Code generation from three address code to JVM bytecode - compilation

I'm working on the byte code compiler for Renjin (R for the JVM) and am experimenting with translating our intermediate three address code (TAC) representation to byte code. All the textbooks on compilers that I've consulted discuss register allocation during code generation, but I haven't been able to find any resources for code generation on stack-based virtual machines like the JVM.
Simple TAC instructions are trivial to translate into bytecode, but I get a bit lost when temporaries are involved. Does any one have any pointers to resources that describe this?
Here is a complete example:
Original R code looks like this:
x + sqrt(x * y)
0: _t2 := primitive<*>(x, y)
1: _t3 := primitive<sqrt>(_t2)
2: return primitive<+>(x, _t3)
(ignore for a second the fact taht we can't always resolve function calls to primitives at compile time)
The resulting JVM byte code would look (roughly) something like this:
invokestatic r/primitives/Ops.multiply(Lr/lang/Vector;Lr/lang/Vector;)
invokestatic r/primitives/Ops.sqrt(Lr/lang/Vector;)
invokestatic r/primitives/;Lr/lang/Vector;)
Basically, at the top of the program, I already need to be thinking that I'm going to need local variable x at the beginning of the stack by the time that i get to TAC instruction 2. I can think this through manually but I'm having trouble thinking through an algorithm to do this correctly. Any pointers?

Transforming a 3-address representation into stack is easier than a stack one into 3-address.
Your sequence should be the following:
Form basic blocks
Perform an SSA-transform
Build expression trees within the basic blocks
Perform a register schedulling (and phi- removal simultaneously) to allocate local variables for the registers not eliminated by the previous step
Emit a JVM code - registers goes into variables, expression trees are trivially expanded into stack operations


how can i further understand the compilation process used by gcc?

I was trying to reverse engineer some psp programs developed using the free
I noticed that i created a function to see how MIPS handles more than 4 arguments (a0-a4).
Everyone i know has told me that they get passed onto the stack.
To my surprise, that 5th argument was actually passed to register t0 and to compiler didn't even use the stack!
it also inlined a function without even having used a jal or jump to it. (obvious optimization).
Altough there was indeed a space a memory and you could double check by using print with function pointer argument. That actual code that was executed was automatically inlined without the need of a function call instruction.
^^ but that doesn't really benefit me for a reverse engineer attempt...
there is a man page for this version of gcc. and it takes seconds to install if anyone is able to provide it's man for compilation if there is one.
It's so long i don't even know how to reference information reliably
How arguments are passed is specified by the ABI (application binary interface). So you have to find respective documents.
Moreover, there is more than one such ABI, namely n32 and n64. In the case of mips-gcc, some of the decisions are commented in the GCC sources like in ./gcc/config/mips/mips.h
/* This structure has to cope with two different argument allocation
schemes. Most MIPS ABIs view the arguments as a structure, of which
the first N words go in registers and the rest go on the stack. If I
< N, the Ith word might go in Ith integer argument register or in a
floating-point register. For these ABIs, we only need to remember
the offset of the current argument into the structure.
The EABI instead allocates the integer and floating-point arguments
separately. The first N words of FP arguments go in FP registers,
the rest go on the stack. Likewise, the first N words of the other
arguments go in integer registers, and the rest go on the stack. We
need to maintain three counts: the number of integer registers used,
the number of floating-point registers used, and the number of words
passed on the stack.
We could keep separate information for the two ABIs (a word count for
the standard ABIs, and three separate counts for the EABI). But it
seems simpler to view the standard ABIs as forms of EABI that do not
allocate floating-point registers.
So for the standard ABIs, the first N words are allocated to integer
registers, and mips_function_arg decides on an argument-by-argument
basis whether that argument should really go in an integer register,
or in a floating-point one. */
There are more such comments in the mips backend. Search for "cumulative" or "CUMULATIVE" in mips.c and mips.h.

How Does Assembly Code Generation Work?

I've been studying compiler design a lot recently. I've managed to get a strong grasp of the parsing stage, but am having a bit of trouble understanding how code generation works.
From what I've read, there seems to be 3 major steps in the code generation phase:
Instruction Selection (Greedy Tiling)
Instruction Scheduling
Register Allocation
Now, instruction scheduling is a little beyond what I'm trying to do at the moment, and I think with a bit more studying and prototyping, I can probably wrap my mind around the graph coloring algorithm for register allocation.
What stumps me is the first step, instruction selection. From what I've read about it, each instruction in a target machine language is represented by a tile; and the goal is to find the instructions that match the largest parts of the tree (hence the nickname, greedy tiling).
The thing I'm confused about is, how do you select instructions when they don't actually correspond 1:1 with the syntax tree?
Take for example, accumulator-based architectures like the Z80 or MIPs single instruction architecture. Performing even 16-bit integer arithmetic on a Z80 may require the use of the accumulator or shadow registers.
There are also some instructions that can only be used on certain registers despite them being general purpose.
Would I be right in assuming the following?
a) A tile may consist of a sequence of instructions that match a syntax tree pattern, rather than just a 1:1 match.
b) The code generator generates code for a stack-based architecture (or an architecture with infinite temporary registers) first and expands and substitutes instructions as necessary somehow during the register allocation phase.
a) A tile can emit arbitrary number of instructions. For example, if you have instruction like %x <- %y + %z, but the target machine has only two-address instructions, then a matching tile might emit the assembly sequence (destination is first operand)
mov %x, %y
add %x, %z
b) what kind of register (or const, or mem reference) is allowed as an operand to an instruction is determined by the instruction itself, hence the instruction selection phase has to work on representation with symbolic register names (pseudo registers). Register allocation phase may indeed emit addition instructions, e.g. spill/load code when a register of a required class is not available for allocation.
Check this
Survey on Instruction Selection: an Extensive and Modern Literature Review

In a Warren's Abstract Machine, how does bind work, if one of the arguments is a register?

I'm trying to create my own WAM implementation and I'm stuck at the exercise 2.4
I can't understand how to execute instruction unify_value X4 in figure 2.4.
As far as I understand, this instruction should unify Y from the program with f(W) from the query.
unify_value X4 calls unify (X4,S) where S=2 (see Figure 2.1) and a corresponding heap cell is "REF 2", and X4 is "STR 5".
Unify (Figure 2.7) should bind those values, but I do not understand how to deref a register.
"REF 2" is in the heap, "STR 5" is in a register. How do you bind something to a register?
We are talking about Warren's "New" Engine, WAM and not the Old Engine, known as PLM.
In the WAM variables are allocated in two places.
the local stack (environment stack)
the heap
Registers cannot hold variables. However, they may hold references to variables. Note that references from the heap only point into the heap.
Much related to your question is the pretty ingenious way how the WAM maintains this order and at the same time has very cheap last-call optimization. At the point in time of a (determinate) last call, the local variables that are arguments of the last call must be moved somehow. In more traditional Prolog machines like the ZIP this is an extremely laborious undertaking which essentially requires to scan the environment frame for variables still sitting in them.
The WAM however has a much better calling convention: Most variables are already in a safe place, which can be trivially analyzed during compilation. The very few remaining need an explicit PUT_UNSAFE instruction where the value is checked, and should it still be a local variable that variable is transferred onto the heap.
Consider what is a safe variable in the WAM:
All variables occurring in the head
All variables that appear as an argument of a structure
Thus only variables that appear first in a goal and in the last goal and that do not appear in some structure must have a PUT_UNSAFE. That is not that much. Further, the dynamic check may reduce the actual copying onto the heap to a minimum.
At first this PUT_UNSAFE looks like a lot of work, but never forget that the WAM permits to remove many PUTs, while the ZIP has to execute at least one instruction for each argument.
Here is a tiny typical example using GNU:
a --> b, c.
expanded to:
a(S0,S) :- b(S0,S1), c(S1,S).
and compiled using the command pl2wam to:
get_variable(y(0),1), % S
put_variable(y(1),1), % S1
put_unsafe_value(y(1),0), % S1
put_value(y(0),1), % S

What are some obvious optimizations for a virtual machine implementing a functional language?

I'm working on an intermediate language and a virtual machine to run a functional language with a couple of "problematic" properties:
Lexical namespaces (closures)
Dynamically growing call stack
A slow integer type (bignums)
The intermediate language is stack based, with a simple hash-table for the current namespace. Just so you get an idea of what it looks like, here's the McCarthy91 function:
# McCarthy 91: M(n) = n - 10 if n > 100 else M(M(n + 11))
.sub M
sto n
rcl n
float 100
rcl n
float 10
rcl n
float 11
list 1
rcl M
list 1
rcl M
The "big loop" is straightforward:
fetch an instruction
increment the instruction pointer (or program counter)
evaluate the instruction
Along with sto, rcl and a whole lot more, there are three instructions for function calls:
call copies the namespace (deep copy) and pushes the instruction pointer onto the call stack
call-fast is the same, but only creates a shallow copy
tail is basically a 'goto'
The implementation is really straightforward. To give you a better idea, here's just a random snippet from the middle of the "big loop" (updated, see below)
} else if inst == 2 /* STO */ {
local[data] = stack[len(stack) - 1]
if code[ip + 1][0] != 3 {
stack = stack[:len(stack) - 1]
} else {
} else if inst == 3 /* RCL */ {
stack = append(stack, local[data])
} else if inst == 12 /* .END */ {
outer = outer[:len(outer) - 1]
ip = calls[len(calls) - 1]
calls = calls[:len(calls) - 1]
} else if inst == 20 /* CALL */ {
calls = append(calls, ip)
cp := make(Local, len(local))
copy(cp, local)
outer = append(outer, &cp)
x := stack[len(stack) - 1]
stack = stack[:len(stack) - 1]
ip = x.(int)
} else if inst == 21 /* TAIL */ {
x := stack[len(stack) - 1]
stack = stack[:len(stack) - 1]
ip = x.(int)
The problem is this: Calling McCarthy91 16 times with a value of -10000 takes, near as makes no difference, 3 seconds (after optimizing away the deep-copy, which adds nearly a second).
My question is: What are some common techniques for optimizing interpretation of this kind of language? Is there any low-hanging fruit?
I used slices for my lists (arguments, the various stacks, slice of maps for the namespaces, ...), so I do this sort of thing all over the place: call_stack[:len(call_stack) - 1]. Right now, I really don't have a clue what pieces of code make this program slow. Any tips will be appreciated, though I'm primarily looking for general optimization strategies.
I can reduce execution time quite a bit by circumventing my calling conventions. The list <n> instruction fetches n arguments of the stack and pushes a list of them back onto the stack, the args instruction pops off that list and pushes each item back onto the stack. This is firstly to check that functions are called with the correct number of arguments and secondly to be able to call functions with variable argument-lists (i.e. (defun f x:xs)). Removing that, and also adding an instruction sto* <x>, which replaces sto <x>; rcl <x>, I can get it down to 2 seconds. Still not brilliant, and I have to have this list/args business anyway. :)
Another aside (this is a long question I know, sorry):
Profiling the program with pprof told me very little (I'm new to Go in case that's not obvious) :-). These are the top 3 items as reported by pprof:
16 6.1% 6.1% 16 6.1% sweep pkg/runtime/mgc0.c:745
9 3.4% 9.5% 9 3.4% fmt.(*fmt).fmt_qc pkg/fmt/format.go:323
4 1.5% 13.0% 4 1.5% fmt.(*fmt).integer pkg/fmt/format.go:248
These are the changes I've made so far:
I removed the hash table. Instead I'm now passing just pointers to arrays, and I only efficiently copy the local scope when I have to.
I replaced the instruction names with integer opcodes. Before, I've wasted quite a bit of time comparing strings.
The call-fast instruction is gone (the speedup wasn't measurable anymore after the other changes)
Instead of having "int", "float" and "str" instructions, I just have one eval and I evaluate the constants at compile time (compilation of the bytecode that is). Then eval just pushes a reference to them.
After changing the semantics of .if, I could get rid of these pseudo-functions. it's now .if, .else and .endif, with implicit gotos ànd block-semantics similar to .sub. (some example code)
After implementing the lexer, parser, and bytecode compiler, the speed went down a little bit, but not terribly so. Calculating MC(-10000) 16 times makes it evaluate 4.2 million bytecode instructions in 1.2 seconds. Here's a sample of the code it generates (from this).
The whole thing is on github
There are decades of research on things you can optimize:
Implementing functional languages: a tutorial, Simon Peyton Jones and David Lester. Published by Prentice Hall, 1992.
Practical Foundations for Programming Languages, Robert Harper
You should have efficient algorithmic representations for the various concepts of your interpreter. Doing deep copies on a hashtable looks like a terrible idea, but I see that you have already removed that.
(Yes, your stack-popping operation using array slices look suspect. You should make sure they really have the expected algorithmic complexity, or else use a dedicated data structure (... a stack). I'm generally wary of using all-purposes data structure such as Python lists or PHP hashtables for this usage, because they are not necessarily designed to handle this particular use case well, but it may be that slices do guarantee an O(1) pushing and popping cost under all circumstances.)
The best way to handle environments, as long as they don't need to be reified, is to use numeric indices instead of variables (de Bruijn indices (0 for the variable bound last), or de Bruijn levels (0 for the variable bound first). This way you can only keep a dynamically resized array for the environment and accessing it is very fast. If you have first-class closures you will also need to capture the environment, which will be more costly: you have to copy the part of it in a dedicated structure, or use a non-mutable structure for the whole environment. Only experiment will tell, but my experience is that going for a fast mutable environment structure and paying a higher cost for closure construction is better than having an immutable structure with more bookkeeping all the time; of course you should make an usage analysis to capture only the necessary variables in your closures.
Finally, once you have rooted out the inefficiency sources related to your algorithmic choices, the hot area will be:
garbage collection (definitely a hard topic; if you don't want to become a GC expert, you should seriously consider reusing an existing runtime); you may be using the GC of your host language (heap-allocations in your interpreted language are translated into heap-allocations in your implementation language, with the same lifetime), it's not clear in the code snippet you've shown; this strategy is excellent to get something reasonably efficient in a simple way
numerics implementation; there are all kind of hacks to be efficient when the integers you manipulate are in fact small. Your best bet is to reuse the work of people that have invested tons of effort on this, so I strongly recommend you reuse for example the GMP library. Then again, you may also reuse your host language support for bignum if it has some, in your case Go's math/big package.
the low-level design of your interpreter loop. In a language with "simple bytecode" such as yours (each bytecode instruction is translated in a small number of native instructions, as opposed to complex bytecodes having high-level semantics such as the Parrot bytecode), the actual "looping and dispatching on bytecodes" code can be a bottleneck. There has been quite a lot of research on what's the best way to write such bytecode dispatch loops, to avoid the cascade of if/then/else (jump tables), benefit from the host processor branch prediction, simplify the control flow, etc. This is called threaded code and there are a lot of (rather simple) different techniques : direct threading, indirect threading... If you want to look into some of the research, there is for example work by Anton Ertl, The Structure and Performance of Efficient Interpreters in 2003, and later Context threading: A flexible and efficient dispatch technique for virtual machine interpreters. The benefits of those techniques tend to be fairly processor-sensitive, so you should test the various possibilities yourself.
While the STG work is interesting (and Peyton-Jones book on programming language implementation is excellent), it is somewhat oriented towards lazy evaluation. Regarding the design of efficient bytecode for strict functional languages, my reference is Xavier Leroy's 1990 work on the ZINC machine: The ZINC experiment: An Economical Implementation of the ML Language, which was ground-breaking work for the implementation of ML languages, and is still in use in the implementation of the OCaml language: there are both a bytecode and a native compiler, but the bytecode still uses a glorified ZINC machine.

Why does Pascal forbid modification of the counter inside the for block?

Is it because Pascal was designed to be so, or are there any tradeoffs?
Or what are the pros and cons to forbid or not forbid modification of the counter inside a for-block? IMHO, there is little use to modify the counter inside a for-block.
Could you provide one example where we need to modify the counter inside the for-block?
It is hard to choose between wallyk's answer and cartoonfox's answer,since both answer are so nice.Cartoonfox analysis the problem from language aspect,while wallyk analysis the problem from the history and the real-world aspect.Anyway,thanks for all of your answers and I'd like to give my special thanks to wallyk.
In programming language theory (and in computability theory) WHILE and FOR loops have different theoretical properties:
a WHILE loop may never terminate (the expression could just be TRUE)
the finite number of times a FOR loop is to execute is supposed to be known before it starts executing. You're supposed to know that FOR loops always terminate.
The FOR loop present in C doesn't technically count as a FOR loop because you don't necessarily know how many times the loop will iterate before executing it. (i.e. you can hack the loop counter to run forever)
The class of problems you can solve with WHILE loops is strictly more powerful than those you could have solved with the strict FOR loop found in Pascal.
Pascal is designed this way so that students have two different loop constructs with different computational properties. (If you implemented FOR the C-way, the FOR loop would just be an alternative syntax for while...)
In strictly theoretical terms, you shouldn't ever need to modify the counter within a for loop. If you could get away with it, you'd just have an alternative syntax for a WHILE loop.
You can find out more about "while loop computability" and "for loop computability" in these CS lecture notes:
Another such property btw is that the loopvariable is undefined after the for loop. This also makes optimization easier
Pascal was first implemented for the CDC Cyber—a 1960s and 1970s mainframe—which like many CPUs today, had excellent sequential instruction execution performance, but also a significant performance penalty for branches. This and other characteristics of the Cyber architecture probably heavily influenced Pascal's design of for loops.
The Short Answer is that allowing assignment of a loop variable would require extra guard code and messed up optimization for loop variables which could ordinarily be handled well in 18-bit index registers. In those days, software performance was highly valued due to the expense of the hardware and inability to speed it up any other way.
Long Answer
The Control Data Corporation 6600 family, which includes the Cyber, is a RISC architecture using 60-bit central memory words referenced by 18-bit addresses. Some models had an (expensive, therefore uncommon) option, the Compare-Move Unit (CMU), for directly addressing 6-bit character fields, but otherwise there was no support for "bytes" of any sort. Since the CMU could not be counted on in general, most Cyber code was generated for its absence. Ten characters per word was the usual data format until support for lowercase characters gave way to a tentative 12-bit character representation.
Instructions are 15 bits or 30 bits long, except for the CMU instructions being effectively 60 bits long. So up to 4 instructions packed into each word, or two 30 bit, or a pair of 15 bit and one 30 bit. 30 bit instructions cannot span words. Since branch destinations may only reference words, jump targets are word-aligned.
The architecture has no stack. In fact, the procedure call instruction RJ is intrinsically non-re-entrant. RJ modifies the first word of the called procedure by writing a jump to the next instruction after where the RJ instruction is. Called procedures return to the caller by jumping to their beginning, which is reserved for return linkage. Procedures begin at the second word. To implement recursion, most compilers made use of a helper function.
The register file has eight instances each of three kinds of register, A0..A7 for address manipulation, B0..B7 for indexing, and X0..X7 for general arithmetic. A and B registers are 18 bits; X registers are 60 bits. Setting A1 through A5 has the side effect of loading the corresponding X1 through X5 register with the contents of the loaded address. Setting A6 or A7 writes the corresponding X6 or X7 contents to the address loaded into the A register. A0 and X0 are not connected. The B registers can be used in virtually every instruction as a value to add or subtract from any other A, B, or X register. Hence they are great for small counters.
For efficient code, a B register is used for loop variables since direct comparison instructions can be used on them (B2 < 100, etc.); comparisons with X registers are limited to relations to zero, so comparing an X register to 100, say, requires subtracting 100 and testing the result for less than zero, etc. If an assignment to the loop variable were allowed, a 60-bit value would have to be range-checked before assignment to the B register. This is a real hassle. Herr Wirth probably figured that both the hassle and the inefficiency wasn't worth the utility--the programmer can always use a while or repeat...until loop in that situation.
Additional weirdness
Several unique-to-Pascal language features relate directly to aspects of the Cyber:
the pack keyword: either a single "character" consumes a 60-bit word, or it is packed ten characters per word.
the (unusual) alfa type: packed array [1..10] of char
intrinsic procedures pack() and unpack() to deal with packed characters. These perform no transformation on modern architectures, only type conversion.
the weirdness of text files vs. file of char
no explicit newline character. Record management was explicitly invoked with writeln
While set of char was very useful on CDCs, it was unsupported on many subsequent 8 bit machines due to its excess memory use (32-byte variables/constants for 8-bit ASCII). In contrast, a single Cyber word could manage the native 62-character set by omitting newline and something else.
full expression evaluation (versus shortcuts). These were implemented not by jumping and setting one or zero (as most code generators do today), but by using CPU instructions implementing Boolean arithmetic.
Pascal was originally designed as a teaching language to encourage block-structured programming. Kernighan (the K of K&R) wrote an (understandably biased) essay on Pascal's limitations, Why Pascal is Not My Favorite Programming Language.
The prohibition on modifying what Pascal calls the control variable of a for loop, combined with the lack of a break statement means that it is possible to know how many times the loop body is executed without studying its contents.
Without a break statement, and not being able to use the control variable after the loop terminates is more of a restriction than not being able to modify the control variable inside the loop as it prevents some string and array processing algorithms from being written in the "obvious" way.
These and other difference between Pascal and C reflect the different philosophies with which they were first designed: Pascal to enforce a concept of "correct" design, C to permit more or less anything, no matter how dangerous.
(Note: Delphi does have a Break statement however, as well as Continue, and Exit which is like return in C.)
Clearly we never need to be able to modify the control variable in a for loop, because we can always rewrite using a while loop. An example in C where such behaviour is used can be found in K&R section 7.3, where a simple version of printf() is introduced. The code that handles '%' sequences within a format string fmt is:
for (p = fmt; *p; p++) {
if (*p != '%') {
switch (*++p) {
case 'd':
/* handle integers */
case 'f':
/* handle floats */
case 's':
/* handle strings */
Although this uses a pointer as the loop variable, it could equally have been written with an integer index into the string:
for (i = 0; i < strlen(fmt); i++) {
if (fmt[i] != '%') {
switch (fmt[++i]) {
case 'd':
/* handle integers */
case 'f':
/* handle floats */
case 's':
/* handle strings */
It can make some optimizations (loop unrolling for instance) easier: no need for complicated static analysis to determine if the loop behavior is predictable or not.
From For loop
In some languages (not C or C++) the
loop variable is immutable within the
scope of the loop body, with any
attempt to modify its value being
regarded as a semantic error. Such
modifications are sometimes a
consequence of a programmer error,
which can be very difficult to
identify once made. However only overt
changes are likely to be detected by
the compiler. Situations where the
address of the loop variable is passed
as an argument to a subroutine make it
very difficult to check, because the
routine's behaviour is in general
unknowable to the compiler.
So this seems to be to help you not burn your hand later on.
Disclaimer: It has been decades since I last did PASCAL, so my syntax may not be exactly correct.
You have to remember that PASCAL is Nicklaus Wirth's child, and Wirth cared very strongly about reliability and understandability when he designed PASCAL (and all of its successors).
Consider the following code fragment:
Without looking at procedure FOO, answer these questions: Does this loop ever end? How do you know? How many times is procedure FOO called in the loop? How do you know?
PASCAL forbids modifying the index variable in the loop body so that it is POSSIBLE to know the answers to those questions, and know that the answers won't change when and if procedure FOO changes.
It's probably safe to conclude that Pascal was designed to prevent modification of a for loop index inside the loop. It's worth noting that Pascal is by no means the only language which prevents programmers doing this, Fortran is another example.
There are two compelling reasons for designing a language that way:
Programs, specifically the for loops in them, are easier to understand and therefore easier to write and to modify and to verify.
Loops are easier to optimise if the compiler knows that the trip count through a loop is established before entry to the loop and invariant thereafter.
For many algorithms this behaviour is the required behaviour; updating all the elements in an array for example. If memory serves Pascal also provides do-while loops and repeat-until loops. Most, I guess, algorithms which are implemented in C-style languages with modifications to the loop index variable or breaks out of the loop could just as easily be implemented with these alternative forms of loop.
I've scratched my head and failed to find a compelling reason for allowing the modification of a loop index variable inside the loop, but then I've always regarded doing so as bad design, and the selection of the right loop construct as an element of good design.
