Confused with NSButton Image - cocoa

I have a square NSButton and an Image the same size of the button. I set the image to the button, turned off bordered and set scaling to none. Then the image seems smaller than the button. If I set scaling to axes independent, the image can fill the all button. But is set button enable to false. The button disappeared. Does anyone know what's wrong with it?

Well... Your description, IMHO, is a bit confused! Anyway, for what I understood, you're having problem with Xcode.
You have to set the scaling because the button is always a bit larger than its content, because of the border (even if you turn off its borders, it will still be rendered with a small invisible border). For an unknown reasons, setting to Axes Independently solves this problem and resizes the image in the correct way (this works in any kind of NSControl you can use).
I cannot figure out how enabling or disabling the button can influences its visibility. Are you sure you're not using the "Hidden" property instead of the "Enabled" one?
[myButton setHidden:YES]
This will make the button transparent and insensible to clicks.
[myButton setEnabled:NO]
This will act on the answer to user clicks (and it's what you're looking for). Is your image mainly grey? Disabling the button will make the button gray, and this could make the image invisible...


How can I make window zooming respect auto layout constraints?

To keep things simple, let's say I have a window containing a single view, which has auto layout constraints binding all 4 sides to the window container view with offset 0. And assume that this view also has a constraint setting its aspect ratio to a constant value. If I resize the window manually, then then window nicely maintains the desired aspect ratio. But if I click the little green zoom widget, then the window fills up the whole screen, regardless of the aspect ratio, with part of the view being above the top of the screen. Is there some way I can make zooming resize the window as big as it can be, without violating auto layout constraints?
I couldn't very well detect this problem in the delegate method windowWillResize:toSize:, because that doesn't tell me which screen it's thinking about putting the window on. I could try to fix the window size in the windowDidResize: delegate method, at which time I do know what screen it's on, but I'm not sure exactly how to do that without reinventing Auto Layout's wheel.
Apparently someone thinks I wasn't explicit enough, so I'll try again. Steps to reproduce:
In Xcode, create a new macOS App project using XIB interface.
Open MainMenu.xib and select the window.
Reshape the window to be approximately square.
Using the Attribute Inspector, set the Full Screen behavior for the window to Auxiliary Window.
Drag an Image View from the library and drop it in the window.
In the Attributes Inspector, set the image view to show the NSComputer image and scale axes independently.
Expand the image view to fill up the window content area.
With the image view selected, click the button to add new layout constraints.
Add 5 constraints, binding the 4 sides to the container, and setting the aspect ratio. (see screen shot)
Build and Run.
Observe that if you resize the window by dragging an edge or corner, the aspect ratio remains fixed.
Click the green zoom widget in the title bar of the window, and observe that the window expands without regard for the aspect ratio constraint, cutting off part of the image.
I just set up a test project exactly as you specified, and when I invoke the window zoom widget, the window expands and retains its aspect ratio i.e. it works as expected. The only thing I can think of that might be causing your issue: maybe your content hugging and content compression resistance priorities are at odds with your constraints? Mind you, I just left them at the default values and it worked fine. Unfortunately Mac/AppKit development (esp. when using IB) is rife with these kind of odd bugs and weird behaviour, probably because Apple has not given it any love in years, so bugs creep in/fester and they are clearly so DONE with developing UI the 'old fashioned way'. (Using SwiftUI to make a Mac app is just as frustrating, in different ways, so I'll stick with what I know). FYI, I used Xcode 13.4.1 to create this test project. Good luck!

Xcode invisible elements

I don't know what happened. Elements items like buttons or segmented control are invisible in main storyboard. Cellphone is the same.
I put the image, of what I mean
It looks like you accidentally changed the view's (or window's) Tint Color to white. (Or you could even have turned it to Clear color, or no color at all.)
This would cause the text of the button or segmented control to be invisible, because it is white on white. The segmented control has a border but it would turn white too. So you wouldn't be able to see anything.
There are two places to look to fix this. Look at the Tint popup of your view controller's View in the Attributes inspector.
Also look at the Global Tint popup in the File inspector for the whole storyboard.
[EDIT It turned out to be the Global Tint.]

NSPopupButton with color well

Some of the color selection buttons in the Xcode details panels are a NSPopupButton with a color well. It looks something like a segmented control/popup button.
Placing a standard color well and standard popup button next to each other doesn't have the same look. Also, the menu wouldn't cover the color well in this case. The popup image (two triangles) is not readily available for a custom control either.
Anyone tried to make a similar control before? Any hints on how to make it?

Making an NSButton resize its image (Cocoa OSX)

I could not find a way in the documentation to tell an NSButton to resize its image to fill up the whole button. Is there a way to do this programatically?
The closest you'll get is -setImageScaling: ... look up the constants to see how the image will be scaled within the button cell, given its bordered state and bezel type.
If you're looking to replace the standard button entirely with your image (ie, the button cell doesn't draw itself at all - your image serves as the entire visual representation), turn off the border (-setBordered:).
All of these options can be configured in IB as well. A tip: in IB, hover the mouse over any setting in the inspector panel - most if not all give you a hint that shows what method controls the behavior affected by the setting's control.

How can I change the way NSButtonCell objects highlight when clicked?

I am using several NSButtonCell objects in an NSTableView. They are simple square buttons with custom images on them.
These buttons draw properly when they are not highlighted: all that is visible is the image, and the rest of the button rectangle is transparent. However, when I click on them, the entire button rectangle is highlighted, inverting the background in the parts that were transparent.
I would prefer to see the image drawn inverted, and the transparent parts remain transparent. How can this be done?
Try setting your cell's highlightsBy property to NSContentsCellMask. I think you'll have to do this in code (probably in awakeFromNib); I don't see a way to do it in IB alone.
You can do it in Interface Builder too. I use "Square Button" so the button alters between two images (so the image is not inverted at all).
Your buttons behaviour is probably set to "Momentary Light" or "Momentary Push In".
Set the Behaviour to "Momentary Change", and it should work.
