how to use JHTML::_('behavior.modal') in Joomla? - joomla

I am creating a component,
What I want is I want to add a new facility from the theater view by clicking a button and opening a modal window. I have tried but didn't work. I studied some components but it is difficult for someone like me to understand it. Please I need a simple example and a explanation to understand it.

It doesn't have to be anywhere near that complicated. Many templates turn the modal behavior on already, but if they don't all you need to do is add this to the head -
<?php JHTML::_('behavior.modal'); ?>
Then add this to any links you want to open in a modal window -
Everything else is optional.

You can use this function to get a modal button
static public function getModalButtonObject($name,$text,$link,$width=750,$height=480)
JHTML::_('behavior.modal', "a.{$name}"); // load the modal behavior for the name u given
$buttonMap = new JObject(); // create an Jobject which will contain some data, it is similar like stdClass object
$buttonMap->set('modal', true);
$buttonMap->set('text', $text );
$buttonMap->set('name', 'image');
$buttonMap->set('modalname', $name);
$buttonMap->set('options', "{handler: 'iframe', size: {x: ".$width.", y: ".$height."}}");
$buttonMap->set('link', $link);
return $buttonMap;
And HTML can be written as
<a id="<?php echo $buttonMap->modalname; ?>" class="<?php echo $buttonMap->modalname; ?>" title="<?php echo $buttonMap->text; ?>" href="<?php echo $buttonMap->link; ?>" rel="<?php echo $buttonMap->options; ?>"><?php echo $buttonMap->text; ?></a>


open a modal windows in a server

Hi everyone I have a modal windows in joomla 3.0!
I pass the router to javascript like this
<?php $link =JURI::root().'index.php?option=com_projects&view=proyectos&format=raw&task=todosProyecto&id='. $item->id;?>
<li class="item" data-id="id-<?php echo $item->id ?>" data-type="<?php echo $item->categoria ?>">
<a href="#modal" id="<?php echo $link;?>" role="<?php echo $item->id ?>" class="picture" data-toggle="modal">
<img src="<?php echo JURI::root()?><?php echo $item->imagen_portada; ?>"/></a>
<p class="titulo"><?php echo $item->nombre; ?></p>
<p> <?php echo $item->municipio; ?>(<?php echo $item->pais; ?>)<br><?php echo $item->year; ?>
In local when I open the modal windows it work well, but in the server the modal windows show me the index.php view of this component.
I think that my problem is here, when I take the request for the model I have this.
public function elegirSeleccionados(){
$this->pagination = $this->get('pagination');
$this->items = $this->get('recientes');
$this->list = $this->get('list');
But $this->get('list'); is null so I have to asigned a null value to list.
I changed by that..
$this->list = $this->items;
but dont work to!
Any idea!!!
Where is this code?
First part looks like a Layout (views\proyectos\tmpl\default.php) and the second one like a View (views\proyectos\view.html.php).
If it is so, I'd say you are not really loading items in View from the Model. Try using $this->items = $this->get('Items');
But this doesn't explain different results on server and local host.
Hi everyone I solved the problem... the name of my view hava a Camelcase for example itemId and joomla try to find itemid, so donĀ“t find the view and show the default view in the modal.
So I change the name of file without camelCase and now work.!

Magento custom template - edit lightbox sizing

I am using a custom magento template which has a lightbox on the product page. I can set the max width/height for the lightbox in the config as a percentage of the screen (ie 95%). The problem is it then uses this as the default value so even it is is a really small image it will stretch it out to 95% of the screen and cause the image to pixelate.
I would like it to use this percentage as a maximum only but if the actual image is smaller than this then it would use the actual image dimensions.
I have found a file with this code which I think I may need to edit but I am not sure how to go about this in Magento:
$maxWidth = $zoomHelper->getCfg('lightbox/max_width');
$maxHeight = $zoomHelper->getCfg('lightbox/max_height');
$cfg = '';
if ($maxWidth)
$cfg .= ", maxWidth:'{$maxWidth}'";
if ($maxHeight)
$cfg .= ", maxHeight:'{$maxHeight}'";
Any ideas?
The way I've done this is to load up relatively large images as the base product image. When the product / view is rendering, build a js object that contains urls for large images, and any thumbnails you need. Your lightbox should then use the js object as a data source.
<script> var images = {};</script>
<?php $_images = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($_product->getId())->getMediaGalleryImages(); ?>
<?php if($_images){?>
<?php $i=0; foreach($_images as $_image){ $i++; ?>
<img src="<?php echo $this->helper('catalog/image')->init($_product, 'thumbnail', $_image->getFile())->resize(108,90); ?>" alt="<?php echo $this->htmlEscape($_image->getLabel());?>" title="<?php $this->htmlEscape($_image->getLabel());?>" /><?php } ?>
<script> images.bigsrc = "<?php echo $this->helper('catalog/image')->init($_product, 'thumbnail', $_image->getFile())->resize(800,800); ?>" </script>
<?php } ?>
You then have a js object containing urls for whatever size image you would need. Pass that into lightbox / fancybox etc.
You will definitely have to tailor this to match your needs - mostly in terms of creating a js object that you can use.
Some info on resizing images in mage:

Update multilingual content with AJAX in Yii

Refer to my code below, when user click on en button, the content will be changed to English, while clicking tw button, the content will be changed to Chinese.
However, the page will be refreshed each time when user click either en or tw button. I want to ask how can I implement AJAX content update in this case?
The result is when user click either en or tw button, the page won't be refreshed to change the content language.
I have refer to Yii docs here, but seem that it is not appropriate for my case
$lang = isset($_GET["lang"]) ? $_GET["lang"] : "en_uk";
$lang = $lang == "en" ? "en_uk" : "zh_tw";
<form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="get">
<input type="submit" value="en" name="lang" />
<input type="submit" value="tw" name="lang" />
<div class="main">
<?php echo Yii::t(Yii::app()->controller->id, "Causeway Bay"); ?>
Best practice is to reload the page in these cases, because usually you have to update so much, that it is just not worth it.
That said, CHtml's ajaxSubmitButton is the cleanest way to implement this, because you can map every event of your call very easily. It looks something like this:
echo CHtml::ajaxSubmitButton('en', CHtml::normalizeUrl(array('site/changeLanguage')),
//if you add a return false in this, it will not submit.
alert("success, data from server: "+data);
You don't have to use every parameter of course. The update parameter can update a HTML tag instantly.
This can be done easily if you use the controller's renderPartial method, for instance in your site controller if you have the action responsible for the index.
public function actionIndex(){
//get variables, etc
if(Yii::app()->request->isAjaxRequest) {
$lang = $_POST['nameOfSubmit'];
}else {
//if the 3rd parameter is true, the method returns the generated HTML to a variable
$page = $this->renderPartial('_page', array(/*parameters*/ ), true);
echo $page;
And then, in your view file you can simply have
<?php echo CHtml::ajaxSubmitButton('en', CHtml::normalizeUrl(array('site/index')),
<?php echo CHtml::ajaxSubmitButton('tw', CHtml::normalizeUrl(array('site/index')),

Image type as background in drupal-7

Hi everybody: i had define a new content type that have:
a title, a link field, and a image field.
So, i want to make that image comes to be the background of the content type when i show it. How can i do that?
Thanks in advance
A very quick way to do this would be to add a custom node.tpl.php to your theme and do this:
$url = file_create_url($node->field_image[$node->language][0]['uri']);
<div style="background:url(<?php echo $url; ?>) left top no-repeat;" id="node-<?php print $node->nid; ?>" class="<?php print $classes; ?> clearfix"<?php print $attributes; ?>>
// Rest of node.tpl.php here
I wanted to comment on Clive's answer, but do not have the "rep" :(. Wouldn't it be best with a check for node-type?
if ($type == 'MACHINE_NAME_FOR_YOUR_TYPE') {
$url = file_create_url($node->field_image[$node->language][0]['uri']);
<div style="background:url(<?php echo $url; ?>) left top no-repeat;" id="node-<?php print $node->nid; ?>" class="<?php print $classes; ?> clearfix"<?php print $attributes; ?>>
<?php } ?>
// Rest of node.tpl.php here
If you use Field Group module, check Field Group Background Image.
Go to the Manage Display page of your content type
Create a div (background image) field group as a wrapper of the node
Select the image field you want to use. Optionally, you can specify an image style
Do not output your image field

IF (ThisProduct IS IN ANY ConfigurableProduct) redirect(ThatConfigurableProduct)

That's pretty much what I'm trying to do. All of my simple products are part of, at most, 1 configurable product, so there's no possibility for issues there.
This is necessary because I want my simple products (pillow in design X, color Y) to show in search, catalog but I need the user to know that the design exists in different colors once they click (presumably because they like design X but aren't necessarily sold on color Y). Further, my implementation of Color Swatches (extension) is causing my simple products (that are part of configurables) to behave funnily when accessed directly.
Thanks for any help.
Here's the code I ended up using. I'm not a very good coder so make sure to improve it before deploying... (~In app/design/frontend/blah/blah/template/catalog/product/
/* THIS BLOCK ADDED BY __ ON 5/5/2011 */
$thisProductId = $_product['entity_id'];
$thisProductParentId = Mage::getResourceSingleton('catalog/product_type_configurable')->getParentIdsByChild($thisProductId);
if (!$thisProductParentId)
<div class="more-views">
<h2><?php echo $this->__('More Views') ?></h2>
<?php foreach ($this->getGalleryImages() as $_image): ?>
<img src="<?php echo $this->helper('catalog/image')->init($this->getProduct(), 'thumbnail', $_image->getFile())->resize(56); ?>" width="56" height="56" alt="<?php echo $this->htmlEscape($_image->getLabel()) ?>" />
<?php endforeach; ?>
else if ($thisProductParentId)
$_product_temp = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($thisProductParentId);
$_categories = $_product_temp->getCategoryIds();
$_category = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($_categories[0]);
$url = $this->getUrl($_category->getUrlPath()).$_product_temp->getUrlPath();
echo '<h1><a style="color:red;" href="'.$url.'">Click here to view this pillow design in different colors and styles.</a></h1>';
// redirect disabled because it won't preload the new color on the configurable image page anyway. (haven't attempted)
/* echo '<script type="text/javascript">
window.location = "'.$url.'"
</script>'; */
// -- end --
The overwriting of the More Images gallery bit is a project-specific customization, so keep that in mind.
I went and wrote a bunch of code to try to do this, and forgot that this is already a simple use case, and Magento has it written for you:
That snippet should give you all parent products for the child. If there is one, redirect to it. Otherwise, render the page as requested.
you have two options here :
add rewrite rules form catalog > url rewrite management
program an extension that makes the necessary check against product database and makes the redirect
