Faking a FTP service - ftp

I am writing a piece of software which can fool Nmap into believing that GuildFTPd FTP Server is running on port 21. My python code so far looks like this:
import socket
s = socket.socket( )
s.bind(('', 21))
conn, addr = s.accept()
conn.send("220-GuildFTPd FTP Server (c) 1997-2002\r\n220-Version 0.999.14")
The Nmap regexp for matching this particular service is:
match ftp m|^220-GuildFTPd FTP Server \(c\) \d\d\d\d(-\d\d\d\d)?\r\n220-Version (\d[-.\w]+)\r\n| p/Guild ftpd/ v/$2/ o/Windows/
However when I scan the host which is running the script with Nmap the results are:
21/tcp open ftp?
How can this be? When I scan the real service with Nmap it identifies the service correctly.

First, you're missing a \r\n at the end of your fake response that the match line needs.
The other major issue is that your program only handles one connection, then closes. Nmap will first do a port scan, then send service fingerprinting probes. If you ran nmap as root (or Administrator on Windows), it would use a half-open TCP SYN scan, and your application wouldn't see the portscan as a connection, but otherwise it will accept the portscan, close the connection, and be unavailable for the service scan phase.
Here's a very basic adaptation of your script that can handle sequential connections (but not parallel), which is enough to fool Nmap:
import socket
s = socket.socket( )
s.bind(('', 21))
while True:
conn, addr = s.accept()
conn.send("220-GuildFTPd FTP Server (c) 1997-2002\r\n220-Version 0.999.14\r\n")


rsyslogd does not write data to logfile when configured with TLS

I'm trying to set up rsyslog with TLS to forward specific records from /var/log/auth.log from host A to a remote server B.
The configuration file I wrote for rsyslog is the following:
$DefaultNetstreamDriverCAFile /etc/licensing/certificates/ca.pem
$DefaultNetstreamDriverCertFile /etc/licensing/certificates/client-cert.pem
$DefaultNetstreamDriverKeyFile /etc/licensing/certificates/client-key.pem
$InputFilePollInterval 10
#Read from the auth.log file and assign the tag "ssl-auth" for its messages
$template auth_log, " %msg% "
# Send ssl traffic to server on port 514
if ($syslogtag == 'ssl-auth') then{action
Using this configuration, when I try to ssh-login the first time into the host A from another host X everything works fine; the file /var/log/auth.log is written and the tcpdump shows traffic towards server B.
But from then on, it does not work anymore.
Even if I try to exit from host A and login back again whenever I do, the file /var/log/auth.log is not ever written and no traffic appears over tcpdump.
The very strange things is that if I remove the TLS from the configuration it works.

Socat - certificate rotation for mTLS connection - reload credential files interval

Use case:
I use socat to stream traffic between some app and external world via Squid (app->socat->Squid). To authenticate in SQUID I use mTLS.
My socat usage:
socat -d -d tcp-listen:3128,reuseaddr,fork \
content of the PEM and CERT filles rotate.
Problem: If I put some trash into squid-ca.crt file socat after a couple of seconds catches the change and logs errors:
socat[72] E SSL_connect(): error:1416F086:SSL routines:tls_process_server_certificate:certificate verify failed
socat[72] N exit(1)
socat[9] N childdied(): handling signal 17
, and when I recover squid-ca.crt file socat ater some time (several to several dozen seconds) fetches the change and starts working again with with the recovered data.
Is there an option to control the time on files probing by socat?
Socat with your command waits for client connections and forks a new sub process for each one. Only in these sub processes the OpenSSL module is initialized and the certificate loaded.
So it is not some timing but just depends on the next TCP connection to arrive.

TCP Listener is not shut down completely

I have a TCP Listener that initialized as next:
myListener := net.Listen("tcp", addr)
Then am able to receive connections and process them. Then I need to close the server in order that I can reuse the same port but this is not happening, this is how am closing the tcp server:
In the client side am closing all the existent TCP connections to that server and then from the terminal I see that those connections are being close but the port is still in use by the server and listening (even when is not accepting new connections which is right according to documentation). This is how I check in the terminal:
netstat -an | grep 8080
And after close the client side connections I get this and cannot reuse the port:
tcp46 0 0 *.8080 *.* LISTEN
After doing myListener.Close() I waited some time but in the terminal the port is still in use.
In addition to checking the error from the net.Listener as stated in https://stackoverflow.com/a/65638937/1435495
You will also want to add a defer to your myListener.Close() will help ensure that the close does actually execute even if something would cause the app to exit prematurely.
defer myListener.Close()
The net.Listen function returns two parameters (Listener, error), in your example above you appear to only be capturing the Listener and not the error.
Assuming you're actually capturing it, you should check if the error is empty before you begin using the listener.
package main
import "net"
func main() {
myListener, err := net.Listen("tcp", ":8080")
if err != nil {
Something similar to the snippet above should work. Now if you're not getting an error (I presume you will get an error), the problem you likely have is that something else is already using that port.
Try running your netstat as root so you can see all processes which will give you a better idea of what is holding on to that port.
sudo netstat -apn | grep -i listen | grep 8080

ssh client to show server-supported algorithms

In order to check that all the servers across a fleet aren't supporting deprecated algorithms, I'm (programmatically) doing this:
telnet localhost 22
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_8.0p1 Ubuntu-6build1
4&m����&F �V��curve25519-sha256,curve25519-sha256#libssh.org,ecdh-sha2-nistp256,ecdh-sha2-nistp384,ecdh-sha2-nistp521,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256,diffie-hellman-group16-sha512,diffie-hellman-group18-sha512,diffie-hellman-group14-sha256,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1Arsa-sha2-512,rsa-sha2-256,ssh-rsa,ecdsa-sha2-nistp256,ssh-ed25519lchacha20-poly1305#openssh.com,aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,aes128-gcm#openssh.com,aes256-gcm#openssh.comlchacha20-poly1305#openssh.com,aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,aes128-gcm#openssh.com,aes256-gcm#openssh.com�umac-64-etm#openssh.com,umac-128-etm#openssh.com,hmac-sha2-256-etm#openssh.com,hmac-sha2-512-etm#openssh.com,hmac-sha1-etm#openssh.com,umac-64#openssh.com,umac-128#openssh.com,hmac-sha2-256,hmac-sha2-512,hmac-sha1�umac-64-etm#openssh.com,umac-128-etm#openssh.com,hmac-sha2-256-etm#openssh.com,hmac-sha2-512-etm#openssh.com,hmac-sha1-etm#openssh.com,umac-64#openssh.com,umac-128#openssh.com,hmac-sha2-256,hmac-sha2-512,hmac-sha1none,zlib#openssh.comnone,zlib#openssh.comSSH-2.0-Censor-SSH2
Connection closed by foreign host.
Which is supposed to be a list of supported algorithms for the various phases of setting up a connection. (kex, host key, etc). Every time I run, I get a different piece of odd data at the start - always a different length.
There's an nmap plugin - ssh2-enum-algos - which returns the data in it's complete form, but I don't want to run nmap; I have a go program which opens the port, and sends the query, but it gets the same as telnet. What am I missing, and how do I fix it?
For comparison, here's the top few lines from the output of nmap script:
$ nmap --script ssh2-enum-algos super
Starting Nmap 7.80 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2019-12-27 22:15 GMT
Nmap scan report for super (
Host is up (0.0051s latency).
rDNS record for supermaster
Not shown: 998 closed ports
22/tcp open ssh
| ssh2-enum-algos:
| kex_algorithms: (12)
| curve25519-sha256
| curve25519-sha256#libssh.org
| ecdh-sha2-nistp256
| ecdh-sha2-nistp384
| ecdh-sha2-nistp521
Opening a tcp connection to port 22, (in golang, with net.Dial) then accepting and sending connection strings leaves us able to Read() from the Reader for the connection. Thence the data is in a standard format described by the RFC. From this, I can list the algorithms supported in each phase of an ssh connection. This is very useful for measuring what is being offered, rather than what the appears to be configured (it's easy to configure sshd to use a different config file).
It's a useful thing to be able to do from a security POV.
Tested on every version of ssh I can find from 1.x on a very old solaris or AIX box, to RHEL 8.1.
In some cases you can specify an algorithm to use, and if you specify one that is not supported the server will reply with a list of supported algorithms.
For example, to check for supported key exchange algorithms you can use:
ssh -oKexAlgorithms=diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
diffie-hellman-group1-sha1 is insecure and should be missing from most modern servers. The server will probably respond with something like:
Unable to negotiate with port 22: no matching key exchange method found. Their offer: curve25519-sha256,curve25519-sha256#libssh.org,ecdh-sha2-nistp256,ecdh-sha2-nistp384,ecdh-sha2-nistp521,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256,diffie-hellman-group16-sha512,diffie-hellman-group18-sha512,diffie-hellman-group14-sha256
Exit 255
Typing: "ssh -Q cipher | cipher-auth | mac | kex | key"
will give you a list of the algorithms supported by your client
Typing: "man ssh"
will let you see what options you can specify with the -o argument, including Cipher, MACs, and KexAlgorithms

LFTP active mode with servers that do not recognize the PORT command

I am using LFTP to transfer files from a server, which unfortunately does not recognize the PORT command. I do not have control over the server (do not know in detail what server is) and I have to use the active mode.
This is the command line as:
lftp -e 'debug 10;set ftp:passive-mode off; set ftp:auto-passive-mode no; ls; bye;' -u user,password ftp://ftp.site.com
This is the debug output:
<--- 200 Using default language en_US
<--- 200 UTF8 set to on
---> OPTS MLST modify;perm;size;type;UNIX.group;UNIX.mode;UNIX.owner;
<--- 200 OPTS MLST modify;perm;size;type;UNIX.group;UNIX.mode;UNIX.owner;
---> USER xxxxx
<--- 331 Password required for xxxxx
---> PASS xxxxxx
<--- 230 User xxxxx logged in
---> PBSZ 0
<--- 200 PBSZ 0 successful
---> PROT P
<--- 200 Protection set to Private
---> PORT 172,16,133,11,146,168
<--- 500 Illegal PORT command
---> LIST
---> ABOR
---- Closing aborted data socket
---- Chiusura del socket di controllo
It seems that LFTP renounces to connect to data socket because the remote server does not support the PORT command. Is there a way to convince LFTP can still connect to port 20? By FTP manual obviously no problem.
The issue, I think, is not that the FTP server doesn't support the PORT command (it does), but rather, it doesn't like the IP address/port that your FTP client is sending in the PORT command.
PORT 172,16,133,11,146,168
...tells the server to connect to address, port 37544*. The interesting part here is the IP address: it's an RFC 1918 address (i.e. it's a private network address). That, in turn, suggests that your FTP client is in a LAN somewhere, and is connecting to an FTP server using a public IP address.
That remote FTP server cannot connect to a private network address; by definition, RFC 1918 address are not publicly routable.
Thus it very well could be that the FTP server is trying to make a connection to the address/port given in your PORT command, fails, thus that is why the FTP server fails the command, saying:
500 Illegal PORT command
To make a PORT command work with that FTP server, you would need to discover the public IP address that that server can connect to, to reach your client machine. Let's say that this address is Then you would need to tell lftp to use that address in its PORT command, using the ftp:port-ipv4 option.
Chances are, though, that public IP address is the address of a NAT/router/firewall, and that that NAT/router/firewall will not allow connections, from the outside world to a high numbered port (e.g. 37544), to be routed to a machine within the LAN. This is one of the issues with active FTP data transfers, i.e. FTP data transfers which use the PORT (or EPRT) commands: they are not considered "firewall-friendly".
Hope this helps!
* - why 146,168 translates to port 37544?
According to FTP's RFC959 those parameters are:
(...) 16-bit TCP port address. This address information is broken into
8-bit fields and the value of each field is transmitted as a decimal
number (in character string representation).
146 dec = 10010010 bin = A
168 dec = 10101000 bin = B
10010010 10101000 bin = 37544 dec
