Receive SMS Programmatically - sms

I need to send and receive SMS messages, but not on a phone. Sending is somewhat easy, as there are oodles of gateways that can be used. The challenge that I'm running into is handling responses received.
Can anyone point in me in the right direction of services or devices that can handle 2 way SMS short of an actual phone.

SMS GATEWAY ME is an android app that you can download for free.
I like it because it's free and easy to use. All you do is send a HTTP post to their server and it sends out a message from your phone.
You can set up rules on the site to get it to forward incoming messages to your server using HTTP / Email as well.

There are some 2 way SMS gateways out there. A quick search found this one: all I did was google for 2-way sms gateway.

Here's an example that uses Wammu under Linux:
Here's another link:
Good luck!


Reading sms without using GSM Modem?

I want to read sms in a mobile and process it in my server. I think it can be done with the help of GSM modem. But, i have been asked to do it without using GSM modem.Is there any other way to make it done?. If there is any other way, pls let me know.
(preferred languages to implement-java,c#/,php,c/c++)
Update based on comment:
I am planning to develop a SMS polling system using which our company employees can vote by sending SMS.
For example, the users will be asked to send sms in a particular format(say VOTE ) to a mobile number. I need to read the sms(which is in a mobile) from my server and it should be processed to calculate the result.
I think what you are looking for is a SMS Gateway. There are plenty of services out there; like For example this service
They usually provide an API that you can use to integrate it with your servers.
You have some basic information on SMS Gateways available on Wikipedia here:
And a list of SMS Gateways available here:

Send SMS over IP

I hope to create a web server that can give some extra facilities for SMS Service Providers. Can I send SMS through internet? If its possible then, Are there any libraries for Send and Receive SMS over the internet?
There are many different options to send SMS over Internet, but most popular are the following:
Connecting to SMSC of mobile carriers directly (usually via SMPP protocol).
Connecting through some SMS aggregation service like Clickatell mentioned in previous answers.
Choice between these options depends mostly on non-technical issues:
Required coverage (mobile carrier will provide only messaging inside it's network).
Premium Rate billing possibility (this requires closer work with carrier).
Well, price too... :-)
Technically most popular options are:
Specialized protocols like SMPP (Short Message Peer to Peer).
HTTP based protocols provided by SMS aggregators.
If you need unified solution, I recommend to use Kannel open source SMS gateway that support many popular transports (SMPP, CIMD, UCP, HTTP, etc).
You've got ... and so on...
You can use which gives you a few options such as sending SMS one by one, or by using bulk files such as XML.
I found the clickatell API to be really usefull and easy, I managed to add SMS capability to an existing website in a few hours by creating a simple class to wrap up all the methods.
One thing to remember though this is not going to be free for you, there will be costs involved depending on where you send the text to, and where you are based.
You can send SMS programmatically through TheTexting API, They provide cheap rates and their service is really good.
Full disclosure: I work for company that makes this product.

Sending SMS, MMS messages from mobile device and getting that message to a Java application server

I've been tasked with a project where the customer would like to send SMS, MMS messages from a mobile device. They would like to have a dedicated phone number to send these messages to. We would like these messages get routed through a gateway so it can be processed in a Java Application Server and have the server generate a response that will make its way back to the users mobile device. The server side of this will be done in Java.
I'm new to this and trying to understand the best approach. Please let me know what services and APIs are available that will allow me to do this. It seems like there are plenty of services available to get the message from the server to the phone, but I'm not clear on the mechanism for getting the message from the device routed to the Java application server.
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
You could get yourself an old Nokia 3210 or something with a data cable and connect it to a server.
There are a bunch of companies that can provide a phone number to receive incoming sms messages as well as send them (not sure about MMS; that is a different story). One of them is Clickatell. They have a variety of API's you can use from Java.
There are some services which allow you to define a callback URL, so when their server receives an SMS, they forward the data to you via HTTP POST. Of course, there are several proprietary protocols, and SMPP (e.g., but that's a lot more complicated.
An example of such a service is

Sending an SMS myself

I'm taking shots in the dark here. I'd like to create a web service where eventually I send an SMS by using my own hardware. I'm not sure what I need in order to send an SMS myself. I don't want to use any of the existing SMS send services out there, I need to be able to send these SMS myself.
It looks like there's one opensource project in particular that deals with this, "Kannel":
what I don't understand is, do I need to get a GSM modem to be able to send SMS? Do SMS gateways (like Kannel) eventually need to get to a GSM modem to send messages, or is there some other hardware you need to be able to actually send the messages?
Just find an online SMS Gateway. These Gateway providers are your best bet since they have handled all the heavy lifting for you. Just utilize their API and you should be able to do whatever you want. Some of these gateways are free and some are not. I've included a short list below.
(Carrier based SMS transit)
I'm sure there are a ton more, but this will get you started.
You always need a GSM modem to send the SMS unless you use a provider that handles this for you (but they usually want money for this).
If you want to setup your own Hardware infrastructure, you have to get GSM Modem, A Sim card and use it to send SMS.
Other option, which I recommend, is to use SMS getways and use
SMPP protocol
XML or HTTP Apis
In later, you dont have to create any infrastructure and the starting cost will be very low compared to GSM Modem. You can get up and running in a day.
Note : to reduce the SMS costs, you should choose different getways for different countries. In India you can easily find getways who provides SMS at merely 3 paise
You will have to download an API that handles the sending and recieving of messages for you. I once used this in one project where i had my GSM Phone connected to my computer thru one of the COM ports. Configured the API to communicate thru the COM Port to listen to any incoming text messages also send messages thru my GSM Phone. Here is a great link to the resources i used for that project. I hope this will help.

Receive SMS messages by web application

We are building a web app that should be able to receive SMS messages and store the information contained in it in database.
Which methods have you used? Which service providers are out there that can assist? are massive and it works exactly like it says on the tin. You pay for a phone number and sms messages sent to that end up hitting a URL on your site to deliver them just like someone posting a form.
I'd recommend using a service such as TextMarks. TextMarks is free, and lets you pick a keyword for your service that allows users to route messages to you through TextMarks' shared short code, 41411. The only catch here is that they reserve 20 characters in each message for short advertisements to pay for their services.
If you ever outgrow their ad-sponsored services, you can upgrade to a premium version that doesn't include ads.
Another (cheaper) alternative is to have your users send text messages to an email address like Then you can have a background thread that's looking at the email account and puts the messages into the database.
I've implemented and tested this approach with major US carriers with everything from smart phones to pay-as-you-go "crappy" phones without a hitch.
When the user sends the SMS to your email address you get the SMS email gateway address (e.g. so you can send response messages.
The only downside is that it's a bit more difficult to find the "send to email address" options on most phones, but it is (basically) free for you. This is especially helpful for reducing costs while testing out workflows. Those ~3 cents for each SMS add up pretty quickly, especially during automated testing.
When you want to support SMS numbers you can configure most SMS gateways to send an email to an address, so you won't have to change your infrastructure to support a "real" SMS messages.
I haven't done it yet, but I guess you could also setup an Asterisk system on your server, then get a regular VOIP acccount (which Asterisk hooks into) and configure the Asterisk server to forward all SMS to your application. This article might help setting up the Asterisk server.
I've had experience using MX Telecom as an SMS Gateway. Essentially they posted data to our web service every time we received an incoming SMS. The application in question was also sending SMS messages as well and we just did an http GET to a web page of theirs.
I can't speak to the business end (i.e. cost), as I was just in charge of implementing the features - but working with an SMS gateway is really very simple from a development perspective.
+1 on sebastian i was jsut writting pretty much the same
if you are working with ruby you might want to have a look at adhearsion
You can use SMS gateway software which will receive SMS messages through a GSM modem or 3G dongle connected to a PC and POST them to your website via HTTP. Eg: this software
