Losing data in models and collections inside the ViewModel on postback - asp.net-mvc-3

I am using a viewmodel that contains a few other models(entities) for each partial view.
I am rendering a partial view by passing the entity which is inside the ViewModel. My partial view has a few fields and some buttons. On click of button (which is inside my partial view) the form is being posted back with the data in a sub entity, whereas my viewmodel is always posted back as null...
I need the data to be present in my viewmodel on post back.
All views are strongly typed:
public class OrdersVM
public FiltersVM filterCriteria { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<MeterInventory> meters { get; set; }
public string assignTo { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<SelectListItem> AssigneeOptions { get; set; }
public partial class Meters
public int MTRNO { get; set; }
public string LOCName { get; set; }
public class FiltersVM
public string Center { get; set; }
public DateTime? DueDate { get; set; }
View Code
#model OrdersVM
ViewBag.Title = "Orders";
#using (Html.BeginForm())
#Html.Partial("~/Views/Base/Filters.cshtml", Model.filterCriteria)
#foreach (var item in Model.meters)
Controller code
public ActionResult Index(OrdersVM orders, FiltersVM filters)
//orders is null
//filters has values
Thanks Olivehour. I am using the partial view "Filters.cshtml". and am rendering the same.
Below is the code for partial view :
#model ViewModels.FiltersVM <fieldset>
<legend>Order Assignment</legend>
<table id="tbl1" class="tableforcontrols">
<div class="editor-label">
#Html.LabelFor(model => model.LDC)
<div class="editor-field">
<input type="submit" value="Search" id="btnSearch" name="button" />
<div class="editor-field">
<input type="submit" class="cancel" value="Reset" id="btnReset" name="button" />
</table> </fieldset>
I tried with single argument "OrdersVM" (parent view model) but no luck.
public ActionResult Index(OrdersVM orders)
but if I pass the parent viewmodel to the partial view it was holding the data in OrdersVM.filterCriteria but not for properties (IEnumerable meters, string assignTo and Enumerable AssigneeOptions)
#Html.Partial("~/Views/Base/Filters.cshtml", Model)
I am new to MVC. Please let me know if any one finds the solution.
Thanks in advance.

It looks like you have a couple of problems here. One probable reason why the orders arg is null in your action method is because it doesn't look like you are rendering any input elements. You just have #Html.Encode(item.LOCNAME).
In order for the default model binder to construct an instance of OrdersVM and pass it to the action method, it needs to have input from the HTTP POST. You need something more like #Html.TextBoxFor(m => item.LOCNAME).
The second problem I think is that you have 2 arguments in the action method. Since the OrdersVM already has a FiltersVM property, you should just be able to have a single OrdersVM argument to the action method. During the HTTP POST, you can just access FiltersVM properties from OrdersVM.filterCriteria. This will lead to your 3rd challenge, though, since the meters property on OrdersVM is an IEnumerable collection.
To solve this, first have a couple reads of this article about model binding collections. It's old, but it still applies in MVC3. Read it and really wrap your head around it.
If you don't like using integers to index your collection fields, there is an HTML helper written by Steve Sanderson that allows you to index collection inputs using GUID's. We use this all the time, but it can be tricky -- mainly, you should always put the collection item in a partial view. For now, you might just be better off using integer-based indexing as outlined in the Haacked article.

It sounds like you are comming from Webforms. To transition to MVC you need to remove the thought of PostBack. This is concept that doesn't really exist on the web but Webforms faked it for us.
In MVC you usually start with a GET request like /edit/{someId}. From here you load the data for the viewmodel from the database and render the view. Now let's say that all data in the viewmodel is editable so each property have it's own input field. The user edits some data and saves the form. This issues a POST to the server.
Assume we have this POST method
public ActionResult Edit(MyViewModel model)
In this case you have all the data you need modelbinded because all data existed in the form.
You could do this and get the same view rendered because all data was databinded.
public ActionResult Edit(MyViewModel model){
return View(model);
Now let's pretend you have a dropdown in your form. Then you would have these two properties in your viewmodel.
public int CarId { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<SelectListItem> CarOptions {get; set; }
When you post the form this time the CarId will be populated in the ViewModel but not CarOptions because they are not a part of the form data. What you do if you would want to return the same view again is to reload the missing parts.
public ActionResult Edit(MyViewModel model){
model.CarOptions = LoadCarOptions();
return View(model);
It's certainly possible to modelbind that too if you put it in a hidden field. But it's easier and probably more effective to reload it from server/database again. This is the normal approach taken when working with MVC.


how do I build a composite UI in MVC3?

I understand how to use Partial Views, and I understand Ajax.ActionLink and Ajax.BeginForm when it comes to how to set those up in the view. I'm assuming each partial view has it's own controller. I'm thinking bounded context here, as in each partial view could talk to it's own bounded context via its own controller
I guess the piece I'm missing is:
how to have partial views included in a "master view" (or holding view) and have each of these partial views independently post to a separate controller action, and then return to refresh the partial view WITHOUT loading the "master view" or holding view.
the "master" view or holding view still needs to have its own controller, I want to keep the master controller from reloading its view, and let the view that is produced by an action method of the master controller hold a reference to these two partial views.
There are two approaches it seems I can take, one is to use the "Ajax." functionality of MVC3, the other is to use straight-up jQuery and handle all this interaction by hand from the client side.
Is what I'm trying to do possible both ways, or is one way "better suited" to this type of composite ui construction?
So far, the only things I have seen are trivial examples of composite ui construction like a link via an Ajax.ActionLink that refreshes a single on the page, or a form written as an Ajax.BeginForm that repopulates a div with some content from a partial view.
Okay, so I finally have some working code that I think is the right way to do it. Here is what I went with. I have a two simple "entities"; Customer and BillingCustomer. They're really meant to be in separate "bounded contexts", and the classes are super-simple for demostration purposes.
public class Customer
public Guid CustomerId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public class BillingCustomer
public Guid CustomerId { get; set; }
public bool IsOverdueForPayment { get; set; }
Note that both classes reference CustomerId, which for the sake of this demo, is a GUID.
I started with a simple HomeController that builds a ViewModel that will be utilized by the Index.cshtml file:
public ActionResult Index()
var customer = new Customer {
CustomerId = Guid.Empty,
Name = "Mike McCarthy" };
var billingCustomer = new BillingCustomer {
CustomerId = Guid.Empty,
IsOverdueForPayment = true };
var compositeViewModel = new CompositeViewModel {
Customer = customer,
BillingCustomer = billingCustomer };
return View(compositeViewModel);
The CompositeViewModel class is just a dumb DTO with a property for each domain entity, since the partial views I'll be calling into in my Index.cshtml file each need to pass their respective domain model into the partial view:
public class CompositeViewModel
public BillingCustomer BillingCustomer { get; set; }
public Customer Customer { get; set; }
Here is my resulting Index.cshtml file that uses the Index method on the HomeController
#model CompositeViews.ViewModels.CompositeViewModel
<h2>Index - #DateTime.Now.ToString()</h2>
<div id="customerDiv">
#{Html.RenderPartial("_Customer", Model.Customer);}
<div id="billingCustomerDiv">
#Html.Partial("_BillingCustomer", Model.BillingCustomer)
A couple things to note here:
the View is using the CompositeViews.ViewModels.CompositeViewModel ViewModel
Html.RenderPartial is used to render the partial view for each
entity, and passes in the appropriate entity. Careful with the
syntax here for the Html.Partial call!
So, here is the _Customer partial view:
#model CompositeViews.Models.Customer
#using (Ajax.BeginForm("Edit", "Customer", new AjaxOptions {
HttpMethod = "POST",
InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace,
UpdateTargetId = "customerDiv" }))
#Html.HiddenFor(model => model.CustomerId)
<div class="editor-label">
#Html.LabelFor(model => model.Name)
<div class="editor-field">
#Html.EditorFor(model => model.Name)
#Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.Name)
<input type="submit" value="Save" />
the important part here is the Ajax.BeginForm call. Note that it's explicitly calling the Edit ActionMethod of the CustomerController. Also note that the UpdateTargetId is set to "customerDiv". This div is NOT in the partial view, but rather in the "parent" view, Index.cshtml.
Below is the _BillingCustomer view
#model CompositeViews.Models.BillingCustomer
#using (Ajax.BeginForm("Edit", "BillingCustomer", new AjaxOptions {
HttpMethod = "POST",
InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace,
UpdateTargetId = "billingCustomerDiv" }))
#Html.HiddenFor(model => model.CustomerId)
<div class="editor-label">
#Html.LabelFor(model => model.IsOverdueForPayment)
<div class="editor-field">
#Html.EditorFor(model => model.IsOverdueForPayment)
#Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.IsOverdueForPayment)
<input type="submit" value="Save" />
Again, note that UpdateTargetId is set to billingCustomerDiv. This div is located in the Index.cshtml file, not this partial view file.
So, the only thing we haven't looked at yet is the Edit ActionResult on the CustomerController and the BillingCustomerController. Here is the CustomerController
public class CustomerController : Controller
public PartialViewResult Edit(Guid customerId)
var model = new Customer {
CustomerId = Guid.Empty,
Name = "Mike McCarthy"};
return PartialView("_Customer", model);
public ActionResult Edit(Customer customer)
return PartialView("_Customer", customer);
There is nothing really "happening" in this controller, as the post deals directly with building a composite UI. Notice how we're returning via "PartialView" and specifying the name of the partial view to use, and the required model the view needs to render.
Here is BillingCustomerController
public class BillingCustomerController : Controller
public PartialViewResult Edit(Guid customerId)
var model = new BillingCustomer {
CustomerId = Guid.Empty,
IsOverdueForPayment = true };
return PartialView("_BillingCustomer", model);
public PartialViewResult Edit(BillingCustomer billingCustomer)
return PartialView("_BillingCustomer", billingCustomer);
Again, the same as CustomerController, except for the fact that it's this controller is dealing with the BillingCustomer entity.
Now when I load up my HomeController's Index ActionResult, I get a screen that looks like this:
Each Save button will do an async postback to the controller the partial view needs to update and talk to in order to get data, all without causing a regular postback for the whole page. You can see the DateTime stamp does NOT change when hitting either save button.
So, that's how I went about building my first composite view using partial views. Since I'm still very new to MVC3, I could still be screwing something up, or doing something in a way that is harder than it needs to be, but this is how I got it working.

Razor view dropdown list for a model class in MVC3

I have two model class in MVC3 one for Services which have those properties
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public string Image { get; set; }
public int ChildOf { get; set; }
It also have a DB table by Entityframework
Another model is Quata which have those properties
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Sender_Name { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public Services Service_ID { get; set; }
It also have a DB table by Entityframework
I want to create a Razor(C#) view (for Quata) where user can send a quata by fill a html form but where i wanna show a dropdown list with Services ID as dropdown value and Services Name as dropdown text which is also come dynamically from the Services DB table .
My question is how i should create that dynamic dropdown list by #Html.DropDownListFor ? and send the selected data from that dropdown list to a Controller ?
Try this
public ActionResult Create()
var Services = new Services();
Services.Load(); //load services..
ViewBag.ID = new SelectList(Services.ToList(), "Id", "Name");
return View();
public ActionResult Create(Quata Quata)
//save the data
A strong Typed View: (Using Razor)
#model Quata
#using (Html.BeginForm()) {
#Html.LabelFor(model => model.Service_ID.ID, "Service")
#Html.DropDownList("ID", String.Empty)
<input type="submit" value="Create" />
take a look at #Html.DropDownListFor
So say your viewmodel has a list of said Services.
Something that may work for you is the following (you may not need a for loop here, editor is supposed to eliminate that, but I had some weird binding issues).
In your top level view which points at your viewmodel (#model Quata, assuming Quata is your viewmodel) have this code :
#For i = 0 To Model.DropdownListInput.Count - 1
Dim iterator = i
#Html.EditorFor(Function(x) x.DropdownListInput(iterator), "EnumInput")
In your Editor Template (create a subfolder under the view folder this dropdownlist will be in called editor templates and name the template whatever you desire, mine was EnumInput).
In your editor template, which should point at your model for Services (#model Services) have something like the following code (with substitutions for your appropriate variable names):
#<div class="editor-label">
#Html.LabelFor(Function(v) v.value, Model.DisplayName)
#<div class="editor-field">
#Html.DropDownListFor(Function(v) v.value, New SelectList(Model.ParamEnums, "ValueForScript", "EnumValue"), "--Please Select A Value--")
#Html.ValidationMessageFor(Function(v) v.value)
Replace the list with your list and the lambda values with yours (#Html.DropDownListFor(x => x.id, New SelectList(x.ServiceList, "ID", "Name"), "--Please Select A Value--") or something like that.
Note that this code is in VB, but it should provide a rough guide.

MVC3 Empty model on post

I have model which has data.
The i create form with only on button, i don't use the model's data in there.
When i press the button it goes correctly to the HTTPPOST method but the model is completely empty.
#model ViewModels.RequestDeletionViewObject
#using (Html.BeginForm())
<input type="submit" value="submit"/>
The RequestDeletionViewObject:
public class RequestDeletionViewObject : ViewModelBase
public TreeGridData NodeFilespacesData { get; set; }
public Dictionary<long, string> EmailList{ get; set; }
public ActionResult RequestDel()
return View(_businessLogic.GetData());
public ActionResult RequestDel(RequestDeletionViewObject model)
return View(_businessLogic.GetData());
Please help me, I have done similar thing in many other places and it worked there, but not here, i don't know what am i missing?
You don't have any form controls in your form. A form will only post data that is in a form control (textbox, hidden field, checkbox, etc..)
It doesn't matter what data you send to the view, it will only post back data in form controls within the form.

How can I retrieve the List in my controller?

My controller always gets "null" for the "adjModel" parameter.
How can I retrieve the values?
public ActionResult AdjustmentList(List<AdjustmentVM> adjModel)
// adjModel is null
#model List<ExtFramework.ViewModels.BillingArea.AdjustmentVM>
<div class="no-fancybox">
#using (Html.BeginForm("AdjustmentList", "Deposit", new { depositId = ViewBag.depositId }))
<table id="adjustment">
#foreach(var item in Model)
<td>#Html.TextBoxFor(model => item.Description)</td>
<td>#Html.TextBoxFor(model => item.Amount)</td>
<input type="submit" value="" class="save" />
namespace ExtFramework.ViewModels.BillingArea
public class AdjustmentVM
public int AdjustmentId { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public decimal Amount { get; set; }
public int DepositId { get; set; }
This is where editor templates are useful. Instead of using a foreach loop to go through the list of view models, use #Html.EditorFor(m => m). Then, in a subfolder named EditorTemplates (an MVC naming convention) add a view with the name AdjustmentVM.cshtml. Again, this is another MVC naming convetion - using the name of the type being used. This file would look like:
#model AdjustmentVM
<td>#Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.Description)</td>
<td>#Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.Amount)</td>
The runtime will automatically loop over the items in the list and render the contents of the editor template, giving unique names for each form value, so that the default model binder can map these to the properties on the view model on postback.
You can customise the name of the editor template if you want, look a the UIHintAttribute class.
By default, when you want a collection, you need to make sure the names of the controls indicate they are from an array, etc. The default binder doesn't have this magic to my knowledge.

MVC3 Modelbinder EF4 ICollection property [duplicate]

I'm working on my first ASP.NET MVC 3 application and I've got a View that looks like this:
#model IceCream.ViewModels.Note.NotesViewModel
#using (Html.BeginForm())
#Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.Name)
foreach (var item in Model.Notes)
#Html.EditorFor(m => item);
<input type="submit" value="Submit"/>
And I have an EditorTemplate that looks like this:
#model IceCream.ViewModels.Note.NoteViewModel
#Html.HiddenFor(m => m.NoteID)
#Html.TextBoxFor(m => m.NoteText)
#Html.CheckBoxFor(m => m.IsChecked)
NotesViewModel looks like so:
public class NotesViewModel
public string Name { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<NoteViewModel> Notes { get; set; }
NoteViewModel looks like this:
public class NoteViewModel
public int NoteID { get; set; }
public System.DateTime Timestamp { get; set; }
public string NoteText { get; set; }
public bool IsChecked { get; set; }
The NotesViewModel is populated just fine when it is passed to the view. However when the submit button is clicked, the controller action handling the post has only the value for the Name property of the viewmodel. The Notes property - the list of notes that have been checked/unchecked by the user - is null. I've got a disconnect between the populating of those TextBoxFor and CheckBoxFor elements when the view is displayed and the ViewModel being sent back. Guidance on this?
Thanks go to Mystere Man for setting me straight on this. As I understand it, essentially by changing my loop to
#Html.EditorFor(m => m.Notes)
changes the underlying HTML, which I understand provides for the proper model binding on the post. Looking at the resulting HTML, I see that I get the following generated for one of the Notes:
<input id="Notes_0__NoteId" type="hidden" value="1" name="Notes[0].NoteId">
<input id="Notes_0__NoteText" type="text" value="Texture of dessert was good." name="Notes[0].NoteText">
<input id="Notes_0__IsChecked" type="checkbox" value="true" name="Notes[0].IsChecked>
Which is different than this HTML generated by my original code:
<input id="item_NoteId" type="hidden" value="1" name="item.NoteId>
<input id="item_NoteText" type="text" value="Texture of dessert was good." name="item.NoteText" >
<input id="item_IsChecked" type="checkbox" value="true" name="item.IsChecked">
By looping through the Notes, the generated HTML essentially loses any references to the viewmodel's Notes property and while the HTML gets populated correctly, the setting of the checkbox values has no way to communicate their values back to the viewmodel, which I guess is the point of the model binding.
So I learned something, which is good.
You're a smart guy, so look at your view. Then, consider how the HTML gets generated. Then, consider how on postback the Model Binder is supposed to know to re-populate Notes based on the generated HTML.
I think you'll find that your HTML doesn't have enough information in it for the Model Binder to figure it out.
Consider this:
#EditorFor(m => Model.Notes)
Rather than the for loop where you are basically hiding the context from the EditorFor function.
And for those that just want the answer as a for loop:
#for (int x = 0; x < Model.Notes.Count(); x++) {
#Html.HiddenFor(m => m.Notes[x].NoteId)
#Html.EditorFor(m => m.Notes[x].NoteText)
#Html.EditorFor(m => m.Notes[x].IsChecked)
