How to show a Carbon dialog as part of a plugin for an application with an existing event loop? - macos

I'm writing a plugin for an application and need to use Carbon to show a dialog. I have everything set up including the event handler, but I cannot possibly call RunApplicationEventLoop() because this would stall the host application.
How can I fix this? Will I need to create a separate thread and call RunApplicationEventLoop() from there?

What makes you think you need to call RunApplicationEventLoop? The host app is presumably running an event loop, probably either using RunApplicationEventLoop or NSApplicationMain. By the way, would your dialog be modal? Modal is easier.


Show a message dialog form outside the main UI thread

I want to create a dialog utility unity that could be called in an asynchronous way from different threads and show my dialog message on the active form, and I was sure that TDialogServiceAsync was the perfect way to do it but I can't call the MessageDialog method from outside the Main UI Thread.
Is it possible to achieve what I want without having to actually create a method in my main form that shows the dialog?
I'm developing for Windows right now but a method that could work on multiple plataforms would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
no, everything that touch the ui must be done in the main ui thread (quite logic). the only think you can do in your background thread

How can a Mac app determine the method used to launch it?

I have a Mac OS X application that is also a protocol handler (just as, for example, Safari is a protocol handler for the HTTP and HTTPS protocols). So when a user clicks a link of the form myscheme://some-kind-of-info in any application at all, my application launches to handle the link.
Now I need to be able to determine if the application was launched by such a link click, or if it was launched by any other method. In other words, it was launched by any method besides a link click. (In those cases, I want the app to stay open, but if it was launched by a link it should quit and ignore the link. This way it only operates when already running.)
Is there some way within the app at startup to introspect and find out that it was launched by a standard method rather than by an AppleScript GetURL event? I'd like to find out through a documented method, rather than - for example - just have my app only open these links after it's been running for a half a second.
You can register a handler for each of the possible Apple Events you'll get on launch, and make note of which one you receive first.
If the application is launched without documents, you'll get kAEOpenApplication.
If it's launched with documents, you'll get kAEOpenDocuments (or
If it's launched with a URL, then (obviously) you'll get kAEGetURL.
There's also kAEOpenContents, but I wasn't able to trigger it easily in my test app; it's probably worth supporting no matter what.
How Cocoa Applications Handle Apple Events documents all of this stuff.
There is one error in there, though; it says that AppleScript's "launch" will send kAEOpenApplication. It won't, it'll send ascr/noop (kASAppleScriptSuite/kASLaunchEvent, defined in ASRegistry.h). I couldn't get the usual Cocoa event handler mechanism to trap this event, so you may need to do some more digging there.
One way you can check if the event is sent at launch is to register the event handlers in your application delegate's applicationWillFinishLaunching: method; they should deliver by the time applicationDidFinishLaunching: is invoked. With that method, you could potentially only check for kAEGetURL.

Altering Qt Application keyboard events

I'm trying to do the following - given an keypress event in an QT Application, I want to intercept it, modify it (for instance, replacing Qt::Key_Up with 0x81001310), and send it into the app again.
Does overriding the event method work? If you do get all of the keypresses there, just consume the events you wish to replace and send new events that you want.
Might not work, just an idea that should be easy to test.
Be careful to not cause infinite recursions or loops :)
If this doesn't work, you can always create an eventFilter and modify the events that way. However, if you do this, you might have to install the event filter for many things.

Firefox Tab Tearing kills my NPPlugin

I have an NPAPI Plugin that runs in Firefox, but any time that the tab is "torn off" (by dragging the tab into space so a new window is formed), the plugin is destroyed and recreated. The problem is that the plugin needs to be initialized with information from an Ajax call, and I cannot find any way in Javascript to detect this, so the plugin is not getting the necessary initialization information.
So, any ideas as to how to detect this event and/or make the plugin not be destroyed/recreated when the tab is torn off?
What operating system are you dealing with? If it is actually destroying your plugin and recreating it, you could always have the plugin attempt to call a javascript method on startup.
Specify the name of the function in a param tag and then on plugin startup, attempt to get a reference to that method by calling NPN_GetProperty on the window NPObject (which you can get by calling NPN_GetValue(NPNVWindowNPObject, &npobjectptr) and then calling NPN_GetProperty(npp, npobjectptr, NPN_GetStringIdentifier(functionname), &destObj)
Then you can invoke that method with a reference to your plugin (which you can get again with NPN_GetValue) and the js function will know that it's time to initialize your plugin (again?).
You could do other things as well, such as store initialization data in global space and try to figure out a way to detect that it should be the same plugin instance... not sure how to be sure it's supposed to be the same one, though.

Is there an API event for when person changes clock on Windows?

I was wondering if there's some sort of system event that gets fired every time a user changes the time in Windows. I know there's a way to enable this in Windows' EventLog, but I was looking for a way to respond to this event programatically (like using the Windows API).
A WM_TIMECHANGE message is sent whenever there is a change in the system time
I'm not sure from your question if you're working in managed or native code. But if you're working in managed code you can use the TimeChanged event on the SystemEvents class.
