Check if two timestamps are the same day in Ruby - ruby

I'm a bit confused between Date, Datetime, and Time in Ruby. What's more, my application is sensitive to timezones, and I'm not sure how to convert between these three while being timezone-robust.
How can I check if two unix timestamps (seconds since epoch) represent the same day? (I don't actually mind if it uses local time or UTC; while I'd prefer local time, as long as it's consistent, I can design around that).

Using the standard library, convert a Time object to a Date.
require 'date' ===
Date has the === method that will be true if two date objects represent the same day.

ActiveSupport defines nice to_date method for Time class. That's how it looks like:
class Time
def to_date, month, day)
Using it you can compare timestamps like that: ===
And here is less controversial way without extending Time class:
t1 = # local time corresponding to given unix timestamp ts1
t2 =, t1.month, ===, t2.month, == && (ts1 - ts2).abs <= 86400
t1 =
t2 =
t1.yday == t2.yday && t1.year == t2.year
In the first case we make sure that timestamps are no more than day apart (because #day returns day of month and without this additional check Apr 1 would be equal to May 1)
An alternative is to take day of year and make sure that they are of the same year.
These methods work equally well in both 1.8 and 1.9.

We can use beginning_of_day of the time and compare them:
t1.beginning_of_day == t2.beginning_of_day
This way the timezones won't be affected.


Get the first occurrence of a specific day after a given date

This thread provides an answer to find the first occurrence of a day (e.g. Thursday) after today's date.
I would like to get a more general function which gives the first occurrence of a day (e.g. Thursday) after any given date (e.g. November 1st, 2017).
The method would therefore take 2 arguments: the Date (either as a String, or as a Date object) and the day (as a String).
One way I found is to check each day after with the thursday? method (e.g. my_date_object.thursday?) but you would need a switch / if-else statement to check which day to check against, which makes the method rather bulky, as seen below.
def get_next_day_after_date(date, day)
days_in_week = 7
week = []
days_in_week.times { |day_after| week << (date + day_after) }
if day.casecmp('Monday').zero?
elsif day.casecmp('Tuesday').zero?
elsif day.casecmp('Wednesday').zero?
# same code for Thursday to Sunday
Is there a cleaner way to achieve this in pure Ruby? (no use of active_support or rails-specific methods).
require "date"
def get_next_day_after_day(date, day)
date + (Date.strptime(day, "%A") - date) % 7

How can I calculate the number of weeks since a given date in Ruby?

I am trying to calculate the distance in weeks since a given date without jumping through hoops. I'd prefer to do it in plain Ruby, but ActiveSupport is certainly an acceptable alternative.
My Code
I wrote the following, which seems to work but looks like the long way around to me.
require 'date'
def weeks_since date_string
date = Date.parse date_string
days = - date
weeks = days / DAYS_IN_WEEK
weeks.round 2
weeks_since '2015-06-15'
#=> 32.57
ActiveSupport's #weeks_since takes a number of weeks as its argument, so it doesn't fit this use case. Ruby's Date class doesn't seem to have anything relevant, either.
Is there a better built-in solution or well-known algorithm for calculating the number of weeks separating a pair of dates? I'm not trying to code-golf this, as readability trumps brevity, but simply to learn whether Ruby natively supports the type of date arithmetic I've coded by hand.
require 'date'
str = '2015-06-15'
Date.parse(str).step(, 7).count # => 33
Date.parse(str).upto( # => 32.71
Might be easier to convert the dates to time and then divide the time difference by a week. You can round it however you want or ceil.
def weeks_since(date_string)
time_in_past = Date.parse(date_string).to_time
now =
time_difference = now - time_in_past
(time_difference / 1.week).round(2)
in_weeks (Rails 6.1+)
Rails 6.1 introduces new ActiveSupport::Duration conversion methods like in_seconds, in_minutes, in_hours, in_days, in_weeks, in_months, and in_years.
As a result, now, your problem can be solved as:
date_1 = Time.parse('2020-10-18 00:00:00 UTC')
date_2 = Time.parse('2020-08-13 03:35:38 UTC')
(date_2 - date_1).seconds.in_weeks.to_i.abs
# => 9
Here is a link to the corresponding PR.

Calculating days in Ruby

I have an issue where, I'm trying to work out if a certain alert on a webpage is calculating sums correctly. I'm using Capybara and Cucumber.
I have an alert that calculates records that expire within 30 days. When selecting this alert, the records are listed in a table and the date is presented in the following format, "1 feb 2016"
What I want to do is somehow take today's date, compare it to the date returned in the table and ensure that it's >= 30 days from the date in the alert.
I'm able to set today's date as the same format using Time.strftime etc.
When I try things like:
And(/^I can see record "([\d]*)" MOT is calculated due within 30 days$/) do |selection1|
today ='%l %b %Y')
thirty_days = (today + 30)
first_30day_mot = first('#clickable-rows > tbody > tr:nth-child(' + selection1 + ') > td:nth-child(3)')
if today + first_30day_mot <= thirty_days
puts 'alert correct'
(error handler here)
As you can see, this is quite a mess.
I keep getting the error TypeError: no implicit conversion of Fixnum into String
If anyone can think of a neater way to do this, please put me out of my misery.
There are at least a couple of things wrong with your attempt.
You're converting dates to strings and then trying to compare lengths of time with strings. You should be converting strings to dates and then comparing them
#first returns the element in the page not the contents of the element
It's not 100% clear from your code what you're trying to do, but from the test naming I think you just want to make sure the date in the 3rd td cell (which is in the 1 feb 2016 format) of a given row is less than 30 days from now. If so the following should do what you want
mot_element = first("#clickable-rows > tbody > tr:nth-child(#{selection1}) > td:nth-child(3)")
date_of_mot = Date.parse(mot_element.text)
if (date_of_mot - < 30
puts 'alert correct'
#error handler
Beyond that, I'm not sure why you're using #first with that selector since it seems like it should only ever match one element on the page, so you might want to swap that to #find instead, which would get you the benefits of Capybaras waiting behavior. If you do actually need #first, you might consider passing the minimum: 1 option to make sure it waits a bit for the matching element to appear on the page (if this is the first step after clicking a button to go to a new page for instance)
Convert selection1 to the string explicitly (or, better, use string interpolation):
first_30day_mot = first("#clickable-rows > tbody > tr:nth-child(#{selection1}) > td:nth-child(3)")
Also, I suspect that one line below it should be converted to integer to add it to today:
first_30day_mot.to_i <= 30
UPD OK, I finally got time to take a more thorough look at. You do not need all these voodoo magic with days calculus:
# today ='%l %b %Y') # today will be a string " 3 Feb 2016"
# thirty_days = (today + 30) this was causing an error
# correct:
# today = # correct, but not needed
# plus_30_days = today + 30.days # correct, but not needed
first_30day_mot = first("#clickable-rows > tbody > tr:nth-child(#{selection1}) > td:nth-child(3)")
if 30 > first_30day_mot.to_i
Hope it helps.
I'd strongly recommend not using Cucumber to do this sort of test. You'll find its:
Quite hard to set up
Has a high runtime cost
Doesn't give enough benefit to justify the setup/runtime costs
Instead consider writing a unit test of the thing that provides the date. Generally a good unit test can easily run 10 to 100 times faster than a scenario.
Whilst with a single scenario you won't experience that much pain, once you have alot of scenarios like this the pain will accumulate. Part of the art of using Cucumber is to get plenty of bang for each scenario you write.

Are the Date, Time, and DateTime classes necessary?

What is the purpose of having Date and Time classes when there is a DateTime class that can handle both?
To summarize what the common ruby time classes are:
This is the basic workhorse core ruby time class.
Has date and time attributes (year, month, day, hour, min, sec, subsec)
Based on floating-point second intervals from unix epoch (1970-01-01)
Can handle negative times before unix epoch
Can handle time arithmetic in units of seconds
Natively works in either UTC or "local" (system time zone)
There are really 3 kinds of Time object when it comes to dealing with time zones, let's look at a summer time to show DST:
utc = Time.utc(2012,6,1) # => 2012-12-21 00:00:00 UTC # => "UTC"
utc.dst? # => false
utc.utc? # => true
utc.utc_offset # => 0
local = Time.local(2012,6,1) # => 2012-06-01 00:00:00 -0700 # => "PDT"
local.dst? # => true
local.utc? # => false
local.utc_offset # => -25200
nonlocal =,6,1,0,0,0, "-07:00") # => 2012-06-01 00:00:00 -0700 # => nil
nonlocal.dst? # => false
nonlocal.utc? # => false
nonlocal.utc_offset # => -25200
The last 2 look similar, but beware: you should not do arithmetic with a non-local Time. This is simply a time with a UTC offset and no zone, so it doesn't know the rules of DST. Adding time over the DST boundary will not change the offset and the resulting time-of-day will be wrong.
This one is worth mentioning here since it's what you use in Rails. Same as Time, plus:
Can handle any time zone
Respects DST
Can convert times between zones
I generally always reach for this when ActiveSupport is available as it takes care of all the time zone pitfalls.
Has date attributes only (year, month, day)
Based on integer whole-day intervals from an arbitrary "day zero" (-4712-01-01)
Can handle date arithmetic in units of whole days
Can convert between dates in the ancient Julian calendar to modern Gregorian
Date is more useful than Time whenever you deal in whole days: no time zones to worry about! (I'm surprised this doesn't deal with the modern Persian calendar since it knows about the obsolete Julian calendar from centuries ago.)
Has date and time attributes (year, month, day, hour, min, sec)
Based on fractions of whole-day intervals from an arbitrary "day zero" (-4712-01-01)
Can handle date arithmetic in units of whole days or fractions
Personally, I never have reason to use this: it's slow, it handles time without considering time zones, and it has an inconsistent interface. I find it leads to confusion whenever you assume you have a Time-like object, but it actually behaves like a Date instead:, 12, 31, 0, 0, 0) + 1 ==, 12, 31, 0, 0, 1), 12, 31, 0, 0, 0) + 1 ==, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
Further, it has a meaningless "zone" attribute (note how non-local Time objects warn you that zone == nil), and you can't know anything else about it before turning it into a Time first:
dt =,12,6, 1, 0, 0, "-07:00") # => "-07:00"
dt.utc? # => NoMethodError: undefined method `utc?'
dt.dst? # => NoMethodError: undefined method `dst?'
dt.utc_offset # => NoMethodError: undefined method `utc_offset'
Dealing with microseconds to check for rounding is also a little strange. You would think that because it doesn't have a usec attribute that it only deals in whole numbers, but you'd be wrong: # => NoMethodError: undefined method `usec' => 629399
In short, unless you're dealing with astronomical events in the ancient past and need to convert the Julian date (with time of day) to a modern calendar, please don't use DateTime. If anyone has an actual use case for this class, I'd love to read your comments.
I know there is an accepted answer but I have something to add. The Date class is a heavyweight, academic strength class. It can handle all sorts of RFC's, parse the strangest things and converts julian dates from thousand years ago to gregorian with the reform date of choice. The Time class is lightweight and it does not know of any of this stuff. It's cheaper and that shows up in a benchmark:
require 'benchmark'
require 'date' do |x|'date'){100000.times{} }'datetime'){100000.times{} }'time'){100000.times{} }
user system total real
date 1.250000 0.270000 1.520000 ( 1.799531)
datetime 6.660000 0.360000 7.020000 ( 7.690016)
time 0.140000 0.030000 0.170000 ( 0.200738)
(Ruby 1.9.2)
DateTime is a subclass of Date, so whatever you can do with Date can be done with DateTime. But as tadman and steenslag point out, DateTime is slower. See steenslag's answer for how much slower it is.
With respect to DateTime vs, Time, I found something here:
Time is a wrapper around Unix-Epoch.
Date (and DateTime) use rational and a "day zero" for storage. So Time is faster but the upper and lower bounds are tied to epoch time (which for 32bit epoch times is something around 1970-2040...while Date (and DateTime) have an almost infinite range but are terribly slow.
In short, DateTime is an all around superstar, and should be preferred in general, but if you want to optimize to the last bit, using Time can improve performance.
Another way of thinking of this is that Date and DateTime model time in terms of clocks and calendars, which is useful for describing times to users, and scheduling events. Having a Date without a time is nice for when you don't care about the time, and you don't want to think about time zones.
Time models time as a continuum, and is a wrapper around the Unix timestamp, which is just an integer. This is useful for all manner of internal applications where the computer doesn't care much whether a calendar boundary has been crossed, but just how many seconds (or milliseconds) have elapsed.
Yes. Date handles only the date for something, I.E., March 31, 1989. But it does not handle Time, for example, 12:30 PM.
DateTime, can handle both, March 31, 1989 12:30 PM EST.
Sometimes you don't need all parts of the DateTime. For example, you wanted to know when the use signed up for you website, Date would be useful here, because the time is eventually irrelevant.
In some cases you might want just the time. For example, if it's lunch time, you may want to tell the user your office is closed. At this point, the Data is irrelevant.
However, in most cases DateTime is used, because it can be used as either date, time, or both.

How to time an operation in milliseconds in Ruby?

I'm wishing to figure out how many milliseconds a particular function uses. So I looked high and low, but could not find a way to get the time in Ruby with millisecond precision.
How do you do this? In most programming languages its just something like
start = now.milliseconds
end = now.milliseconds
time = end - start
You can use ruby's Time class. For example:
t1 =
# processing...
t2 =
delta = t2 - t1 # in seconds
Now, delta is a float object and you can get as fine grain a result as the class will provide.
You can also use the built-in Benchmark.measure function:
require "benchmark"
puts(Benchmark.measure { sleep 0.5 })
0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ( 0.501134)
Using (which returns the wall-clock time) as base-lines has a couple of issues which can result in unexpected behavior. This is caused by the fact that the wallclock time is subject to changes like inserted leap-seconds or time slewing to adjust the local time to a reference time.
If there is e.g. a leap second inserted during measurement, it will be off by a second. Similarly, depending on local system conditions, you might have to deal with daylight-saving-times, quicker or slower running clocks, or the clock even jumping back in time, resulting in a negative duration, and many other issues.
A solution to this issue is to use a different time of clock: a monotonic clock. This type of clock has different properties than the wall clock.
It increments monitonically, i.e. never goes back and increases at a constant rate. With that, it does not represent the wall-clock (i.e. the time you read from a clock on your wall) but a timestamp you can compare with a later timestamp to get a difference.
In Ruby, you can use such a timestamp with Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC) like follows:
t1 = Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
# => 63988.576809828
sleep 1.5 # do some work
t2 = Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
# => 63990.08359163
delta = t2 - t1
# => 1.5067818019961123
delta_in_milliseconds = delta * 1000
# => 1506.7818019961123
The Process.clock_gettime method returns a timestamp as a float with fractional seconds. The actual number returned has no defined meaning (that you should rely on). However, you can be sure that the next call will return a larger number and by comparing the values, you can get the real time difference.
These attributes make the method a prime candidate for measuring time differences without seeing your program fail in the least opportune times (e.g. at midnight at New Year's Eve when there is another leap-second inserted).
The Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC constant used here is available on all modern Linux, BSD, and macOS systems as well as the Linux Subsystem for Windows. It is however not yet available for "raw" Windows systems. There, you can use the GetTickCount64 system call instead of Process.clock_gettime which also returns a timer value in millisecond granularity on Windows (>= Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008).
With Ruby, you can call this function like this:
require 'fiddle'
# Get a reference to the function once
GetTickCount64 =
-Fiddle::TYPE_LONG_LONG # unsigned long long
timestamp = / 1000.0
# => 63988.576809828
You should take a look at the benchmark module to perform benchmarks. However, as a quick and dirty timing method you can use something like this:
def time
now =
endd =
endd - now
Note the use of, which unlike to_i, won't truncate to seconds.
Also we can create simple function to log any block of code:
def log_time
start_at =
yield if block_given?
execution_time = ( - start_at).round(2)
puts "Execution time: #{execution_time}s"
log_time { sleep(2.545) } # Execution time: 2.55s
The absolute_time gem is a drop-in replacement for Benchmark, but uses native instructions to be far more accurate.
If you use
date =
You're obtaining time in seconds, that is far from accurate, specially if you are timing little chunks of code.
The use of return the second passed from 1970/01/01. Knowing this you can do
date1 =
date2 =
diff = date2 - date1
With this you will have difference in second magnitude. If you want it in milliseconds, just add to the code
diff = diff * 1000
I've a gem which can profile your ruby method (instance or class) -
No more code like this:
t =
puts - t
Now you can do:
benchmark :calculate_report # in class
And just call your method
