Travelling Salesman : How could one preprocess a graph? - algorithm

Say we wanna compute the TSP for a given, complete graph G with V vertices and E edges (by complete I mean : every vertex is connected with every other vertex).
I'll try to ask the question again. Hopefully I'll get it right this time.
My goal is simple :
For this complete graph G, how does one filter out some edges that will probably not be in the graph?

Keld Helsgaun's implementation of Lin-Kernighan measures the quality of an edge e as [min cost of a 1-tree including e] - [min cost of a 1-tree] (lower is better). See Section 4.1.

There's no efficient way to decide whether an edge will be used in the solution tour. If there were, then by the inherent self-reducibility of the problem you could solve the whole thing in polynomial time by checking whether each edge in turn is part of a solution tour and removing the edge if the answer is no.


Find all cyclic paths in a directed graph

The title is self explanatory. Here's a solution that I found in the internet that can help do this. Here's the link
I don't understand why not visiting a vertex having weight below the given threshold will solve the problem.
Additionally, I have no idea how to solve this using/not using this.
Let's restrict this to simple cycles - those which contain no subcycles. For each node in the graph, begin a depth-first search for that node. record each branch of the recursion tree which results in a match. While searching, never cross over nodes already traversed in the branch.
Consider the complete directed graph on n vertices. There are n(n-1) arcs and n! simple cycles of length n. The algorithm above isn't much worse than this at all. Simply constructing a new copy of the answer would take nearly as much time as running the above algorithm to do it, in the worst case at least.
If you want to find cycles in a directed (or even undirected) graph there is an intuitive way to do it:
For each edge (u, v) in the graph
1. Temporarily ignore the edge (u, v) in step 2
2. Run an algorithm to find all paths from v to u (using a backtrackig algorithm)
3. Output the computed paths in step 2 along with the edge (u, v) as cycles in the graph
Note that you will get duplicate cycles this way since a cycle of length k will be found k times.
You can play with this idea to find cycles with specific properties, as well. For example, if you are aiming to find the shortest weighted cycle in the graph instead of finding all cycles. You can use a Dijkstra in step 2, and take the minimum over all the cycles you find. If you wanna finding the cycle with the least number of edges you can use a BFS in step 2.
If you are more struggling with finding all paths in a graph, this question might help you. Although it's for a slightly different problem.
Counting/finding paths with backtracking

Hamiltonian Cycle algorithm

I was looking for some hamiltonian cycle algorithms, but I can't find any implementations, not even a single pseudo-code ! I don't even need to output the cycle, just check if the graph has one. The input is a graph with V vertices and E edges. Also, I would like to have an algorithm to check if a graph has a hamiltonian path. I don't need to output the path, just check if it has one. Both should be in polynomial time.
The problem is one of the NP-Complete problems.
A brute force algorithm is just creating all permutations and checking if one of them is feasible solution.
Checking the feasibility:
let the current permutation be v1,v2,...,vn: if for each i there is an edge v_i -> v_(i+1) in the graph, and also v_n->v1 - then the solution is feasible.
An alternative is creating a graph G'=(V,E',w) where the new edges E' = VxV (all edges) and the weight function is:
w(u,v) = 1 if there is an edge (u,v) in the original graph
infinity otherwise.
Now you got yourself a Traveling-salesman problem, and can solve it with dynamic programming in O(n^2*2^n)
Unless P = NP, Hamiltonicity can not be decided for general graphs in polynomial time.
An online HCP heuristic exists at where you can upload a graph and test it, but if you want your own function you will either need to write it yourself, or splice in someone else's function. Andrew Chalaturnyk wrote a very good algorithm.

Reduction algorithm from the Hamiltonian cycle

I believe that the Hamiltonian cycle problem can be summed up as the following:
Given an undirected graph G = (V, E), a
Hamiltonian circuit is a tour in G passing through
every vertex of G once and only once.
Now, what I would like to do is reduce my problem to this. My problem is:
Given a weighted undirected graph G, integer k, and vertices u, v
both in G, is there a simple path in G from u to v
with total weight of AT LEAST k?
So knowing that the Hamiltonian cycle problem is NP-complete, by reducing this problem to the Hamiltonian, this problem is also proved NP-complete. My issue is the function reducing it to Hamiltonian.
The big issue is that the Hamiltonian problem does not deal with edge weights, so I must convert my graph to one that doesn't have any weights.
On top of that, this problem has a designated start and finish (u and v), whereas the Hamiltonian finds a cycle, so any start is the same as the finish.
For (1), I am thinking along the lines of passing a graph with all simple paths of total weight LESS THAN k taken out.
For (2), I am thinking that this is not really an issue, because if there is a Hamiltonian cycle, then the simple path from u to v can be sliced out of it.
So, my real questions are:
Is my solution going to give me the right answer?
If yes, then how can I take out the edges that will produce simple paths of total weight less than k WITHOUT affecting the possibility that one of those edges may be required for the actual solution? Because if an edge e is taken out because it produces a simple path of weight < k for a subset of E, it can still be used in a simple path with a different combination of edges to produce a path of weight >= k.
Your reduction is in the wrong direction. To show that your problem is NP-complete, you need to reduce Hamilton Circuit to it, and that is very easy. I.e. show that every Hamilton Circuit problem can be expressed in terms of your problem variant.
More of a hint than an answer:
A unweighted graph can be interpreted as a weighted graph where each edge has weight 1. What would the cost of a Hamiltonian cycle be in a graph like that?
The part about the mismatch between cycles and paths is correct and is a problem you need to solve. Basically you need to prove that the Hamiltonian Path problem is also NP complete (a relatively straightfoward reduction to the Cycle problem)
As for the other part, you are doing things in the wrong direction. You need to show that your more complicated problem can solve the Hamiltonian Path problem (and is thus NP-hard). To do this you just basically have to use the special case of unit-cost edges.

Minimal path - all edges at least once

I have directed graph with lot of cycles, probably strongly connected, and I need to get a minimal cycle from it. I mean I need to get cycle, which is the shortest cycle in graph, and every edge is covered at least once.
I have been searching for some algorithm or some theoretical background, but only thing I have found is Chinese postman algorithm. But this solution is not for directed graph.
Can anybody help me? Thanks
Edit>> All edges of that graph have the same cost - for instance 1
Take a look at this paper - Directed Chinese Postman Problem. That is the correct problem classification though (assuming there are no more restrictions).
If you're just reading into theory, take a good read at this page, which is from the Algorithms Design Manual.
Key quote (the second half for the directed version):
The optimal postman tour can be constructed by adding the appropriate edges to the graph G so as to make it Eulerian. Specifically, we find the shortest path between each pair of odd-degree vertices in G. Adding a path between two odd-degree vertices in G turns both of them to even-degree, thus moving us closer to an Eulerian graph. Finding the best set of shortest paths to add to G reduces to identifying a minimum-weight perfect matching in a graph on the odd-degree vertices, where the weight of edge (i,j) is the length of the shortest path from i to j. For directed graphs, this can be solved using bipartite matching, where the vertices are partitioned depending on whether they have more ingoing or outgoing edges. Once the graph is Eulerian, the actual cycle can be extracted in linear time using the procedure described above.
I doubt that it's optimal, but you could do a queue based search assuming the graph is guaranteed to have a cycle. Each queue entry would contain a list of nodes representing paths. When you take an element off the queue, add all possible next steps to the queue, ensuring you are not re-visiting nodes. If the last node is the same as the first node, you've found the minimum cycle.
what you are looking for is called "Eulerian path". You can google it to find enough info, basics are here
And about algorithm, there is an algorithm called Fleury's algorithm, google for it or take a look here
I think it might be worth while just simply writing which vertices are odd and then find which combo of them will lead to the least amount of extra time (if the weights are for times or distances) then the total length will be every edge weight plus the extra. For example, if the odd order vertices are A,B,C,D try AB&CD then AC&BD and so on. (I'm not sure if this is a specifically named method, it just worked for me).
edit: just realised this mostly only works for undirected graphs.
The special case in which the network consists entirely of directed edges can be solved in polynomial time. I think the original paper is Matching, Euler tours and the Chinese postman (1973) - a clear description of the algorithm for the directed graph problem begins on page 115 (page 28 of the pdf):
When all of the edges of a connected graph are directed and the graph
is symmetric, there is a particularly simple and attractive algorithm for
specifying an Euler tour...
The algorithm to find an Euler tour in a directed, symmetric, connected graph G is to first find a spanning arborescence of G. Then, at
any node n, except the root r of the arborescence, specify any order for
the edges directed away from n so long as the edge of the arborescence
is last in the ordering. For the root r, specify any order at all for the
edges directed away from r.
This algorithm was used by van Aardenne-Ehrenfest and de Bruin to
enumerate all Euler tours in a certain directed graph [ 1 ].

Minimum cost strongly connected digraph

I have a digraph which is strongly connected (i.e. there is a path from i to j and j to i for each pair of nodes (i, j) in the graph G). I wish to find a strongly connected graph out of this graph such that the sum of all edges is the least.
To put it differently, I need to get rid of edges in such a way that after removing them, the graph will still be strongly connected and of least cost for the sum of edges.
I think it's an NP hard problem. I'm looking for an optimal solution, not approximation, for a small set of data like 20 nodes.
A more general description: Given a grap G(V,E) find a graph G'(V,E') such that if there exists a path from v1 to v2 in G than there also exists a path between v1 and v2 in G' and sum of each ei in E' is the least possible. so its similar to finding a minimum equivalent graph, only here we want to minimize the sum of edge weights rather than sum of edges.
My approach so far:
I thought of solving it using TSP with multiple visits, but it is not correct. My goal here is to cover each city but using a minimum cost path. So, it's more like the cover set problem, I guess, but I'm not exactly sure. I'm required to cover each and every city using paths whose total cost is minimum, so visiting already visited paths multiple times does not add to the cost.
Your problem is known as minimum spanning strong sub(di)graph (MSSS) or, more generally, minimum cost spanning sub(di)graph and is NP-hard indeed. See also another book: page 501 and page 480.
I'd start with removing all edges that don't satisfy the triangle inequality - you can remove edge a -> c if going a -> b -> c is cheaper. This reminds me of TSP, but don't know if that leads anywhere.
My previous answer was to use the Chu-Liu/Edmonds algorithm which solves Arborescence problem; as Kazoom and ShreevatsaR pointed out, this doesn't help.
I would try this in a dynamic programming kind of way.
0- put the graph into a list
1- make a list of new subgraphs of each graph in the previous list, where you remove one different edge for each of the new subgraphs
2- remove duplicates from the new list
3- remove all graphs from the new list that are not strongly connected
4- compare the best graph from the new list with the current best, if better, set new current best
5- if the new list is empty, the current best is the solution, otherwise, recurse/loop/goto 1
In Lisp, it could perhaps look like this:
(defun best-subgraph (digraphs &optional (current-best (best digraphs)))
(let* ((new-list (remove-if-not #'strongly-connected
(remove-duplicates (list-subgraphs-1 digraphs)
:test #'digraph-equal)))
(this-best (best (cons current-best new-list))))
(if (null new-list)
(best-subgraph new-list this-best))))
The definitions of strongly-connected, list-subgraphs-1, digraph-equal, best, and better are left as an exercise for the reader.
This problem is equivalent to the problem described here:
Few ideas that helped me to solve the famous facebull puzzle:
Preprocessing step:
Pruning: remove all edges a-b if there are cheaper or having the same cost path, for example: a-c-b.
Graph decomposition: you can solve subproblems if the graph has articulation points
Merge vertexes into one virtual vertex if there are only one outgoing edge.
Calculation step:
Get approximate solution using the directed TSP with repeated visits. Use Floyd Warshall and then solve Assignment problem O(N^3) using hungarian method. If we got once cycle - it's directed TSP solution, if not - use branch and bound TSP. After that we have upper bound value - the cycle of the minimum cost.
Exact solution - branch and bound approach. We remove the vertexes from the shortest cycle and try build strongly connected graph with less cost, than upper bound.
That's all folks. If you want to test your solutions - try it here:
Sounds like you want to use the Dijkstra algorithm
Seems like what you basically want is an optimal solution for traveling-salesman where it is permitted for nodes to be visited more than once.
Hmm. Could you solve this by essentially iterating over each node i and then doing a minimum spanning tree of all the edges pointing to that node i, unioned with another minimum spanning tree of all the edges pointing away from that node?
A 2-approximation to the minimal strongly connected subgraph is obtained by taking a union of a minimal in-branching and minimal out-branching, both rooted at the same (but arbitrary) vertex.
An out-branching, also known as arborescence, is a directed tree rooted at a single vertex spanning all vertexes. An in-branching is the same with reverse edges. These can be found by Edmonds' algorithm in time O(VE), and there are speedups to O(E log(V)) (see the wiki page). There is even an open source implementation.
The original reference for the 2-approximation result is the paper by JaJa and Frederickson, but the paper is not freely accessible.
There is even a 3/2 approximation by Adrian Vetta (PDF), but more complicated than the above.
