Continuous key press event in Silverlight application - visual-studio

I am making application using silverlight.Here i want to move line on screen continuously on left and right arrow key pressed. In silverlight application there is facility of RepeatButton but i am not getting how to use it. Please help me if there is any solution on that.Thanks in advance.

An easier method would be to have (bool) flags like "keyLeftPressed" and "keyRightPressed". Then, on a specific tick (from a DispatchTimer possibly), check if the flags are set and take appropriate action. Finally, use four events to set the condition of the two flags: left key pressed, left key released, right key pressed, right key released.


How to send keypress combinations in nightwatch

I can send a single key press in night-watch without a problem, but I need to press combination of them. For example UP_ARROW + SHIFT
Code from page objects.
this.sendKeys('#pmField', this.api.Keys.UP_ARROW+this.api.Keys.SHIFT)
This function just sends keys in a sequence. Firstly arrow up and then shift and I'm expecting that they would be pressed together as a combination.
.keys(browser.Keys.CONTROL) // hold the control
.click('#element') // click something
.keys(browser.Keys.NULL) // release the control
This works properly in my tests when i need to click multiple elements while holding the control key. I think you can combine it with following key strokes instead of clicks. Hope this helps.
As Skuubi80 states you can use browser.keys().
Take a look at the api doc and note this line...
Rather than the setValue, the modifiers are not released at the end of the call. The state of the modifier keys is kept between calls, so mouse interactions can be performed while modifier keys are depressed.
Keep in mind this does mean that you will need to call browser.keys('null') to 'un-press' the keys once done.
Hope that helps :)

Using KeyRemap4MacBook to bind a keyboard key to a scroll action?

Basically, I want to bind a certain letter to scroll up the mouse reel, and do so continuously if I hold the key continuously. I need it to work even if other keys are being pressed at the same time, and only work on a certain window title/tab title in the browser.
I basically want to emulate the function of the autohotkey program for the "Attack On Titan Tribute Game"'s reeling function.
An AutoHotKey equivalent is available at:
(Which may be offline due to unknown reasons, might have to wait)
Basically, if you download the application, set Reel In to the "x" or "e" key, it works regardless if other keys are being held. Just make sure you uncheck the checkbox so it can work in any window. It basically scrolls down for you. It also includes the source.
Or.. if I can use any other free application to do the same thing, that'd be nice.
All I want is the scrolling function and it has to be specific to a window/plugin/etc. and be able to be triggered while holding down other keys.

Debugging with Key Pressed

I have a function that displays an object on screen when a key is pressed. I should be able to left click this object while the key is pressed and the program makes a change to the object on the click - this is not happening. I put a breakpoint into the left mouse click handler. Pressed the key and clicked the object. Switching to VS2010 I get a message that I cannot Edit and Continue at that point. If I lift off the key press then I can debug. However I am concerned that there may be something else reacting to the key press causing the change in the object to fail.
A quick update - if I disable the actions from the Key Up event then everything works.
My question is therefore if there is any way to debug in VS2010 with a key pressed.
Use Tracepoints. This will allow you to add trace messages and output the value of variables without needing to stop in the debugger. Key presses and mouse clicks will therefore not interfere with the debugger.

Programatically triggering tab key functionality in a VB.Net windows application

How can I programatically trigger the tab key functionality in a VB.Net windows application?
Currently in my application I am using one splitter when I press the tab key, and the focus is moving in the right order.
However I need to use arrow keys to move the focus to next controls, in the same way that the focus is going when the user presses the tab keys.
Thanks in Advance
You can simulate the SendKeys.Send(string) method (in the Systems.Windows.Forms namespace). To simulate a tab keypress you would call SendKeys.Send("{TAB}").
To see all the key codes, check out
Better late, than never, since i found this post looking for a solution to a similar problem.
Windows Form type has ContainerControl somewhere in its chain of inheritance and that has a method ProcessTabKey(Boolean trueForForward) . It does exactly what you need, inside your form instance this.ProcessTabKey(true) will move focus forward along the tab index and this.ProcessTabKey(false) will move it backward.
Very simple code
Write Down this in KeyDown Event of Datagridview
If e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter Then
' Your code here
e.Handled = True
End If

How to disable Center Key (CK) and let only Left Soft Key (LSK) be used in j2me

I created a custom item in which I need to use the Center Key for the purpose of selecting and I am successfully able to use it with the keyPressed event using the keyCode as -5. The problem is, as soon as I press the CK, it also clicks on the command above the LSK and that causes the menu to pop up. Is there any way that I can disable the CK for a particular command or something like that (because I dont need CK, since I can click on the command through LSK as well, I want to use the CK specifically for the custom item) ?
If the CK key is by the phone platform definition does something then as far as I know there is nothing you can do, this is platform default. which device do you try this on?
