Is there a reason why the default modelbinder doesn't bind to fields? -

I'm using ASP.NET MVC3 and i'm wondering that the default modelbinder binds to public properties but not to public fields.
Normally i just define the model classes with properties but sometimes i use some predefined classes which contains some fields. And everytime i have to debug and remember that the modelbinder just don't like fields.
The question: Whats the reason behind it?

but sometimes i use some predefined classes which contains some fields
While I cannot answer your question about the exact reason why the default model binder works only with properties (my guess is that it respects better encapsulation this way and avoids modifying internal state of the object which is what fields represent) I can say that what you call predefined classes should normally be view models. You should always use view models to and from your controller actions. Those view models are classes that are specifically defined to meet the requirements of the given view.
So back to the main point: fields are supposed to be modified only from within the given class. They should not be accessed directly from the outside. They represent and hold internal state of the class. Properties on the other hand is what should be exposed to the outside world. Imagine that in the property getter/setter you had some custom logic. By modifying directly the field this custom logic would be broken and potentially bring the object into an inconsistent state.

Maybe the reason for ignoring fields is to increase performance of the binder. Instead of searching all the Fields and properties. The Model Binder search for Properties only.
Though I think the Model Binder use cache to improve performance.

DefaultModelBinder exposes a public method:
DefaultModelBinder.BindModel, and a number of protected method available for overriding. All of them listed here.
Besides the model, these method refer to properties only, not fields, like
where XYZ stands for either Model, or Property/ies, or both, and so on.
As you can see there is no Fields mentioned with these names whatsoever. As Darin explained no direct changes to Model's state are tolerated by the Binder. Hence no Field in its methods.
And also, you may wish to take a look at another important class: ModelBindingContext. An instance of this class gets passed to the BindModel, and subsequently to BindSimpleModel, and BindComplexModel, depending on model type (string, int,... are considered simple, everything else is complex).
So, this context has the following properties:
ModelXYZ, and
In other words you have no means to reference the fields in your ViewModel unless you do not override these classes and undertake special actions to do so.
But again, beware of fighting the framework, its always easier to follow it instead.
EDIT: The ModelMetadata class holds all the data needed to bind the model. Its code however, shows no sign of fields, field names, etc. Only properties are referenced and accessed. So, even if you try to inherit and override DefaultModelBinder and ModelBinderContext, you still won't be able to access fiellds, nevermind what their access modifier is: public, private, etc.
Hope this explains most of it.


acceptable MVC parameter usage

would it be considered a valid implementation if I do not use the model for certain parameters? For example a webform posting values directly to the controller which then passes them to another class. Is it necessary to make sure that all the fields in the webform are also referenced/stored in the model?
I consider it a valid implementation, but suggest that you do this only if the parameters you want to exclude from the Model are absolutely NOT going to be used by the View (other than for confirmation of data entry in your webform), AND there is no need for the parameters to be referenced again once handled by the Controller.
Yes, it would work, strictly speaking.
However, you probably want to use the model. You don't want to create a new variable every time you run the view, which would happen if you use the controller.
I would consider it valid implementation if you decided not to use the model for certain parameters. I believe there are instances where certain fields may not relate directly to the model in question therefore giving valid reason to break those fields/parameters off from the model.

Ember.js: Where/when/why declare properties in model or controller?

It seems like I can declare computed properties in the model and in the controller. I'm getting to the point where I'm not sure which one to look in for a given property.
What dictates whether a property should be placed in the controller vs the model?
Typically, place in the controller if the property is presentational in nature (e.g. display, labels, formatting), and place in the model if the property is inherent to the record itself (e.g. calculations, associations)
In practical terms though:
Model if the property
needs to be accessed by other models, since models don't have access to their controllers
needs to be accessed in routes before controllers are setup
needs to persist across controllers (e.g. order.subtotal is used in OrderNewController and OrderController)
Controller if the property
only needs to be accessed by the view or template
only needs to be accessed by other controllers
You can probably go with putting most properties in the controller, until you run into situations where you need to access the property from other models, or if you find yourself writing {{}} too many times.

Spring Formatters inside data model, is this a violation of MVC? Is there a better alternative?

Spring provides formatters (and converters) with the use of annotations. This means that a request parameter can be annotated on a controller to format user input and also a property of a data model class can be annotated to format data for a view.
The latter seems to me as a clear violation of MVC's main purpose, that is the separation between model and view. Annotating a data model class with formatting specifics binds the model to the view. If the model hast to be used for some other view or for anything else, it can't, since its fields are formatted for a specific view.
If I am wrong let me know. If not, is there a way to format fields from and to view format without violating MVC?
Using annotations is a good declarative way to specify formatting - I would not give it up. An alternative would be a procedural way of defining conversions.
As I see it, the problem is that pure model objects and form-backing objects get mixed together. If you want to "purify" your architecture, introduce form-backing objects that will be between user's input and your model. If you think that it is too complex for the scale of your project, then you don't need it. In this case, just be aware that the model object has a double meaning.

How to implement polymorphism in sproutcore?

I am developing an application that involves a type hierarchy and started by defining the models for each type via inheritance. When it comes to writing the corresponding controllers I am not sure how to approach the whole thing in a clean way. Should I write only one controller for the base type that is able to handle derived models or should there be one controller for each subtype? How should the view-controller bindings be set up to work with the different controllers?
You might want to check out SproutCore's new experimental polymorphism support:
Here's some information on defining sub-classes and overriding properties and methods:
From my (limited) use of Sproutcore, I've only been able to bind 1 view to 1 controller.
As such, if you are planning to use a single view (e.g. ListView) to display your data, then I think you will only be able to bind that view to 1 controller. This means the 1 base type that is able to handle derived models seems to be the way to go.
Typically you populate the content of ArrayController instances with the results of calls. SC.Store#find can take an SC.Query instance, which typically looks like:
MyApp.myController.set('content') =;
This should return all instances of MyApp.MyModel, including any instances of MyApp.MyModel's subclasses.
The first argument to SC.Query.local can either be an SC.Record subclass or a string referring to the subclass. So if you've got some intermediary SC.Record subclasses, you might want to try using them there.
Controllers should just be proxies for objects, when dealing with single instances of your model. In other words, ObjectController can proxy anything. Here is what I mean in code:
You have two objects, Person and Student.
App.Person = SC.Object.extend({
// person stuff here
App.Student = App.Person.extend({
// student stuff here, you have have all Person things because you are extending person.
You then want to define controllers:
App.personController = SC.ObjectController.create({
contentBinding: ''
App.studentController = SC.ObjectController.create({
contentBinding: ''
note that you would only bind the controller's content to something if the person/student is a result of a selection, or some other flow where bindings fire. In other words, if you set the person manually (say from a statechart, as the result of an interaction), you would still define the controller but would do
App.personController.set('content', person);
You set up the controller differently depending on whether the Person is a 'top level' object in your app, or some intermediate object that gets selected. Also, you might only need one controller, you would only have a studentController and a personController if you were acting on a person and a student at the same time. Both are just ObjectControllers, and those can proxy anything.
Finally, in your view you would bind the relevant view element to the controller:
layout: {/* props */},
valueBinding: SC.Binding.oneWay('')
note that the oneway binding is if the name is not going to be changed on the view, if the view can change the name, then just do a normal binding. Also note the path here. I am not binding to
Since the personController proxies the object, you bind to the
If you are putting a lot of business logic in your controller, you are doing it wrong. Controllers should just be for proxying objects (at least ObjectControllers should be). Business logic should be on the models themselves, and decision making logic should be in statecharts.

How to construct two objects, with each other as a parameter/member

I have two classes that each need an instance of each other to function. Ordinarily if an object needs another object to run, I like to pass it in the constructor. But I can't do that in this case, because one object has to be instantiated before the other, and so therefore the second object does not exist to be passed to the first object's constructor.
I can resolve this by passing the first object to the second object's constructor, then calling a setter on the first object to pass the second object to it, but that seems a little clunky, and I'm wondering if there's a better way:
backend = new Backend();
panel = new Panel(backend);
I've never put any study into MVC; I suppose I'm dealing with a model here (the Backend), and a view or a controller (the Panel). Any insights here I can gain from MVC?
It's time to take a look at MVC. :-) When you have a model-view-controller situation, the consensus is that the model shouldn't be aware of the view-controller (MVC often plays out as M-VC), but the view is invariably aware of the model.
If the model needs to tell the view something, it does so by notifying its listeners, of which it may have multiples. Your view should be one of them.
In a circular construction scenario I'd use a factory class/factory method. I would normally make the construction logic private to the factory (using friend construct, package level protection or similar), to en sure that no-one could construct instances without using the factory.
The use of setter/constructor is really a part of the contract between the two classes and the factory, so I'd just use whichever's convenient.
As has been pointed out, you really should try to find a non-circular solution.
First of all, contrary to what others has said here, there's no inherent problem with circular references. For example, an Order object would be expected to have a reference to the Customer object of the person who placed the Order. Similarly, it would be natural for the Customer object to have a list of Orders he has placed.
In a refernce-based language (like Java or C#) there's no problem, at all. In a value-based language (like C++), you have to take care in designing them.
That said, you design of:
backend = new Backend();
panel = new Panel(backend);
It pretty much the only way to do it.
It's better to avoid circular references. I would personally try to rethink my objects.
panel = new Panel(backend);
You do this in this routine something like
Public Sub Panel(ByVal BackEnd as BackEnd)
Me.MyBackEnd = BackEnd
BackEnd.MyPanel = Me
End Sub
You don't need BackEnd.SetPanel
It is better to use Proxies. A proxy links one object to another through raising a Event. The parent hands the child a proxy. When the child needs the parent it calls a GetRef method on the proxy. The proxy then raises a event which the parent uses to return itself to the proxy which then hands it to the child.
The use of the Event/Delegate mechanism avoids any circular reference problems.
So you have (assuming that the backend is the 'parent' here)
Public Sub Panel(ByVal BackEnd as BackEnd)
Me.MyBackEnd = BackEnd.Proxy
BackEnd.MyPanel = Me
End Sub
Public Property MyBackEnd() as BackEnd
Set (ByVal Value as BackEnd)
priBackEndProxy = BackEnd.Proxy
End Set
Return priBackEndProxy.GetRef
End Get
End Property
Here is a fuller discussion on the problem of circular references. Although it is focused on fixing it in Visual Basic 6.0.
Dynamic Memory Allocation
Also another solution is aggregating Panel and BackEnd into another object. This is common if both elements are UI Controls and need to behave in a coordinated manner.
Finally as far as MVC goes I recommend using a a Model View Presenter approach instead.
Basically you have your Form Implement a IPanelForm interface. It registers itself with a class called Panel which does all the UI logic. BackEnd should have events that Panel can hook into for when the model changes. Panel handles the event and updates the form through the IPanelForm interface.
User clicks a button
The form passes to Panel that the user clicked a button
Panel handles the button and retrieves the data from the backend
Panel formats the data.
Panel uses IPanelForm Interface to show the data on the Form.
I've been delaying implementing the lessons learned here, giving me plenty of time to think about the exact right way to do it. As other people said, having a clear separation where the backend objects have listeners for when their properties change is definitely the way to go. Not only will it resolve the specific issue I was asking about in this question, it is going to make a lot of other bad design smells in this code look better. There are actually a lot of different Backend classes (going by the generic class names I used in my example), each with their own corresponding Panel class. And there's even a couple of places where some things can be moved around to separate other pairs of classes into Backend/Panel pairs following the same pattern and reducing a lot of passing junk around as parameters.
The rest of this answer is going to get language specific, as I am using Java.
I've not worried a whole lot about "JavaBeans," but I have found that following basic JavaBean conventions has been very helpful for me in the past: basically, using standard getters and setters for properties. Turns out there's a JavaBean convention I was unaware of which is really going to help here: bound properties. Bound properties are properties available through standard getters and setters which fire PropertyChangeEvents when they change. [I don't know for sure, but the JavaBeans standard may specify that all properties are supposed to be "bound properties." Not relevant to me, at this point. Be aware also that "standard" getters and setters can be very non-standard through the use of BeanInfo classes to define a JavaBean's exact interface, but I never use that, either.] (The main other JavaBean convention that I choose to follow or not as appropriate in each situation is a no-argument constructor; I'm already following it in this project because each of these Backend objects has to be serializable.)
I've found this blog entry, which was very helpful in cluing me into the bound properties/PropertyChangeEvents issue and helping me construct a plan for how I'm going to rework this code.
Right now all of my backend objects inherit from a common class called Model, which provides a couple of things every backend in this system needs including serialization support. I'm going to create an additional class JavaBean as a superclass of Model which will provide the PropertyChangeEvent support that I need, inherited by every Model. I'll update the setters in each Model to fire a PropertyChangeEvent when called. I may also have JavaBean inherited by a couple of classes which aren't technically Models in the same sense as these but which could also benefit from having other classes registered as listeners for them. The JavaBean class may not fully implement the JavaBean spec; as I've said, there are several details I don't care about. But it's good enough for this project. It sounds like I could get all this by inheriting from java.awt.Component, but these aren't components in any sense that I can justify, so I don't want to do that. (I also don't know what overhead it might entail.)
Once every Model is a JavaBean, complete with PropertyChangeEvent support, I'll do a lot of code cleanup: Models that are currently keeping references to Panels will be updated and the Panels will register themselves as listeners. So much cleaner! The Model won't have to know (and shouldn't have known in the first place) what methods the Panel should call on itself when the property updates.
