Drawing Multiple Lines in D3.js - d3.js

Up until now, I've been using loops to add line elements to a D3 visualization, but this doesn't seem in the spirit of the API.
Let's say I have got some data,
var data = {time: 1, value: 2, value2: 5, value3: 3,value4: 2},
{time: 2, value: 4, value2: 9, value3: 2,value4: 4},
{time: 3, value: 8, value2:12, value3: 2,value4:15}]);
I'd like four lines, with time as the X for all 4.
I can do something like this:
var l = d3.svg.line()
.x(function(d){return xScale(d[keys[0]]);})
return yScale(d[keys[1]]);})
var l2 = d3.svg.line()
.x(function(d){return xScale(d[keys[0]]);})
return yScale(d[keys[2]]);})
var l3 = d3.svg.line()
.x(function(d){return xScale(d[keys[0]]);})
return yScale(d[keys[3]]);})
var l4 = d3.svg.line()
.x(function(d){return xScale(d[keys[0]]);})
return yScale(d[keys[4]]);})
And then add these one by one (or by a loop).
var line1 = group.selectAll("path.path1")
var line2 = group.selectAll("path.path2")
var line3 = group.selectAll("path.path3")
var line4 = group.selectAll("path.path4")
Is there a better more general way of adding these paths?

Yes. First I would restructure your data for easier iteration, like this:
var series = [
[{time: 1, value: 2}, {time: 2, value: 4}, {time: 3, value: 8}],
[{time: 1, value: 5}, {time: 2, value: 9}, {time: 3, value: 12}],
[{time: 1, value: 3}, {time: 2, value: 2}, {time: 3, value: 2}],
[{time: 1, value: 2}, {time: 2, value: 4}, {time: 3, value: 15}]
Now you need just a single generic line:
var line = d3.svg.line()
.x(function(d) { return x(d.time); })
.y(function(d) { return y(d.value); });
And, you can then add all of the path elements in one go:
.attr("class", "line")
.attr("d", line);
If you want to make the data structure format smaller, you could also extract the times into a separate array, and then use a 2D array for the values. That would look like this:
var times = [1, 2, 3];
var values = [
[2, 4, 8],
[5, 9, 12],
[3, 2, 2],
[2, 4, 15]
Since the matrix doesn't include the time value, you need to look it up from the x-accessor of the line generator. On the other hand, the y-accessor is simplified since you can pass the matrix value directly to the y-scale:
var line = d3.svg.line()
.x(function(d, i) { return x(times[i]); })
Creating the elements stays the same:
.attr("class", "line")
.attr("d", line);


expected first layer to have x dimensions but got an array with shape y

(I am just starting tensorflow.js on node)
I have been searching the web up and down for an answer.
The confusion
I have image data from image1 = tf.fromPixels(img) and I tried inputting it along with other image data to xs = tf.tensor([image1, image2]). The confusion is no matter how I input a bunch of images into xs for model.fit, the program outputs errors described below.
What I already tried
When I run the program I get the error Error: Error when checking input: expected conv2d_Conv2D1_input to have 4 dimension(s). but got array with shape 4,1
I know for a fact that I am not inputting the xs correctly. I read some articles online relating to how you need to input the array in a fashion like tf.tensor([[0.2, 0.1], [0.2, 0.4]]); and some batching of images of some sort. I looked at articles showing that for images, you need another set of layers:
inputShape: [scaleHeight, scaleWidth, 3],
kernelSize: 5,
filters: 8,
strides: 1,
activation: 'relu',
kernelInitializer: 'VarianceScaling'
poolSize: [2, 2],
strides: [2, 2]
kernelSize: 5,
filters: 16,
strides: 1,
activation: 'relu',
kernelInitializer: 'VarianceScaling'
poolSize: [2, 2],
strides: [2, 2]
model.add(tf.layers.dense({ // Output
units: 2,
kernelInitializer: 'VarianceScaling',
activation: 'softmax'
model.compile({loss: 'categoricalCrossentropy', optimizer: tf.train.sgd(0.1), metrics: ['accuracy']});
Well I tried inputting that in, tried converting them into typedarray format, tried a lot of things. I am pretty lost on coming up with a proper xs variable for multiple images turned to tensors by tf.fromPixels(canvas) for model.fit(xs, ys, {epochs: 100, options....});
var tf = require('#tensorflow/tfjs');
var cv = require('canvas');
var {Image, createCanvas, ImageData} = cv;
var scaleWidth = 16;
var scaleHeight = 16;
function getImage(path){
var img = new Image();
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject){
img.onload = function(){
var element = createCanvas(scaleWidth, scaleHeight);
var ctx = element.getContext('2d');
ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
ctx.scale(scaleWidth/img.width, scaleHeight/img.height);
img.src = path;
var log = function(input){console.log(input)};
const model = tf.sequential();
inputShape: [scaleHeight, scaleWidth, 3],
kernelSize: 5,
filters: 8,
strides: 1,
activation: 'relu',
kernelInitializer: 'VarianceScaling'
poolSize: [2, 2],
strides: [2, 2]
kernelSize: 5,
filters: 16,
strides: 1,
activation: 'relu',
kernelInitializer: 'VarianceScaling'
poolSize: [2, 2],
strides: [2, 2]
model.add(tf.layers.dense({ // Output
units: 2,
kernelInitializer: 'VarianceScaling',
activation: 'softmax'
model.compile({loss: 'categoricalCrossentropy', optimizer: tf.train.sgd(0.1), metrics: ['accuracy']});
(async function(){
var cats = [], bland = [];
cats[0] = await getImage('cats/0.jpeg');
cats[1] = await getImage('cats/1.jpeg');
bland[0] = await getImage('bland/0.png');
bland[1] = await getImage('bland/1.png');
var testCats = await getImage('c.jpeg');
var testBland = await getImage('b.jpeg');
var xs = tf.tensor([cats[0], cats[1], bland[0], bland[1]]); // confusion occurs here
for(var c = 0; c < 10; c++){
var result = await model.fit(xs, tf.tensor([[0, 1], [0, 1], [1, 0], [1, 0]]), {epochs: 100});
And after I ran it, I expected to at least log the loss of the model but it thrown this error: Error: Error when checking input: expected conv2d_Conv2D1_input to have 4 dimension(s). but got array with shape 4,1
Looking at your code the data passed in to your model doesn't have the same shape as the model first layer inputShape.
How to go about solving the issue ?
check the data.shape.
console.log(xs.shape) // it will return (4,1)
compare with the inputShape
The data shape should one dimension higher than the inputShape (one more dimension for batchsize)
// Does `xs.inputShape.slice(1) ===[Scaleheight, scaleWidth,3]` ?
shape1 = xs.inputShape.slice(1)
shape2 = [Scaleheight, scaleWidth,3]
const same = (shape1.length == shape2.length) && shape1.every(function(e, i) {
return e === shape2[i];
If they are not equal, there are two ways to get the problem resolved
Reshaping the data if possible,using tf.reshape, tf.slice, tf.expandDims(), ...
Or simply changing the inputShape to be equal to our data shape
In your case here there is a clear mismatch between the inputShape and the data shape.
First thing first, the way you create your xs is wrong. Actually, xs has the shape (4, 1) with NaN values. It is as if you created a tf.tensor with an array of tensors. You can create the xs this way:
xs = tf.concat([...cats, ...blands], 0)
However it is not sure if this will solve completely the issue. You need to iterate over the step outlined above,ie, check the shape of xs, compare with the inputShape and so on ...

d3.js v4: How to access parent group's datum index?

The description of the selection.data function includes an example with multiple groups (link) where a two-dimensional array is turned into an HTML table.
In d3.js v3, for lower dimensions, the accessor functions included a third argument which was the index of the parent group's datum:
td.text(function(d,i,j) {
return "Row: " + j;
In v4, this j argument has been replaced by the selection's NodeList. How do I access the parent group's datum index now?
Well, sometimes an answer doesn't provide a solution, because the solution may not exist. This seems to be the case.
According to Bostock:
I’ve merged the new bilevel selection implementation into master and also simplified how parents are tracked by using a parallel parents array.
A nice property of this new approach is that selection.data can
evaluate the values function in exactly the same manner as other
selection functions: the values function gets passed {d, i, nodes}
where this is the parent node, d is the parent datum, i is the parent
(group) index, and nodes is the array of parent nodes (one per group).
Also, the parents array can be reused by subselections that do not
regroup the selection, such as selection.select, since the parents
array is immutable.
This change restricts functionality—in the sense that you cannot
access the parent node from within a selection function, nor the
parent data, nor the group index — but I believe this is ultimately A
Good Thing because it encourages simpler code.
(emphasis mine)
Here's the link: https://github.com/d3/d3-selection/issues/47
So, it's not possible to get the index of the parent's group using selection (the parent's group index can be retrieved using selection.data, as this snippet bellow shows).
var testData = [
{x: 1, y: 40},
{x: 2, y: 43},
{x: 3, y: 12},
{x: 6, y: 23}
], [
{x: 1, y: 12},
{x: 4, y: 18},
{x: 5, y: 73},
{x: 6, y: 27}
], [
{x: 1, y: 60},
{x: 2, y: 49},
{x: 3, y: 16},
{x: 6, y: 20}
var svg = d3.select("body")
.attr("width", 300)
.attr("height", 300);
var g = svg.selectAll(".groups")
var rects = g.selectAll("rect")
.data(function(d, i , j) { console.log("Data: " + JSON.stringify(d), "\nIndex: " + JSON.stringify(i), "\nNode: " + JSON.stringify(j)); return d})
<script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v4.min.js"></script>
My workaround is somewhat similar to Dinesh Rajan's, assuming the parent index is needed for attribute someAttr of g.nestedElt:
.attr("class", "someClass")
.attr("class", "nestedElt")
.attr("someAttr", function(d, i, j) {
.attr("class", "someClass")
.attr("data-index", function(d, i) { return i; }) // make parent index available from DOM
.attr("class", "nestedElt")
.attr("someAttr", function(d, i) {
var j = +this.parentNode.getAttribute("data-index");
I ended up defining an external variable "j" and then increment it whenever "i" is 0
example V3 snippet below.
.attr("x", function (d, i, j) { return CalcXPos(d, j); })
.attr("fill", function (d, i, j) { return GetColor(d, j); })
and in V4, code converted as below.
var j = -1;
.attr("x", function (d, i) { if (i == 0) { j++ }; return CalcXPos(d, j); })
.attr("fill", function (d, i) { return GetColor(d, j); })
If j is the nodeList...
j[i] is the current node (eg. the td element),
j[i].parentNode is the level-1 parent (eg. the row element),
j[i].parentNode.parentNode is the level-2 parent (eg. the table element),
j[i].parentNode.parentNode.childNodes is the array of level-1 parents (eg. array of row elements) including the original parent.
So the question is, what is the index of the parent (the row) with respect to it's parent (the table)?
We can find this using Array.prototype.indexOf like so...
k = Array.prototype.indexOf.call(j[i].parentNode.parentNode.childNodes,j[i].parentNode);
You can see in the snippet below that the row is printed in each td cell when k is returned.
var testData = [
{x: 1, y: 1},
{x: 1, y: 2},
{x: 1, y: 3},
{x: 1, y: 4}
], [
{x: 2, y: 1},
{x: 2, y: 2},
{x: 2, y: 3},
{x: 2, y: 4}
], [
{x: 3, y: 4},
{x: 3, y: 4},
{x: 3, y: 4},
{x: 3, y: 4}
var tableData =
var tables =
var rowData =
return d;
var rows =
var eleData =
return d;
var ele =
var k = Array.prototype.indexOf.call(j[i].parentNode.parentNode.childNodes,j[i].parentNode);
return k;
<script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v4.min.js"></script>
This approach is using DOM order as a proxy for data index. In many cases, I think this is a viable band-aid solution if this is no longer possible in D3 (as reported in this answer).
Some extra effort in manipulating the DOM selection to match data might be needed. As an example, filtering j[i].parentNode.parentNode.childNodes for <tr> elements only in order to determine the row -- generally speaking the childNodes array may not match the selection and could contain extra elements/junk.
While this is not a cure-all, I think it should work or could be made to work in most cases, presuming there is some logical connection between DOM and data that can be leveraged which allows you to use DOM child index as a proxy for data index.
Here's an example of how to use the selection.each() method. I don't think it's messy, but it did slow down the render on a large matrix. Note the following code assumes an existing table selection and a call to update().
update(matrix) {
var self = this;
var tr = table.selectAll("tr").data(matrix);
function addCells(data, rowIndex) {
var td = d3.select(this).selectAll("td")
.data(function (d) {
return d;
td.attr("class", function (d) {
return d === 0 ? "dead" : "alive";
td.on("click", function(d,i){
matrix[rowIndex][i] = d === 1 ? 0 : 1; // rowIndex now available for use in callback.
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1000);
Assume you want to do a nested selectiom, and your
data is some array where each element in turn
contains an array, let's say "values". Then you
have probably some code like this:
var aInnerSelection = oSelection.selectAll(".someClass") //
.data(d.values) //
You can replace the array with the values by a new array, where
you cache the indices within the group.
var aInnerSelection = oSelection.selectAll(".someClass") //
.data(function (d, i) {
var aData = d.values.map(function mapValuesToIndexedValues(elem, index) {
return {
outerIndex: i,
innerIndex: index,
datum: elem
return aData;
}, function (d, i) {
return d.innerIndex;
}) //
Assume your outer array looks like this:
[{name "X", values: ["A", "B"]}, {name "y", values: ["C", "D"]}
With the first approach, the nested selection brings you from here
d i
root dummy X {name "X", values: ["A", "B"]} 0
dummy Y {name "Y", values: ["C", "D"]} 1
to here.
d i
root X A "A" 0
B "B" 1
Y C "C" 2
D "D" 3
With the augmented array, you end up here instead:
d i
root X A {datum: "A", outerIndex: 0, innerIndex: 0} 0
B {datum: "B", outerIndex: 0, innerIndex: 1} 1
Y C {datum: "C", outerIndex: 1, innerIndex: 0} 2
D {datum: "D", outerIndex: 1, innerIndex: 1} 3
So you have within the nested selections, in any function(d,i), all
information you need.
Here's a snippet I crafter after re-remembering this usage of .each for nesting, I thought it may be useful to others who end up here. This examples creates two layers of circles, and the parent group index is used to determine the color of the circles - white for the circles in the first layer, and black for the circles in the top layer (only two layers in this case).
const nested = nest().key(layerValue).entries(data);
let layerGroups = g.selectAll('g.layer').data(nested);
layerGroups = layerGroups.enter().append('g').attr('class', 'layer')
layerGroups.each(function(layerEntry, j) {
const circles = select(this)
.attr('cx', d => xScale(xValue(d)))
.attr('cy', d => yScale(yValue(d)))
.attr('r', d => radiusScale(radiusValue(d)))
.attr('fill', j === 0 ? 'white' : 'black'); // <---- Access parent index.
My solution was to embed this information in the data provided to d3js
data = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]
flattened_data = data.reduce((acc, v, i) => {
v.forEach((d, j) => {
data_item = { i, j, d };
return acc;
}, []);
Then you can access i, j and d from the data arg of the function
td.text(function(d) {
// Can access i, j and original data here
return "Row: " + d.j;

D3.JS change text in axis ticks to custom strings

I want to select each text element in each g.tick and change the text to be "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015" instead of 0, 4, 8, 12 respectively
I've tried first to grab all of these text elements as an array, but this was not working: var arrOfText = d3.selectAll("g.yaxis g.tick text")
Look into d3's axis.tickFormat([format]) function - it lets you specify how you want your data formatted.
Here's a simple example you can edit to fit your use case.
var xAxis = d3.svg.axis()
.tickValues([1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21])
.tickFormat(function(d, i){ return "Num = " + d; });

Can I send values in a Pbind that are interpreted like midinote or degree?

I'm not sure whether SuperCollider can deliver moons on sticks, but I'd really like to be able to specify values in my Pbind that are interpreted in the same way as midinote or degree: i.e. converted automatically to a frequency.
So, an excerpt of such a Pbind, which produces a TB-303-style slide from one frequency to another:
b = Pbind(*[
out: 0,
instrument: \acid,
stepsPerOctave: 19,
scale: [0, 3, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17],
octave: 3,
degree: Pseq([0, \, 3, 3, 4, 4, 9, 4, 4]),
prevFreq: Pseq([\, \, 0, 3, 3, 4, 4, 9, 4]),
dur: Pseq([0.4, 0.4, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1]),
...it would be super-duper if prevFreq were interpreted as containing degree values in the same way as degree.
In the absence of some kind of automatic conversion, I assume I need to do some kind of calculation within the synth itself in order to convert my values from a degree-type value to an actual frequency. I'm aware I can use foo.midicps to convert midinote-type values to a frequency, but is there a similar convenience function to convert degree-type values to a frequency (presumably also using the current scale and octave values)?
If you look at the helpfile for Event, you can see how it computes the frequency from the degree and scale:
note: #{    // note is the note in halftone steps from the root
    (~degree + ~mtranspose).degreeToKey(~scale, ~stepsPerOctave);
midinote: #{    // midinote is the midinote (continuous intermediate values)
    ((~note.value + ~gtranspose + ~root) / ~stepsPerOctave + ~octave) * 12.0;
freq: #{
    (~midinote.value + ~ctranspose).midicps * ~harmonic;
detunedFreq: #{    // finally sent as "freq" to the synth as a parameter, if given
    ~freq.value + ~detune
Event is an associative array and those ~variables can also be used as keys to the array (something which will hopefully become clear in a moment. It's also possible to get access to the events in a Pbind, by using a Pfunc. Let's say we want to calculate the current frequency for your Pbind:
b = Pbind(*[
out: 0,
instrument: \default,
stepsPerOctave: 19,
scale: [0, 3, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17],
octave: 3,
degree: Pseq([0, \, 3, 3, 4, 4, 9, 4, 4]),
dur: Pseq([0.4, 0.4, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1]),
foo: Pfunc({|evt|
var note, midinote, freq, detuned, result;
note = (evt[\degree] + evt[\mtranspose]).degreeToKey(evt[\scale], evt[\stepsPerOctave]);
midinote = ((note + evt[\gtranspose] + evt[\root]) / evt[\stepsPerOctave] + evt[\octave]) * 12.0;
freq = (midinote + evt[\ctranspose]).midicps * evt[\harmonic];
detuned = freq + evt[\detune];
Those calculations for note, midinote, freq and detuned freq are the same calculations we saw in the event helpfile. Therefore, this Pbind will now print out the frequency that you are currently playing.
What you actually want is the frequency you were previously playing, which we could figure out from your array of previous degrees. Or we could just keep track of the previous frequency in a variable. This will be a lot easier to keep track of!
var prev;
b = Pbind(*[
out: 0,
instrument: \default,
stepsPerOctave: 19,
scale: [0, 3, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17],
octave: 3,
degree: Pseq([0, \rest, 3, 3, 4, 4, 9, 4, 4]),
dur: Pseq([0.4, 0.4, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1]),
prevFreq: Pfunc({|evt|
var note, midinote, freq, detuned, result;
if (evt[\degree] == \rest, { detuned = \rest} , {
note = (evt[\degree] + evt[\mtranspose]).degreeToKey(evt[\scale], evt[\stepsPerOctave]);
midinote = ((note + evt[\gtranspose] + evt[\root]) / evt[\stepsPerOctave] + evt[\octave]) * 12.0;
freq = (midinote + evt[\ctranspose]).midicps * evt[\harmonic];
detuned = freq + evt[\detune];
if (prev.isNil(), {
result = \rest;
} ,
result = prev;
prev = detuned

what's the absolute shortest d3 area example?

I'm really struggling to understand d3's area and stack layout stuff. I tried making what I thought was the smallest example but nothing appears and in fact it prints errors in the console. What am I not getting? Here's the code.
var svg = d3.select("body").append("svg")
.attr("width", 400)
.attr("height", 300)
var testData = [
[ 0, 10],
[10, 20],
[20, 30],
[30, 20],
.style("fill", "#ff0000")
.attr("d", d3.svg.area());
The dimension of the data is not correct. Each area path needs a 2D array, like this:
d3.svg.area()([[ 0, 10], [10, 20], [20, 30], [30, 20]])
results in:
That means that you need to bind a 3D array to the selection. Each element (i.e. path) in the selection will then receive a 2D array.
var svg = d3.select("body").append("svg")
.attr("width", 400)
.attr("height", 300)
var testData = [
[ 0, 10],
[10, 20],
[20, 30],
[30, 20],
.data([testData]) // dimension of data should be 3D
.style("fill", "#ff0000")
.attr("class", "area") // not the cause of your problem
.attr("d", d3.svg.area());
Sometimes it's easier to picture what is going on by imagining that you would like to create multiple areas. Then it would look like:
var testData1 = [
[ 0, 10],
[10, 20],
[20, 30],
[30, 20],
var testData2 = [
[100, 110],
[110, 120],
[120, 130],
[130, 120],
.data([testData1, testData2])
.style("fill", "#ff0000")
.attr("class", "area")
.attr("d", d3.svg.area());
