Error in select query in Oracle - oracle

I've used a select statement in stored procedure in oracle 11g xe.But an error is showing as
pls-00428-an INTO clause is expected with select statement
I just cannot understand the error.When i searched i found out that in pl/sql an into clause is needed.I'm using toad.But when i used sql editor same error is showing.
Here's my procedure
select * from workdetails;
END sp_Get_WorkDetails;

Oracle is different from Microsoft SQL Server and therefor returning a result set from a procedure (or function) is different as well.
What you are looking for is a "pipelined table function".
Please refer to the manual for a description and an example:
Here are some more examples from other sites:

You are trying to write wrong syntax or improper use of SELECT statement. You have to either create a cursor or use SELECT .. INTO syntax to set scalar value to the local variables.


Oracle basic multi-statement block

In SQL Server, multiple statements in SSMS can be performed. In Oracle (using toad), I don't know why I receive certain errors doing the same thing. For example, I assume an Oracle requirement is to place them in a block, but I still get the following:
v_datetime TIMESTAMP := SYSDATE;
insert into sometable_log values (v_datetime, 'this is a test ',1);
select * from sometable_log where event_dt = v_datetime;
[Error] Execution (5: 1): ORA-06550: line 4, column 1: PLS-00428: an
INTO clause is expected in this SELECT statement
Why would I need to use an into clause? Can someone please help me understand what this is?
Thank you!
When executing the block of code, Oracle expects that the select command should have some code-like effect. That's why it wants you to add the into clause.
To do what you need, just move the select statement outside of the PL/SQL begin/end block.

Variable not being replaced (learning Dynamic PL/SQL)

The below code returns error ORA-00942: table or view does not exist, I think may be because PL/SQL runtime engine(or something I don't know what) is trying to treat table_in as a Table but why would it do so, I have already table_in declared as variable.
The ex26011601 table exists with values in the same schema.
set serveroutput on
function tabcount (table_in in varchar2)
return pls_integer
l_return pls_integer;
select count(*) into l_return from table_in;
return l_return;
I understand EXECUTE IMMEDIATE would solve the purpose. What I am trying to get is why is it necessary and whats wrong with current statement that 'table_in' could not be treated as variable even after being declared in the scope. Or what is the reason why a variable is not expected there?
I understand EXECUTE IMMEDIATE would solve the purpose. What I am
trying to get is why is it necessary and whats wrong with current
statement that 'table_in' could not be treated as variable even after
being declared in the scope.
As per oracle documentation : Static SQL
A PL/SQL static SQL statement can have a PL/SQL identifier wherever its SQL counterpart can have a placeholder for a bind variable. The PL/SQL identifier must identify either a variable or a formal parameter.To use PL/SQL identifiers for table names, column names, and so on, use the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement
In PL/SQL, you need dynamic SQL to run when :
SQL whose text is unknown at compile time
For example, a SELECT statement that includes an identifier that is unknown at compile time (such as a table name) or a WHERE clause in
which the number of sub clauses is unknown at compile time.
SQL that is not supported as static SQL
Dynamic SQL
Yes, as you said oracle pl/sql syntax does not allowing that, pass table name by variable. As you also said you can do it only by dynamic sql and execute immediate:
execute immediate 'select count(*) from ' || table_in
into l_return;

Select All records from a table using SP in Oracle SQL Developer

I'm using SQL Oracle to build a stored procedure. I'm trying to build a stored procedure of the SQL-query below.And I want to return those data to a C# program.
select * from employee_master
I have tried following. Is this correct?
OPEN p_recordset FOR
If you wish to build a stored procedure that return such resultset first of all you should check if you really need to do this. It's incidental and not recommended way for Oracle. But if you really need so, you should use REF CURSOR.
after executing your stored procedure in SQL Developer, it automatically brings back any output for you to view, including one or more ref cursors.
Example code and screenshots here

cannot find function or procedure

I need to debug an Oracle procedure code but I am new to Oracle. In the procedure I see a line of code like the following, but I cannot locate its implementation in order figure out what it's doing.
select SOME_OBJECT_OR_PACKAGE.NEXTVAL into some_var from dual;
It looks like it's calling a function from a package to me but I don't see a package with that name in the Packages folder from SQL Developer. I have tried the following command but got nothing in return.
select * from all_source where UPPER(name) like UPPER('%SOME_OBJECT_OR_PACKAGE%')
Please help.
NEXTVAL is way to retrieve the next value in a SEQUENCE in Oracle.
see here for more details:
or here:
Create Table With Sequence
It's a database object called a sequence. It auto-increments when you select it.

Oracle procedure: options to return data

I'm used to Microsoft SQL Server, where the last SELECT query of a stored procedure determines what is returned.
In Oracle, I'm always using a SYS_REFCURSOR OUT parameter to return data from queries.
Are there other options of returning data from SELECT queries in Oracle stored procedures?
How about SELECT queries that select only one row? Is a SYS_REFCURSOR still necessary?
EDIT: I need to know the answer for Oracle 11g R2 (should have mentioned that explicitly instead of just in the tags).
Until now Oracle has not supported the SQL Server style of procedures implicitly returning a result set, you have had to explicitly return something - which could be a SYS_REFCURSOR or a collection or whatever.
In Oracle 12C a new feature has been added called Implicit Statement Results, which is designed to emulate the SQL Server way of working. However, this is really intended to support migration of existing code from SQL Server; for fresh Oracle development you would be best advised to learn the way Oracle normally does things.
Oracle PL/SQL Procedures can return all the supported basic datattype( date,varchar2,number) plus complex ( records, tables, varray)
Another option is the pipelined function, in which you call the function as:
select ...
from table(my_function(param1 => 1, ...))
See docs for details.
Just for clarifying, ORACLE procedures cannot 'RETURN" per se, a SYS_REFCURSOR OUT parameter is more like changing the value of a variable reference inside the procedure.
Apart from SYS_REFCURSOR, if you are returning only one row of a table, say EMPLOYEE, you can also define a record as EMPLOYEE%ROWTYPE and use it as a OUT type.
Or like:
PROCEDURE pr_proc (v_input in number
v_emp_row out EMPLOYEE%ROWTYPE )
