How to make objects snap to a position in html5 canvas? - html5-canvas

I'm looking into making a jigsaw game using html5 canvas and JavaScript. I have the images(pieces) in place, and they are draggable, but I'd like the pieces to act like they are on a grid so that when you click and hold while dragging an image it can only be placed on certain tiles within the 3x3 grid.
A similar question was asked on Stack before but the only response pointed to a drupal module and I'm not using drupal. I found one more similar solution online that uses but I'm hoping to solve this all on the front-end, and if I have to use some server-side code I only know PHP.
The renderGrid function for canvas it seems, just draws a grid, but doesn't make it functional for snapping objects to certain places.
Does anyone have clues on how to do this?

Use divide/floor down math when setting coordinates. E.g. to space x for each 24 pixels:
var gridx = Math.floor(x/24)*24;


Sprite sheet used for diffuse animation

I'm trying to use a sprite sheet in my background animation. The sprite sheet is made up of multiple objects of varying sizes and shapes. I want the sizes/shapes to be used consecutively in a "floating" type backgound animation. I have no clue how to start the code. Can't seem to find anything like this on the Stack Overflow site. Ps. I'm not trying to animate one (1) object (such as a running man). Please HELP!!
I tried using JS code for animating bubbles and just replacing with my script.png. It didn't work. The example background that I'm trying to duplicate is found at - If you page down until you reach about the third page, you will find a colored background with floating objects, along with a scattered light and fog. Lusion used a sprite sheet for the objects. I have a copy of the sprite sheet. They seem to hide their code, so I can't use their site for learning.

Microsoft Edge WebGL lose context

I m creating a THREE.js (latest version, r71) app, and sometimes I need to manually delete the 3D scene to display classic 2D content. So, what I do is clearing all variables like scene or renderer, and killing the WebGL context using renderer.forceContextLoss()
This method works fine on Firefox or Chrome, but it is not supported on Interner Explorer or Microsoft Edge, which cause multiple lags on my web page. I can't find a workaround to do this properly as I do in Firefox or Chrome.
If someone has a tip, feel free to tell me :)
Try using two canvas tags and put one over the other as suggested here,
put them in a parent div tag then use the following css.
In response to your comment, allow me to clarify my understanding.
You want to draw 2d and 3d.
You are resetting the webGL context.
You can't have 2 contexts to the same canvas simultaneously and I assume you want to use a a different context for your 2d content.
If this assumption is correct:
I am suggesting that you have 2 canvases and contexts simultaneously, one with your webGL context and 3d content, and another with the context you want to use for 2d content. Then you overlay these canvases by using absolute position, such that it looks like there is one canvas.
This means you never have to reload assets to switch contexts, just make sure you so the above canvas is transparent.
Also if you wrap the canvas in a div tag, it will not be at the top left of the page.
But If my assumption is wrong:
perhaps you don't want to use another context and just wish to clear the screen, in which case you should not call forceContextLoss()
If you wish to continue to use the webGL context, but clear the screen you should use clear()

Add perspective to image in web

I have a squared formed image. I need to add perspective view to it and then make an animation that will restore image back to square view. This actions must work at least in all newest versions of browsers and without Flash.
I have tried to do this as follows:
Using RaphaelJS I can only clip image (create path and set fill to image url), not add perspective.
Canvas works as svg and vml in RaphaelJS... I can't add perspective with it's help.
CSS3 3D animation method rotateX adds perspective, but it is supported only by Chrome and Safary.
There is no way to add perspective to image using built in tools.
The only possible solution, I have found is using SVG add clip path to image - it doesn't add perspective view, but it's the best possible solution.
As I understand - we can use Canvas to add perspective, but you must write your own javascript algorithm to transform plain image to perspective view.

Region selection in canvas

I'm setting up an experimental html5 website using canvas.
I am drawing 3 circles all next to each other and all I want to know is how to be able to select them.
I'd like them to become links, in a way. Not tags, since everything's gonna be created using javascript.
Something like kinetic JS :, but without the extra library.
I have found some scripts that are using ghost canvas and contexts, but the examples are for dragging and stuff. I only want to be able to select my shape and execute some code.
Thank you!
I am thinking you might want to look into the IsPointInPath() method. It will help you figure out whether or not the mouse clicked on your canvas object.
See Detect mouseover of certain points within an HTML canvas?
if you are talented in xml i suggest you to use canvas + SVG (
And follow this simple example.
regarding to SVG and Canvas , the differences are obvious, as you can load bitmaps in SVG, and you can draw lines using the canvas API. However, creating the image may be easier using one technology over the other, depending on whether your graphic is mainly line-based or more image-like.

Qt - Drawing a Rect/Frame out of a bigger Pixmap image

I've been banging my head about this seemingly easy task and I could really use some help.
I have a wide Image loaded in the gui (using the designer..) and I want to be able to draw only a portion of it, a rectangle.
I need to be able to change this rectangle position over the large image, in order to draw a different part of the larger image at will. In this process the rect must maintain its size.
Using the Ui::MainWindow object I'm able to access the label holding the image and a solution that involves using this option is preferred (in order to keep up with the rest of the code I've already written )
Any solution will be much appreciated :)
I would definitely (for ease of use) just place an empty label as placeholder in Designer.
Then implement the paintEvent for this label (delegate it to your own method). You'll have also have to look into QPainter, QPixMap, etc... Should be doable based on these hints and the documentation.
If you want more, I suggest you provide a small code snippet to work upon.
If you want to do this more or less purely through designer, you could put a QScrollArea where you want the portion of the image to appear. If you set the scroll area's scrollbar policy to be never shown, you can then manually change what part is visible via the scroll area widget. However, this would probably be more complex that creating a derived widget and reimplementing the paint function.
