How to register an app as a default viewer for a file type in WP 7.5? - windows-phone-7

I'm getting quite a few emails with logs in XML format attached and I want to associate my own app with the XML file type on Windows Phone Mango, overwriting the default xml viewer.
If overwriting isn't possible I can get the logs generated with a custom extension. I would then need to associate the extension with my app same way Adobe Reader does it for PDFs.
Is this possible?

Currently there is no way to set your app as the default viewer for any file extension. The closest you can get at the moment is using extensibility. However, these are limited to Photos, Music and Search and not custom extensions. (Even then, your app wouldn't be the default viewer, but it would be accessible from the respective hubs).


Flutter Pdf Viewer performance

I'm creating an educational application for poor students who have android devices running on Android 4.1 and above.
I tried lots of packages but
most of them make the app crash and the rest take long to load the file and the application becomes heavy to use.
Is there a package or a way to improve the the performance?
I don't want to convert the pdf pages to images because this will make the size of the app very big to download.
These are the packages that I used:
flutter_full_pdf_viewer: ^1.0.6
pdf_image_renderer: ^0.5.0
advance_pdf_viewer: ^1.2.2
flutter_cached_pdfview: ^0.3.5 #min API Level 20
printing: ^5.2.1
pdf_flutter: ^1.1.4
flutter_pdf_viewer: ^0.6.1
native_pdf_view: ^4.0.1
flutter_pdfview: ^1.1.0
If you are facing issues with every pdf viewer then my suggestion would be to not use your app pdf viewer instead if possible you can use the default pdf viewer which generally comes preinstalled in devices. And you would need a way to know if a phone has an app that can open pdf files or not and in case it is not there then use your app pdf viewer.
The second option would be to split the pdf files into multiple pdf files like chapters, etc. I think this option is very much viable.
Also, you can try this package syncfusion_flutter_pdfviewer. I'm using it as of now and it is good.

Office JS Save text as xml file Fails

I want to ask if Office JS is allowed to save local files?
In old question/answers I found various solutions like
I tried both but it did not help.
Both are using the technique of embedding a download link in the HTML document dispatching the event programmatically using JS. But click event fails with error = Access is denied
I want to ask if
Office JS API is allowed to create files to local path?
if NO was it allowed in older versions?
If YES do I need to make some configuration changes on Windows 10 desktop PC?
If allowed Please help how to achieve that
I want to create an XML file using JavaScript and save it to local path

How to open .pdf, .doc files in Windows Phone (C#)

Is there any possibility to open word or pdf file in Windows Phone ?
I get the file byte data from specified API, and I want to have possibility in my application to preview the file...
you might have a look at this tutorial:
But the component used is not open source.
As far as i know there are no open source pdf viewer implementations for WP7/8 available.
You could try to get ComponentOne for free or with an massiv discount if you are an registered windows phone developer. Have a look at
I think you need to use FOXIT SDK for WP7

Automatically choose Download Location, Ebook Library, PDF, Epub, Mobi on the MAC ios

I am creating a flipbook for a client, it will be flash based however the client wants an option for Mac users to which when they click on download file, thats fine as it is pdf but now they want it to automatically goe into their ebook library on their system, rather than a downloads folder Is this achievable, thinking that i might have to reformat it to be of a completely different file type? any ideas?

Why is Configuration message appearing on jpeg images exported from DICOM file?

I am trying to make a web based dicom image viewer. I am using c# and I am using Clear Canvas libraries found on The problem here is that when I try to export the jpeg images from dicom files the following message appears on them:
"The current configuration system does not support user-scoped setting"
On other forums I have found that this error can be removed by the application scope settings. I have tried that and still the message appears on the images. I have even shifted the user settings in app.config file to applicationsettings sections. Since web based solutions do not support user settings because the website has to run on the server. If some one has done this and removed this message from the images, then please share it here. I would really appreciate some help on removing this error. Thanks.
The ClearCanvas ImageViewer components were written to using several User settings. IIS based applications do not support user settings. An exception is occurring within the assembly due to the lack of support for user settings and placing it on the image.
There's a couple of solutions. You could go and modify the code by changing all of the settings to be application settings instead of user settings. You could also create a new .NET settings provider that supports user settings that could be used within IIS.
