joomla displaying full article on different page/Directory then home - joomla

I am using joomla, on my site I have three sub menus, and I assign blog layout page to third sub menu, I have SEO friendly URL enable.
Now Blog page is showing fine on third directory, eg:
but when I click on read more option on blog layout page, it display full article on homepage
How can I show article on third submenu like or third directory:

Tree/silo structure is made in Joomla by use of sections and categories.
Your article should be placed in categroy, which should be part of section.
Then you make your menu out of sections and categories like this
Check out this article withe Joomla content structure overview:
joomla structure pdf


How to remove modules from blog item page

I have my joomla 3 homepage that is actually blog page. And it also has some modules assigned to it. When I click to open particular blog item (clicking read more button) I am redirected to that blog item page that also has those modules assigned and actually completely same look as home page.
What I want is to keep modules on my home blog page, and remove it from blog item page. I want my blog item page to have only that blog item content nad nothing more. Any suggestion?
You need some configuration for each module, go to your modules, inside you can see a tab called Menu Assignment, from here select for example show only on homepage.

RAXO All-mode PRO instead simple article on home page JOOMLA

HI I have problem to change content display into my homepage. I need change simple articles categories display to something like RAXO All-mode PRO. But I don't know how to insert this module into content on home page. I using Joomla 3.x
If it's impossible, maybe somebody know about component which show articles categories better than conventional.
To insert any module of Joomla x.x you can use this tag into the content of an article: {loadposition MyModulePosition}. Then in the module you set the position to MyModulePosition and in the menu display option mark the menu item that point to the article.
However if the home page menu item point to "all featured article", you can set the article as featured and the module apears in the home page.

Joomla newsflash items linking to separate page

Joomla 2.5
Let's say I got "News" category with some articles inside and modules, let's call them "module1", "module2" and up to 10.
Normally, if I got menu item called "News" with category view under it (it's called blog or something in Joomla) and I set only "module1" to be displayed there, all the items from this category will be displayed with the same layout.
However, if I add ie. "module2", which is a newsflash, to my homepage, items from "News" category will be displayed with homepage layout, with all the modules shown. I'd like them to be displayed as if they were on "News" page. How to do that?
Answer: add articles to "hidden" menu is not acceptable. Imagine blog, where you have to add all your posts to any kind of menu.
Visual explanation:
Normally, a menu position which lists articles form category and has only two modules (call them module1 and module2) enabled, will look like this:
If you click any item, you will be redirected to a page with the same layout (notice: I don't have to add all articles to menu, just article listing page):
However, if I add newsflash module on my homepage, which is full of modules, clicking an item will display article on homepage, in area that I called main content. Which is bad. I'd like it to open just like article from articles listing. Here is screen:
This article on the Joomla docs gives a good idea of what your tying to do as I understand it. As you don't wish to have menu items as you state in the question I think the best way is what they label as number 3 at the bottom - installing an extension that provides detailed control over where a module displays. Their featured module is Advanced Module Manager - which comes from NoNumber - something a lot of sites use and has a proven track record. However there is an entire section of modules on Joomla Extension Directory here

YooTheme Zoo Application Blog Front Page

I am using YooTheme's ZOO Blog application on my front page. I have two things I'd like to acheive;
When clicking on an article title, you are taken to a page where you
have the article in full view, including any read-more content you
may/may not have. When taken to this page, you still have all modules
which are assigned to the 'home' menu item. Unfortunately, in order
for the application, 'Blog' to show on the front page - it must be
assigned to the 'home' menu item.
I'd preferably like the full article page just to have the menu module at the top, and perhaps any modules I do actually 'enable'.
A strange one - I'd like to have no pagination at the bottom of my
front page. I'd simply like to encourage users to go to a separate
page that lists all of the news.
I hope someone can help!
I'd utilise the 'fantastic' community that YooTheme holds - but unfortunately, after 3 months (being the lowest tier when you buy a product) any and -all- support stops. This includes the ticketing system which is mainly community-help based.
If need be, I can provide screen shots.
You can edit the full and any layout by clicking to the icon in zoo administrator panel. There you can edit every element in the link which is under your app type name! Next to the "Default" or your template there are links for full, teaser, feed etc. Full is for the full view of the item and teaser is for the category/front page view! In Yootheme's website you can find a comprehensive documentation about zoo also! Let me know if you need anything else
I found the answers to this problem. (I'm not native english speaker, but I hope you'll understand)
First method - sh404sef, I don't know whether it's a feature or a bug in that component, but that what you need to do:
Unpublish your default homepage menu item(zoo category for example) to wich there were assigned modules that you dont need to be shown, then create and make it Default Page(star sign) new menu item(or use existing one), and assign to it the modules that you want to appear in the full item view(I'm using product not a blog zoo app) or article full view when you click link from homepage and opens zoo item page or zoo category page.
In joomla Globa Configuration turn on - Use URL rewriting, then in sh404sef Control Panel turn on - Enable URL optimization and Rewriting mode with .htaccess . Errase all the url links in sh404SEF: URL manager(if any exist), we need it (sh404SEF) to create new links.
Now when you open new default home page with modules you need to be shown in the zoo item full view, you start to going on ALL the zoo links you wish to open then with that quantity of modules. sh404sef creates SEF link in it backend (in URL manager). And that links will open with exactly with that quantity of modules with zoo.
Now you can publish back again your previos homepage and make it default page. And there will be modules that you want on homepage, but because of links that sh404sef created when you were clicking, the zoo items or article links will open with different modules that we asigned to our second default page you use to create those links. For that purpose I commonly use existing menu item where will be another set of modules not like in the homepage. When you have new link on site you have to partially repeat that. You have to go on that link first time from the page where quantity of modules suits you (and to be on the safe side make that page your default page for that time)
Second method - JoomlaXTC Zoo Item Wall, its a module you don't have to make menu item to show zoo items on a homepage. But, I didn't tried it myself I only read about it.

Joomla: How to include a second article content area on front page

Joomla newbie here. I understand how to build a "front page" using a menu item with the Front Page Blog Layout so that article content appears on the front page. But I'd also like to include article content (from another section or category) in the left column area. How is this done?
any sort of module that displays content--you can find many content showcase galleries in the extension directory
I suggest checking out this brand new extension:
