Link to anchor tag on a different page not working in Firefox - firefox

I have a link at the bottom of a page, and its purpose is to link to an anchor on a different page. It doesn't seem to work in Firefox (at least, not in v8). Instead, on load it goes right to the very bottom of the page.
Any help is appreciated!
Source: (the "Susan McIntyre" link at the bottom)
Anchor markup:
<h3 id="mcintyre" name="mcintyre">Susan McIntyre</h3>

Try adding the following code:
<a name="mcintyre"></a>
<h3 id="mcintyre">Susan McIntyre</h3>

This works correctly if I disable javascript.
It looks like what happens is that the scroll is done before you use script to collapse away a bunch of the content. So the final scroll position ends up wrong.
If you're collapsing the content away async, that could do it...

If you are unable to create <a name='%hashName%'></a> anchor, consider this:
$(window.location.hash).append('<a name="' + window.location.hash.replace('#','')+ '"></a>');
I know it looks weird, but works fine.
Since today I haven't heard about div anchor tags. Are you sure it is proper to expect such kind of behaviour from browsers?


Make entire div clickable

I am trying to get the whole div clickable and this works but only with a straight link to another site. Is there a way to make it work with this text in it also:
<div class='reddit' title='Share Us On Reddit' onclick="' is Cape Breton's Homepage. Start Your Web Search With Beautiful Cape Breton Island')">
From CSS Tricks
This probably isn't a thing you need to rely on JavaScript for
anymore. Since HTML5, this is perfectly valid:
<a href="">
And remember you can make links display: block; so sometimes you
don't even need the div.
<div style="cursor:pointer" onclick="document.location='evenidontknow-page.html'">
<h2>Full Div Clickable</h2>
The above code helped me very well, and this will not require any extra code.
Using a tag may solve the problem but we need to add extra code to it.
please check this link for more info w3schools
Bootstrap has a feature called "Stretched Link". From the documentation:
Make any HTML element or Bootstrap component clickable by “stretching” a nested link via CSS.
You can read more by visiting the following link:

Input text inside a link tag in IE8

Is there a way to make input text inside a link tag works well in IE8? I cannot place the caret inside nor select the text within it.
<input type="text">
I think the reason why I'm trying to do this is not important here, just consider I have no choice of make it work under an <a> tag. I only have control over what's inside the <a> tag.
As a solution, I was thinking about some JQuery DOM manipulation when in IE8 mode but there must be a easier/cleaner way of fixing this "bug".
I think this is due to the input and link tag display properties, while an input is display:inline-block; your link is display:inline;. Try to play with these properties and z-index if it's not working.
Hovever, i think jQuery solution is better, and simpler, except if this is your only usage of jQuery on your page.
<input type="text" />
jQuery script
// .trigger('focus') or .focus(), but the first one is better on my own
Have a nice day.

Scroll up button not working

I'm trying to put a scroll up (back to top) button in my blogger blog.
That should be, in principle, quite simple, but I don't why I can't manage to do it. Now after trying so many things I'm totally frustrated.
I'm using the following html code:
<a style="display:scroll;position:fixed;bottom:5px;right:5px;" href="#"><img src="url address of image" /></a>
The button is there as expected, but when I click on it, it reloads the blog instead of going to the top. Why?? no clue.
I tried to use an "id" in the logo image and link to it, and I've also tried to use in the blog head a name tag "name=Top" and link it with href="#Top".But it doesn't matter. It always reload the blog instead of going to the top.
For instance, when I'm inside a post and I click on the button it goes to the main page instead of scrolling up within the post.
If you want to check it yourself, please do it. My blog is
Whatever help you can provide me it would be very appreciated because I don't know what's happening.
You should be using Javascript/JQuery to do this.
Refer to this question: How to scroll to top of page with JavaScript/jQuery?
What I finally used to solve my problem was:
Button html:
<a style="display:scroll;position:fixed;bottom:5px;right:5px;" href="#wrap" class='go-to-top' title="Back to top"><img src="image url" /></a>
Body html:
<script src=''/>
$(function () {
$('.go-to-top').click(function () {
scrollTop: 0
}, 500);
return false;

Can you control pinterest's "find image" results?

Rather than add Pin It buttons through our site, I would like to simply control what images show up in Pinterest's "Find Image" results if a user decides to pin one of our URLs.
As of now, "Find Images" allows the user to scroll through the images it finds on the page so they can select which image to pin. The "found" images start with the first jpg in the html file, I'm assuming (could that be a bad assumption??). On our site, this forces a user to scroll through about 15 navigation and promotion images before arriving at the featured product image. Is there any way to specify this image to show first in those results? Maybe through a meta tag, or by adding a class or id to the element?
Without a public Pinterest API, this seems like just guesswork, but I wanted to see if anyone else has run into this, or solved this. Thanks.
A lot of search results including the Pinterest Help Center talk about using nopin in HTML elements, which is invalid HTML. What they don't document is a data attribute to the same (well formed) effect.
<img src="foobar" data-pin-nopin="true" />
Adding the nopin attribute will exclude the image from appearing on Pinterest:
<img src="..." nopin>
I solved this by simply loading the image before all others in the page. In this case, I gave it width="0" and height="0" (you could also give it style="position: absolute; left: -9999px; top: 0;" just to be sure).
This won't break the page layout, but will force Pinterest to find this image first. The only downside is that the browser will load the page a few milliseconds slower, but if you're reusing this image later in the page anyway, you should make up for lost time then.
Pinterest will find any images from <img> tags (it will ignore CSS background images) that are at least 80px x 80px.
The order the images show up on in the Pinterest list is determined by the order they are specified in the HTML.
As you have discovered, you can alter the CSS of an image to "hide it" without actually hiding it by either moving it off the page with absolute positioning or 0 height and width. Any images that are set to display: none will not be picked up by Pinterest.
You can instruct the share preview to only grab specific images from the page by using the “image_include” configuration option. First, set image_include to your desired class name (id selectors are not allowed, only class selectors), then add that same class name to each of the images on the page that should be grabbed. For image_include, don’t add the ‘.’ selector. Here’s an example:
<script type="text/javascript">
var addthis_config = {
image_include: "at_include"
Once image_include has been defined with a class, add that class to the desired images on the page. In this example, the only images on the page that will be grabbed, will be the images with the at_include class (img1.jpg and img3.jpg).
<img src="" class="at_include" />
<img src="" />
<img src="" class="at_include" />
I was reading this blog which suggests the following:
Use the global no pin flag to prevent pinning on the whole site
Manually add the Pin It widget to those images you want to make pin-able.
Given Pinterest's webmaster tools appear to only have a blacklist, rather than a whitelist option (that you are seeking), this could be a possible solution. Another stated benefit of this is you can also supply suggested pin text through the Pin It widget.
Only downside to this I guess is that it may break the user's own Pin tools. Pinterest does allow you to supply a custom "denied" message, so I guess you can say "please use our site's pin buttons directly".
I've tried this, and it works. It seems like a decent approach, at least until Pinterest sees fit to add some better tools, such as an image whitelist option. The main drawback is needing to add Pin-it buttons on every image you want to enable for your users & your users may be annoyed that they can't pin anything.
Unfortunately, there is no way to mark several images on your page as preferred, but you can mark one image to stay at the top of your images when someone pin it. Specify this meta-tag in <head>:
<meta property="og:image" content=""/>
I have not found official confirmation for this feature, but it works great with addthis sharing plugin.
Add this script before the actual call to pinterest. And set images that you do not want to show with a class called 'nopin'
<script type="text/javascript">
var addthis_config =
<div id="toolbox" class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style">
<a class="addthis_button_facebook_like" fb:like:layout="button_count"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_tweet"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_tumblr"></a>
<a class="addthis_button_pinterest"></a>
If anyone is using AddThis, please check this thread:
AddThis has some, uh, unique functionality that affects the image picker presented. As in, when there is only one image on the page, it ignores the defined og:image.
If you set that lone image to be excluded, then the image picker won't show any images for selection.

DOMDocument and FBML/Google + Button not working

Well I'm having a bit of an issue, I have an application that uses DOMDocument to display some content but it is removing some code that is needed for FBML and a Google +1 button to display.
For example, Facebook's like button is <fb:like>, it is removing fb: from the string. Google's +1 button is like <g:plusone> and it's removing g:.
Is there any way to make it not remove that part of the code?
You can solve both issues.
With Facebook like button, you will want to use the HTML5 version. See:
ex: <div class="fb-like" data-send="true" data-width="450" data-show-faces="true"></div>
With Google's Plus one you can use the HTML5 version as well. See:
ex: <div class="g-plusone" data-size="tall" ... ></div>
