How to configure Hudson to use Maven for dependecies and run JUnit - maven

In Eclipse I have my "Dynamic Web Project" configured with Maven taking care automatically of all my dependencies (once I specify them in pom.xml). After implementing my Unit Tests I can simply run them all by right-clicking on project and selecting: Run As -> JUnit Test.
How/where can I now configure Hudson so after checkout of all my sources from SVN repository it would automatically invoke(?) Maven (to download all dependencies) and then run all available tests with JUnit?

When you set up a project in Hudson (now Jenkins) in the configuration page you may choose the build phases that Jenkins will run. Then it will run them in the order you specify. There you will have Maven steps where you'll define your goals.
Jenkins itself has to know where to find a Maven installation (or Ant, or any other command that it must run to build). This could be done in the server configuration page.

I think that's the default behavior of Hudson (compiling + running tests).
Did you commit on your svn repository the pom.xml file?


Can I run IntelliJ unit tests in a maven project without re-running maven goals?

I have a project with a deep maven structure and am evaluating switching from Eclipse to IntelliJ.
I've imported the top-level pom.xml. I know that I can:
Build the whole project with maven goals (I use 'test-compile' to build the test classes)
Run the tests from the IntelliJ test runner. This seems to find the classes/test-classes from the target folder of the project.
However, I would like to just change a test or the code under test, save it, and rerun it without having to manually run the maven test-compile again (like I could with Eclipse). Is this possible with IntelliJ?
I think the issue is that the IntelliJ 'Build Project' action does not build the test classes (and other classes) into the target folder that the test runner looks in.
If you import a Maven project in IntelliJ IDEA, you will be able to build and run the tests from the IDE instead of Maven which is a lot faster because of the incremental compilation.
Make sure this option is disabled and use JUnit Run/Debug configuration, don't run the maven goals.
Thanks to the suggestion from #CrazyCoder, I was able to get this working by following these steps, as I think the issue was Eclipse artifacts fighting with IntelliJ artifacts:
Remove all .classpath, .project and .iml files from the entire code tree
Remove .idea from the root - we need to start again
Open the top-level pom.xml in IntelliJ
If needed, perform a mvn compile (needed for me due to some generated sources)
Rebuild your project
After this, don't open your project in Eclipse again!

What does maven clean install -U do?

I have eclipse ide with m2e plugin, maven and weblogc app server running from my local box.
I have imported someone else's multiple maven projects from bitbucket to my box. I was told that one of them is main and rest are dependencies in which I never seen anything like that before. I have always dealt with single maven project. Anyhow from the instruction, it says I have to run maven command such as "clean install -U".
In the IDE so I touched run configuration for each mvn project by setting goal as "clean install -U". By reading maven guide, I kind understand what each term means but when you combine together with a passing parameter, what does it do actually? I didn't expect a jar (web app) to be deployed to an application server but it did also.
-U forces maven to check any external dependencies (third party dependencies) that might need to be updated based on your POM files.
clean install are both basic maven lifecycle phases (
install normally would simply take the artifact that is built and put it in the local repository, i.e. a directory on the box you are building on (.m2 directory most of the time). It would not do a deployment to a server - typically the deploy phase would be used to do that.
However, developers can override and add to what maven does in the various phases, so just like in the days of ant things can easily devolve into chaos no one can understand on complex projects ;-).
sometimes in the integration-test phase, developers will tell maven to start up a container temporarily to run the web app on, so that tests can be run against it, and then that container is shut down when the integration-test phase completes.

Publish JavaDoc on Jenkins with maven

I have maven project that is built by Jenkins-CI.
How to generate and publish JavaDoc on Jenkins?
Make sure Jenkins javadoc plugin is installed.
Go to to see list of intalled plugins.
Plugin page
Configure Jenkins job:
In Build section, Goals and options line add:
That's all. No need to change pom.xml
The simplest thing to do is to create a separate task that runs thr javadoc command, and which runs after the compile task. You pass it the input and output directories.
I would run a separate tomcat for your CI website - it's easier.

is it possible to do a Maven build using Build Forge?

Is it possible to do a Maven build using Build Forge? Currently we use Build Forge, ClearCase and ClearQuest with Ant scripts; would like to try a Maven build. Not sure if I can I have no test environment so don't want to mess up any thing and still learning all this stuff too
Maven can be invoked from any build automation framework.
Create a buildforge step that invokes your Maven build as follows:
mvn -s /path/to/maven/settings/files/mysettings.xml clean package
Explicitly selecting the settings file is recommended as this enables you customise the Maven configuration for each project.
Project isolation can be further enhanced by ensuring that each project has it's own local repository location (See the "localRepository" parameter in the settings file documentation)

Maven WAR overlay problems, while using Hudson + Artifactory

We have three artifacts:
common.jar : with common classes.
public.war : depending on the common.jar, contains only public site resources.
internal.war : depends on both common.jar and public.war, adding authentication
information and security context resource files. Also contains
few administration site classes.
Currently I have structured these in such way, that internal.war overlays itself with public.war.
Building the project locally, installing the artifacts to local repo, works perfectly.
Problems start when trying to get the Hudson builds working with following sequence:
Build all projects in dependency order.
Modify common.jar (say, add a new class method)
Modify internal.war classes in such way that they are compile-time dependent on changes done in 2. step.
Commit both changes, triggering the Hudson builds.
Internal.war build fails because it can not find the symbols added in step 2.
Somehow the build in step 5. is using an old version of the common.jar, and failing because of it.
The common.jar version number does not change, let's say it's 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT for the purposes of this example.
If I DO change the common.jar version number, the build works. (Supposedly because there is only one release by a release version number).
Now, what could cause this using of old artifacts in Hudson builds?
We are running maven builds on Hudson with command "clean package -e -X -U"
"Deploy artifacts to maven repository" has been checked.
It's hard to definitively answer this without access to the real poms, but here is what I would do:
1) Make sure Hudson is using the exact same version of Maven as you are on your local machine
2) Examine the effective pom.xml of internal.war on the Hudson machine in a terminal via mvn help:effective-pom making sure you are running the same mvn executable as your Hudson job does. You need to verify the version of the common.jar in the effective pom.xml of internal.war. It could be different than what you expect due to profiles or settings.xml differences.
3) Check the settings.xml file for your Hudson install of Maven. In particular you need to verify all is well in your distributionManagement, servers, and repositories stanzas. Another good way to check this is to go to your internal.war project and run mvn help:effective-settings and see if what is there matches what is on your local machine.
Something is awry and it won't take long to find with the right analysis.
