Generalize methods for the application using JDBC template - spring

I am developing a demo application using Spring MVC v3.0 and the Jdbc template.In my application for different -2 module we need some same methods as save,update,delete etc.. .So instead of writing again and again same method for different modules.Do we have any way to implement this kind of functionality in a common class(abstract class).
Hope some buddy will give me the good way to learn and implement this functionality.

You can do that by having a super class with a save method that takes Object type parameter and then you have to check instanceOf and implement.But i suggest you to have different methods for different type.

create an Abstract class
public abstract class AbstractDaoImpl<E,F> extends HibernateDaoSupport{
public abstract Class<E> getEntityType();
public void update(Object updateObject) throws DAOException {
try {
}catch(Exception ex){
logger.error("Error updating attachment: " + ex.getMessage());
throw new DAOException(ex.getMessage(),Code.DAO_EXCEPTION);
}finally {}
//To find by ID
public E retrieveSingleMatch(F id) {
return (E) getHibernateTemplate().get(getEntityType(), (Serializable) id);
and the Dao Implementations
public class StudentDaoImpl<Student,String> extends AbstractDaoImpli implements MyDao {
public Class getEntityType() {
return Student.class;
Your service code will be
Student student = studentDao.retrieveSingleMatch(studentId);
depending on your object ,


Dependency-inject "dynamically specified" beans based on annotation arguments

I have a use case where it would be extraordinarily nice to dynamically instantiate beans (using some kind of factory approach) based on annotation-arguments at the injection point. Specifically, I need to be able to specify a type-argument to the bean-creating factory.
A pretty relevant example would be a JSON deserializer that needs the type which it needs to deserialize to.
I envision either:
private Deserializer<Car> _carDeserializer;
private Deserializer<Bus> _busDeserializer;
.. or simply, if it was possible to sniff the type from the generic type argument:
private Deserializer<Car> _carDeserializer;
private Deserializer<Bus> _busDeserializer;
The big point here is that I would not know beforehand which types was needed in the project, as this would be a generic tool that many projects would include. So you would annotate your #Configuration class with #EnableDeserializer and could then inject any type deserializer (The factory that makes these deserializers can handle any type, but to be able create one, it would need to know the desired type of the deserialized object - plain generics would not cut it, since Java ain't using reified generics).
So, I'd need to be able to inject into the spring context, or using any other Spring magic tricks, some kind of DeserializerFactory that takes the type argument.
Basically, I need to have Spring invoke the following method based based on either, as in the first example, the qualifier argument (or the entire DeserializeQualifier-instance for that matter), or as in the second example, the generic type argument:
DeserializerFactory {
<T> Deserializer<T> createDeserializer(Class<T> type) { ... }
You could create a BeanFactoryPostProcessor to set attributes annotated with a custom annotation. I've set up a small Spring Boot project to play around:
// Custom annotation
public #interface InjectSomeClassHere {
Class value();
// Demo bean
public class SomeBean {
private Class someValue;
public Class getInjectedClass() {
return someValue;
// The BeanFactoryPostProcessor
public class SomeBeanFactoryPostProcessor implements BeanFactoryPostProcessor {
public void postProcessBeanFactory(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory) throws BeansException {
.filter(beanName -> hasAnnotatedField(beanFactory, beanName))
.forEach(beanName -> {
Object bean = beanFactory.getBean(beanName);
Stream.of(bean.getClass().getDeclaredFields()).forEach(field -> setFieldValue(bean, field));
private boolean hasAnnotatedField(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory, String beanName) {
try {
String className = beanFactory.getBeanDefinition(beanName).getBeanClassName();
if (className == null) {
return false;
.anyMatch(field -> field.isAnnotationPresent(InjectSomeClassHere.class));
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
// Error handling here
return false;
private void setFieldValue(Object filteredBean, Field field) {
try {
// Note: field.isAccessible() is deprecated
if (!field.isAccessible()) {
// Retrieve the value from the annotation and set the field
// In your case, you could call `createDeserializer(fieldValue);` and set the field using the return value.
// Note that you should change the type of `SomeBean#someValue` accordingly.
Class fieldValue = field.getAnnotation(InjectSomeClassHere.class).value();
field.set(filteredBean, fieldValue);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
// Error handling here
// A small test to verify the outcome of the BeanFactoryPostProcessor
public class SomeBeanTests {
private SomeBean someBean;
public void getInjectedClass_shouldHaveStringClassInjected() {
Assert.assertEquals(String.class, someBean.getInjectedClass());
Please note that this is a very naive implementation and requires further fine tuning. For instance, it scans all attributes in all spring components for the presence of an annotation.
Good luck with your project!

Transportation layer that support Polymorphism and Generics

I am looking for transportation layer for gwt. I would like to create ajax request using generic method, f.e this is my DAO/service:
public class GenericDao<T extends GenericModel<T>> {
private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass().getCanonicalName());
#Transient protected Class<T> entityClass;
public GenericDao() {
public GenericDao(Class<? extends GenericModel<T>> clazz) {
this.entityClass = (Class<T>) clazz;
public T getBy(Long id) {
return JPA.em().find(entityClass, id);
public List<GenericModel<T>> get() {
logger.error("trying to get data from db");
return getList();
public List<GenericModel<T>> getList() {
return JPA.em().createQuery("FROM " + entityClass.getSimpleName()).getResultList();
public void save(GenericModel<T> entityClass) {
public void update(T entityClass) {
public void delete(T entityClass) {
public class GenericModel<T extends GenericModel<T>> implements Identifiable, Versionable {
protected Class<T> entityClass;
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
private Integer version;
// setter & getter
public Long getId() {return id;}
public void setId(Long id) { = id;}
public Integer getVersion() {return version;}
public void setVersion(Integer version) {this.version = version;}
// constructor
public GenericModel() {
Class<?> obtainedClass = getClass();
Type genericSuperclass = null;
for (;;) {
genericSuperclass = obtainedClass.getGenericSuperclass();
if (genericSuperclass instanceof ParameterizedType) {
obtainedClass = obtainedClass.getSuperclass();
ParameterizedType genericSuperclass_ = (ParameterizedType) genericSuperclass;
try {
entityClass = ((Class) ((Class) genericSuperclass_
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
entityClass = guessEntityClassFromTypeParametersClassTypedArgument();
public GenericModel(Long id) {
this(); = id;
I am looking for mechanism that will allow me to use this generic service for all models on client side (each db entity have id- so I would like to downloads using ajax all my Entities this way, so I should have only one generic method for that on client side).
I've already checked:
But none of them support this feature.
I've found here:
information that: gwt-jackson supports generics and polymorphism. Unfortunately I didn't found any working example that. Can someone help, give an example, approved that information?
All entities have id and version parameter. So I would like to have one metod on client side RF that will allow me to get from server(service/dao/whatever) that entity by id- like this: Request getBy(Long id); But unfortunatelly I can't make it work. I like the RF way, so I've tried it first. Generally I don't wonna repeat code for downloading entity/proxy by id.
For better understanding, please look also on:
RequestFactory client-side inheritance of typed class with generics
I'm confused as to why you think RPC can't handle generics - according to your link, it can, but RestyGWT cannot. Granted, none of your JPA references make any sense in GWT, but those would live in a DAO on the server, not in the entity/model class themselves, or at least not in the client version. If you had a RPC method that returned T where <T extends GenericModel<T>>, then you would have serializers for every possible GenericModel<?> subtype, and any/all that are gwt-compatible could be sent over the wire.
Edit from update to question:
Your GenericModel class uses features of Java that cannot work in GWT, such as reflection. This cannot be compiled to GWT, since the compiler relies on removing reflection information to minimize your compiled size - leaving in general reflection information means leaving in details about all classes and members, even ones that it can't statically prove are in use, since some reflection might make use of them.
If there is a way to phrase your model object in a way that just deals with the data at hand, focus on that. Otherwise consider a DTO which is just the data to send over the wire - I'm not sure how you would plan to use the entityClass field on the client, or why that would be important to read from the superclass's generics instead of just using getClass().
RequestFactory will have a hard time dealing with generics - unlike RPC (and possibly RestyGWT) it cannot handle polymorphism the way you want, but will instead only send the fields for the declared type, not any arbitrary subtype. RPC will actually send the instance if it is something that the client can handle.

advising all delete and save methods in spring-data-jpa

I have a requirement whereby I need to advise all delete and save methods and send the deleted/saved record somewhere else.
I am using JpaRepository which has
6 x delete
3 x save
Basically I need to advise all these methods. The trouble is that each of these has different method signatures and return types, sometimes accepting a Long, Object or List. I am considering using aspects to achieve this but it seems that it would be nasty as I currently have 4 objects I need to audit which comes to 4 x 9 = 36 different pointcuts. There are more of these to come so this would soon come into the hundreds.
Is there a better way?
I got it working as #sheltem suggested. I used EntityListeners. In my case I needed access to a spring bean and was able to it this way:
public class PublishEntityListener {
private static PublishingService publishingService;
required = true)
public void setPublishingService(PublishingService publishingService) {
this.publishingService = publishingService;
public void init() {
//Allow the static dependency to be setup post construct as #EntityListeners are no spring managed
public void prePersist(DomainObject<?> entity) {
publishingService.publish(getTopicName(entity), HttpMethod.POST, entity);
public void preUpdate(DomainObject<?> entity) {
publishingService.publish(getTopicName(entity), HttpMethod.PUT, entity);
public void onDelete(DomainObject<?> entity) {
publishingService.publish(getTopicName(entity), HttpMethod.DELETE, entity);

How to define Spring Data Repository scope to Prototype?

I'm using Spring data jpa & hibernate for data access along with Spring boot. All the repository beans are singleton by default. I want to define the scope of all my repositories to Prototype. How can I do that?
public interface CustomerRepository extends CrudRepository<Customer, Long> {
List<Customer> findByLastName(String lastName);
Edit 1
The problem is related to domain object being shared in 2 different transactions which is causing my code to fail. I thought it is happening because repository beans are singleton. That's the reason I asked the question. Here is the detailed explanation of the scenario.
I have 2 entities User and UserSkill. User has 1-* relationship with UserSkills with lazy loading enabled on UserSkill relation.
In a UserAggregationService, I first make a call to fetch an individual user skill by id 123 which belongs to user with id 1.
public class UserAggregationService {
public List<Object> getAggregatedResults() {
//Throws Null Pointer Exception. See below for more details.
Implementation of UserSkillService method looks like
public UserSkillDTO getUserSkill(String id) {
UserSkill userSkill = userSkillService.get(id);
//Skills set to null avoid recursive DTO mapping. Dozer mapper is used
//for mapping.
UserSkillDTO result =, UserSkillDTO.class);
return result;
In the call of user aggregation service, I call UserService to fetch userDetails. UserService code looks like
public UserDTO getById(String id) {
User user = userService.getByGuid(id);
List<UserSkillDTO> userSkillList = Lists.newArrayList();
//user.getSkills throws null pointer exception.
for (UserSkill uSkill : user.getSkills()) {
//Code emitted
//code removed for conciseness
return userDTO;
UserSkillService method implementation
public class UserSkillService {
#Transactional(propagation = Propagation.SUPPORTS)
public UserSkill get(String guid) throws PostNotFoundException {
UserSkill skill = userSkillRepository.findByGuid(guid);
if (skill == null) {
throw new SkillNotFoundException(guid);
return skill;
UserService method implementation:
public class UserService {
#Transactional(readOnly = true)
public User getByGuid(String guid) throws UserNotFoundException {
User user = userRepo.findByGuid(guid);
if (user == null) {
throw new UserNotFoundException(guid);
return user;
Spring boot auto configuration is used to instantiate entity manager factory and transaction manager. In the configuration file spring.jpa.* keys are used to connect to the database.
If I comment the below line of code, then I do not get the exception. I am unable to understand why change in the domain object is being affecting the object fetch in a different transaction.
Please suggest If I have missed something.

Spring validation not inside web controllers

I want to use validation not with web controllers. Suppose I have a class Person
public class Person {
private String name;
private String surname;
//getters and setters
Also I have a validator class:
public class PersonValidator implements Validator {
public boolean supports(Class<?> clazz) {
return Person.class.equals(clazz);
public void validate(Object target, Errors errors) {
ValidationUtils.rejectIfEmptyOrWhitespace(errors, "name", "name.empty");
ValidationUtils.rejectIfEmptyOrWhitespace(errors, "surname",
How I can use this validator for example in console application? Or validation is only for web application in spring?
You can use the validation tools in a console application. You simply need to call ValidationUtils.invokeValidator(validator, object, errors). Your main concern would be having a suitable Errors instance. You would probably end up using BeanPropertyBindingResult, or subclassing AbstractErrors.
You probably know, but you should consult the Spring reference and javadoc.
Rough guess at untested code:
Person person = new Person();
Errors errors = new BeanPropertyBindingResult(person, "person");
ValidationUtuls.invokeValidator(new PersonValidator(), person, errors);
if (errors.hasErrors()) { ... }
Out of interest, why are you using Spring validation in preference to javax.validation? I've found that it's generally easier to use the javax.validaton/JSR-303 API. Hibernate Validator is the reference implementation and Spring integrates with JSR-303.
