Accessing malloc'd memory in assembly - memory-management

I'm trying to access memory I have malloced in assembly but I keep just repeatedly getting segfault errors. What am I doing wrong in the following code, I'm sure it's simple but I just can't see it!
EDIT: I am using 64 bit NASM assembly
; Allocate room for 8 integers
mov r8, 8
mov rdi, r8
imul rdi, 8 ; Multiply by 8 (8 bytes per entry in 64bit)
xor rax, rax
call malloc
add rsp, 8
test rax, rax
jz malloc_failure
mov r8, rsp
; r8 now = base of array
; Set the first element to be 100
mov r9, 0
add r9, r8
mov qword [r9], 100
mov rdi, r8
xor rax, rax
call free
add rsp, 8
call os_return ; return to operating system
And the segfault (Not very interesting...)
matrix05% ./arr5
Segmentation fault

mov r8, 8
mov rdi, r8
imul rdi, 8
xor rax, rax
call malloc
add rsp, 8 ;; here we _add_ 8 bytes to the stack pointer
;; this is equivalent to _popping_ off the stack
;; remember, the x86 stack grows down!
test rax, rax ;; rax is indeed where the return value is..... but:
jz malloc_failure
mov r8, rsp ;; we overwrite r8 with the stack pointer (why??)
; r8 now = base of array ;; no it's not
mov r9, 0
add r9, r8 ;; r9 = r8 = stack pointer
mov qword [r9], 100 ;; we now write 100 to the current stack pointer.
;; The stack pointer initially (on entry to the function)
;; pointed to a return address; where exactly are you overwriting?
mov rdi, r8
xor rax, rax
call free
add rsp, 8 ;; we pop from the stack pointer _again_. I do hope there's a sub rsp, 16 at the top...
call os_return ; return to operating system (and probably crash because our stack is FUBAR'd)


Why does a function double dereference arguments stored on stack and how is that possible? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Basic use of immediates vs. square brackets in YASM/NASM x86 assembly
(4 answers)
x86 Nasm assembly - push'ing db vars on stack - how is the size known?
(2 answers)
Referencing the contents of a memory location. (x86 addressing modes)
(2 answers)
Why do you have to dereference the label of data to store something in there: Assembly 8086 FASM
(1 answer)
Closed 7 months ago.
I tried to understand "lfunction" stack arguments loading to "flist" in following assembly code I found on a book (The book doesn't explain it. Code compiles and run without errors giving intended output displaying "The string is: ABCDEFGHIJ".) but I can't grasp the legality or logic of the code. What I don't understand is listed below.
In lfunction:
Non-volatile (as per Microsoft x64 calling convention) register RBX is not backed up before 'XOR'ing. (But it is not what bugs me most.)
In portion ";arguments on stack"
mov rax, qword [rbp+8+8+32]
mov bl,[rax]
Here [rbp+8+8+32] dereferences corresponding address stored in stack so RAX should
be loaded with value represented by'fourth' which is char 'D'(0x44) as per my understanding (Why qword?). And if so, what dereferencing char 'D' in second line can possibly mean (There should be a memory address to dereference but 'D' is a char.)?
Original code is listed below:
%include ""
; stack.asm
extern printf
section .data
first db "A"
second db "B"
third db "C"
fourth db "D"
fifth db "E"
sixth db "F"
seventh db "G"
eighth db "H"
ninth db "I"
tenth db "J"
fmt db "The string is: %s",10,0
section .bss
flist resb 14 ;length of string plus end 0
section .text
global main
push rbp
mov rbp,rsp
sub rsp, 8
mov rcx, flist
mov rdx, first
mov r8, second
mov r9, third
push tenth ; now start pushing in
push ninth ; reverse order
push eighth
push seventh
push sixth
push fifth
push fourth
sub rsp,32 ; shadow
call lfunc
add rsp,32+8
; print the result
mov rcx, fmt
mov rdx, flist
sub rsp,32+8
call printf
add rsp,32+8
push rbp
mov rbp,rsp
xor rax,rax ;clear rax (especially higher bits)
;arguments in registers
mov al,byte[rdx] ; move content argument to al
mov [rcx], al ; store al to memory(resrved at section .bss)
mov al, byte[r8]
mov [rcx+1], al
mov al, byte[r9]
mov [rcx+2], al
;arguments on stack
xor rbx,rbx
mov rax, qword [rbp+8+8+32] ; rsp + rbp + return address + shadow
mov bl,[rax]
mov [rcx+3], bl
mov rax, qword [rbp+48+8]
mov bl,[rax]
mov [rcx+4], bl
mov rax, qword [rbp+48+16]
mov bl,[rax]
mov [rcx+5], bl
mov rax, qword [rbp+48+24]
mov bl,[rax]
mov [rcx+6], bl
mov rax, qword [rbp+48+32]
mov bl,[rax]
mov [rcx+7], bl
mov rax, qword [rbp+48+40]
mov bl,[rax]
mov [rcx+8], bl
mov rax, qword [rbp+48+48]
mov bl,[rax]
mov [rcx+9], bl
mov bl,0 ; terminating zero
mov [rcx+10], bl
Additional info:
I cannot look at register values just after line 50 which
corresponds to "XOR RAX, RAX" in lfunc because debugger auto skips
single stepping to line 37 of main function which corresponds to
"add RSP, 32+8". Even If I marked breakpoints in between
aforementioned lines in lfunc code the debugger simply hangs so I
have to manually abort debugging.
In portion ";arguments on stack"
mov rax, qword [rbp+8+8+32]
mov bl,[rax]
I am mentioning this again to be more precise of what am asking because question was marked as duplicate and
provided links with answers that doesn't address my specific issue. At line
[rbp+8+8+32] == 0x44 because clearly, mov with square brackets dereferences reference address (which I assume 64bit width) rbp+3h. So, the size of 0x44 is byte. That is why ask "Why qword?" because it implies "lea [rbp+8+8+32]" which is a qword reference, not mov. So if [rbp+8+8+32] equals 0x44, then [rax] == [0x0000000000000044], which a garbage ( not relevant to our code here) address.

Reversing an array and printing it in x86-64

I am trying to print an array, reverse it, and then print it again. I manage to print it once. I can also make 2 consecutive calls to _printy and it works. But the code breaks with the _reverse function. It does not segfault, it exits with code 24 (I looked online but this seems to mean that the maximum number of file descriptors has been exceeded, and I cannot get what this means in this context). I stepped with a debugger and the loop logic seems to make sense.
I am not passing the array in RDI, because _printy restores the content of that register when it exits. I also tried to load it directly into RDI before calling _reverse but that does not solve the problem.
I cannot figure out what the problem is. Any idea?
; -------------------------------------
; -------------------------------------
; -------------------------------------
; -------------------------------------
%define SYS_WRITE 0x02000004
%define SYS_EXIT 0x02000001
%define SYS_OPEN 0x02000005
%define SYS_CLOSE 0x02000006
%define SYS_READ 0x02000003
%define EXIT_SUCCESS 0
%define STDOUT 1
%define LF 10
%define INT_OFFSET 48
section .text
extern _printf
extern _puts
extern _exit
global _main
push rbp
lea rdi, [rel array]
call _printy
call _reverse
call _printy
pop rbp
call _exit
push rbp
lea rsi, [rdi + 4 * (length - 1) ]
cmp rdi, rsi
jge .DONE2
mov r8, [rdi]
mov r9, [rsi]
mov [rdi], r9
mov [rsi], r8
add rdi,4
sub rsi,4
jmp .LOOP2
xor rax, rax
lea rdi, [rel array]
pop rbp
push rbp
xor rcx, rcx
mov r8, rdi
cmp rcx, length
jge .done
push rcx
push r8
lea rdi, [rel msg]
mov rsi, [r8 + rcx * 4]
xor rax, rax
call _printf
pop r8
pop rcx
add rcx, 1
jmp .loop
xor rax, rax
lea rdi, [rel array]
pop rbp
section .data
array: dd 78, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
length: equ ($ - array) / 4
msg: db "%d => ", 0
Edit with some info from the debugger
Stepping into the _printy function gives the following msg, once reaching the call to _printf.
* thread #1, queue = '', stop reason = step over failed (Could not create return address breakpoint.)
frame #0: 0x0000000100003f8e a.out`printf
-> 0x100003f8e <+0>: jmp qword ptr [rip + 0x4074] ; (void *)0x00007ff80258ef0b: printf
0x100003f94: lea r11, [rip + 0x4075] ; _dyld_private
0x100003f9b: push r11
0x100003f9d: jmp qword ptr [rip + 0x5d] ; (void *)0x00007ff843eeb520: dyld_stub_binder
I am not an expert, but a quick research online led to the following
During the 'thread step-out' command, check that the memory we are about to place a breakpoint in is executable. Previously, if the current function had a nonstandard stack layout/ABI, and had a valid data pointer in the location where the return address is usually located, data corruption would occur when the breakpoint was written. This could lead to an incorrectly reported crash or silent corruption of the program's state. Now, if the above check fails, the command safely aborts.
So after all this might not be a problem (I am also able to track the execution of the printf call). But this is really the only understandable piece of information I am able to extract from the debugger. Deep in some quite obscure (to me) function calls I reach this
* thread #1, queue = '', stop reason = instruction step into
frame #0: 0x00007ff80256db7f libsystem_c.dylib`flockfile + 10
-> 0x7ff80256db7f <+10>: call 0x7ff8025dd480 ; symbol stub for: __error
0x7ff80256db84 <+15>: mov r14d, dword ptr [rax]
0x7ff80256db87 <+18>: mov rdi, qword ptr [rbx + 0x68]
0x7ff80256db8b <+22>: add rdi, 0x8
Target 0: (a.out) stopped.
Process 61913 stopped
* thread #1, queue = '', stop reason = instruction step into
frame #0: 0x00007ff8025dd480 libsystem_c.dylib`__error
This is one of the function calls happening in _printf.
Ask further questions if there is something more I can do.
Your array consists of int32 numbers aka dd in nasm terminology, but your swap operates on 64 bit numbers:
mov r8, [rdi]
mov r9, [rsi]
mov [rdi], r9
mov [rsi], r8
Assuming you were not after some crazy optimizations where you swap a pair of elements simultaneously you want this to remain in 32 bits:
mov r8d, [rdi]
mov r9d, [rsi]
mov [rdi], r9d
mov [rsi], r8d

Segmentation fault when adding 2 digits - nasm MacOS x86_64

I am trying to write a program that accepts 2 digits as user input, and then outputs their sum. I keep getting segmentation error when trying to run program(I am able to input 2 digits, but then the program crashes). I already check answers to similar questions and many of them pointed out to clear the registers, which I did, but I am still getting a segmentation fault.
section .text
global _main ;must be declared for linker (ld)
default rel
_main: ;tells linker entry point
call _readData
call _readData1
call _addData
call _displayData
mov RAX, 0x02000001 ;system call number (sys_exit)
mov byte [sum], 0 ; init sum with 0
lea EAX, [buffer] ; load value from buffer to register
lea EBX, [buffer1] ; load value from buffer1 to register
sub byte [EAX], '0' ; transfrom to digit
sub byte [EBX], '0' ; transform to digit
add [sum], EAX ; increment value of sum by value from register
add [sum], EBX ; increment value of sum by value from 2nd register
add byte [sum], '0' ; convert to ASCI
xor EAX, EAX ; clear registers
xor EBX, EBX ; clear registers
mov RAX, 0x02000003
mov RDI, 2
mov RSI, buffer
mov RAX, 0x02000003
mov RDI, 2
mov RSI, buffer1
mov RAX, 0x02000004
mov RDI, 1
mov RSI, sum
section .bss
SIZE equ 4
buffer: resb SIZE
buffer1: resb SIZE
sum: resb SIZE
I see that, unlike other languages I learned, it is quite difficult to find a good source /tutorial about programming assembly using nasm on x86_64 architecture. Is there any kind of walkthrough for beginners(so I do not need to ask on SO everytime I am stuck :D)

What is wrong with my implementation of the Lisp "cons" function?

I am trying to make the Lisp function cons in x86_84 assembly on MacOS. Below I am trying to make a pair of 2 and 3, but it is not working; I am getting a segmentation fault.
.global _main
.extern _malloc
.macro make_node register
mov rdi, 8 # 64-bit number
call _malloc # failed on malloc
mov [rax], \register # contents of register in address of rax
mov \register, [rax]
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
mov r8, [rbp + 16]
make_node r8
mov r9, [rbp + 24]
make_node r9
mov rsp, rbp
pop rbp
push 3
push 2
call cons
add rsp, 16
# I should now be able to do whatever I want with r8 (2) and r9 (3)
mov rdi, 0
mov rax, 0x2000001
I stepped through it with GDB and I see that it failed on calling malloc, but to me, there doesn't seem to be a problem since malloc only takes one argument (the number of bytes to allocate) in the rdi register.
Dump of assembler code for function cons:
0x0000000100003f48 <+0>: push %rbp
0x0000000100003f49 <+1>: mov %rsp,%rbp
0x0000000100003f4c <+4>: mov 0x10(%rbp),%r8
0x0000000100003f50 <+8>: mov $0x8,%rdi
=> 0x0000000100003f57 <+15>: callq 0x100003f96
0x0000000100003f5c <+20>: mov %r8,(%rax)
0x0000000100003f5f <+23>: mov (%rax),%r8
0x0000000100003f62 <+26>: mov 0x18(%rbp),%r9
0x0000000100003f66 <+30>: mov $0x8,%rdi
0x0000000100003f6d <+37>: callq 0x100003f96
0x0000000100003f72 <+42>: mov %r9,(%rax)
0x0000000100003f75 <+45>: mov (%rax),%r9
0x0000000100003f78 <+48>: mov %rbp,%rsp
0x0000000100003f7b <+51>: pop %rbp
0x0000000100003f7c <+52>: retq
End of assembler dump.
(gdb) ni
Thread 2 received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
I am assembling on a Mac like this: clang -masm=intel cell.asm.
Does anyone familiar with x86 assembly know the source of my error?
(Also, in case anyone asks, I know that it's important to call free after malloc but this code is the only code necessary to demonstrate my problem.)

How to set a value in the Windows registry in assembly language?

Ok. So I have this program that attempts to create a value in the Windows registry. Unfortunately, nothing happens. I have been trying to figure out if any of the parameters are wrong. Here is the code:
includelib \Masm64\Lib\Kernel32.lib
includelib \Masm64\Lib\Advapi32.lib
extern RegOpenKeyExA : proc
extern RegSetValueExA : proc
extern ExitProcess : proc
dseg segment para 'DATA'
vlnm db 'Startup', 0
sbky db 'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run', 0
phkr dd 0
path db 'C:\Users\School\AppData\Roaming\Startups.exe', 0
dseg ends
cseg segment para 'CODE'
start proc
lea rdx, [phkr]
push rdx
sub rsp, 28h
mov r9d, 2
xor r8d, r8d
lea rdx, [sbky]
mov ecx, 80000001h
call RegOpenKeyExA
add rsp, 28h
push 45
lea rbx, [path]
push rbx
sub rsp, 28h
mov r9d, 1
xor r8d, r8d
lea rdx, [vlnm]
mov ecx, phkr
call RegSetValueExA
call ExitProcess
start endp
cseg ends
Any suggestions?
Allow me to answer my own question. The problem does not truly concern incorrect parameters, but a mistake that I made allocating stack space. Whereas I was expected to allocate 20h of stack space for rcx, rdx, r8, and r9, and align the return address on a 16-byte boundary, I had mistakenly created a template as follows:
*empty* (rsp-8)
param2 (rsp-16)
param1 (rsp-24)
*empty* (rsp-32... causes incorrect parameters and convention!)
space for r9 (rsp-40)
space for r8 (rsp-48)
space for rdx (rsp-56)
space for rcx (rsp-64)
return address (rsp-72... not on a 16-byte boundary!)
The correct template would be
*empty* (rsp-8)
param2 (rsp-16)
param1 (rsp-24)
space for r9 (rsp-32)
space for r8 (rsp-40)
space for rdx (rsp-48)
space for rcx (rsp-56)
return address (rsp-64)
I had unintentionally allocated an extra 8 bytes between the stack parameters and register parameters, before the RegSetValueEx call, thus supplying an incorrect parameter. Here is the correct code:
includelib \Masm64\Lib\Kernel32.lib
includelib \Masm64\Lib\Advapi32.lib
extern RegOpenKeyExA : proc
extern RegSetValueExA : proc
extern ExitProcess : proc
dseg segment para 'DATA'
vlnm db 'Startup', 0
sbky db 'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run', 0
phkr dd 0
path db 'C:\Users\Games\AppData\Roaming\Startups.exe', 0
dseg ends
cseg segment para 'CODE'
start proc
lea rdx, [phky]
push rdx
sub rsp, 20h
mov r9d, 2
xor r8d, r8d
lea rdx, [sbky]
mov ecx, 80000001h
call RegOpenKeyExA
add rsp, 20h
push 44
lea rbx, [path]
push rbx
sub rsp, 20h
mov r9d, 1
xor r8, r8
lea rdx, [vlnm]
mov ecx, phkr
call RegSetValueExA
fini: call ExitProcess
start endp
cseg ends
You're only allocating 2 bytes for your key (phkr dw 0). It seems to me like it should be at least 4 bytes.
Apart from that, I suggest that you add some error checks. Both RegOpenKeyEx and RegSetValueEx return non-zero error codes if they fail.
