Dynamic SQL-Loader control file - oracle

I have 20 tables that are temp-tables where we load and validate data constantly and I have a control file for each table.
How can I have a unique control file that just changes the table the data is loaded into?
Any suggestion?
Thanks in advance!
---Oracle info---
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi

Suggest you write your control file load the data into a synonym rather than into the specific table. Begin each load run by redefining the synonym to the table you want.

Maybe you can use multiple INTO TABLE clauses, and distinguish bitween them, somehow, with the WHEN clause.
Look here for more details


Selection of table (or view) in oracle, that I cannot find in TOAD

I am reverse-engineering an application which administers an Oracle database.
Everything is new to me (application + database)
There is a statement there somewhere, which is:
SELECT * FROM XXX#YYY (XXX is a word, YYY another word)
If I go into my database with TOAD I can't find an 'XXX#YYY' table nor view. If I copy paste the statement in TOAD's editor, I get results as if the table exists.
I know that the '#' symbol is allowed for naming an Oracle object. Is it possible that it means something else here though?
How can I find the table (or view)? Is it possible to get information through a statement such as which schema does 'XXX#YYY' belong to or weather it is a table or a view, so that I can track it?
The database consists of many schemas. There is a default one. Is it possible that XXX#YYY may belong to another schema, rather than the default?
Please help me find the table.
Identifier behind # is database link. It is a way to access objects on some remote Oracle server. more info on http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E11882_01/server.112/e26088/statements_5005.htm#SQLRF01205
In Toad/Oracle XXX#YYY means object#database_link.
Look for the schema in your DB, there you will find the table.
Btw: I think its better to use SCHEMA.TABLENAME
If you have problems finding the SCHEMA, go to View->Toad Options, select Treeview at Browser style and then it should display all schemas.

Can Oracle allow Permanent Alias for a table?

I was given an oracle dump file for an existing system. The dump file contained the table PARTS but when I look on the queries being done by the code. It uses mostly M_PARTS and just on one occasion, it uses PARTS. Does oracle allow multiple name on a table?
Note that I am not talking about the alias feature. ie.
Select M_PARTS.*
I want to know if there is a setting to make permanent alias in oracle. Where I just create a table PARTS and I can refer to it as either PARTS or M_PARTS in my query.
Kind of, as you can create synonyms:
It is weird however, that the dump file would be inconsistent that way. Are you sure it is the same table? How was the file created?
Yes using synonyms.
Although a synonym was a solution, I found the actual script to build the database and it uses a materialized view instead of a synonym.
create materialized view M_Parts
tablespace USERS
refresh fast
as select * from Parts

Script Oracle tables (DDL) with data insert statements into single/multiple sql files

I am needing to export the tables for a given schema, into DDL scripts and Insert statements - and have it scripted such that, the order of dependencies/constraints is maintained.
I came across this article suggesting how to archive the database with data - http://www.dba-oracle.com/t_archiving_data_in_file_structures.htm - not sure if the article is applicable for oracle 10g/11g.
I have seen "export table with data" features in "Sql Developer", "Toad for Oracle", "DreamCoder for Oracle" etc, but i would need to do this one table at a time, and will still need to figure out the right order of script execution manually.
Are there any tools/scripts that can utilize oracle metadata and generate DDL script with data?
Note that some of the tables have CLOB datatype columns - so the tool/script would need to be able to handle these columns.
P.S. I am needing something similar to the "Generate Scripts" feature in SQL Server 2008, where one can specify "script data" option and get back a self-sufficient script with DDL and data, generated in the order of table constraints. Please see: http://www.kodyaz.com/articles/sql-server-script-data-with-generate-script-wizard.aspx
Thanks for your help!
Firstly, recognise that this isn't necessarily possible. A view can use a function in a package that also selects from the view. Another issue is that you might need to load data into tables and then apply constraints, even though this might be slower than the other way round.
In short, you will need to do some work here.
Work out the dependencies in your system. ALL_DEPENDENCIES is the primary mechanism.
Then use DBMS_METADATA.GET_DDL to extract the DDL statements. For small data volumes, I'd extract the constraints separately for applying after the data load.
In current versions you can create external tables to unload data from regular tables into OS files (and obviously go the other way round). But if you've got exotic datatypes (BLOB, RAW, XMLTYPEs, User Defined Types....) it will be more challenging.
I suggest that you use Oracle standard export and import (exp/imp) here, is there a reason why you won't consider it? Note in addition you can use the "indexfile" option on the import to output the SQL statements (unfortunately this doesn't include the inserts) to a file instead of actually executing them.

oracle to flat file

I need to create a flat file and push information into it from oracle database using JSP.
I require a sample code. Help will be appreciated.
If you're looking for an easy way to write different SQL statements to a file, use this procedure: http://www.oracle-developer.net/content/utilities/data_dump.sql
Also you might want to look into DBMS_XSLPROCESSOR.CLOB2FILE.
I think you need to look into Oracle external tables. These are flat files that appear as tables in the Oracle database. You would simply insert data into it using SQL (as per any other database table). Google "Oracle External Tables" for more information.

How can I tell if a Materialized View in Oracle is being used?

We have some Materialized views in our Oracle 9i database that were created a long time ago, by a guy no longer working here. Is there an easy (or any) method to determine whether Oracle is using these views to serve queries? If they aren't being used any more, we'd like to get rid of them. But we don't want to discover after the fact that those views are the things that allow some random report to run in less than a few hours. The answer I'm dreaming of would be something like
SELECT last_used_date FROM dba_magic
WHERE materialized_view_name = 'peters_mview'
Even more awesome would be something that could tell me what actual SQL queries were using the materialized view. I realize I may have to settle for less.
If there is a solution that requires 10g, we are upgrading soon, so those answers would be useful also.
Oracle auditing can tell you this once configured as per the docs. Once configured, enable it by "AUDIT SELECT ON {name of materialized view}". The audit trail will be in the AUD$ table in the SYS schema.
One method other than auditing would be to read the v$segment_statistics view after one refresh and before the next refresh to see if there have been any reads. You'd have to account for any automatic statistics collection jobs also.
V$SQLAREA table has two columns which help identify the queries executed by the database.
SQL_TEXT - VARCHAR2(1000) - First thousand characters of the SQL text for the current cursor
SQL_FULLTEXT - CLOB - All characters of the SQL text for the current cursor
We can use this columns to find the queries using the said materialized views
