Simple product image in Config product - Magento 1.5 - magento

I am using Magento 1.5 and have around 33,450 products on my site. 32000 are simple products attached to 1300 configurable products.
Now, the main problem is that I need to change the product image when my customer selects different color.
How can I do that?
I already installed and this displays the prices of the simple products which is awesome. But I need it to display pictures of simple products as well.
Any idea how to do this?

The EComDev Smart Color Selector extension can do exactly that. We're using it on a couple of sites and it works great.

Go to System > Configuration > SCP Products > SCP Cart > Show Configurable Product Image in Cart and make sure that it's set to no.

Here is basic idea behind Color Swatcher:
1> Hide the dropdown/select field of color attribute using css(style="display:none")
2> Get all the associated color products and loop over them to display the thumbnail
3> Trigger the select field value based on the click on the related thumbnail
4> That's all
Real implementation is upto you.


How to change configurable product main image by associated product image based on color attributes?

I am using magento ( configurable product with size and color attributes. I want to change the main-image on configurable-product view as per the options chosen Like If I choose red-color then image of associated-product which has red color attribute value should display on main-image as soon as I choose the option.
How can i do this??
You can use the Simple Configurable Products extension for this.
This extension is not updated for latest version, so you need to do some changes that you can read from the extension reviews.

Magento - show simple products on listing page

I'm using rwd theme of Magento, but this theme shows the configurable products on listing page. I have different colours (red, blue, yellow) in the same configurable product, and I want to show 3 simple products on listing page instead of configurable.
Is that possible? How can I do it? I'm looking for the solution but I didn't find it.
Change Visibility of simple product to "Catalog, Search", It will showing in product list page.
PS: you may need to disable Configurable products.
Have you tried to use the "Simple configurable" product plugin?
This might help you to achieve something along this line...
The other way is to do it with code using a custom template / backend php override...

Magento: how to display the correct images for configurable products in search results

I'm building configurable products on my Magento site (a simple way of showing each of our textiles with the swatches of the different colors of the same item under the main product image) and I have associated simple products for each individual color.
I don't seem to be able to obtain the desired behavior from the site and I'm writing to ask if you have a suggestion that might solve my problem.
At the moment I experience this behavior: when filtering products through color-level attributes I get both the simple and configurable products in my result set. Once I do that if I click on a simple product I find myself the simple product detail page, which doesn't show the box with the other color swatches.. while I would like every product detail page to show the other colors of the same item.
The intended usage is very basic really but I can't figure out if Magento can achieve that on its own or if it will require extra code; what I need is:
1) all product detail pages to show all the color swatches
2) the result list when filtering by the color attribute (for example "whites") should show the correct color images of the individual colors, without duplicates (and not the main image for that product, which would probably be in the wrong color)
Do you have a suggestion of maybe know of a plugin to achieve this?
Thanks a lot,
There are two features in particular that might help you solve your problem.
Click to expand the Shopping Cart section. Then, set Configurable Product Image to one
of the following:
l Product Thumbnail Itself
l Parent Product Thumbnail
To prevent the associated products from being listed individually in the catalog, set Visibility to “Not Visible Individually.” Or in your case, you may decide to do it the other way around.
Please be aware that I was not able to get this feature to work myself.

Associated Product not showing the different price

I have just added a product and everything works fine. The product is a top with different attributes: size and color.
However I want to have reduced price on one of the different colors like in a sale, so I went into the associated products section and changed the price. However, whenever I go to the website and click on the color of the reduced price top, it still shows the original price and not the one I just changed.
How can I get it to show the price I changed it to?
Out of the box the only way to do this is via the price offsets for each configurable option under "Super product attributes configuration" as shown in the attached image:
Otherwise, you can use an extension such as Simple Configurable Products
Go to system > Index Management and reindex Product Prices data
It sounds like you are using a configurable product with associated simple products. As far as I'm aware Magento only refreshes the product price for bundle product types.
I have seen a lot of people recommending this module.

Layered Navigation in magento is not working with Configurable products

I am using this extension in my magento web store (Layered navigation)
This extension working fine for simple products.
But in my case, I have two attributes that would be used to create configurable products, i.e Size and Color. Now when I create my configurable products, and associate my simple products of different sizes and colors to that configurable product and browse the Category Landing page, In layered navigation I don't see any Color or Size from the associated products of configurable products, neither it searches for the selected color or size in the associated child products of a configurable products. This has become a serious problem for me and it seems like this extension doesn't work with configurable products, I have already them too, but no reply as yet.
Has anyone went through the same problem ?
Try to re-index all. That should solve your problem.
This issue is closed for noor. For the record the reason for misbehavior is in attribute setup he had and in general is not related to SEO Layered Navigation Plus. What should be avoided:
Attributes used both in Layered Navigation should be allowed to set either on Configurable Product label or on simple product level. If you have not done it from the beginning, disabling attribute usage in configurable products is not enough as to that moment values can already be stored in database. So after disabling you should additionally delete values of that attribute assigned to all configurable products in catalog_product_entity_int table.
