Unit testing with Mockito - spring

I am writing unit tests for service layer in my spring application.
Here is my service class
public class StubRequestService implements RequestService {
private RequestDao requestDao;
#Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED, readOnly = true)
public Request getRequest(Long RequestId) {
Request dataRequest = requestDao.find(requestId);
return dataRequest;
Here is my test class
#ContextConfiguration(locations = { "/META-INF/spring/applicationContext.xml" })
public class StubRequestServiceTest {
public RequestDao requestDao;
StubRequestService stubRequestService; // How can we Autowire this ?
public void init() {
stubRequestService = new StubRequestService(); // to avoid this
// Is it necessary to explicitly set all autowired elements ?
// If I comment/remove above setter then I get nullPointerException
public void testGetRequest() {
Request request = new Request();
Its working fine but I have few questions
How can we Autowire service class in test ? I am using constructor in init() method to create service object.
Do we have to set all Autowire element for service class ? For ex StubRequestService have autowired RequestDao which I need to set explicitly before calling test method otherwise it giveds nullPointerException as requestDao is null in StubRequestService.getRequest method.
Which are the good practices to follow while unit testing Spring service layer ? (If I am doing anything wrong).

Your test is fine. It doesn't even have to have the #ContextConfiguration annotation.
The whole point of dependency injection frameworks like Spring is to be able to unit test services by simply instantiating them, setting mock dependencies, and then call their methods.
You're doing it correctly. You don't need to have a Spring context for such unit tests. That's why they're called unit tests: they test it in isolation of all their actual dependencies, Spring included.
Side note: assuming you're using JUnit, the arguments of the assertXxx method should be swapped. The expected value comes before the actual value. It becomes important when the assertion fails and you have a message like "expecting 6 but was 3" rather than "expecting 3 but was 6".

If you really feel that it will make your tests easier to understand - you can initialize a spring context and fetch all of the objects from there. However, usually it will require creating a separate spring configuration XML file specifically for tests therefore I would not recommend it.
ApplicationContext applicationContext = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("testApplicationContext.xml");
stubRequestService = (RequestService)applicationContext.getBean("myRequestServiceBean");
(and 3) Basically, I prefer testing each component of my application in total isolation from eachother and that's why I do not recommend what I described in [1].
What that means, is you take a separate logical slice of your application and test only it, while fully mocking up everything it tries to access.
Let's say you have three classes:
//Fetches stuff from some webservice and converts to your app domain POJOs
class DataAccessLayer {
public void setWebservice(Webservice ws) {...};
public MyObject getMyObject() {...};
//Formats the domain POJOs and sends them to some kind of outputstream or stuff.
class ViewLayer {
public void setOutputStream(OutputStream os) {...};
public void viewMyObject(MyObject mo) {...};
//Main entry point of our MyObject fetch-process-display workflow
class Controller {
public void setDataAccessLayer(DataAccessLayer dal) {...};
public void setViewLayer(ViewLayer vl) {...};
public void showMyObject() {
MyObject mo = dal.getMyObject();
...some processing here maybe...
Now, what tests can we write here?
Test if DataAccessLayer properly converts the object from mocked up WS to our domain object.
Test if ViewLayer properly formats the object given to him and writes it to mocked up output stream.
Test if Controller takes an object from mocked up DataAccessLayer processes it properly and sends it to mocked up ViewLayer.

Or You can use springockito
https://bitbucket.org/kubek2k/springockito/wiki/Home, it will make your tests cleaner


How to mock private method in public method in Spring Boot with JUnit

I'd like you ask a few questions and ask you for advice:
I want to test my public method (I use Spring Boot, Mockito, JUnit):
public class MyClass{
public Long getClientId(List<String> nameSurname) throws AuthorizationException {
Long operatorId;
(... something not interesting ...)
User user = getUserByLogin("AnthonyGates2");
operatorId = nonNull(user) ? user.getOperatorId() : null;
} else {
List<User> users = getUserListByLogin("AnthinyGates");
operatorId = isNotEmpty(users) ? return operatorId;
return operatorId;
How to test the method getClientId?
Methods getUserByLogin and getUserListByLogin are private in this class (MyClass) but I have to mock the results of these private methods because these methods retrieve data from an external service.
These private methods looks like:
User user = DelegateImpl.getDelegate().getUserByLogin(nameAndSurname);
DelegateImpl.getDelegate().getUserByLogin get data from database and that data have to be mocked like:
How can I test my public class? Should I use PowerMock/PowerMockito? Making these methods public is in my opinion ugly because these methods are called only in MyClass. I can't find a good tutorial in Internet for my case (Spring Boot, Mockito, JUnit).
Thank you very much for all your tips!
Best regards
Test the unit only by calling the public methods. I think that your example is a class in the service layer (contains business logic) and the two getUser... methods should be in a different class (I think in the data layer) where they can be public. Inject that class via the constructor as a dependency (in the service object) so you can mock it when testing the service class. The data layer class (with the getUser... methods) can also be tested by it's own unit tests.
If you are not able to unit test a method/class then it most probably means that it just does too much. Try extracting your private methods to a separate class. It does not need to be public - you can e.g. have it package-local in the same package.
Later, in the test, you would have to inject a mock of this class and simulate its behaviour.
The setup of MyClass in its unit test could look similar to this:
AnotherClass anotherClassMock = Mockito.mock(AnotherClass.class);
MyClass myClass = new MyClass(anotherClassMock);
Where AnotherClass would have methods getUserListByLogin and getUserByLogin.
It seems that the logic within in your private methods already call an external class. The problem is that you obtain an instance of an object via a call to a static getDelegate() method in another class.
Here's what you can do:
Create a new field in MyClass which would have the same type as the one returned by getDelegate() method (I don't know what that is, I'll call it Delegate)
Have 2 constructors: a default one which would assign the result of getDelegate method to your new field and another one which would take an instance of Delegate as a parameter and assign it to your field
In tests use the second constructor to create an instance of MyClass and pass a mock of Delegate class
It would look more ore less like this:
class MyClass() {
private Delegate delegate;
MyClass() {
this.delegate = DelegateImpl.getDelegate();
MyClass(Delegate delegate) {
this.delegate = delegate;
// ... the rest

How to replace a constructor injected object with mocked object in spock

I know that the question is very big but I just want to clear the situation i am into.
I am working on an application that consumes the JMS messages from the message broker.
We are using camel route on the consumer side. All the object required in route builder are injected through constructor injection using spring .
I want to mock the behavior of the actual processing, Once the consumer receives the message from the queue. All the classes gets loaded via the spring configuration.
Below are the three classes:
public CustomRouteBuilder extends RouteBuilder{
private CustomRouteAdapter customAdapter;
public CustomRouteBuilder (CustomRouteAdapter customAdapter){
this.customAdapter = customAdapter
public void configure(RouteDefinition route){
public class CustomRouteAdapter {
private Orchestrator orchestrator;
public CustomRouteAdapter (Orchestrator orchestrator){
this.orchestrator = orchestrator;
public void process(String message){
orchestrator.generate(message) ;
public class Orchestrator{
private Service service;
public Orchestrator(Service service){
this.service = service;
public void generateData(String message){
As per our requirement we have to load this configuration file and then write the functional test using spock.
Below is my
CustomRouteBuilderTest.groovy file.
import org.springframework.test.util.ReflectionTestUtils
import spock.lang.Specification
class CustomRouteBuilderTest extends Specification{
private static final String message = "Hello";
Orchestrator orchestrator;
CustomRouteAdapter customRouteAdapter;
def setup(){
orchestrator = Mock(Orchestrator)
orchestrator.generate(message )
private String getMessageAsJson() {
//return json string;
private String getMessage() {
// return message;
private Map<String, Object> doMakeHeaders() {
//Create message headers
private void doSendMessage(){
Map<String,Object> messageHeader = doMakeHeaders()
byte [] message = getMessageAsJson().getBytes()
CamelContext context = new DefaultCamelContext()
ConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory(jmsBrokerUrl)
ProducerTemplate template = context.createProducerTemplate()
template.sendBodyAndHeaders("queueName", message, messageHeader)
def "test message consumption"(){
static class Config{
The problem that here is even though I inject the mocked object to the adapter using ReflectionTestUtils , I am not able to define its behavior correctly.
And when the message is received the orchestrator tries to process it.
My Requirement is that:
Adapter should be called from the camel route automatically which happens but
when the orechestrator.generate is called from the adapter then nothing should happen it should simply return.
But here nothing like that is going on.
Each time I send a message the consumer(RouteBuilder) receives it and calls the handler function which then calls the
function and the orchestrator starts processing and throws an exception from service level.
Any one can please help me on this.
I suppose your beans have been proxified by Spring, and this proxy use cglib (because you see CustomRouteBuilder$$EnhancerBySpringCGLIB$$ad2783ae).
If it's really the case, you didn't #Autowired in your test the real instance of your CustomRouteAdapter but a cglib proxy: Spring creates a new class, extending the realclass, and overriding all the methods of this class. The new method delegate to the real instance.
When you change the orchestrator field, you are in reality changing the orchestrator field of the proxy, which is not used by the real instance.
There are severals ways to achieve what you want to do:
add a setOrchestrator method in CustomRouteAdapter
create the mock in your spring configuration and let spring inject this mock instead of a real instance of Orchestrator
Inject the orchestrator in the real instance (ugly - I didn't recommend you that, it didn't help in the testability of your code!)
customRouteAdapter.targetSource.target.orchestrator = _themock_

What is the best way to test that a spring application context fails to start?

I use the spring-boot-starter-web and spring-boot-starter-test.
Let's say I have a class for binding configuration properties:
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "dummy")
public class DummyProperties {
private String url;
// getter, setter ...
Now I want to test that my bean validation is correct. The context should fail to start (with a specfic error message) if the property dummy.value is not set or if it contains an invalid URL. The context should start if the property contains a valid URL. (The test would show that #NotNull is missing.)
A test class would look like this:
#SpringApplicationConfiguration(classes = MyApplication.class)
#IntegrationTest({ "dummy.url=123:456" })
public class InvalidUrlTest {
// my test code
This test would fail because the provided property is invalid. What would be the best way to tell Spring/JUnit: "yep, this error is expected". In plain JUnit tests I would use the ExpectedException.
The best way to test Spring application context is to use ApplicationContextRunner
It is described in Spring Boot Reference Documentation:
And there is a quick guide about it:
Sample usage
private static final String POSITIVE_CASE_CONFIG_FILE =
private static final String NEGATIVE_CASE_CONFIG_FILE =
void positiveTest() {
ApplicationContextRunner contextRunner = new ApplicationContextRunner()
.withInitializer(new ConfigDataApplicationContextInitializer())//1
.withInitializer(new ConditionEvaluationReportLoggingListener(LogLevel.DEBUG))//2
.withPropertyValues("spring.config.location=" + POSITIVE_CASE_CONFIG_FILE)//4
.run((context) -> {
void negativeTest() {
ApplicationContextRunner contextRunner = new ApplicationContextRunner()
.withInitializer(new ConfigDataApplicationContextInitializer())//1
.withInitializer(new ConditionEvaluationReportLoggingListener(LogLevel.DEBUG))//2
.withPropertyValues("spring.config.location=" + NEGATIVE_CASE_CONFIG_FILE)//4
.run((context) -> {
.contains("Some exception message");
.contains("Cause exception message");
private List<String> extractFailureCauseMessages(AssertableApplicationContext context) {
var failureCauseMessages = new ArrayList<String>();
var currentCause = context.getStartupFailure().getCause();
while (!Objects.isNull(currentCause)) {//7
currentCause = currentCause.getCause();
return failureCauseMessages;
Explanation with examples of similar definitions from Junit5 Spring Boot Test Annotations:
Triggers loading of config files like application.properties or application.yml
Logs ConditionEvaluationReport using given log level when application context fails
Provides class that specifies mock beans, ie. we have #Autowired BookRepository in our BookService and we provide mock BookRepository in MockBeansTestConfiguration. Similar to #Import({MockBeansTestConfiguration.class}) in test class and #TestConfiguration in class with mock beans in normal Junit5 Spring Boot Test
Equivalent of #TestPropertySource(properties = { "spring.config.location=" + POSITIVE_CASE_CONFIG_FILE})
Triggers spring auto configuration for given class, not direct equivalent, but it is similar to using #ContextConfiguration(classes = {BookService.class}) or #SpringBootTest(classes = {BookService.class}) together with #Import({BookService.class}) in normal test
Assertions.class from AssertJ library, there should be static import for Assertions.assertThat, but I wanted to show where this method is from
There should be static import for Objects.isNull, but I wanted to show where this method is from
MockBeansTestConfiguration class:
public class MockBeansTestConfiguration {
private static final Book SAMPLE_BOOK = Book.of(1L, "Stanisław Lem", "Solaris", "978-3-16-148410-0");
public BookRepository mockBookRepository() {
var bookRepository = Mockito.mock(BookRepository.class);//1
return bookRepository;
1,2. There should be static import, but I wanted to show where this method is from
Why is that an integration test to begin with? Why are you starting a full blown Spring Boot app for that?
This looks like unit testing to me. That being said, you have several options:
Don't add #IntegrationTest and Spring Boot will not start a web server to begin with (use #PropertySource to pass value to your test but it feels wrong to pass an invalid value to your whole test class)
You can use spring.main.web-environment=false to disable the web server (but that's silly given the point above)
Write a unit test that process that DummyProperties of yours. You don't even need to start a Spring Boot application for that. Look at our own test suite
I'd definitely go with the last one. Maybe you have a good reason to have an integration test for that?
I think the easiest way is:
public class InvalidUrlTest {
public DisableOnDebug testTimeout = new DisableOnDebug(new Timeout(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
public ExpectedException expected = ExpectedException.none();
public void shouldFailOnStartIfUrlInvalid() {
// configure ExpectedException
// other cases

How to use session in unit test?

I have a spring service method that gets an object stored in the session (using FacesContext) as follows:
(MyObject)((HttpServletRequest) FacesContext
and I would like to put that object in session in unit test before invoking the method.
so i tried the solution in this post:
Spring Test session scope bean using Junit
and in my test method i put the object in session before calling the service, but the service throws an exception when trying to get the object from the session, i guess that this is because the facescontext is not available, what do you think ?
I am using Spring, Junit, JSF2, please advise, thanks.
With Spring 3.2 this is very easier
public class SessionTest {
MockHttpSession session;
public void sessionAttributeTest() throws Exception {
MyObject myObject = session.getAttribute("myObject");
More information: Request and Session Scoped Beans
I'm assuming that you're talking about HttpSession.
Create a mock session, tell the mock session to always return this object when its getAttribute method is called with the name used by the object under test, and pass this mock session rather than a real one to the object under test.
Mocking APIs such as Mockito or EasyMock will help doing that.
EDIT: Suppose the method you want to test looks like this:
public String foo() {
// some lines of code
MyObject o =
(MyObject)((HttpServletRequest) FacesContext
// some more lines of code, using o.
You could refactor it like this:
public String foo() {
// some lines of code
MyObject o = getMyObjectFromSession();
// some more lines of code, using o.
protected MyObject getMyObjectFromSession() {
return (MyObject)((HttpServletRequest) FacesContext
And you could then use a mocking framework to do something like this (pseudo-code):
// mockFoobar is the object to test. We just mock its getMyObjectFromSession method
FooBar mockFoobar = mock(Foobar.class);
MyObject objectInSession = new MyObject();
String s = mockFoobar.foo();
assertEquals("expected result", s);
Add spring-mock to your test classpath which gives you org.springframework.mock.web.MockHttpSession. This is a pretty simple implementation that you can create with new without a Java EE container.
The JAR also contains mocks for requests, responses and everything else.
Another solution is to use MockRunner which does the same.

Spring AOP - aspect loop execution

in first and foremost i need to say that I'm new in Spring AOP (well, I'm new in AOP at all).
In my application I have service class which is advised by aspect, unitil this point is everyting fine. Aspect is triggered, everyting works. But I need to call that service method from my aspect, and there is problem. My Aspect is (logicaly) triggered for each call and everyting end on StackOwerflow error.
It is possible to prevent that aspect looping ?
I have idea to create IAspectSandbox interface (or class) and method invocations from class which will implement this interface do not trigger aspects. But I really don't know how to achieve this goal :)
My class schema:
public class MyService
public BarObject update( FooObject item )
BarObject barObject = new BarObject();
// save FooObject to database and detect changes against old row
// information about fields, that was changed is in BarObject
return barObject;
public class MyServicePointcut
#Pointcut("execution(* cz.package.service.MyService.update(..))")
public void myServiceItemChanged() {}
public class PraceZadaniChangeAspect
private MyService myService;
#AfterReturning("cz.package.pointcuts.MyServicePointcut.myServiceItemChanged()", returning = "returnVal")
public void execute( BarObject returnVal )
// do something with BarObject ... mostly check changes
// .....
// .....
// at the end I need to save changes
myService.update( returnVal.getFooObject() ); // after this call is this aspect triggered again. I know why, but I don't want to :)
Answer #1: Calling Advised Method Only (Around Advice)
If you autowire your service back into your aspect, you're still invoking Spring's proxy mechanism, including the AOP aspect that you've applied to your service.
See "Around Advice" in the Spring AOP chapter:
Basically, do something like this:
public void execute(ProceedingJoinPoint p, BarObject returnVal)
// do something with BarObject
// ...
// call original method with original args
I am not 100% sure on the code, but proceed() should call the target method directly without invoking the AOP proxy recursively.
Answer #2: Calling Multiple Target Object Methods
If you need to call multiple methods from that service object within your aspect, you'll need access to the unproxied object via getTarget():
public void execute(JoinPoint p, BarObject returnVal)
// do something with BarObject
// ...
// call various service methods without triggering this AOP proxy again
// by using getTarget() to get the unproxied object:
MyService myService = (MyService) p.getTarget();
myService.update(...); // does not trigger AOP interceptor
myService.otherMethod(...); // neither does this
myService.thirdMethod(...); // nor this
