how to install gmagick extension of php on windows vista - php-extension

gmagick is newer version of imagemagick with more set of features it is less resource intensive and fast but the problem is there is very few discussion about this wonderful tool on web i recently came across this on
but i could not install it on windows machines cos phpize did not work so i tried some other way and some how managed to get on phpinfo page but i could not make it work further i colud not even open a single image with gmagick
this is code i used
// initialize object
$image = new Gmagick($path);
echo $image;
// read image file
$file = 'gallery/img1.jpg';
echo '<img src="' . $file . '" width="200" height="150" /> <br/>';
i used this code to instanstiate gmagick class and open image but i am geeting very big error as follows
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'GmagickException' with message 'Unable to open file (gallery/img1.jpg)' in C:\xampp\htdocs\junk\imgproc\imgproc1.php:4 Stack trace: #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\junk\imgproc\imgproc1.php(4): Gmagick->__construct('gallery/') #1 {main} thrown in C:\xampp\htdocs\junk\imgproc\imgproc1.php on line 4

A) To answer the question in your headline (that might lead other readers here):
Windows builds of the GraphicsMagick extension for PHP can be obtained here:
Check whether you need the thread-safe version or not by looking at a phpinfo(); output of your webserver. Look for the entry Thread Safety. In the entry PHP Extension Build you should also find the VC version that you need, e.g. API20090626,TS,VC9 for VC9.
Download the latest build that matches your conditions, put it into your PHP/ext directory and add it to your php.ini like this:
Remember to correct the name of the dll if you use the non-TS version.
Restart Apache and check phpinfo();. There should be a gmagick block now..
B) To correct the problem with your code:
The Gmagick constructor does not expect a path as a parameter, but a full image filename (may include a path). Most often it is better to leave it empty and provide the file in the readImage() call.
Try a full $path (starting at root) and use it in readImage() and writeImage():
Here is an example of a working piece of code:
// assuming this is the path to your code and to your image files
$path = 'C:\xampp\htdocs\junk\imgproc\';
$image = new Gmagick();
$file = 'img1.jpg';
// The rest of your code does not make any use of the GM instance,
// so I add something functional here: create a grayscale version and show it
$fileOut= 'img1_GRAY.jpg';
echo "<img src='$fileOut' >";
It should show a grayscale version of your image file.


SFTP Namespace with phpseclib installed manually

I am trying to connect using SFTP (phpseclib) with a manual installation. That's the very first time I'm using namespaces so I don't know if what I'm doing is the way I have to.
I did download phpseclib from GitHub as ZIP and put it in /home/libs_web/php/class/phpseclib3
After that I used this code (just as example) :
use phpseclib3\Net\SFTP;
$sftp = new SFTP('localhost');
$sftp->login('username', 'password');
As mentioned here but with an include on top :
Here is my error : Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'phpseclib3\Net\SSH2' not found in /home/libs_web/php/class/phpseclib3/Net/SFTP.php:52
It seems like my Namespace doesn't work correctly. I do not use autoloader, composer, and tried to set the working directory to /home/libs_web/php/class/phpseclib3/ & /home/libs_web/php/class/.
Don't know what to do more. If I include the file /Net/SSH2.php I'll have another error about another file. I think this isn't the proper way to work.
Could you please provide some help ?
phpseclib3 is best installed with Composer. eg. on the CLI do composer init; composer require phpseclib/phpseclib:~3.0. You'd also put require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; at the top of your file
If you wanted to do something like make your source code available for people to download and make it work on shared hosts were CLI access might not be available I guess you could do Composer and then upload the vendor/ directory by itself or include it with your zip file or whatever.

I cant make a dynamic image path in pdf

I've been trying to display an image in a fpdf file, it only works when I specify the exact location of the image. Can I make it dynamic?
Heres sample line of code:
and it works when I turn this way:
D:\Installed Apps\New
I want to transfer it to another laptop, I'm afraid it wont work.
I always get this error:
Message: fopen(fpdf/img/logo1.png): failed to open stream: No such
file or directory
I use code igniter as framework.
You can use multicell option in fpdf. I use this below code in php to it working.
define('ASSETS_URL','Your url or path to image file');
$yaxix = $pdf->GetY();
$xaxix = $pdf->GetX();
$pdf->MultiCell(50,10.5,$pdf->Image(ASSETS_URL.'/img/your-image-name.jpg',$xaxix,$yaxix+5,50)."\nAuthorised Signatory",1,'C',FALSE);
In this case you only have to change constants.

saving image from HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA does not work in MAMP

I'm using the following to upload an image from post data. it works on my server using php version: 5.2.16
When I try running the exact same script on my local server using MAMp and PHP Version 5.2.17
the file is not created.
if (isset($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA))
// Get the data
// Remove the headers (data:,) part.
// A real application should use them according to needs such as to check image type
$filteredData=substr($imageData, strpos($imageData, ",")+1);
// Need to decode before saving since the data we received is already base64 encoded
echo "unencodedData: ".$unencodedData;
$key = microtime();
$key = md5($key);
// Save file.
$fp = fopen( '../../../uploadedImages/original/' . $key . '.jpg', 'wb' );
fwrite( $fp, $unencodedData);
fclose( $fp );
it looks like the post data does exist if I look at it in firebug. Any ideas why this isn't working in mamp?
Some things to try:
Check to make sure you are getting the raw data when the script is running on MAMP
Check the permissions of the directory it is trying to write to and make sure you have write access to it and apache has write access to it.
I had issues running some php modules on MAMP so I switched to using versions I installed using MacPorts. It gave me more control of extra extension I wanted to install and I got the latest versions of apache, php, and the php extensions.

Zend OSX, and a "." added to context path

I downloaded and unpacked the latest version of Zend Framework, onto OSX (10.6) (am also running webserver with XAMPP, but I added the include_path change to both XAMPP and OSX path, but this is all command line so I dont think the php compiler is using the XAMPP install)
I try to create a project and get the following: (note that i am replacing part of the path with "----" just for the purpose of privacy)
sh-3.2# zf create project
Fatal error: Uncaught exception
'Zend_Exception' with message 'File "Zend/Tool/Project/Context/Zf/./AbstractClassFile.php" does not exist or class "Zend_Tool_Project_Context_Zf_._AbstractClassFile" was not found in the file' in /Volumes/----/----/z/library/Zend/Loader.php:99 Stack trace:
0 /Volumes/----/----/z/library/Zend/Tool/Project/Context/Repository.php(88):
1 /Volumes/----/----/z/library/Zend/Tool/Project/Context/Repository.php(79):
2 /Volumes/----/----/z/library/Zend/Tool/Project/Provider/Abstract.php(87):
3 /Volumes/----/----/z/library/Zend/Tool/Framework/Provider/Repository.php(187):
4 /Volumes/----/----/z/library/Zend/Tool/Framework/Client/Abstract.php(128):
Zend_Tool_F in
on line 99 sh-3.2#
Note the period after "Context_Zf_"
I've narrowed it down to this block of code:
File: /Volumes/----/----/z/library/Zend/Tool/Project/Provider/Abstract.php
public function initialize()
// initialize the ZF Contexts (only once per php request)
if (!self::$_isInitialized) {
// load all base contexts ONCE
$contextRegistry = Zend_Tool_Project_Context_Repository::getInstance();
dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/Context/Zf/', 'Zend_Tool_Project_Context_Zf_'
dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/Context/Filesystem/', 'Zend_Tool_Project_Context_Filesystem_'
// determine if there are project specfic providers ONCE
Specifically "dirname(dirname(FILE))" is echoing as "."
if I wrap the block with an 'if (dirname(dirname(__FILE))!=".") { … } ', then I don't get that error, but I get another:
sh-3.2# zf create project testProject
An Error Has Occurred
Context by name applicationDirectory does not exist in the registry.
Zend Framework Command Line Console
Tool v1.11.3 Details for action
"Create" and provider "Project"
zf create project path name-of-profile file-of-profile
I tested on my Mac and it works fine. Have you tried to restart you xampp server, I don't really know how it works as I use Apache & PHP already installed versions not a "AMP pack". Maybe it's a problem with the php.ini include_path which has not been reloaded.
It's clearly a problem with the path as it don't succeed to build the class name :
the dot should not appear here.
Can you share you PATH variable from the terminal and your include_path from your php.ini.
Sadly the solution was to install zend server community edition, and have that take care of everything for me. For anyone else on OSX going this route, check out:
includes the steps for enabling CLI support.

including files without having to specify $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']

Before the PHP Version update I used to be able to include files as following without specifying the document root:
<?php include '/absolute/path/to/files/file1.php'; ?>
However I now have to include the same file as following:
<?php include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/absolute/path/to/files/file1.php'; ?>
What php.ini setting could have overridden the former behaviour?
You need the php.ini directive include_path
Including an absolute path should be working the same way straight through PHP 5.2.9 (haven't tried 5.3, but this shouldn't change). Since you're specifying an absolute path, the include_path directive has no bearing.
Can you provide some more information? What PHP version, platform, and the error you get back from include would be a great start.
Linux: RHEL 5 PHP: Version PHP 5.2.9 Error Messages I get are: PHP Warning: require(/conf/common.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/vhosts/DOMAIN/httpdocs/tell-a-friend-fns.php on line 63 PHP Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required '/conf/common.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/pear:/usr/lib/php:/tmp') in /var/www/vhosts/DOMAIN/httpdocs/tell-a-friend-fns.php on line 63
Okay, it looks like your application is living in /var/www/vhosts/DOMAIN, and you're looking for /conf/common.php, right? I don't know if your file is actually in /conf/ or if it's in /var/www/vhosts/DOMAIN/conf/ (I assume the latter, with the information given). If it's in /conf/, then make sure that your Web server user can read that directory. If not, change your include to /var/www/vhosts/DOMAIN/httpdocs/conf/common.php.
Better yet, you might be able to do include '../conf/common.php, depending on where common.php lives in relation to your main script for the requested page.
Remember that any path given with a leading "/" is absolute in relation to the file system, not the Web server document root. Any path given without a "/" is assumed to be a relative path, relative to your executing script (not the current file). My guess is that prepending $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] to your path is changing the absolute path to a relative path. I have no idea why an absolute path would act as a relative path pre-upgrade, unless you were operating in a jailed environment (common with virtual hosts) which got removed during the upgrade.
I always use something like:
require( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/../../subdir/somefile.php' );
It gives you a relative path from the current file, but resolves to an absolute path (by using dirname on the current file).
