how to call a script in the remote machine without using ssh - shell

I have to run a shell script which is on a remote machine from the script on my local machine.
I thought of using ssh in my script but it would prompt for password which does not help as I will need to make this script run as a cronjob.
Could anyone just guide me like what would be ideal to use rather than using ssh to connect to the remote machine and run the script present there.

First of all you can set up passwordless ssh connections using private keys (that's what I should do).
If that's not an option, well there is expect, and here's an old but working tutorial.


How to run a script from local on remote but at some point continue running the script on the local server?

I need to run a bash script that takes some parameters from server-1 and then from my local server where I ran the script with
ssh user#server-1 bash -s <
I then need to use those parameters to be executed with all kind of commands on my local server and also server-2 is involved. But the script will still be running on server-1 because of
ssh user#server-1 bash -s <
Maybe I can use 2 scripts but I want them to be only on local server. and putting in the script more commands after SSH doesn't seem to be working.
I would place the script on the remote server and remote execute it via SSH.
If the script should change over time, then break it up into 2-3 steps
1. gather any additional parameter from remote machine
2. copy script to remote machine using scp
3. ssh to "remote execute" script on remote machine
Am not sure what parameter you need from the remote system.
I would try to hand it over via command line options to the script in #3.
Otherwise "hack"/patch it in before #2.

Is there a way to run one bash file which executes commands in local and server terminal also

I am running the bash files to make a Mongo dump on daily bases.But In local directory I am running a one bash file which connects to server terminal.And in server terminal I am running the other file which makes a Mongo dump.
But is it possible to make one file which connects to MongoDB server terminal and run the commands on the sever.
I tried with many commands but it was not possible to run the commands on the server terminal with one bash file, when the server terminal opens up then the left over commands does not execute.
Is it possible to do one bash file and execute the server commands on the server..?
Connect to your DB remotely using this command :
mongo --username username --password secretstuff --host YOURSERVERIP --port 28015
You can then automate this by including your pertaining commands ( including the above ) in a bash script that you can run from anywhere.
To solve the above problem, answer from Matias Barrios seems to be correct for me. You don't use a script on the server, but use tools on your local machine that connect to the server services and manage them.
Nevertheless, to execute a script on a distant server, you could use ssh. This is not the right solution in your case, but answer the question in your title.
ssh myuser#MongoServer ./ param1
This can be used in a local script and execute on the server MongoServer (with param1 and) with system privileges of the user myuser.
Beforehand, don't forget to avoid password request with
ssh-copy-id myuser#MongoServer
This will copy your ssh public key in the myuser directory of the MongoServer

Shell Script program to download files from linux remote server

I am very new in shell scripting , i want to download some files from linux remote server ,so how can i proceed for that.That remote server is ssh based .
first of all, ftp service is better choice to get files from remote server.
If only sshd service is available, then you may use ssh based command sftp or scp.
However, using sftp or scp commands will invoke an interactive password prompt, which is a problem in shell script --> You have to ask for help to expect command. see Automate scp file transfer using a shell script .
Besides expect, you may also set up trust relationship between two servers, then you may use scp without password. See

Detach program from SSH connection on a windows

I need to log in to a Windows server via SSH through a local Python (2.7) script, start a script on the server and then disconnect the SSH connection, so that the local script can continue to run.
As of now, I am using fabric, and the local script will not continue before the remote script is done and the SSH connection is closed.
I have read on a range of forums, but it seems to my (admittedly inexperienced) eyes that most replys use unix commands. I need to be able to log onto a windows machine however.
What can I do?
Thank you very much in advance!
Does this help you? You can write a batch script that'll start in the background:
Running Windows batch file commands asynchronously

how to connect to a remote server using ssh and getting the information

I'm trying to write a shell script using bash. I have multiple servers and each servers have multiple apps runnings on it. Each server also has specific app scripts to check/stop/start etc. All I want to do is that, do a ssh and connect to the remote server.
Which I'm also able to do sucessfully and exceute the commands also..
In some instance I need to check some process status on a remote machine, the app sepecific scripts already does that. But using my ssh when i try to execute that script I dont get any info ( it gets executed but no info is passed ). How do i get the information from the remote host and display on the local host here.
Any help on this is really appreciated.
You can run remote commands and get results locally by passing the command as a string to ssh.
In your script, you can do:
CMD_OUT=$(ssh user#remote_host "/path/to/script argument")
The command will be run remotely and the output store in the CMD_OUT variable. You can then parse the output in your script to get the results you want.
To simplify usage of your script, you might want to set up passwordless ssh so you don't have to type your password each time the script tries to run a remote command.
