TeamCity and YouTrack in under 1GB - teamcity

I am trying to setup YouTrack and TeamCity on a VM with less than 1GB running on Windows. There will be a very low usage (both users and requests). This is a POC environment, if it works I may push it onto an extra-small or small Azure or Amazon VM instance.
Anyone has got this to work?
PS: I understand that this is way below JetBrains recommended settings.

I have a running YouTrack instance with only 256MB RAM allocated (never tried a smaller value), on an old server with only 1GB RAM, under Debian. It feels pretty responsive, but I'm the only user so far :D
If you're using Windows XP, it might work ok, if Team City would run with only 256MB RAM.
Is there a specific need for using TeamCity, or you need it only for integrating YouTrack with Git/Mercurial/SVN?

I tried installing WARs under TomCat and I could not get TeamCity to play nice in TomCat 7. I ended up using the out of the box installers provided by JetBrains and all worked fine.

I have resolved same problem in the next way:
Installed application on VM with more than 1 GB memory.
Configured my application.
Reduced size(memory) of the VM to 700 Mb available
As application was used JetBrains YouTrack 6.0 with 250 issues and 3 users. It was failing to install from msi package on VM with 700 Mb of memory. After processing mentioned steps it works fine.


RHEL 8.6 WebSphere 9 UI issues

I have been trying to install Websphere onto a VM running RHEL 8.6 and 8.5 but after several attempts and multiple VMs I`ve has no luck and keep running into the same issue.
The following screenshot is what I keep running into:
As you can see from the images the UI is broken and cannot be used for its intended purpose. There is no way (which I could find) to resize the windows or scroll.
Any help would be much appreciated.
I'm on VM RHEL 8.6 and able to resize the Profile Tool fine. It may be your VNC viewer problem.
I have used this to configure my VM for RHEL vnc.
I managed to fix the problem by disabling gnome 3.0 and revert it back to gnome 2.0

Flutter - Slow gradle build

I have recently started Flutter development and on my machine, and the gradle build seemingly takes forever when completely restarting the app or running it for the first time, at times it gets quite frustrating. I am using an Ubuntu 20.04 (KDE Plasma env) with 8 GB RAM/ 240 GB SSD and using VS Code for running the app. Is there any way to optimize this? Would appreciate any suggestion on the same. Thanks in advance.
According to this documentation by there is a way to optimize gradle build by using JVM Garbage collector.
Add this parameter to your in your android folder you can find it on /{your-project}/android/:
and if there are already value set in this field, just add a new option:
org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx1536m -XX:+UseParallelGC

Gradle throws OutOfMemoryException on build

I'm trying to setup / clone an existing grails-project. I managed to install it fine on several windows/macos computers and also 3-4 servers running Ubuntu (ranging from 16.04 to 20.04). But the newest vServer I rented seems to have some problems regarding the gradle-build, as it always throws an OutOfMemoryException, no matter what I try to do.
I already tried increasing the maximum memory size, that grails / gradle are allowed to use but I still get the OutOfMemoryException. I managed to narrow it all down to gradle, which seems to have a problem with the vServer, which has no swap-memory - that's what I read out of everything gradle told me in the error-log:
There is insufficient memory for the Java Runtime Environment to continue.
Cannot create GC thread.
Out of system resources.
Possible reasons:
- The system is out of physical RAM or swap space
Other than that, i noticed, that gradle uses around one to 1,5GB of memory before crashing - but I assigned him with up to 6GB using -Xmx6G (note that the system has 8GB availaible)
Maybe someone here can help me and tell me what I can do to solve this / get grails up and running (I tried everything I could find).
Attached I have the stacktrace of the (failed) build:
Thanks in advance.
The server has 8GB of memory; 4 cores;
I installed Java 1.8.0_252 through the openjdk 8
Gradle should be the version 4.4.1
Grails is installed with the version 4.0.1
The problem has been resolved:
The vServer had 0b of swap-storage, which led to gradle/grails throwing an error of insufficient memory.
All I needed to do was create a swap-partition to have gradle compile.

How it the experience with new Amazon's Cluster GPU Instance of EC2?

Amazon released EC2 - Cluster GPU Instances and I wonder what's your experience with it? Is it stable, does it require a lot of time to install new drivers, SDK etc. before you deployed your CUDA code?
I haven't yet deployed a gpu instance, but I can tell you that the OS image already has the drivers setup for you.
Now in terms of installing CUDA, and getting your code ran thats anotother stody. If you haven't tried EC2 at all then I can tell you on a normal instance - I can install gcc/g++ and svn; setup a repository and have my code run in 5-10 minutes.
EDIT: I was looking through the documentation and found this: this talks about reinstalling or updating the NVIDIA drivers

Is there an online application simulator somewhere?

I've developed some Java applications and wrapped them in exe files, some of them require JDIC files, the apps run on Windows systems, since my PC is all setup for development, it has all the necessary parts, but if a user downloads and runs my apps, they may not work as I thought. So I wonder if there is any place online that I can upload my apps and try to run them in a Windows environment and see if they work in the simulation ?
Consider using VirtualPC. You can get licensing for free.
Also you can get images from MS site for various versions of Windows to test with - supposedly for browser compatibility but you can use them for other things (which may or may not violate the EULA).
Consider using VMWare Workstation. You can get licensing for free.
You could use Amazon's EC2 instances to get easy access to virtual Windows machines. There is a bit of set up involved, but once you've done that you can spin up new machines easily enough. There are a number of tutorials online.
However, doing it locally with virtual windows instances is going to be even easier. I'd second VMware workstation or player.
You can download trial Windows server images directly from Microsoft for free.
