The InstanceMethods module inside ActiveSupport::Concern.. Deprecation Warning - ruby

I have a portfolio website built in Sinatra. I haven't worked on it for a while, been doing some Rails. I updated my gem list yesterday by running 'gem update'. I don't know if this has anything to do with that, but I started working on the portfolio website again today and I've been getting some deprecation warnings.
DEPRECATION WARNING: The InstanceMethods module inside
ActiveSupport::Concern will be no longer included automatically.
Please define instance methods directly in Work instead. (called from
include at /Users/joris/Desktop/sinatra/portfolio/models/work.rb:2)
I'm not sure how to fix this and when I run the application it doesn't work anymore.. going to my routes just returns the Sinatra 404 page. (Also, isn't ActiveSupport part of Rails? Why is this coming up in my Sinatra app..)
The file it mentions in the error is work.rb:
class Work
include MongoMapper::Document
key :title, String
key :url, String
key :filename, String
key :file, String
key :description, String
This is my main file (portfolio.rb):
require "sinatra"
require 'twitter'
require 'RedCloth'
require 'html_truncator'
require 'digest/md5'
class Portfolio < Sinatra::Application
require_relative 'config/init'
require_relative 'helpers/init'
require_relative 'models/init'
require_relative 'routes/init'
The models init file (which calls the work.rb file) has these contents:
require 'mongo_mapper'
MongoMapper.connection ='', 10070)
MongoMapper.database = 'hello'
MongoMapper.database.authenticate('lalala', 'hello')
require_relative 'post'
require_relative 'work'
EDIT: Just saw I'm also getting it for models/post.rb
DEPRECATION WARNING: The InstanceMethods module inside
ActiveSupport::Concern will be no longer included automatically.
Please define instance methods directly in Post instead. (called from
include at /Users/joris/Desktop/sinatra/portfolio/models/post.rb:2)

Somewhere in your app (or its dependencies) you're doing
module Blah
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
module InstanceMethods
def foo
and Active Support is telling you to do
module Blah
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
def foo
You're right that Active Support is part of Rails, but like Active Record it can also be used without the rest of rails. Mongo mapper uses it for example, and at a cursory glance it uses the deprecated InstanceMethods idiom in a bunch of places

It looks like this was patched earlier this month in the mongo_mapper gem, so I would expect the fix to make it into the next release:


Unable to override RSpec Sysntax module method

I wanted to override the expect in under Syntax module. So, i have placed the below code into the .config/initializers/syntax.rb file
module RSpec
module Expectations
module Syntax
def enable_expect(syntax_host=::RSpec::Matchers)
return if expect_enabled?(syntax_host)
syntax_host.module_exec do
def expect(value=::RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationTarget::UndefinedValue, &block)
::RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationTarget.for(value, block)
And required this inside the env.rb file.
require_relative '../../.config/initializers/syntax'
This is not overriding the existing method. I'm using RSpec gem 3.2.0
What went wrong with the configuration?
I suggest you to put this override codes in spec/support directory and require it in rails or spec helper instead of putting in initializers.

Access Sinatra settings from Minitest test_helper

I am trying to access a variable defined in Sinatra settings from my test helper with no luck. This is my code:
Main app:
require 'sinatra'
set :foo, 'bar'
# use in the routes
ENV['RACK_ENV'] = 'test'
require 'minitest/autorun'
require 'rack/test'
module Minitest
class Spec
include Rack::Test::Methods
def app
before do
# do something with
I have tried and also but none work.
I have also tried adding a helper method like the one below:
module SettingsHelper
def foo
helpers SettingsHelper
This works inside app, but again doesn't work inside test_helper. I tried requiring settings_helper.rb in test_helper. Also added an include. None of this worked.
Does anybody know what am I doing wrong?
Happy holidays
Not sure if this will work with a classic style app. But with a modular app you can do MyApp.set :foo, 'bar'. So you could try Sinatra::Application.set :foo, 'bar'
Hope this helps.

Monkey Patching Mongoid models contained in a Ruby gem

I have a Ruby gem which gets used across multiple projects that contains some Mongoid models.
I'm currently trying to reuse them in a project and monkey patch some extra methods. However, when I require the project and run the tests. I get a NoMethodError. Any ideas where I'm going wrong?
Here's my main project file:
require 'bundler'
require 'mongoid-elasticsearch'
Mongoid::Elasticsearch.prefix = ENV["MONGOID_ENVIRONMENT"]
require 'mongoid_address_models/require_all' # This is where I include my gem
Mongoid.load!(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "config", "mongoid.yml"), ENV["MONGOID_ENVIRONMENT"] || :development)
# Here are my monkey patched models
require 'models/street'
require 'models/locality'
require 'models/town'
require 'models/postcode'
require 'sorting_office/address'
module SortingOffice
And this is an example of one of the monkey patched models
class Postcode
REGEX = /([A-PR-UWYZ01][A-Z01]?[0-9IO][0-9A-HJKMNPR-YIO]\s?[0-9IO][ABD-HJLNPQ-Z10]{2})/i
def self.calculate(address)
postcode =[0])
where(name: postcode.norm).first
When I call Postcode.calculate(address) (for example), I get a NoMethodError
I think I've nailed this now. Rather than putting the monkey patch inside lib/models, I moved them to lib/sorting_office/models and required them like so:
require 'sorting_office/models/street'
require 'sorting_office/models/locality'
require 'sorting_office/models/town'
require 'sorting_office/models/postcode'
I'd still be interested to know WHY this worked though

How to use RSpec to test a Sinatra application within a gem?

I am writing a gem which includes a Sinatra application that a developer can extend. For example:
# gem code:
require 'sinatra'
module Mygem
class Application < Sinatra::Base
get 'auth/login' {}
get 'auth/logout {}
# developer code:
require 'mygem'
class DeveloperApp < Mygem::Application
# ..
I am also getting started using RSpec. How should I configure RSpec for testing this functionality?
The references above are all informative and useful but mostly rails specific. I found it quite hard to find a simple recipe for a basic test of a modular Sinatra app, so I am hoping this will answer the question for others. Here is a completely bare-bones, small as possible test. This is probably not the only way to do it, but it works well for a modular app:
require 'sinatra'
class Foo < Sinatra::Base
get '/' do
require 'rack/test'
describe Foo do
include Rack::Test::Methods
def app
it "should be testable" do
get '/'
last_response.should be_ok
Note that there is no need to have the server running when you launch the test (some tutorials I saw implied that you do) - it's not an integration test.
It's actually pretty simple -- just add rspec to your gemfile (then bundle install), and make a directory in your gem called spec/. Once you've done that, add a file spec/spec_helper.rb that contains some configuration for rspec (mostly requiring various files from your library) as well as defining some helper methods for your specs. Then, for each model and controller, make a file called my_model_name_spec.rb or my_controller_name_spec.rb, and do the test there.
Here are some useful resources for getting started with rspec:
And for some more advanced (but well-explained) stuff:
Be sure to include the rack-test gem.
You spec helper should have:
require 'rack/test'
require 'foo' # or where ever your app is
# This can go in a helper somewhere
module AppHelper
def app
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.include Rack::Test::Methods
config.include AppHelper
Then, your spec can be as follows:
require 'spec_helper'
# Example app. Delete this example.
class Foo < Sinatra::Base
get '/' do
'Jesse Pinkman'
describe Foo do
it 'is testable' do
get '/' do
expect(last_response).to be_ok

Load two Ruby Modules/Gems with the same name

I'm trying to use two Gems to access Amazon Web Services (AWS). One is the Amazon 'aws-sdk', the other is 'amazon-ec2'. I'm using the second as the aws-sdk does not cover the cloudwatch section of the amazon services.
The issue is that both load into the same namespace.
require 'aws-sdk' # aws-sdk gem
require 'AWS' # amazon-ec2 gem
config = {:access_key_id => 'abc', :secret_key => 'xyz'}
# start using the API with aws-sdk
ec2 =
# start using the API for anazon-ec2
cw =
Now this understandably throws an error on the last line as the AWS module is pointing at the first required library, in this case aws-sdk.
NameError: uninitialized constant AWS::Cloudwatch
So, is it possible for me to load one of those into another namespace? Something like
require 'aws-sdk', 'AWS_SDK'
require 'AWS', 'AWS_EC2'
ec2 =
cw =
Or is there another trick I could use here?
In Ruby, modules with the same name from different gems don't replace each other. If one gem implements
module AWS
class Foo
and another implements
module AWS
class Bar
and you require them both, you will end up with an AWS module that contains both a class Foo and a class Bar (unless the second does something really tricky like explicitly undefining anything already present in the module, before defining its own stuff, which is very unlikely). As long as the second gem doesn't redefine any methods in the first gem (or attempts to use a module as a class or vice versa), they should both work fine. I think you may be looking for the wrong solution.
And in fact, what happens for me (in an environment with only these gems present (aws-sdk 1.2.3 and amazon-ec2 0.9.17) and the exact code you listed above) is exactly that:
.rvm/gems/ree-1.8.7-2011.03#ec2/gems/amazon-ec2-0.9.17/lib/AWS/EC2.rb:2: EC2 is not a module (TypeError)
Could it be that an error gets swallowed somewhere and that the module AWS::Cloudwatch hasn't been defined, simply because the initialization of the gem goes awry?
I think I've found a solution that works, let me illustrate it with an example. Suppose we have to files a.rb and b.rb that define the same module with actual name clashes:
#file a.rb
module A
def self.greet
puts 'A'
#file b.rb
module A
def self.greet
puts 'other A'
If you need to require both of them, the following seems to do the trick:
require_relative 'a'
TMP_A = A.dup
A.greet # => A
TMP_A.greet # => A
require_relative 'b'
TMP_A2 = A
A.greet # => other A
TMP_A2.greet # => other A
TMP_A.greet # => A
Without the dup, TMP_A will also point to the A defined in b.rb after the require_relative, but the dup will ensure that a real copy is produced instead of simply holding a reference to the module.
