I would like to create a custom theme. It is possible to apply other people's custom themes (http://www.gethemes.com/free-themes) but I cannot find documentation on how to create Google Sites themes.
I don't know how to create a entirely custom theme from scratch, but you can create a theme that is extremely "customized". In other words, you can create a new site, apply an existing theme, then customize colors, fonts, and background images (or textures) for all the various parts of the page. You will not be able to change the size of the various elements (sidebar, header area, etc), but as long as you can find a base theme with the general layout that you'd like, you're set. You are then free to publish your new theme as a template.
If this provides the flexibility that you hoped for, here are the required steps:
Create a new Site. This will be the basis for your theme.
From the "More" button/menu, select "Manage Site".
On the left column, select "Themes" (bottom of list)
Take a look at the pre-built theme catalog on the page. You will need to choose one for your "base theme". (Simply note the name of your chosen theme at this point). Once you have decided on a base theme, click the link at the top of page titled, "Build Your Own Custom Theme".
From the "Base Theme" drop-down, select the theme you chose on the previous step.
Now you are free to customize colors, fonts, and background images (or textures) for all the various parts of the page. (This process will not allow you to change the size of the various elements, which is why it is important to choose a base theme with the general layout that you'd like.)
Finally, return to the "Manage Sites" page, and under the "General" tab, look for the button labeled "Publish this site as a template", and follow the instructions found there (naming the template, etc).
UPDATE: You can find similar instructions in the official documentation.
I'm working on a new site for our Center, using Plone 4.3.3 on Linux. I am also using the Plonetheme Burned. How do I change the footer text to replace the copyright attribution from "Plone Foundation and friends" to my organization?
At least we have two ways to achieve this. One is to edit the registered (template-based) view plone.footer through the Zope Management Interface (ZMI). This approach seems more straight-forward for new comers.
Click into the Plone Site, scroll down to look for portal_view_customizations (Template customizations). You will see all the registered views there, including plone.footer.
Click into plone.footer you will see its template file in HTML format. Click on Customize button to modify it. Thus you can manage the Plone Footer template.
The above approach is much the same with Change the Logo in Plone.
Another equivalent way is to create your plone.footer viewlet in the filesystem, to override the stock one provided by plone.app.layout.viewlet module. See http://docs.plone.org/develop/plone/views/viewlets.html for more info. Still, there is an equivalent way to override the template, online search with keywords like z3c.jbot for more details.
it seems the developers fail at explaining what this page should be about
phcprotostar is a 1:1 copy of protostar (except the added 'phc' letters).
see my screenshot:
what is this page about?
This screen is the template manager styles tab, rather than the template tab. A template can have as many styles as you like, you can then apply the styles to menu items as required.
An example of this is that you could copy the "protostar - Default" style to a new style called "protostar - News". You could then apply the "protostar - News" style to the news section of your site. This would enable you to adjust the settings in the "Advanced" tab for "protostar - News", and, for example, make the main or background color different, set a different logo, font or title.
So, in practice, a template style is a child of a template, allowing you to configure the template's style settings in different ways on different pages.
What is adjustable in the template style varies a lot from one template to the next, but in Protostar you can set:
Template Colour
Background Colour
Google Font for Headings
Google Font Name
Fluid Layout
The Joomla documentation for this is at...
...where it gives the description...
The Template Manager: Styles screen was introduced in Joomla! 1.6. It
allows you to manage template styles which you can then apply to your
Joomla! installation. You can specify the default style to be applied
to web pages in the public and administrator interfaces. You can also
configure different styles for the various menu item web pages on your
site. Styles allow to you have multiple different configurations of a
template saved and then apply them on a site-wide or per-page basis.
I have just installed a theme in Plone called beyondskins.responsive. Now I want to change the logo so that it uses the logo for my site and not the default Plone logo. I've spent an hour googling this problem and I have not found a solution.
One of the places I looked was here: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/plone.app.theming#modifying-the-theme This site tells me "You can modify a theme by clicking Modify theme underneath a theme in the Themes tab of the Theming control panel." However, I don't know how to find the "Theming control panel" that they are speaking of. When I go to "Site Setup" after logging in as admin I see an option called "Diazo theme" and another option called "Themes" (just the fact that there are two annoys me...) but neither of these options has a "Modify theme" option.
Another place I looked was here: http://quintagroup.com/services/support/tutorials/index_html#plone-visual-design These guys have separate tutorials for each of about 30 different themes (one tutorial for customizing the Estate theme, another tutorial for customizing the Estate Classic theme, another tutorial for customizing the Coral theme, and so on...) The theme I am interested isn't listed, but all the tutorials seem to be similar and the first thing they address is how to change the logo. For instance, here are the instructions for changing the SkyCream theme logo: http://quintagroup.com/services/support/tutorials/skycream/diazo/logo
They tell me: "You can replace this logo with yours via ZMI. Open portal_skins -> sunburst_images folder, there is logo.png image. To set your own logo press Customize button." However, my system, which is running Plone 4.2 does not have a Customize button at this location. Perhaps these tutorials are aimed at Plone 4.1.
I'm starting to feel like I could have written my own theme from scratch faster than figuring out how Plone works. Please help.
UPDATE: Ok, so if I go to: mysite:8080/manage_main I get a list of the stuff at the Zope root. From there I click on my Plone site. From there I click on "Portal Skins". From there I click on "Sunburst Images". I then see a page with links to logo.png and pb_close.png. I then click on "logo.png". At the bottom of that page there is a button called "Customize". I click on it and it takes me to a page with the title "Image at /myplonesite/portal_skins/custom/logo.png" and gives me an option to choose an image file to upload. So I upload the image file that I would like to use as my logo. I then click "Save Changes". Now, my image file is larger than the original Plone logo. So it shows a larger logo, my logo, on this page after I complete the upload. I then go to my site to see my new logo. What I see instead, however, is the original Plone logo, but this time it is blown up much bigger!!! So it didn't change to a new logo -- it just kept the same logo but used the sizing information for the bigger image. I would much prefer to just deal with the HTML/CSS directly as opposed to working through a GUI, but I can't figure out where the html/css files are stored for the theme -- they appear to be packaged in a .egg file.
I'm going to assume that the theme is using the static HTML file (as referenced by the rule in rules.xml) to place the logo, rather than pulling Plone's standard logo through using a rule. In this case, you simply edit the theme HTML file (usually theme.html or index.html) and/or replace the image file it references.
In other words: if you know how to do this with HTML and CSS, you know how to edit the theme.
As a side note: In Plone 4.3, we'll ship with an in-Plone theme editor that should make this even easier. You'll get an option to make a new, in-Plone editable copy of a theme with a rich HTML editor that you can use to modify the markup easily.
In Magento I took and duplicated a theme and made a few changes to the second one. Called it recipes, removed the price, etc. All worked out fine except! When I add a related product it shows up and says "other featured products". This is what the old theme said.
After some research i am seeing it is pulling this file from the "app/design/frontend/base/template/catalog/product/list folder instead of the theme folder ?
Turn on template/path hints in your administration area:
System -> Config / Advanced -> Developer
This will show you exactly which template and block it belongs to. The product list template you are referring to just renders the products, it's possible the theme does not also include the header in that file.
Alternatively, a quick grep (or search via IDE if you are on Windows) for 'Other Featured Products' is a good solution, since that should be a fairly unique string.
I am porting an existing site to Joomla 1.5. The menus on the existing site use rollover images and inline Javascript. How can I make the menus look the same in Joomla and use the Joomla menus, without rewriting the menu code?
It ended up being rather simple, actually. Joomla renders menus as <UL><LI><A> tags. All I had to do was extract the background from one of the menu images (both in selected and unselected state), set a images as the background in each of the styles in the Joomla CSS, and voila, it almost looks exactly like the old site (minus a slightly different font, since the text is no longer part of the image).
To show a menu item as an image, edit your menu item and select an image under the Parameters (System) heading (This list automatically populates with the images in the images/stories folder).
You will also need to set the module for the menu to display the images you set. Go to Extensions > Modules, then select the module for your menu (for instance, Main Menu). From there, select Other Parameters and then set Show Menu Images and Menu Image Link to Yes.
The rollovers will be a bit trickier. You won't be able to add inline JavaScript, but you might be able to use JavaScript to find your menu and assign rollovers to each item. Joomla ships with MooTools, or you can use jQuery if you're more comfortable wit hit. Use the Menu Tag ID field under Advanced Parameters to give your menu ul element an HTML id.