Jquery Slideshow Plugin: Galleria - change caption style in classic theme - galleria

I'm loving the galleria jquery plugin, but I'm not liking the way captions show up in the classic theme. I'm looking to move the placement of the info button to the bottom and display the captions at the bottom. I think this is within the css file, but honestly I'm a newb.This http://galleria.io/themes/classic/ is how it looks
I want more of a feel like tn3gallery.com or ad-galler
I'm thinking that I'll need to edit the css, but if someone with some knowledge could point me in the right directions, I'd be appreciative!

Edited the .galleria-info position and added opacity to it to properly place this
this seems like the long way around as I must actually state the absolute position in regards to the wrapper as to where I want it to sit, but it works for now. Still looking for a cleaner way to do this though.


Stretch Cover Image to Browser, Lift When Scrolled

So, the new Exposure site is wonderful and got me wondering how they've achieved something like this. Basically, it's a cover image that's stretched to the browser window (even if you resize), what's lovely about is that only when you scroll do you get to see the content below.
I guess you could use something like backstretch.js for the dynamically-resized image. How are they achieving the rest, though?
I've set up a pen here: http://codepen.io/realph/pen/luwdJ
Which seems to do the job, but the content is being covered when you scroll rather than falling below the cover image.
Any idea what I'm doing wrong, or any tips for achieving something like this?
Thanks in advance!
I think this is what your looking for and css can do the whole thing
Just add this rule to your images or image class
img {
width: 100%;
What exposure is doing there is creating onclick modal window that contains the image but you can do that with js or jquery or there are many jquery plugins that do that.
Also to get the nice grid structure you can use a grid template. Here is one to get you started http://960.gs/

rollover image for form

Is it possible to have a rollover effect for an image and a form.
I.e. I would like to have an image, which when the user hovers over, rolls away to reveal a form (like a login or sign up form).
Cant find anything out like there like this so assuming its not possible but thought I'd ask!
This is very much possible.
Using CSS, say position: absolute for the image and the form's div.
Then using z-index, make sure that the image lies over the form.
Then you can use the HTML onmouseover event to execute something like a call to Adobe Spry's slide animation effect to neatly accomplish what you're trying to do.
But in my honest opinion, this is unnecessary glitter.

Jquery Image Gallery with Vertical thumbnail Navigation?

I am looking for a Jquery image gallery which have vertical thumbnail like at the following page.
Can anybody point out me to something similar jquery solution.
In my opinion, jCarousel is by far the best plugin for this sort of thing, this is what you want
If you need a hand setting it up, just shout.
The site you are referring uses, a vertical menu scroll plugin
perhaps this one.
and the code is somewhat like this
scrollDuration : 250,
scrollItwrapper : 'myMenuScroll'
And on clicking that link, it just changes the src attribute of img element, and loads the image (No wonder if your internet connection is slow, you will see that image take a lot to load).
You will find more better at here.

Grow Images on Hover like Google Images

Hey everyone, I am trying to accomplish something with images growing on hover like the fancy grow mouseover effect on google images.
Here is what I have:
The tooltip is offset and is based on the walter zorn tooltip. What's the best way to have the mouseover popup grow out just like google images (with the text), instead of following the mouse?
(I still need it done with the same tooltip - maybe overwrite it, but it must be present to pass the text and image, it's just the positioning and display method of it that I need help creating, any samples would be appreciated)
You might want to look at JQuery.
this might be a good start http://jsfiddle.net/ZwhEu/

asp Image button dotted border

How can I remove the dotted border around an asp: Image button. The dotted border shows when I click on the image button. Thanks
That's the focusing border added by the browser. For usability purposes, it's usually a bad idea to remove it unless you are doing something specific. It's very difficult to select controls using the keyboard without it.
If for some reason you REALLY need to remove it, I believe the other answers here may provide you with a solution. But as someone often concerned with usability, I would advise you to reconsider.
It looks like you are talking about the focusing border added by the browser. There's a trick to do this with Javascript. Add the following to your image tag:
Adding the following attribute/value to the imagebutton should produce the result you are looking for.
Try this CSS:
onfocus="this.blur();" does the trick.
