Google Fonts API not working on FF 3.6.25 (Mac) - firefox

No fonts with Google Fonts are working on Firefox 3.6.25 (Mac). This seems to be an issue with the API itself—the Google Fonts website does not even show the fonts properly.
Does anyone have a solution for this? Can you confirm that the fonts will not display properly?


Font issue with Chrome on Mac

I am working on a site where I am having a font issue. The font shows up correctly for all browsers on a PC, but, the issue is when it is viewed with Chrome on a Mac. I know how to do hacks for specific browsers, but, I am at a loss when it comes to Chrome on a Mac. How do you specify for a particular browser on a Mac. I've attached screen captures. Any suggestions on how to fix this? Thank you in advanced for your time and consideration.
Correct Chrome on PC
incorrect Chrome on Mac

Google and Typekit web fonts not loading in Firefox

I've been having a weird web fonts related problem with Firefox only.
To put it short, web fonts are not loading at all from Google or Typekit. This is also the case if I just browse to or
Here's how Firefox behaves on both sites:
I checked Typekit help regarding this type of issue. All the mentioned settings were correct. Also removed and re-installed Firefox. Tried to connect through 3 different network connections. Nothing seem to help.
I'm sure it's some very basic Firefox setting or problem, but I just can't figure out what. Anyone had similar issues? Any solutions?
Windows 7 Enterprise (32-bit), Firefox 34.0.5.
No problems with latest Chrome, IE 11 or latest Safari.
This is issue of Google web fonts not rendered
i think Mozilla support will help you, there is same issue and it solution also visite mozilla support forum
This is bug that can be found here

Woff fonts from Google Fonts load just fine on Chrome and IE, custom Woffs from personal web server only work in Chrome?

I load custom fonts from both Google Fonts and my personal website.
The fonts hosted by Google Fonts and by my server are both .woff and are both loaded via " of the HTML.
I've tested Google's Roboto and Ubuntu CSS and my Roboto and Ubuntu CSS, and they work in Chrome, but only the Google Fonts versions work in Internet Explorer. Is this a security thing on IE's end? Seems like something M$ would do...
To be clear, the test computer is not my server, and does not have any custom fonts, including Ubuntu, installed. I am able to load and view the CSS files from my server, and download the fonts themselves.
Sounds like your server don't send the correct font mime type.
Google do send the correct mime, your server maybe not.

In Google Chrome some web pages, the font changes for no apparent reason

I found this bug in Google Chrome that I cannot explain.
The fonts that is loaded for a text sometimes changes for some reason by itself.
Here is a screenshot of the initial font when the web page loads:
Here is what I see after a while:
When I start scrolling on the page the font returns to normal.
Does anybody knows what is going on?
Also I have seen this happening on many other websites. And even on my own web pages.
I am using Google Chrome Version 31.0.1650.57, and I am on a Mac OS X 10.9.
The screenshot come from the DropBox documentation web site.
It is a known Chrome bug and will supposedly be fixed in Chrome 33:

WebINK Web fonts not rendering in Firefox

My website is using Proxima Nova from WebINK and works fine on all browsers (even IE!!) except Firefox.
I am using the latest FF on a Mac.
All fonts are rendering as Times
Here is the link.
Has anyone got any ideas?
