char cmdbuf[128];
snprintf(cmdbuf, sizeof(cmdbuf), "g++ -Wall -O %s -o run.out", tmpbuf);
if (system(cmdbuf) != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "compilation %s failed\n", cmdbuf);
BTW, your example is wrong (missing <stdio.h>); it is C code, not C++ code. It should be
echo -e '#include <stdio.h>\nint main(){printf("Hello World"); return 0;}' \
| gcc -x c -Wall -O -o myprog -
PS. My answer is focused on Linux, but you could adapt it for your OS.

How to pass arguments to commands in GNU make shell function?

I'm compiling a SDL program using a Makefile. Typically I can compile my SDL projects with gcc like so:
# gcc -c test.c `sdl-config --cflags`
# gcc -o test test.o `sdl-config --libs`
# ./test
I'm having trouble executing sdl-config in my Makefile however. This is what I have:
CFLAGS := $(shell sdl-config --cflags)
LDFLAGS := $(shell sdl-config --libs)
test : test.o
gcc $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o test test.o
But I keep getting the sdl-config usage line back rather than the respective output. I suspect the arguments (--cflags and --libs) are not being passed to sdl-config.
How do I pass arguments to the shell function? Is there a better way to achieve my end goal?
What you're doing is correct. If you run "sdl-config --cflags" from the command line, does it work or do you get the usage line? The best way to debug scripting problems is to run the script from your shell prompt. If it works there, it will work in make, too.

Compile C++ with Cygwin

How do I compile my C++ programs in Cygwin. I have gcc installed. What command should I use? Also, how do I run my console application when it is in a .cpp extension. I am trying to learn C++ with some little programs, but in Visual C++, I don't want to have to create a seperate project for each little .cpp file.
You need to use a command like:
g++ -o prog prog.cpp
That's a simple form that will turn a one-file C++ project into an executable. If you have multiple C++ files, you can do:
g++ -o prog prog.cpp part2.cpp part3.cpp
but eventually, you'll want to introduce makefiles for convenience so that you only have to compile the bits that have changed. Then you'll end up with a Makefile like:
prog: prog.o part2.o part3.o
g++ -o prog prog.o part2.o part3.o
prog.o: prog.cpp
g++ -c -o prog.o prog.cpp
part2.o: part2.cpp
g++ -c -o part2.o part2.cpp
part3.o: part3.cpp
g++ -c -o part3.o part3.cpp
And then, you'll start figuring how to write your makefiles to make them more flexible (such as not needing a separate rule for each C++ file), but that can be left for another question.
Regarding having a separate project for each C++ file, that's not necessary at all. If you've got them all in one directory and there's a simple mapping of C++ files to executable files, you can use the following makefile:
SRCS=$(wildcard *.cpp)
all: $(EXES)
%.exe: %.cpp
g++ -o $# $^
Then run the make command and it will (intelligently) create all your executables. $# is the target and $^ is the list of pre-requisites.
And, if you have more complicated rules, just tack them down at the bottom. Specific rules will be chosen in preference to the pattern rules:
SRCS=$(wildcard *.cpp)
all: $(EXES)
%.exe: %.cpp
g++ -o $# $^
xx.exe: xx.cpp xx2.cpp xx3.cpp
g++ -o $# $^
echo Made with special rule.
You will need g++. Then try g++ file.cpp -o file.exe as a start. Later you can avoid much typing by learning about Makefiles.
if you want to use cygwin you should use the normal gcc syntax
g++ -o foobar foobar.cpp
but that doesn't really play well with Visual C++. I advise you to take a look into Eclipse CDT if you prefer using GCC over the visual C++ compiler.
What I do to compile a cpp program:
g++ -Wall Test.cpp -o Test
-Wall enables warning and error messages to be shown
-o Test creates an Test.exe after compilation
If you want to compile files separately:
g++ -Wall -c File1.cpp
g++ -Wall -c File2.cpp
Now create an executable with the combined object files as:
g++ -Wall File1.o File2.o -o File.exe
This way you can compile your header files and you can include in your application programs.
