How do I prevent Spring from instantiating a prototype scoped bean on context refresh? - spring

I am using prototype scoped bean definitions in my Spring XML descriptors to configure the default properties (these beans have many properties) and then I call the application context with a getBean(beanName, ctorArgs[]) to create instances.
The bean definitions require 2-3 constructor arguments that supply logically unique keys used for things like key properties for the JMX ObjectName etc. Additionally, the variables that the constructor arguments are written to are final.
What I am seeing is that when the application context refreshes, it attempts to instantiate these prototypes, which seems completely the opposite of what you want prototypes to do. They're templates, not actual instances. To work around this, I have been configuring the prototypes with bogus ctor values so these bogus bean instances are instantiated and I simply filter out the created MBeans later in the code.
My question is, how do I configure the application context to register these prototype bean definitions, but not instantiate them until I make a getBean call ?

The problem is a bit more complicated than I initialy thought. In fact, lazy is the default behaviour for prototype-scoped beans. I digged a bit and I managed to reproduce your problem and find the solution. So what is the problem?
You probably have <aop:scoped-proxy/> enabled or (#ComponentScan(scopedProxy=...) equivalent). During context refresh Spring wraps your prototype bean (ClosedMetricSubscriberFeed) with scoped proxy. It uses class proxy because (a) class proxies are chosen or (b) the class has no interfaces.
The class-based proxy is basically a CGLIB subclass of your bean that must call (due to JVM rules) a base class's constructor. And CGLIB generated class always calls no-arg constructor.
I know this sounds complicated, here's what you can do:
Disable <aop:scoped-proxy/>. Just like that.
Provide a dummy no-arg constructor and deprecate it just in case. Unfortunately you will have to discover such bogus instances manunally. Note that in this case the class will be of type: ``.
Extract an interface from your class and use interfaces for scoped proxies:
value = ConfigurableBeanFactory.SCOPE_PROTOTYPE,
proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.INTERFACES)
Old answer:
Use lazy initialization with #Lazy annotation or lazy-init="true" (see 4.4.4 Lazy-initialized beans in reference documentation) configuration attribute.
<bean id="proto" class="MyPrototype" scope="prototype" lazy-init="true"/>
public class MyPrototype {/*...*/}

I use a private, deprecated, no-arg constructor that throws an IllegalStateException. The context loads fine, getBean() with the constructor args works fine, and getBean() without args throws the exception.
package a;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
public class Command {
final protected String name;
private Command() {throw new IllegalStateException("Only for Spring"); }
public Command(String name) {
super(); = name;
public String toString() {
return "Command [name=" + name + "]";


No qualifying bean of type [org.springframework.mail.javamail.JavaMailSender] while deploying service into PCF [duplicate]

Please explain the following about NoSuchBeanDefinitionException exception in Spring:
What does it mean?
Under what conditions will it be thrown?
How can I prevent it?
This post is designed to be a comprehensive Q&A about occurrences of NoSuchBeanDefinitionException in applications using Spring.
The javadoc of NoSuchBeanDefinitionException explains
Exception thrown when a BeanFactory is asked for a bean instance for
which it cannot find a definition. This may point to a non-existing
bean, a non-unique bean, or a manually registered singleton instance
without an associated bean definition.
A BeanFactory is basically the abstraction representing Spring's Inversion of Control container. It exposes beans internally and externally, to your application. When it cannot find or retrieve these beans, it throws a NoSuchBeanDefinitionException.
Below are simple reasons why a BeanFactory (or related classes) would not be able to find a bean and how you can make sure it does.
The bean doesn't exist, it wasn't registered
In the example below
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
AnnotationConfigApplicationContext ctx = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(Example.class);
class Foo {}
we haven't registered a bean definition for the type Foo either through a #Bean method, #Component scanning, an XML definition, or any other way. The BeanFactory managed by the AnnotationConfigApplicationContext therefore has no indication of where to get the bean requested by getBean(Foo.class). The snippet above throws
Exception in thread "main" org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException:
No qualifying bean of type [com.example.Foo] is defined
Similarly, the exception could have been thrown while trying to satisfy an #Autowired dependency. For example,
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
AnnotationConfigApplicationContext ctx = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(Example.class);
class Foo { #Autowired Bar bar; }
class Bar { }
Here, a bean definition is registered for Foo through #ComponentScan. But Spring knows nothing of Bar. It therefore fails to find a corresponding bean while trying to autowire the bar field of the Foo bean instance. It throws (nested inside a UnsatisfiedDependencyException)
Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException:
No qualifying bean of type [com.example.Bar] found for dependency [com.example.Bar]:
expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate for this dependency. Dependency annotations: {#org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired(required=true)}
There are multiple ways to register bean definitions.
#Bean method in a #Configuration class or <bean> in XML configuration
#Component (and its meta-annotations, eg. #Repository) through #ComponentScan or <context:component-scan ... /> in XML
Manually through GenericApplicationContext#registerBeanDefinition
Manually through BeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessor
...and more.
Make sure the beans you expect are properly registered.
A common error is to register beans multiple times, ie. mixing the options above for the same type. For example, I might have
public class Foo {}
and an XML configuration with
<context:component-scan base-packages="com.example" />
<bean name="eg-different-name" class="com.example.Foo />
Such a configuration would register two beans of type Foo, one with name foo and another with name eg-different-name. Make sure you're not accidentally registering more beans than you wanted. Which leads us to...
If you're using both XML and annotation-based configurations, make sure you import one from the other. XML provides
<import resource=""/>
while Java provides the #ImportResource annotation.
Expected single matching bean, but found 2 (or more)
There are times when you need multiple beans for the same type (or interface). For example, your application may use two databases, a MySQL instance and an Oracle one. In such a case, you'd have two DataSource beans to manage connections to each one. For (simplified) example, the following
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
AnnotationConfigApplicationContext ctx = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(Example.class);
#Bean(name = "mysql")
public DataSource mysql() { return new MySQL(); }
#Bean(name = "oracle")
public DataSource oracle() { return new Oracle(); }
interface DataSource{}
class MySQL implements DataSource {}
class Oracle implements DataSource {}
Exception in thread "main" org.springframework.beans.factory.NoUniqueBeanDefinitionException:
No qualifying bean of type [com.example.DataSource] is defined:
expected single matching bean but found 2: oracle,mysql
because both beans registered through #Bean methods satisfied the requirement of BeanFactory#getBean(Class), ie. they both implement DataSource. In this example, Spring has no mechanism to differentiate or prioritize between the two. But such mechanisms exists.
You could use #Primary (and its equivalent in XML) as described in the documentation and in this post. With this change
#Bean(name = "mysql")
public DataSource mysql() { return new MySQL(); }
the previous snippet would not throw the exception and would instead return the mysql bean.
You can also use #Qualifier (and its equivalent in XML) to have more control over the bean selection process, as described in the documentation. While #Autowired is primarily used to autowire by type, #Qualifier lets you autowire by name. For example,
#Bean(name = "mysql")
#Qualifier(value = "main")
public DataSource mysql() { return new MySQL(); }
could now be injected as
#Qualifier("main") // or #Qualifier("mysql"), to use the bean name
private DataSource dataSource;
without issue. #Resource is also an option.
Using wrong bean name
Just as there are multiple ways to register beans, there are also multiple ways to name them.
#Bean has name
The name of this bean, or if plural, aliases for this bean. If left
unspecified the name of the bean is the name of the annotated method.
If specified, the method name is ignored.
<bean> has the id attribute to represent the unique identifier for a bean and name can be used to create one or more aliases illegal in an (XML) id.
#Component and its meta annotations have value
The value may indicate a suggestion for a logical component name, to
be turned into a Spring bean in case of an autodetected component.
If that's left unspecified, a bean name is automatically generated for the annotated type, typically the lower camel case version of the type name. For example MyClassName becomes myClassName as its bean name. Bean names are case sensitive. Also note that wrong names/capitalization typically occur in beans referred to by string like #DependsOn("my BeanName") or XML config files.
#Qualifier, as mentioned earlier, lets you add more aliases to a bean.
Make sure you use the right name when referring to a bean.
More advanced cases
Bean definition profiles allow you to register beans conditionally. #Profile, specifically,
Indicates that a component is eligible for registration when one or
more specified profiles are active.
A profile is a named logical grouping that may be activated
programmatically via
ConfigurableEnvironment.setActiveProfiles(java.lang.String...) or
declaratively by setting the property as a JVM
system property, as an environment variable, or as a Servlet context
parameter in web.xml for web applications. Profiles may also be
activated declaratively in integration tests via the #ActiveProfiles
Consider this examples where the property is not set.
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
AnnotationConfigApplicationContext ctx = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(Example.class);
#Profile(value = "StackOverflow")
class Foo {
This will show no active profiles and throw a NoSuchBeanDefinitionException for a Foo bean. Since the StackOverflow profile wasn't active, the bean wasn't registered.
Instead, if I initialize the ApplicationContext while registering the appropriate profile
AnnotationConfigApplicationContext ctx = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext();
the bean is registered and can be returned/injected.
AOP Proxies
Spring uses AOP proxies a lot to implement advanced behavior. Some examples include:
Transaction management with #Transactional
Caching with #Cacheable
Scheduling and asynchronous execution with #Async and #Scheduled
To achieve this, Spring has two options:
Use the JDK's Proxy class to create an instance of a dynamic class at runtime which only implements your bean's interfaces and delegates all method invocations to an actual bean instance.
Use CGLIB proxies to create an instance of a dynamic class at runtime which implements both interfaces and concrete types of your target bean and delegates all method invocations to an actual bean instance.
Take this example of JDK proxies (achieved through #EnableAsync's default proxyTargetClass of false)
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
AnnotationConfigApplicationContext ctx = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(Example.class);
interface HttpClient {
void doGetAsync();
class HttpClientImpl implements HttpClient {
public void doGetAsync() {
Here, Spring attempts to find a bean of type HttpClientImpl which we expect to find because the type is clearly annotated with #Component. However, instead, we get an exception
Exception in thread "main" org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException:
No qualifying bean of type [com.example.HttpClientImpl] is defined
Spring wrapped the HttpClientImpl bean and exposed it through a Proxy object that only implements HttpClient. So you could retrieve it with
ctx.getBean(HttpClient.class) // returns a dynamic class: com.example.$Proxy33
// or
#Autowired private HttpClient httpClient;
It's always recommended to program to interfaces. When you can't, you can tell Spring to use CGLIB proxies. For example, with #EnableAsync, you can set proxyTargetClass to true. Similar annotations (EnableTransactionManagement, etc.) have similar attributes. XML will also have equivalent configuration options.
ApplicationContext Hierarchies - Spring MVC
Spring lets you build ApplicationContext instances with other ApplicationContext instances as parents, using ConfigurableApplicationContext#setParent(ApplicationContext). A child context will have access to beans in the parent context, but the opposite is not true. This post goes into detail about when this is useful, particularly in Spring MVC.
In a typical Spring MVC application, you define two contexts: one for the entire application (the root) and one specifically for the DispatcherServlet (routing, handler methods, controllers). You can get more details here:
Difference between applicationContext.xml and spring-servlet.xml in Spring Framework
It's also very well explained in the official documentation, here.
A common error in Spring MVC configurations is to declare the WebMVC configuration in the root context with #EnableWebMvc annotated #Configuration classes or <mvc:annotation-driven /> in XML, but the #Controller beans in the servlet context. Since the root context cannot reach into the servlet context to find any beans, no handlers are registered and all requests fail with 404s. You won't see a NoSuchBeanDefinitionException, but the effect is the same.
Make sure your beans are registered in the appropriate context, ie. where they can be found by the beans registered for WebMVC (HandlerMapping, HandlerAdapter, ViewResolver, ExceptionResolver, etc.). The best solution is to properly isolate beans. The DispatcherServlet is responsible for routing and handling requests so all related beans should go into its context. The ContextLoaderListener, which loads the root context, should initialize any beans the rest of your application needs: services, repositories, etc.
Arrays, collections, and maps
Beans of some known types are handled in special ways by Spring. For example, if you tried to inject an array of MovieCatalog into a field
private MovieCatalog[] movieCatalogs;
Spring will find all beans of type MovieCatalog, wrap them in an array, and inject that array. This is described in the Spring documentation discussing #Autowired. Similar behavior applies to Set, List, and Collection injection targets.
For a Map injection target, Spring will also behave this way if the key type is String. For example, if you have
private Map<String, MovieCatalog> movies;
Spring will find all beans of type MovieCatalog and add them as values to a Map, where the corresponding key will be their bean name.
As described previously, if no beans of the requested type are available, Spring will throw a NoSuchBeanDefinitionException. Sometimes, however, you just want to declare a bean of these collection types like
public List<Foo> fooList() {
return Arrays.asList(new Foo());
and inject them
private List<Foo> foos;
In this example, Spring would fail with a NoSuchBeanDefinitionException because there are no Foo beans in your context. But you didn't want a Foo bean, you wanted a List<Foo> bean. Before Spring 4.3, you'd have to use #Resource
For beans that are themselves defined as a collection/map or array
type, #Resource is a fine solution, referring to the specific
collection or array bean by unique name. That said, as of 4.3,
collection/map and array types can be matched through Spring’s
#Autowired type matching algorithm as well, as long as the element
type information is preserved in #Bean return type signatures or
collection inheritance hierarchies. In this case, qualifier values can
be used to select among same-typed collections, as outlined in the
previous paragraph.
This works for constructor, setter, and field injection.
private List<Foo> foos;
// or since 4.3
public Example(#Autowired List<Foo> foos) {}
However, it will fail for #Bean methods, ie.
public Bar other(List<Foo> foos) {
new Bar(foos);
Here, Spring ignores any #Resource or #Autowired annotating the method, because it's a #Bean method, and therefore can't apply the behavior described in the documentation. However, you can use Spring Expression Language (SpEL) to refer to beans by their name. In the example above, you could use
public Bar other(#Value("#{fooList}") List<Foo> foos) {
new Bar(foos);
to refer to the bean named fooList and inject that.

Spring Bean: Is autowired attribute initialised before constructor?

public class BeanA {
public class BeanB {
BeanA beanA;
public BeanB() {
// Use beanA
Can we assume BeanA is created and initialized before BeanB constructor is called? (I know we can pass BeanA as constructor arg to BeanB, this is more of curiosity question to understand spring/java initialisation sequence)
Take a look at
Setting properties on bean would happen after it is constructed by means of a constructor or a factory method. By default, beans are autowired by name and values are set using setter methods. So in your case the field will be set after constructor.
This is because
BeanA beanA;
really means that you want to autowire the field of that class instance. beanA in your case is not really a constructor arg.
(Well, here is a quick question, are the constructor argument names retained after compilation? Is there any debug flag related to this?)
As this example from spring documentation says, you can apply #Autowired to constructors and fields:
public class MovieRecommender {
private MovieCatalog movieCatalog;
private CustomerPreferenceDao customerPreferenceDao;
public MovieRecommender(CustomerPreferenceDao customerPreferenceDao) {
this.customerPreferenceDao = customerPreferenceDao;
// ...
Let me know if you need any more help with this.
Oh, and just a minor point. You seem to be calling method() on beanA in your constructor. It is not a good idea, if the method can be overridden. I know it is just an example you jotted down here, but just a word of caution.
No, the autowiring is handled by a BeanPostProcessor that will run after the constructor of the newly created bean. If, for some reason, you need to autowire some fields and then run some initialisation you can use a #PostConstruct annotated method. It will be called after all dependencies are injected. In most cases #Autowiring a constructor (and, perhaps, making the object immutable) is still the best option.
No, spring is very clever, but not that magical ... Internally, spring :
creates an instance
set instances properties
stores eventually the bean in relevant scope (exept for prototype beans) and/or gives it to caller
But the creation uses a constructor and at the time it is called properties have not been set.
In short, you can access #Autowired in your method marked with #PostConstruct.

Best practice: Spring Autowired, concrete class, and Builder

We have an interface:
public interface NotifyService {
public void send();
And a class that implements it
public class EmailNotifyService implements NotifyService {
private EmailBuilder _builder;
PersonRepository _personRepository;
... other Autowired Repositories ...
public EmailNotifyService(EmailBuilder builder) {
this._builder = builder;
public void send() {
// send mail using _builder.getRecipient().getEmailAddress(), etc.
We used to instantiate EmailNotifyService with a builder:
public class EmailBuilder {
private Person _recipient;
private EmailType _type;
private Event _event;
public EmailNotifyService build() {
return new EmailNotifyService(this);
public EmailBuilder recipient(Person recipient) {
this._recipient = recipient;
return this;
... and so on. But now, instead of using build() to create a new EmailNotifyService, we are trying to use Autowire with Spring instead. The problem is that everywhere else in our app, we are Autowiring interfaces, not classes. And from what I've read it's a good idea in general. In fact, I've tried rewriting the NotifyService to be an Abstract class, and then have EmailNotifyService just extend it. But Spring isn't Autowiring it correctly, it doesn't create a Proxy like it does for interfaces, and all of my Autowired fields are null.
So it would seem we're stuck with Autowiring the NotifyService interface. Fine. What I can't get my head around is - how can I get the data I used to assign with the builder -- the Person, EmailType and Event -- into a Spring Autowired interface?
I suppose I could change the interface definition to have a setPerson(), setEmailType(), etc., but apart from being really ugly, it defeats the purpose of using an interface in the first place. A different NotifyService (WebServiceNotifyService or RestNotifyService for example) night not have need for that info.
Is there any elegant, best-practice way to do this?
I am using annotations, very little xml. And I am also using transaction management, which might explain why the abstract class isn't properly autowired? This is the only pertitnent info I have in xml:
<context:annotation-config />
<context:component-scan base-package="com.myco.myapp" />
<tx:annotation-driven transaction-manager="transactionManager"/>
What I mean when I say "autowiring isn't working correctly" is that when I try to autowire the abstract class, Spring doesn't seem to be creating a Proxy like it does for interfaces, and all the Autowired fields in my EmailNotifyService (PersonRepository, others ...) are null. When I use an interface, all the Autowired fields are wired correctly.
But my main problem is that I used to work explicitly with a concrete class, using a builder to create a new EmailNotifyService() directly, and pass it info -- Person, EmailType and Event. These are just normal beans. There are no setters/getters for them in EmailNotifyService but there are the EmailBuilder, which used to live inside EmailNotifyService.
But now I am using the NotifyService interface, which knows nothing about Person, EmailType or Event. But I need this info in order for EmailNotifyService to work.
So my question is, if I use Spring to Autowire my EmailNotifyService like this:
#Qualifier("email") // so Spring knows I want to use the EmailNotifyService implementation
NotifyService _notifyService
How can I set the Person, EmailType and Event data, since NotifyService knows nothing about them?
Currently we are using the mailer service within a web app but theoretically the mailer service should be able to work stand-alone. Regardless, I don't see how request scoped beans can help me here.
Robert what do you mean by not autowiring correctly? Are you getting any error?
Generally both interface and class auto-wiring works in Spring unless you have some autoproxy configured example #Transactional.
You do not need to have setPerson(), setEmailType(), etc. in your interface but have them autowired in the concrete class which requires them.
But seems Person is not a service but a bean which holds data and its specific to a request. If yours is a web application then look at request scope proxy to inject Person like bean.
So you are using transactions which is why class based injection is failing. Add proxy-target-class="true" to tx:annotation-driven.
Regarding your injection of Person and EmailType then you have to do that to the bean EmailNotifyService. In EmailNotifyService I do not see any Person or EmailType variables defined. Also read what I said about Person bean above.
Your design is not correct. You should not make EmailBuilder a bean and look to autowire to the EmailNotifyService. Instead in EmailNotifyService you should have a method send(EmailBuilder builder) where you pass the builder which you created somewhere dynamically.

How can I make sure a "pool" bean gets all the other beans it needs?

I have a spring config where I define hundreds of actions which extend MyAction. I have a pool where an execution service can look up actions. I can't use the appContext directly because each action has one or more "keys" which the execution service will use and pool cuts that dependency.
So the pool must be able to collect all beans of type MyAction (or rather beans that extend MyAction).
The method ApplicationContext.getBeansOfType() seems to do what I need but when can I safely call it?
It would be great if I could call it in a #PostConstruct method but is it guaranteed that the bean factory has seen added each and every bean from the config at that time?
Note: Almost all of my beans are #Lazy
You could use injection by constructor and passing a Collection of yours MyAction
Something like
public class Foo {
private final Set<MyAction> myActions;
public Foo(Set<MyAction> myActions) { this.myActions = myActions; }
public class Foo {
private Set<MyAction> myActions;
public void setMyActions(Set<MyAction> myActions) { this.myActions = myActions; }
Spring will take care of creating the set with all beans that extends MyAction.
In the first case, they are injected by constructor, you can safely use them in any method.
In the second case, Spring will eventually call the setter. You can either do any post processing in the setter or add a #PostConstruct method that works on myActions.
Try to use ListableBeanFactory like this. Also here is API documentation. Method getBeansOfType has parameter allowEagerInit which forces eager init of lazy object.

How to set up init-method for a bean when spring is configured by annotation driven?

I use spring roo to build project and it's annotation driven, and there is no bean definition in XML file. All the configuration info is in *.aj file.
And now I want to set up an init method for a bean which don't have a default constructor (that bean is from the third party and it has a constructor with arguments, and I cannot remove them or give a default constructor to it.)
Is there anyone who can tell me how to do this, please?
The reason I want to do this is because I want to use applicationContext.getBean("thatBeanName") to dynamically get the bean and use it. Because the bean don't have a default constructor, I always get the error: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException:<init>() and this is why I want to add the init-method to the bean.
Use #PostConstruct as shown in below example. It is equivalent to init-method="initialize()"
public void initialize() {
messages.put("English", "Welcome");
messages.put("Deutsch", "Willkommen");
public MyBean getMyBean() {
In spring container it is "init" method that being called the last,
#postconstruct called before afterPropertiesSet. so it is safer if someone miss use.
"Multiple lifecycle mechanisms configured for the same bean, with different initialization methods, are called as follows:
1.Methods annotated with #PostConstruct
2.afterPropertiesSet() as defined by the InitializingBean callback interface
A custom configured init() method
Although, today I would prefer to be more Spring independent and use either #Postconstract, or even configure default init method recognition. to have only meaningful method name indicate that it should be used for initialization - clear from frameworks, clear from annotations.
As #Pangea has put in , #PostConstruct is the best choice. You could also implement initializingBean and do the initialization in afterPropertiesSet method .Check here for this approach.
I realized that there have been multiple answers trying to solve the problem. But with the newly introduced #Configuration which is popularly used within Spring Boot. Things are changed a little bit.
If you are using #Bean annotation in #Configuration annotated class like:
class FooClass {
public Bar bar() {
return new Bar();
If you want to use an automatically called method on the bean instance during initialization, you have two options below:
class FooClass {
public Bar bar() {
return new Bar();
class FooClass {
public Bar bar() {
Bar bar = new Bar();
return bar;
BUT, as is explain in #Bean Java Doc here:
* The optional name of a method to call on the bean instance during initialization.
* Not commonly used, given that the method may be called programmatically directly
* within the body of a Bean-annotated method.
* The default value is {#code ""}, indicating no init method to be called.
The second is regarded as a better answer. See link here
