Storing password in session -

I am considering storing user-entered password in session state. Are there any security risks or issues that I need to be aware?

Yes. This is just a really bad idea. You shouldn't even store passwords in a database - best practice is to store hashes of passwords instead. So you can validate the password but if somebody gets access to the database (or session state in your case), they don't actually have the user's password.

In, there are many places where session data can be stored. Most commonly in development, it's InProc, or basically in RAM memory. However you could one day decide to use a different session provider, like a database, or using Windows Azure Cache. Storing passwords in clear text would make them visible when they are transmitted over the network in both of these cases.
In the above scenario, with session data traveling over a network, unless the transfer is sent over https, clear passwords would be visible.


Is there a point in using Redis for small sized Gorilla sessions

It seems to me that as long as you only want to store simple values like a timestamp for last visit and maybe a userid in the session, there's really no point at all in using Redis as a session persistence with Gorilla sessions since they seem to be storing it in cookies on the client side anyways.
Am I correct or not in this assumption?
I understand that there's a size limit and also that if I were to store sessions on file (the other available storage option with gorilla sessions), it'd be impossible to scale beyond that machine but again, is this whole "session store" a non issue with gorilla sessions cookie store?
Btw, I've seen this question here and NO it doesn't address this issue so it's not a duplicate. What is the advantage of using Gorilla sessions custom backend?
Using Redis (or any other server-side store) can help avoid a whole class of problems, namely:
Large cookie sizes adding per-request overhead - even an additional 4K per request can be a lot on mobile connections.
Severely reducing the risk of cookie data being manipulated as it is stored server-side.
Ability to store more than 4K in the session (i.e. form data from a multi-step form)
... and in Redis' case, the ability to easily expire the server-side sessions (something that's more error prone with mySQL or a filesystem store.
A cookie is still required as it must store an identifier so the user can be associated with their server-side session. This isn't particular to gorilla/sessions whatsoever and is how nearly all other server-side session implementations behave.
If you think your use case is simple then sure, stick with cookie-based sessions. gorilla/sessions makes it easy enough to change out the backing store at a later date.

Storing sensitive data in mySql

I am lookin to harden security on one of my client sites. There is no payment provider set up so sensitive Direct Debit information needs to be on a mySql server. This Direct Debit information needs to be human readable by users from accounting department.
Testing server is set up as follows:
At present, main site is sitting on a wordpress blog.
Customer completes HTTPS encrypted form with an EV SSL certificate.
Data is stored in a separate database to the wordpress database.
Direct debit details are currently stored as plain text
Now part 4 is what bothers me... but it's ok at the moment, because only on the testing server!
This is really difficult to answer, as it depends on how far you need to protect this data.
First step is obviously encrypting all details stored in mysql, incase someone gets a dump of your database.
This solution is good, but it introduces the vulnerability as if someone gets the decryption keys from your application server, they would be able to decrypt the dump of the database anyway.
There are many solutions to consider from here, i'm sure with some research you should be able to find some decent ones, but one way that comes to mind is:
You could encrypt the data on the application servers with a public/private key encryption algorithm. Public key can only be used to encrypt the information for storage, which lives on your application server. If that gets hacked, the only thing that they will be able to do is to add more data to your database =/. The private key in this case will be a password that would need to be entered every time a human needs to see this information.
This has the obvious disadvantage that you can't do any machine processing on your data, as its traveling completely encrypted all the way until its displayed.
(And you still have vulnerabilities of someone gaining access to your application server and simply dumping the session files/memcache where the key would have to be stored temporarily)
To be honest, first thing i'd do is encrypt the entire database one way or another. That alone adds a decent layer of protection. Dumping the database is easier than getting access to the file system of a server in most cases.
Are you talking about bank account details / credit card details or both?
Be aware storing credit card details brings attached fulfilling PCI requirements.
Also, if you are planning to store confidential details, NEVER store them unencrypted.
Any questions, just let me know.

what way to store data by key and value?

I store data in
HttpContext.Current.Application.Add(appKey, value);
And read data by this one:
This has the advantage for me that is using a key for a value but after a short time (about 20 minutes) it does not work, and I can not find [appKey],because the application life cycle in iis data will lose.
i want to know is that another way to store my data by key and value?
i do not want sql server,file,... and want storing data on server not on client
i store users some data in it.
thanks for your helping
Since IIS may recycle and throw away any cache/memory contents at any time, the only way you will get data persisted is to store it outside IIS. Some examples are; (and yes, I included the ones you stated you didn't want just to have the list a bit more complete, feel free to skip them)
A SQL database (there are quite a few free ones if the price is prohibitive)
A NoSQL database (same thing there, quite a few free ones and usually simpler to use for key/value)
File (which you also stated you didn't want)
Some kind of external memory cache, a'la AppFabric cache or memcached.
Cookies (somewhat limited in size and not secure in any way by default)
you could create a persistent cookie on the user's machine so that the session doesn't expire, or increase the session timeout to a value that would work better for your situation/users
How to create persistent cookies in
Session timeout in ASP.NET
You're talking about persisting data beyond the scope of a session. So you're going to have to use some form of persistent storage (Database, File, Caching Server).
Have you considered using AppFabric. It's actually pretty easy to implement. You could either access it directly from your code using the nuget packages, or you could just configured it as a session store. (I think) doing the latter would mean you'd get rid of the session timeout issue.
Do you understand that whatever you decide to store in Application, will be available for all users in your application?
Now regarding your actual question, what kind of data do you plan on storing? If its user sensitive data, then it probably makes sense to store it in the session. If it's client specific and it doesn't contain any sensitive information, than cookies is probably a reasonable way forward.
If it is indeed an application wide data and it must be the same for every user of your application, then you can make configuration changes to make sure that it doesn't expiry after 20 minutes.

How to keep the key used for decryption during web application runtime

How can I securely store a crypto key object of type javax.crypto.SecretKey during a user session in a java web application? I have to manage such a key, because I can create that key only after login but may need that key later for some decryption of sensitive user data.
The secretKey itself is derived from the user password by a password based derived key functions (currently "PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1"). The used salt and number of iterations are persistent in the database. With those parameters -- password, salt and iterations -- I can recreate that password key right after login, when the password is available. After that,
I'd like to keep the generated key in memory, in contrast to keep the plain password all the time.
Since I'm using Spring / Hibernate, is it safe to put that key object into a bean with session scope? Such an object exists in-memory only and should be safe, isn't it?
The general question: is it possible to build secure environments if the time a secret key is available differs from the time this key should used, even by some minutes?
It all depends on what your requirement/definition of 'safe' for this project.
Keeping secret key in memory, in session scope is 'safe' from the prospective that it theoretically should not be accessible from other sessions. Unless of course there are bugs or security vulnerabilities in Spring, web container or in your code - take a look at session hijacking for example, make sure you understand the potential risks.
On the other hand once secret key is in memory in readable form it can be potentially recovered via memory dump or through unsecured swap file. If the session is distributed or persistent it could be intercepted when session data is transmitted to another node or persisted to disk or database. Granted, this is relatively more difficult and would require access to the network or box which runs your software.

What's the best way to store Logon User information for Web Application?

I was once in a project of web application developed on ASP.NET. For each logon user, there is an object (let's call it UserSessionObject here) created and stored in RAM. For each HTTP request of given user, matching UserSessoinObject instance is used to visit user state information and connection to database. So, this UserSessionObject is pretty important.
This design brings several problems found later:
1) Since this UserSessionObject is cached in ASP.NET memory space, we have to config load balancer to be sticky connection. That is, HTTP request in single session would always be sent to one web server behind. This limit scalability and maintainability.
2) This UserSessionObject is accessed in every HTTP request. To keep the consistency, there is a exclusive lock for the UserSessionObject. Only one HTTP request can be processed at any given time because it must to obtain the lock first. The performance and response time is affected.
Now, I'm wondering whether there is better design to handle such logon user case.
It seems Sharing-Nothing-Architecture helps. That means long user info is retrieved from database each time. I'm afraid that would hurt performance.
Is there any design pattern for long user web app?
Store session state in the database and put memcached in front of it.
One method discussed on StackOverflow and elsewhere is the signed cookie. A cookie that has information you would otherwise not be able to trust, along with a hash created in such a way that only your server could have created it, so you know the information is valid. This is a scalable way to save non-high-security information, such as username. You don't have to access any shared resource to confirm that the user is logged in as long as the signed cookie meets all criteria (you should have a date stamp involved, to keep cookie theft from being a long term issue, and you should also keep track that the user has not authenticated, so they should have no access to more secure information without going through the usual login process).
StackOverflow: Tips on signed cookies instead of sessions
