How to apply style to application bar globally? - windows-phone-7

I checked the Application bar but no style attribute is shown. I have about 10 pages that use an app bar so it would be ideal to set a style in the Application.Resources. Is it possible to apply a style to all application bars in my application?

You can pretty much do this with a abstract class which your pages inherit from.
public abstract class BasePage : PhoneApplicationPage
public abstract bool UsingApplicationBar { get; }
public Color ApplicationBarColor= Colors.Gray;
public BasePage()
Loaded += BasePageLoaded;
private void BasePageLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if (UsingApplicationBar)
ApplicationBar.BackgroundColor = ApplicationBarColor;

As far as I understand your question, you have different application bars on different pages and you want to have a style which can be applied to all. Unfortunately, binding does not work with application bars. You may have to style all of them one by one. For more information:
Windows Phone ApplicationBar BackgroundColor property style XamlParseException


Binding string with Button

I am trying to bind a string to a Button in pure C# (no XAML), but apparently I am doing it wrong, as the result of my code is that the button disappears.
I am defining my property as follows:
public string selectionString { get; set; }
And this is how I am binding the string to the button:
selectionString = "Hello";
selectionButton = new Button
TextColor = Color.Black
selectionButton.SetBinding(Button.TextProperty, "selectionString");
I have tried to use BindingMode.TwoWay, but it doesn't work.
Of course, setting the text and removing the binding makes the button appear and work.
My need is just this: the button text should be the selectionString, and if this changes by an external event, so the button's text should change accordingly.
Am I missing something in how the binding works?
Bindings work against public properties on the view's binding context, and respond to INotifyPropertyChanged events firing. Hopefully this demonstrates for you.
public class MyViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
// Fire RaisePropertyChanged in the setter, I use Fody to weave this in
public string SelectionString {get;set;}
public class MyView : Page
protected override void OnBindingContextChanged()
if (BindingContext is MyViewModel)
this.SetBinding(Button.TextProperty, "SelectionString");

OnNavigatedTo() method is not triggered in Xamarin.Forms

I have inherited my view model class from INavigateAware interface as below,
public class ViewModel : INavigationAware
public ViewModel()
public void OnNavigatedFrom(NavigationParameters parameters)
public void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationParameters parameters)
// some codes
And called that view model in the associated view(the page I have been navigated to)
public partial class Page1 : ContentPage
ViewModel viewModel;
public Page1()
viewModel = new ViewModel();
this.Content = myview; //myview is my control like grid
Now my problem is when I navigate to this page(Page1), OnNavigateTo() method in ViewModel is not triggered. Please someone helps me how to make trigger OnNavigateTo() method.
Thanks in advance.
First thing first, check if you have AutowireViewModel parameter in your page class set to True.
Second, you should not assign view model yourself, prism will do that for you, when you call PushViewModel
Third there is well known limitation in prism:
There is also workaround suggested:
Create interface:
public interface IPageNavigationAware
void OnAppearing();
void OnDisappearing();
Derive your ViewModel class from this interface.
In the Views code behind:
protected override void OnAppearing()
(BindingContext as IPageNavigationAware)?.OnAppearing();
protected override void OnDisappearing()
(BindingContext as IPageNavigationAware)?.OnDisappearing();
The problem with that is that OnAppearing/OnDissapparing are not reliable navigation methods and do not accept parameters, but rather page lifecycle methods. They do not indicate when a page has been navigated to or from. You can have instances where a parent page can be appearing at the same time as multiple child pages are appearing. This will be addressed when Xamarin provides a proper navigation API.

Custom PageRenderer or NavigationRenderer not working (virtual missing?)

Currently I'm working on a Win Phone 8.1 project and need some Custom Renderer for ContentPage and NavigationPages.
But when I tried to implement it i saw there is no possibility for overwrite the OnElementChanged Method. After some minutes with DotPeek I saw that those methods not are virtual like on other plattforms. So does anybody have an idea or a workaround for implementing custom rederers on Windows RT?
Tried on Xamarin.Forms: &
You can use the Event ElementChanged.
public class MyRender: NavigationPageRenderer
public MyRender()
ElementChanged += OnElementChanged;
private void OnElementChanged(object sender, VisualElementChangedEventArgs visualElementChangedEventArgs)
// do some stuff here

How to implement Styles into Xamarin.Forms well?

With control level styling I do not need to worry about adding a line of code for every control on every page.
Style Class
public static class Styles
#region "Entry"
public static readonly Style Entry_Standard = new Style(typeof(Entry))
new Setter {Property = Xamarin.Forms.Entry.BackgroundColorProperty, Value = Color.Red }
Custom Control
public class Custom_Entry : Entry
public Custom_Entry()
this.Style = Styles.Entry_Standard;
All of the example documentation from Xamarin though appears to favor setting styles as a property at the page level after object creation either through a page resource or static class reference.
Is there a valid reason for this or is it just that the short examples do not bother to abstract away control styles?

Libgdx multiple screens

Thanks to the help I got with my other problems on this forum, I managed to advance my project, but yet another obstacle appears in my way.
I am having trouble implementing multiple Screens in libgdx for java. I would like to know how can I implement multiple screens (one for the main menu, one for play, one for loading screen, ...).
An example or some explanations of how should I structure my screen classes would be really helpful. I tried implementing my own screen manager but that didn't go very well... Also some pointers on how should I dispose screens, since creating screens every time you go from main menu to play or to options menu isn't a very good idea. Any ideas or code example or advice is much appreciated.
What I have now are some classes of game screens which when you render them they will draw some GUI on the screen, but functions like the back button don't work since I don't know how to make the link between them.
Let's say you got 3 screens, MainMenuScreen, OptionsScreen, GameScreen.
First you need to declare them in your main class.
It will look like this
public class MainClass extends Game implements ApplicationListener {
private GameScreen gameScreen;
private MenuScreen menuScreen;
private OptionsScreen optionsScreen;
public void create() {
gameScreen=new GameScreen(this);
menuScreen=new menuScreen(this);
optionsScreen=new OptionsScreen(this);
public void dispose() {
public void render() {, 1, 1, 1);;
public void resize(int width, int height) {
super.resize(width, height);
public void pause() {
public void resume() {
Now every screen you got, needs to have a MainClass variable and a constructor of it.
Lets say for the GameScreen class, it will be like
public class GameScreen implements Screen{
private MainClass mainClass;
public GameScreen(MainClass mc)
// your methods (show,render, pause, etc)
Now when you want to change the screen just use in your screen
