Incorrect Git user name and email on Windows - windows

I use Git on Windows and set the username and email with:
git config --global "hydRAnger"
git config --global ""
When I use:
git config --global --list
I get the output:
However, when I use git log the author info should be:
Author: hydRAnger <>
But in fact I get the output:
Author: unknown <hydRAnger#hydRAnger-PC.(none)>
I don't know why the author information incorect.

Setting the and config options does not change already existing commits. It will only work for future commits.
If you also want to rewrite existing commits to use the new user data check out this question:
Change the author and committer name and e-mail of multiple commits in Git

Did you reset the author on your commit after updating your details?
git commit --amend --reset-author
(This will bring up the commit message again - you can just leave it intact)


How to login github in cmd?

I need to change directory from this directory to my git hub account, like : (my name) (my repository), I set global email and global username but it didn't work, please help me
You should make a new folder and locate it, on the local machine. Then you should make a pull from the remote repository you are mentioning with the help of the following command,
git pull <remote url>
and you can set it.
To check out your username and email you can use the following command
git config
git config
In order to change or set the global username and global email you can use
git config --global "Name"
git config --global ""

How to change commiter author's name in Xcode

Can I change committer author's name in Xcode?
From Xcode in section Adjust Editor Options in Authors I see TarasChernysh and name of commit. So I'd like to use Taras instead of TarasChernysh. Can you help me?
You can change this with following command, if TarasChernysh is your own git
git config --global "Taras"
The --global will make sure all of your future commits use this given If you will only in the certain repository, then leave --global out and the changed only for this repository.

how to change the visual code studio commit authors

I am not sure why, but my Visual Studio Code is showing the wrong commit author name. I am trying to change the author of the commit. How can I do that? I have already multiple things, but no luck.
This is what I tried:
Since I have three commits, I tried git rebase -i HEAD~3,
but I am getting this error:
Cannot rebase: You have unstaged changes. Please commit or stash them.
I am able to get to this now, how can i change the author name now?
For the issue: Cannot rebase: You have unstaged changes. Please commit or stash them. You can do
git stash // To stash the changes
git rebase -i HEAD~3 // To Rebase
git stash pop // To pop the stashed changes.
Note that if the previous 3 commits include files you have stashed, you may get conflicts.
For the wrong commit author name
Using your terminal cd into the project directory and using
git config // Check your user name
git config // Check the associated email
If the information is not the one you want, you can update it using
git config --global "newemail"
git config --global ""
Note: The above will be a global change meaning that it'll change it for all git projects. If you prefer changing it only for the one project:
git config "newemail"
git config ""
Regarding the rebase, the error message is explicit: either add and commit first, or stash.
But regarding the commit author, if you are sure the content of that commit is yours, then check your git config / setting: that authorship is derived from it.

Git uses invalid author name in commits

When i commit git uses not company mail but my personal, which i use in chrome, i do commits using ssh URL and ssh key contains correct mail address, in git lab commits are also under my name but when i open commit author there is my personal URL with nick name. Usually i commit using intellij idea but same result with console commands
I have already reinstalled git and replaced ssh key with new one but it still use my personal nick as author.
So how can i change author of new commits, so it'll be by default correct?
i don't want to write console commands with author argument every time i commit.
OS windows 7
You can update your config file from Git Bash:
git config --global "[Your name]"
git config --global [email address]
This will set a global username and email.
To check your current settings:
git config --list
Update your Git config file with required Name and Email Id.

What are the necessary settings for "git configuration"?

when I create a project in Xcode 4.3 it keeps on displaying message saying below.I did not get what that means and how to do the necessary settings.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Please tell me who you are
git config --global
git.config --global"Your
to set your account's default identity.
Omit --global to say the identity only in
this repository.
fatal:unable to auto-detect email address
(got 'Home#s-imac-3.(none)")`
It's telling you literally, exactly what to do. Open a Terminal session, and run this, replacing '' with your email address:
git config --global ""
This sets your email address for git, it uses this to identify who you are in commits.
Then, run this, replacing 'Your Name' with your name:
git config --global "Your Name"
This sets your name for git commit messages, it uses this to give a more readable name to commits.
If this stuff is not clear to you, you really owe it to yourself to learn git:
Set Name & Email in Xcode preference, this issue will be resolve
Follow these 4 simple steps
Xcode => Preferences => Source control => Git
Set ( Author Name ) & ( Author Email ), just for identify that the code committed by this name/email
close Xcode and re-open project
now try to commit code, it should be working fine now.
Could be a issue with Xcode. Go to your git directory and set the user locally. See the following help thread at Apple Forum for more info:
I had same issue in xCode 8.3.2, when I tried to create git repository on local machine. And I fixed it by setting local repository name and email. If anyone is having same issue; just run these commands in terminal:
cd my/project/directory (Navigate to project directory)
git config --local ""
git config --local "myname"
NOTE: This is for local repository, and "--global" flah can be used for remote repositories.
