/bin/su: Permission denied in CentOS can not set su - root - terminal

I'm trying to set myself as a root and once I type in su - root in the terminal it just give me an error saying /bin/su: Permission denied so I checked the permission in that file
-rwsr-x--- 1 root wheel 24120 Mar 30 2011 su*
I'm wondering why I can't use this I'm trying to install some plugin and it asks me to use root thats why I needed it.

have you tried using the command:
$ sudo su

I had a similar problem. I wanted to allow a user to switch to root, but didn't want to add the user to wheel group. Hence, I used sudoers file.
Add the following line to the sudoers file to allow admin user to use su
admin ALL= /bin/su
Do not edit sudoers file directly, instead use visudo.
Now you can switch to another user with
sudo su - user2
In my case, I added the following line to make sudo prompt for root password and not admin user's password.
Defaults:admin rootpw


macOS terminal asking for password every time I run copy command

I'm running a bash command on mac that moves a file to private/etc/app_name/.
sudo cp my_file.cpp private/etc/app_name/
Every time the I want to run the bash file, the OS asks for my system password.
> ./run_copy.sh
Password: *******
Is there a way to by-pass this or configure in such way that I only have to enter the password once.
Apparently, on my Macbook, I see /etc directory having symlinks with the /private/etc directory which is owned by the wheel group & root is part of that group. So, you would need to use sudo to copy to that directory.
With that said on a Linux machine, you can work around this by adding your group to a new file in the /etc/sudoers.d/<group-name> path.
I've just tried this on my mac, I could copy files onto /private/etc directory without entering the sudo password prompt.
Unfortunately, this comes up with some risks as users of your group get privileged access without entering any password prompt. You might accidentally delete important system files etc.,
A more niche approach could be to allow selectively like <group> ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/copy-script. This way, they can't run all scripts/commands with sudo privileges.

Sudo SU in Bash script without asking user for password

My user is in root group. I canot ssh to server as root because is says Permission denied, please try again. What I usualy do is I ssh as my user and once I'm logged in i type sudo su and I proivde my user's password to become root.
I want to automate part of my job so I want to write a bash script which would ssh as my user, switch to root and then call set of commands.
So far I came with following script but I am unable to switch to root user without asking user for password:
while read p; do
p=$(echo $p|tr -d '\r')
sshpass -p "myPasswd" ssh -T -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no myUser#remoteServer << EOT
cd /var/log/jboss/ #here I am getting 'permission denied' message as only root has access
done < $nodes
I also tried:
sshpass -p "myPasswd" ssh -tt -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no myUser#remoteServer 'cd /var/log/jboss/'
but I got the same permission denied error message
For security reasons, root users are typically not allowed ssh access.
PermitRootLogin no # value in /etc/ssh/sshd_config
The above setting is preventing you from logging in as root in the first place. If you are "comfortable" with you network's security, you can consider modifying that setting. If you ever make modifications to the sshd config, you'll need to restart the ssh service:
sudo service sshd restart
Of course, if you want to adhere to common wisdom, you may want to make changes to your sudoers file (as recommended by chepner and Nic3500). Here's a reasonable configuration change to make:
Add the following line to the bottom of your /etc/sudoers file:
#includedir /etc/sudoers.d
And add the following files to your /etc/sudoers.d directory:
cat /etc/sudoers.d/10_wheel:
The above example configures sudo to allow access to all commands to members of the wheel group, without a password. You may want to change the group name to a group that your user is a member of.
You can determine your groups by issuing the command:
Also, to avoid the use of sshpass, you can deploy ssh public keys to the remote host. Lastly, if you don't want to change the server at all, you can achieve what you are trying to do with expect. If you are comfortable with python coding, I recommend pexpect - I find it soooo much easier than the TCL based expect that is typically discussed.

Setting Lasso 9 permissions

I'm attempting to configure a OSX Mavericks server running Apache and Lasso. For security and convenience I only want users belonging to a specific "web" group to be able to access the web root. I have succeeded in letting both permitted regular users and Apache (_www) access the files, but I cannot for my life manage to set the correct permissions for Lasso. I'm hoping someone here can point me in the right direction.
Basically, what I have done is the following:
sudo dseditgroup -o create web
sudo dseditgroup -o edit -a _www -t user web
sudo dseditgroup -o edit -a _lasso -t user web
sudo chgrp -R web webroot
sudo chmod -R 770 webroot
This apparently works for Apache, but any lasso files merely output a Lasso permission error:
An unhandled failure during a web request
Error Code: 13
Error Msg: Permission denied - While opening //Library/Server/Web/Data/Sites/...
I have also tried adding the _www and _lasso groups to the web group, as well as creating a new Lasso instance in the instance manager with the effective group set to "web".
Strangely, setting permissions to the _lasso user or group directly on the files (i.e. not through the web group) seems to work which makes me believe there's something wrong with how I'm creating my ACLs.
A little more info:
ls -l#e example.lasso
-rwxrwx---+ 1 danielpervan web 0 Feb 19 15:20 example.lasso
0: user:_spotlight inherited allow read,execute
I've encountered problems similar to this when I have ACLs above and beyond the standard Unix permissions. From your post, it looks like there are some ACLs on the example.lasso file. I would run the following script on your web root to remove all ACLs from every folder / file:
sudo chmod -R -N /path/to/webroot/
If that doesn't work, verify that the _lasso user is part of the web group:
dscl . -read /groups/web | grep GroupMembership

Allowing users to run script via /etc/sudoers and permissions

I'd like users in staff group who do not have admin/root permissions to run the following script without being prompted for a password. This is in OSX.
Note that /usr/sbin/serveradmin requires root/sudo privileges.
I've tried adding the following to my /etc/sudoers, but it does not work. Script has permissions of 755.
%staff ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/serveradmin stop smb,/usr/sbin/serveradmin start smb
%staff ALL=NOPASSWD: /bin/sh /opt/scripts/restart-smb
Here's the shell script:
# This script simply restarts SMB (Samba)
echo "Stopping SMB..."
/usr/sbin/serveradmin stop smb
echo "Pausing for 30 seconds..."
/bin/sleep 30
echo "Starting SMB..."
/usr/sbin/serveradmin start smb
echo "Script complete!"
Your ideas, suggestions most appreciated!
WARNING while playing with the /etc/sudoers file managing users privilege and permissions, I CRASHED Ubuntu.
Normal login was not possible anymore. I got a parsing error coming from a simple space missing between # and % character in a line I wrongly commented #%sudo ALL=NOPASSWD: /pathtoscripts/script.sh .
I had to recover it with the install/liveCD mounting again the hardrive filesystem, put back the original file in place and dismount the volume for recording changes.
For the above reason I would NOT RECOMMEND THIS METHOD first because it modifies /etc/sudoers privileges critical file. Choose first alternatives available unless:
you have a good back up of your data outside of your PC
you are not afraid to take the risk to repair/reinstall your system
you know the RIGHT SYNTAX of the /etc/sudoers file, trials and parsing errors could cost you a lot of time and/or efforts/crashes...
Reading the other posts, I managed to get it work on my system, managing permissions through a group:
I created the group mygroup
sudo groupadd mygroup
I added the user myuser which will execute the script
sudo usermod -a -G mygroup myuser
I added at the END of /etc/sudoers the entry, otherwise the privilege are overwritten by the previous lines (be careful with syntax)
%mygroup ALL=NOPASSWD: /mypath/to/myscripts/myscript.sh
The above script myscript.sh must have execute permission
sudo ugo+x /mypath/to/myscripts/myscript.sh
This script will then be able to be launched by the user myuser directly as below wihtout prompting for password anymore
sudo /mypath/to/myscripts/myscript.sh
Alternatively, the script can be launched within another one in a same way
I found another way without creating a group, adding to /etc/sudoers file (at the END of file) the line:
%sudo ALL=NOPASSWD: /mypath/to/myscripts/myscript.sh
In case the script must only be launched by a few existing users myuser1, myuser2, it is always possible to only add to /etc/sudoers (at the END of file) the lines :
myuser1 ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /mypath/to/myscripts/myscript.sh
myuser2 ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /mypath/to/myscripts/myscript.sh
I was able to make this work by adding the following to my /etc/sudoers file:
%staff ALL=/opt/scripts/restart-smb
Then of course making the script executable (I had forgotten that).
Still requires a password (which is okay), but working.

CentOS 6.2 Jailing sftp account

I have been tasked with setting up a centOS 6.2 development box (even though I do not know linux) and am currently using vsftpd to FTP into a box at work. The problem is sftp is not working.
Authentication failed. Error: Critical error Error: Could not connect
to server
this is the error I am getting.
I have added the user by doing the following:
sudo useradd -d /var/www/PATH -s /usr/sbin/nologin USERNAME
sudo passwd USERNAME
sudo chown -R USERNAME /var/www/ PATH
sudo chmod 755 /var/www/PATH
it works for ftp (and the folder structure is jailed) but it does not work with sftp.
However, when I add a user the following way:
sudo useradd USERNAME
sudo passwd USERNAME
sudo chown –R USERNAME /opt/USERNAME
sudo chmod 777 /opt/USERNAME
I have sftp access unjailed and no FTP access.
It does not matter if I have to create multiple accounts (one for ftp and one for sftp), they do have to be jailed to the directory.
If there is a better solution to my problem, help would be welcomed!
You are on good way.
Personally I am using chrooting of sftp user described here: http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2012/03/chroot-sftp-setup/
IMHO in article is not stressed out enough that user's home directory has to be owned by root
# ls -ld /var/www/PATH
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Dec 28 23:49 /var/www/PATH
You can get a lot of helpful info from logs, it this case you can search
tail -f /var/log/secure
while connecting from external host.
Let me know if you have any more help with this problem.
I've created a script for this purpose, you can use it what ever the distribution that you are using is, it works on both RHEL based and Deb's as well to create a jailed SFTP directory with no shell access, only SFTP.
SFTP Jailing with no shell access
