JMeter, threads using dynamic incremented value - jmeter

I have created a JMeter functional test that essentially:
creates a user;
logs in with the user;
deletes the user.
Now, I need to be able to thread this, and dynamically generate a username with a default prefix and a numerically incremented suffix (ie TestUser_1, TestUser_2, ... etc).
I used the counter, and things were working fine until I really punched up the number of threads/loops. When I did this, I was getting a conflict with the counter. Some threads were trying to read the counter, but the counter had already been incremented by another thread. This resulted in trying to delete a thread that was just created, then trying to log in with a thread that was just deleted.
The project is set up like this:
Test Plan
Thread group
User Defined Variables
I was hoping to solve this problem by using the counter to append a number to the user defined variables upon thread execution, but the counter cannot be accessed in the user defined variables.
Any ideas on how I can solve this problem?
Thank you in advance.

I've used the following scheme successfully with any amount of test users:
1. Generate using beanshell-script (in BeanShell Sampler e.g.) csv-file with test-user details, for example:
. . .
with the amount of entries you need for the test-run.
This is done once per "N users test-run", in separate Thread Group, in setUp Thread Group or maybe even in separate jmx-script... makes no difference.
You can please find working beanshell-code below.
2. Create your test users IN TEST APPLICATION using previously created users-list.
If you don't need create in application you may skip this.
Thread Group
Number of Threads = 1
Loop Count = 1
. . .
While Controller
Condition = ${__javaScript("${newUserName}"!="",)} // this will repeat until EOF
CSV Data Set Config
Filename = ${__property(user.dir)}${__BeanShell(File.separator,)}${__P(users-list,)} // path to generated users-list
Variable Names = newUserName,newUserPwd // these are test-users details read from file into pointed variables
Delimiter = '
Recycle on EOF? = False
Stop thread on EOF? = True
Sharing Mode = Current thread group
[CREATE TEST USERS LOGIC HERE] // here are actions to create separate user in application
. . .
3. Perform multi-user logic.
Schema like the given above one but Thread Group executed not for 1 but for N threads.
Thread Group
Number of Threads = ${__P(usersCount,)} // set number of users you need to test
Ramp-Up Period = ${__P(rampUpPeriod,)}
Loop Count = X
. . .
While Controller
Condition = ${__javaScript("${newUserName}"!="",)} // this will repeat until EOF
CSV Data Set Config
Filename = ${__property(user.dir)}${__BeanShell(File.separator,)}${__P(users-list,)} // path to generated users-list
Variable Names = newUserName,newUserPwd // these are test-users details read from file into pointed variables
Delimiter = '
Recycle on EOF? = False
Stop thread on EOF? = True
Sharing Mode = Current thread group
[TEST LOGIC HERE] // here are test actions
. . .
The key idea is in using Thread Group + While Controller + CSV Data Set Config combination:
3.1. CSV Data Set Config reads details for each the test users from generated file:
. . . a. only once - because of "Stop thread on EOF? = True";
. . . b. doesn't block file for further access (in another thread groups, e.g., if there are any) - because of "Sharing Mode = Current thread group";
. . . c. pointed variables - "Variable Names = newUserName,newUserPwd" - you will use in further test-actions;
3.2. While Controller forces CSV Data Set Config to read all the entries from generated file - because of defined condition (until the EOF).
3.3. Thread Group will start all the threads with defined ramp-up - or simultaneously if ramp-up = 0.
You can take here template script for described schema: multiuser.jmx.
Beanshell script to generate test-users details looks like below and takes the following args:
- test-users count
- test-user name template ("TestUser_" in your case)
- test-user name format (e.g. 0 - to get TestUser_1, 00 - to get TestUser_01, 000- for TestUser_001, etc... you can simply hardcode this orexclude at all)
- name of generated file.
import java.text.*;
import java.util.*;
String [] params = Parameters.split(",");
int count = Integer.valueOf(params[0]);
String testName = params[1];
String nameFormat = params[2];
String usersList = params[3];
StringBuilder contents = new StringBuilder();
try {
DecimalFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat(nameFormat);
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(System.getProperty("user.dir") + File.separator + usersList);
for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) {
String s = formatter.format(i);
String testUser = testName + s;
if (i < count) {
byte [] buffer = contents.toString().getBytes();
catch (Exception ex) {
IsSuccess = false;
catch (Throwable thex) {
All together it will look like:
Sorry if answer is too overloaded.
Hope this helps.

The "User Defined Variables" config element does not pick up the reference variable from the "Counter" config element. I think this is a bug in JMeter. I have verified this behavior in version 3.2.
I added a "BeanShell Sampler" element to work around the issue.
Notice that the reference name of the "Counter" element is INDEX
The RUN_FOLDER variable gets set to a combination of the TESTS_FOLDER variable and the INDEX variable in the "BeanShell Sampler"
The "Debug Sampler" simply gathers a snapshot of the variables so I can see them in the "View Results Tree" listener element. Notice how the RUN_FOLDER variable has the INDEX variable value (5 in this case) appended.


How to execute an API with multiple sets of users in parallel using JMeter

I have a CSV file which contains 500 users.
Set1 1-100
Set2 100-200
Set3 300-400
Set4 400-500
I need to execute an API with above 4 set of users in parallel.
One option is to create 5 thread groups with 5 files(each file with set) but this is tedious process if set increases to 20-30. Need to maintain 20-30 files.
Is there any plugin or way using which we can execute API with 4 sets of users in parallel ?
I fail to see why would you need 4 thread groups for this, it would be sufficient to go for a single Thread Group
If you don't need the set of users from 200 to 300 it can be removed from the original CSV file in setUp Thread Group using JSR223 Sampler and the following Groovy code:
def originalLines = new File('original.csv').readLines()
def linesFrom0To200 = originalLines.take(200)
def linesfrom300To500 = originalLines.takeRight(200)
def newLines = linesFrom0To200 + linesfrom300To500
new File('new.csv').withWriter { out ->
newLines.each { out.println it }
This code will take original.csv, remove lines from 201 to 299 inclusively and write the result into new.csv file.
You can use this file in the CSV Data Set Config in the "normal" Thread Group and each thread (virtual user) will take next line on each iteration

thread Local Cached Connection

I was using JMeter properties for storing the threadLocalCachedConnection object. I made sure to use unique property names as properties.
In thread group 1, I had a JSR223 PostProcessor to scrape session per thread(VU), and then store it in a property called sessionID.
And I added another JSR223 PostProcessor as a child of the last sampler in the Thread Group1.
def connection = sampler.threadLocalCachedConnection
props.put("presenterConnection" + ctx.getThreadNum(), connection.get())
In Thread Group 2, I added a JSR223 PreProcessor as a child of the first sampler.
def presenterConnection = props.get('presenterConnection' + ctx.getThreadNum())
String sendCommand = "SEND\n" +
"content-type:application/json;charset=UTF-8\n" +
"destination:/v1/session/${__property(sessionId)}/command\n" +
"id:perftest01-presenter-${__property(sessionId)}\n" +
"\n" +
"{\"type\": \"go-to-slide\", \"data\": {\"index\": 0}}\n" +
'\0' // note: NULL char at end
vars.put("wsStompSendCommand", sendCommand);
I tested with 2 threads (VUs). Why both threads were using the last sessionId instead of using one sessionId per thread??
As per JMeter Documentation:
Properties are not the same as variables. Variables are local to a thread; properties are common to all threads
so your line
props.put('sessionId', vars.get('sessionUUID'))
creates a global sessionId propety which is:
common for all Threads no matter in which Thread Group they are
exists until you shut down JMeter/JVM
You need to play the same trick as with the presenterConnection to wit:
props.put('sessionId_'+ ctx.getThreadNum(), vars.get('sessionUUID'))
and then read it where required:
def sessionId = props.get('sessionId_'+ ctx.getThreadNum())
More information: Apache Groovy: What Is Groovy Used For?

Writing Variables using Beanshell Sampler in JMeter into a txt/csv file

My requirement is to write two values using 2 Beanshell Samplers used in different steps, in a single line and separated by a comma
But the second variable is written on a new line
I have two different Beanshell Samplers at different steps.
First one captures Variable 1 and writes it in a file
Second one captures Variable 2 and writes it in the file
First Code:
String path= FileServer.getFileServer().getBaseDir() + "//P_IssuePolicy.txt";
SubmissionNum= vars.get("CP_SubmissionNumber");
EMailID= vars.get("P_emailID");
f = new FileOutputStream(path, true);
p = new PrintStream(f);
Second Code:
String path= FileServer.getFileServer().getBaseDir() + "//P_IssuePolicy.txt";
Policynumber= vars.get("CP_Policynumber");
f = new FileOutputStream(path, true);
p = new PrintStream(f);
Expected Result:,12345601,12345602
Actual Result:,12345601
Instead of println which adds new line use print
String path= FileServer.getFileServer().getBaseDir() + "//P_IssuePolicy.txt";
SubmissionNum= vars.get("CP_SubmissionNumber");
EMailID= vars.get("P_emailID");
Policynumber= vars.get("CP_Policynumber");
f = new FileOutputStream(path, true);
p = new PrintStream(f);
Give it a try with above.
First of all, are you aware of Sample Variables property and Flexible File Writer? If you run your script with multiple virtual users most probably you will suffer from a form of a race condition when multiple threads will be simultaneously writing into the same file resulting in garbage data
Since JMeter 3.1 it's recommended to use JSR223 Test Elements and Groovy language for any scripting tasks, the reasons are in:
Groovy is compatible with modern Java versions and with Beanshell you're stuck at Java 5 language level
Groovy has much better performance than Beanshell
Groovy has a lot of enhancements making your life easier
For example your code can be shortened as:
def file = new File( + "//P_IssuePolicy.txt")
file << vars.get("P_emailID") << "," << vars.get("CP_SubmissionNumber") << ","
def file = new File( + "//P_IssuePolicy.txt")
file << vars.get("CP_Policynumber") << System.getProperty("line.separator")

Jmeter clear resultFile for each run

I have a test plan, where i have two thread groups, first thread group will run and will log the result into a file, the logged file will be the input to the second thread group.
Now, for doing this in thread group one i added BeanShell PostProcessor script as follows, but it works as follows
open jmeter and run the test plan (log file "testing.csv" will be created as fresh)
For first time "isHeaderWritten" property is false.
No without closing and reopening the jmeter, run the script again. i expect the log file "testing.csv" must be truncated and add the values freshly. But what acually happening is "testing.csv" file is appended with the new values.
Now, close the jmeter and open again, this time log file "testing.csv" will be truncated and fresh new values are added.
How to clear the file and re-write the records for each run (without closing the jemeter)
import org.apache.jmeter.util.JMeterUtils;
threadName=ctx.getThread().getThreadName();"threadName: "+threadName);
isHeaderWritten = JMeterUtils.getPropDefault("isHeaderWritten","false");
fileName="C:\\response\\testing.csv";"isHeaderWritten: "+isHeaderWritten);
if(isHeaderWritten == "true"){
f = new FileOutputStream(fileName, true);
fileHeader = "requestStatus,cNumber,pId,id,token";
f = new FileOutputStream(fileName, false);
fileHeader = "requestStatus,cNumber,pId,id,token";
p = new PrintStream(f);
if(isHeaderWritten == "false"){
JMeterUtils.setProperty("isHeaderWritten", "true");
}"Test results will be written to file "+fileName);
pId = vars.get("pId");"pId"+pId);
pmId = vars.get("pmId");"pmId"+pmId);
tTxt = vars.get("tTxt");"tTxt"+tTxt);
responseCode=prev.getResponseCode();"responseCode of "+requestString+ " is "+responseCode);
requestStatus = "Success";
requestStatus = "Failure"+","+cNumber+","+pId+","+pmId+","+tTxt;
result = requestStatus;
responseData=new String(data);"responseData of "+requestString+ " is "+responseData);
result = requestString;"result"+result);
According to JMeter Documentation:
Properties are global to JMeter, so can be used to communicate between threads and thread groups
Properties are not the same as variables. Variables are local to a thread; properties are common to all threads
So once you execute this line:
JMeterUtils.setProperty("isHeaderWritten", "true");
the property isHeaderWritten will become true and will remain true until you restart JMeter.
The easiest solution would be adding a tearDown Thread Group to your test plan (this Thread Group is being executed after any other thread group(s)) and add a JSR223 Sampler with the following code:
org.apache.jmeter.util.JMeterUtils.setProperty("isHeaderWritten", "false");
Since JMeter 3.1 users are encouraged to switch to JSR223 Test Elements and Groovy language for any form of scripting mainly because Groovy performance is much better than Beanshell so consider migrating to JSR223 PostProcessor and Groovy language on next available opportunity

How to get an overall PASS/FAIL result for a JMeter thread group

How can I get an overall PASS/FAIL result for a JMeter thread group without using a post processor on every sampler?
I've tried using a beanshell listener, but it doesn't work for instances where there are multiple samplers inside a transaction controller with "Generate Parent Sample" enabled. In that case, the listener only gets called once per transaction controller and I'm only able to access the result of the last sampler inside the transaction controller.
I would like to be able to save a pass/fail value as Jmeter variable or property for the thread group. If one or more components of the thread group fail or return an error, then that would be an overall fail. This variable will then be used for reporting purposes.
My current beanshell listener code:
SampleResult sr = ctx.getPreviousResult();;
if (!sr.isSuccessful()){
props.put("testPlanResult", "FAIL");
testPlanResultComment = props.get("testPlanResultComment");
if(testPlanResultComment == ""){
testPlanResultComment = sr.getSampleLabel();
}else {
testPlanResultComment = testPlanResultComment + ", " + sr.getSampleLabel();
props.put("testPlanResultComment", testPlanResultComment);;
If you call prev.getParent() you will be able to fetch individual sub-samples via getSubResults() function, something like:
prev.getParent().getSubResults().each {result ->'Sampler: ' + result.getSampleLabel() + ' Elapsed time: ' + result.getTime() )
}'Total: ' + prev.getParent().getTime())
More information: Apache Groovy - Why and How You Should Use It
