Cocoa: Object getting autoreleased when it shouldn't - cocoa

First, I should say I'm using ARC, so retain is not an option. The object's class is of type NSViewController and has two NSTimers as well as several textfields and buttons. The odd thing is that when the two timers are invalidated, it looks like the object is being released. This is a problem because sometimes I just want to pause or restart them, which means I have to invalidate them, but once I do, the reference is lost, and any message to the object will throw a EXC BAD ACCESS.
I'm not very familiar with memory management or ARC but why is the reference lost depending only on the timers? I mean, just because they're invalidated does not mean I don't need the object anymore.
I've tried declaring the timers as instance variables and properties but nothing changed.
What I really need is for the reference not to be retained, even when both timers are invalidated. What am I doing wrong?

NSTimer retains its target, so if it is the only reference to the object it will be deallocated when the timer is invalidated. You'll have to take ownership of your object, preferably by making it a declared strong property.
Edit: Changed "delegate" to "target";
Yes, you'll have to declare a property and (possibly) an instance variable for it.
The release notes give a good example, there are a couple other good intros around. Make sure that you invalidate the timer if your owner class is ever deallocated, otherwise your view controller will hang around.


Cocoa: Finding the missing reference for deallocating

I'm almost done with and app and I'm using instruments to analyse it. I'm having a problem with ARC deallocating something, but I don't know what. I run instruments using the allocations tool ,what I'm doing is starting the app at the main view, then I mark a heap, I interact with the app a little and return to the original main view and mark another heap.
I do this several times and as I understand it, there should not be any significant heap growth because I am returning to the exact same place, everything I did in between should have been deallocated, providing no heap growth. However I have significant growth so I dive into the heaps and I find that almost everything on it has a retain count of 1, which leads me to believe that one object or view, etc is not being deallocated because of a mistake I've made and that object is what's holding references to everything else.
What I'm trying to find out is which object is not being deallocated. Instruments is very vague and only offers obscure pointers that do not allow me to trace back the problem.
Please let me know if there is a way for me to trace what is holding a reference that may be keeping the retain count at 1.
My 1st thought are 2 things:
1) You may have a retain cycle: As an example, one object has to a delegate a strong reference. And the delegate has also a strong reference (instead of a weak reference) to the 1st object back. Since both of them "hold" the other one, none of them can be released.
2) You may have a multi-threaded app, one of the threads does not have an autorelease pool assigned (i.e. does not have an #autoreleasepool block), and is creating autorelease objects. This may happen even in a simple getter method that returns an autorelease object. If so, the autorelease object is "put" into an non-existing autorelease pool (which does not give you an error message, since you can send any message to nil), and it is never released.
Maybe one of these cases applies to your problem.

How to release a NSManagedObject object?

How to release a NSManagedObject object?
When I deleted an object(NSManagedObject) in NSManagedObjectContext using - deleteObject: and than perform save action, But I do not see, It's released.
DO I need to care about NSManagedObject Memory Management?
I am using the ARC in this project and the managed object overriding the dealloc method. the code looks like
(void)dealloc {
NSLog(#"Managed Object Released")
I delete a managed object from context and then save indicate I don't need this managed object, If the context does not release it whether waste the memory?
Thanks in advance.
Short answer - Core Data will manage the memory for NSManagedObject objects.
Longer answer - Even if Core Data has been told to delete the object from the context, you could still be retaining a reference to the (now invalid) object yourself somewhere, say in an array that contained your original fetched results, or maybe as a property. As you are using ARC those objects will eventually be released, and so will any reference they have to your object, but you might not see a dealloc right away when you call deleteObject: for this reason.
If you're not having performance or memory issues, I wouldn't worry too much about it. If you are then it might be worth taking a look at the refreshObject: mergeChanges: method of NSManagedObjectContext as a starting point.
In a typical scenario where you fetch a managed object from a context, then delete it and then save the context, you do not need to release the managed object as long as you are not sending retain to it, of course.
PS: If your question motivation is learning that's fine, but I would recommend you to move to ARC.

KVO observation vs NSNotificationCenter observation

I'm wondering if there is a reason to use one over the other in KVO vs NSNotificationCenter observations. Performance, memory usage, speed, etc?
The two are not always interchangeable. Conceptually, KVO is only for observing a property of an object. For example, you can't use KVO to replace NSApplicationWillTerminateNotification because it notifies observers about an event happening, not a change in a property of an object.
As for performance and memory usage, they are both fast and use negligible memory. NSNotificationQueue has coalescing to stop floods of notifications. KVO doesn't have any coalescing as far as I know, which did cause performance issues for me at one point. I was observing hundreds of objects, and when a batch update happened to those objects I'd get hundreds of KVO callbacks. It wasn't a performance issue with KVO itself, but with my own code running as a result of the batch update.
Performance isn't really the issue, it's more about the best fit for the problem. If it's a property change, use KVO. If it's not a property change, use a delegate or a notification depending on whether you need a single observer or multiple observers.
A very old question, but thought of adding some points. I agree with Tom Dalling's answer, however, there are many scenarios in big applications where we tend to add observer for a property of an object and we cannot, or, we miss out removing them from list of observers.
Let us consider the following scenario from my application - A ViewController displays a snake object, I am observing for a property change on this object - "venom". So whenever viewController needed to show a different snake I would simply remove the view controller from observer of that snake object.
The app evolved to show a list of snakes instead of a single snake, this means I had to observe for property of all snakes in that object. Now, when an old snake is removed from the array I should get to know about this event so that I can remove view controller as observer from this snake object. To do this, I have to first observe for changes on the array itself. To do this I have to follow particular protocol to insert objects into array and remove them from array. This way the complexity builds on. We all do know the consequences of not removing observer from an object and if that object is released by the OS!
Above is just one example to cite, the main problem here is I cannot get the list of KVO observers for a given object to remove them from observers before this object gets released - This can be easily achieved by NSNotification and NSNotificationCenter. At times, I tend to be inclined towards using NSNotification over KVO, however, KVO always has edge over notification in terms of good design practice.

Windows Form Closed but not destroyed

In my Windows Form application when I close a form (which is derived from a base form), its FormClosing and FormClosed Events fire but destructor never fires off. It still keeps the memory occupied.
Any ideas on how to destroy the form completely when it is closed?
If it's not destroyed that means the Garbage Collector doesn't think it should be destroyed.
This basically means that you're either:
Holding a reference to the object somewhere
Have the object listening to an event (That's also a kind of reference to the object)
The garbage collector won't free the Form until there are no references to it.
If you have important resources you want to dispose of, make it IDisposable, and use the Dispose method.
Destructors (or more correctly, finalizers - there are no destructors in .NET) are not guaranteed to be executed in .NET - objects may be cleaned up at the whim of the runtime or even never. You cannot rely on your finalizer method ever being called.
If you need to do something when your form is closed, handle the Closed event.
If you need to release an unmanaged resource (e.g. close an open file), add this logic to the Dispose() method.
If you are worried about memory use, do not worry about memory use. The runtime manages memory automatically based on its own logic.
Reference: Garbage Collection (MSDN)

In Cocoa do I need to remove an Object from receiving KVO notifications when deallocating it?

When I've registered an object foo to receive KVO notifications from another object bar (using addObserver:...), if I then deallocate foo do I need to send a removeObserver:forKeyPath: message to bar in -dealloc?
You need to use -removeObserver:forKeyPath: to remove the observer before -[NSObject dealloc] runs, so yes, doing it in the -dealloc method of your class would work.
Better than that though would be to have a deterministic point where whatever owns the object that's doing the observing could tell it it's done and will (eventually) be deallocated. That way, you can stop observing immediately when the thing doing the observing is no longer needed, regardless of when it's actually deallocated.
This is important to keep in mind because the lifetime of objects in Cocoa isn't as deterministic as some people seem to think it is. The various Mac OS X frameworks themselves will send your objects -retain and -autorelease, extending their lifetime beyond what you might otherwise think it would be.
Furthermore, when you make the transition to Objective-C garbage collection, you'll find that -finalize will run at very different times — and in very different contexts — than -dealloc did. For one thing, finalization takes place on a different thread, so you really can't safely send -removeObserver:forKeyPath: to another object in a -finalize method.
Stick to memory (and other scarce resource) management in -dealloc and -finalize, and use a separate -invalidate method to have an owner tell an object you're done with it at a deterministic point; do things like removing KVO observations there. The intent of your code will be clearer and you will have fewer subtle bugs to take care of.
A bit of extra info that I've gained by painful experience: although NSNotificationCenter uses zeroing weak references when running under garbage collection, KVO does not. Thus, you can get away with not removing an NSNotificationCenter observer when using GC (when using retain/release, you still need to remove your observer), but you must still remove your KVO observers, as Chris describes.
Definitely agree with Chris on the "Stick to memory (and other scarce resource) management in -dealloc and -finalize..." comment. A lot of times I'll see people try to invalidate NSTimer objects in their dealloc functions. The problem is, NSTimer retains it's targets. So, if the target of that NSTimer is self, dealloc will never get called resulting in some potentially nasty memory leaks.
Invalidate in -invalidate and do other memory cleanup in your dealloc and finalize.
