Native feature for Joomla Multisite 1.7 - joomla

Is there a native feature for Multisite in joomla 1.7?
and if not, can you reccomend me a extension for convert Joomla to Multisite?

If you are looking for a Free/OpenSource tool:
Someone wrote something for Google Summer of Code 2009 that adds multisite ability to Joomla 1.6 but it's not finished yet. Here is a link to it's topic.
Later, someone else modified Joomla Multisite extension and made it availave for download. I've tested this component and it works with 1.7 like a charm.
If you have no problem to pay:
Without doubt, JMS is the best tool to make Joomla Multisite. take a look at here.
Note that if you are a developer, check Nooku Framework (Based on Joomla 1.5 CMS). It has Multisite tools out of the box; but unfortunately Nooku is under development and is not stable for production usage.


Migrate a Magento 1.X module to 2.0

We're developing a module for Magento 1.9 and want to support Magento 2.0 quickly after that.
I discovered and wondered if anyone had experience with it?
Should we expect a full rewrite of the module to support that 2.0? Does anybody have experience in that task?
Thank you.
I'm currently trying to migrate my module for Magento 1.x to support 2.0, and done some research in this area. However, my code-migration isn't completed yet.
As I know, after we use this tool to convert the structure and code, we still require to test and modify the module. The toolkit is a tool to simplify our process, not helping us to create a 100%-fit module to the Magento 2.0 version.
You may refer to the following video for further explanation by the toolkit developer team:
Imagine 2016 - Developer Deep Dive: Magento 1.x to Magento 2 Code Migration Tool
Hope this helps!

Convert joomla 1.5 to 2.5 with whole site and also with virtuemart

How i convert my current website of joomla1.5 to joomla2.5
please anyone help me
When i using jUploader it is only allow to convert joomla1.5.18 to 1.7 but i need joomla2.5
Thre is a lot of documentation out there on how to convert Joomla 1.5 sites to Joomla 2.5.
You need to use an extension such as JUpgrade to upgrade your site to 2.5.
Please bare in mine that this will update your database tables and core extensions such as com_content, mod_login etc. This will not upgrade 3rd party extensions that you have found from the Joomla Extensions Directory. You will need to go back to whereever you downloaded these extensions from and see if there is a Joomla 2.5 compatible version of them, and install them, else you'll need to look for an alternative.
Seeing as you have waited all the way till now, you might be best off upgrading again to Joomla 3.x. Even though this it eh short term release, it is the way forward, will save what could be another time consuming upgrade in the future.
Oh and as always recommended, please make sure you take a backup of your site before the upgrade.
Hope this helps

jupgrade-joomla upgrade from 1.5 to 2.5

Long time back I used jUpgrade plugin for joomla upgrade.
But now the plugin / component is not in use to upgrade the joomla version from 1.5 to 2.5
Is there any other freeware plugin for migration?
I used following components.
Gavick Pro
Joomfish and
Pleas give some suggesstions to upgrade the joomla from 1.5 to 2.5
jUpgrade has been unpublished due to a broken download link, however things have changed on their official website and it can still be downloaded:
I forgot to mention that jUpgrade does not upgrade your 3rd party extensions such as JEvents. You will have to download the Joomla 2.5 compatible version for each one unfortunately. The same goes for the site template.
I know this is an old question, but things have changed on redComponent again. They now don't have an installer available on the site.
However, if redMigrator (the JUpgrade replacement) doesn't meet your needs (as in my particular case, today), they have put the JUpgrade source on GitHub
Just clone the repo down and then run releases/
It's still available from the makers website. Just been unpublished on JED for some reason. Keep on using it as before as far as I'm concerned.
There are no other well recognized freeware upgrades just the paid SP Upgrade (note the support on this extension as it is a paid extension is much better however for a generic upgrade stick with jUpgrade). However free upgrades do exist and can be found under this section on JED.

How to develop Joomla 1.5 componenets?

How can I start developing a component for the Joomla 1.5 framework? Does anyone know of a good tutorial, or has a good reference?
I have read the tutorial on the wiki and I didn't understand it well, so if you could point me to another one, that would be great.
I know that ideally I should work with Joomla 2.5 or 3.0 but I am being asked to develop this for an existing website, I can't decide which version to work on.
I think the official tutorials in Joomla! Documentation really do cut it. Give it a try -
I can't decide which version to work on
I personally would use Joomla 2.5 as it's the long term lease of the Joomla series and has much more documentation and support. Joomla 3.0 is the short term release, therefore is a beta version of 3.5 so to speak.
Seeing as you are using Joomla 1.5 at the moment, you could always upgrade to Joomla 2.5 using JUpgrade which is a free extension. Note that this won't upgrade 3rd party extensions, so you will need to install the Joomla 2.5 compatible versions for each one (providing there is one).
To get you started on a Joomla 2.5 component, have a look at the Joomla 2.5 MVC Documentation. This also provides zip files of a HelloWorld component for you to download at various stages.
You might also be interested in a Component Generator.
Hope this helps.

Upgrad joomla 1.0.15 to joomla 1.5 with virtumart 1.0.15

I have a web application on joomla 1.0.15 with virtumart 1.0.15 and mojoblog beta v0.16 . There are some changes in virtue mart core file and table structure according to my application requirement. I want to upgrade joomla with virtuemart and mojoblog component. Please guide me tell me a proper way to do this. My application a have a lot user information and order records in database. Need your suggestion.
You are not going to be able to easily upgrade your site to 1.5. The biggest problem you face is that Mojoblog is not a 1.5 extension and is no longer supported. At a minimum, you will have to find a replacement for that. How you use it will determine which extensions are suitable replacements, but there is almost certainly an extension that will fit your needs. Blog type extensions are plentiful for Joomla 1.5.
In order to migrate from 1.0 to 1.5 you can follow the official Joomla guide -
