org.springframework.core.env.Environment.getProperty(String) returns null - spring

I am trying to access some properties programmatically in a controller of a spring mvc application. I configured it by xml. I tried both PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer and <context:property-placeholder />
I tried to use in the controller class(saw it in a working example but it was configured with #Configuration):
private Environment environment;
and afterwards i use:
but i get a null value. The entry exists in the properties file(i have only one) and also using ${...} in the xml works

A much simpler way - use #Value to inject the system property, as follows:
private #Value("${systemPropertyFoo}") String systemPropertyFoo;
In your case (I"m assuming the variable is a system property):
private #Value("${upload.location}") String uploadLocation;
This annotation depends on the PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer, so keep it in your config.


Spring boot picking #value from default properties file

I am using #value annotation in spring boot to read a property
#Value(value = "${propName:#{null}}")
private String prop;
And based on if it is null or driving some logic in my code. In my dev environment I want to keep it null so I don't add it in that property file ( But instead of getting it as null, it is reading the value from default file.
Yes, this is the correct behavior based on Spring's property resolution. If you want to override it in your dev profile, simply add the property to your, leaving the value empty. This will result in an empty String, not null, which you can convert to null with something like this:
#Value("${#{some_property == \"\"}:#{null}}")
private String prop;
It is probably a good idea to explicitly define these properties and give them values that make sense. Otherwise, you'll likely revisit this code in a few months and wonder what the heck is causing xyz.
You can read up on Spring and the order with which it resolves properties here but generally, you'd want to define variables that apply to all environments in your application.[properties][yaml], and then override them in the environment-specific properties files. In this case, it kind of sounds like this is a flag that's on or off depending on if the dev environment is set; you might consider something like this.
private Boolean prop;
This will default to false, so you don't need to add it to any properties file. If you want it set, override it in the environment-specific properties file. Booleans can be set in properties files using either the explicit true or false keywords or the values or 0 for false, 1 for true.
By default, property values of external configuration sources (such as files) are always injected directly into your beans by using the #Value annotation.
One solution to your problem is moving the propName property from to application-{profile}.properties.

How to set Spring camel case property with uppercase environment variable?

I have some code to load a value as such in my Spring application:
public class MyElasticRestService {
private String elasticApiBaseUrl;
According to the Spring docs, I should be able to use a relaxed binding that comes from an uppercase environment variable such as ELASTIC_API_BASE_URL or ELASTICAPI_BASEURL. But I'm confused which is correct. Both don't seem to work so I am wondering how to debug what is actually picked up.
I've loaded Spring Boot Actuator to view the configprops endpoint. But it doesn't have anything on the elasticApi prefix.
What should the correct environment variable be and how can I see how it gets translated and picked up by the application?
The #Value annotation doesn't support relaxed bindings. Therefore you could use a class annotated with #ConfigurationProperties or you use a RelaxedPropertyResolver to get the value from the environment.
According to, it is now very possible simply with #Value as long as you use kebab-case (all lower case with dash) for the name e.g. #Value("config.refresh-rate")
Instead of trying to make it an UPPER_SNAKE_CASE, you can put it in your application.yaml file, this way:
elasticApi.baseURL: ${ELASTIC_API_BASE_URL:defaultvalue}
or this way doesn't really matter:
baseURL: ${ELASTIC_API_BASE_URL:defaultvalue}

Accessing user defined properties using spring expression language

Is it poosible to read user defined .properties file using SpEL? I know we can do something like this for systemProperties
#Value("#{ systemProperties['user.region'] }")
I want to access a property in a user defined properties file. Also is it possible to use SpEL in #ContextConfiguration annotation? I want to set the value of this annotation using a properties file defined by me.
Yes, you can do:
private #Value("${propertyName}") String propertyField;
And you will need PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer
<bean class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer"
p:location="" />
or with java config
on the config class
Yes, you can use...
public Properties props() {
How do you want to use SpEL in #ContextConfiguration ?

How to override a Spring #Autowire annotation and set a field to null?

I am a Spring neophyte who is working on a large Spring-based project that has extensive coupling between Spring beans. I am trying to write some integration tests that exercise subsets of the total application functionality. To do so, I'd like to override some of the autowiring.
For example, suppose I have a class
public class MyDataServiceImpl implements MyDataService {
private NotNeededForMyDataServiceTest notNeededForMyDataServiceTest;
and a context file with:
<bean id="myDataService"
In my test, I have no need to use the notNeededForMyDataServiceTest field. Is there some way I can override the #Autowired annotation and set notNeededForMyDataServiceTest to null, perhaps in the XML file? I don't want to modify any of the Java classes, but I do want to avoid the (problematic) configuration of notNeededForMyDataServiceTest.
I tried doing:
<bean id="myDataService"
<property name="notNeededForMyDataServiceTest"><null/></property>
That doesn't work. IntelliJ informs me "Cannot resolve property 'notNeededForMyDataServiceTest'", apparently because there are no getters and setters for that field.
I'm using Spring Framework 3.1.3.
The following configuration should work, I took the liberty of mixing in Java configuration
//This will load your beans from whichever xml file you are using
public class TestConfigLoader{
// This will declare the unused bean and inject MyDataServiceImpl with null.
public #Bean(name="notNeededForMyDataServiceTest") NotNeededForMyDataServiceTest getNotNeededForMyDataServiceTest(){
return null;
... any other configuration beans if required.
And annotate your test class like so:
// In your test class applicationContext will be loaded from TestConfigLoader
#ContextConfiguration(classes = {TestConfigLoader.class})
public class MyTest {
// class body...
These could help:
Context configuration with annotated classes
Testing with #Configuration Classes and Profiles
Spring TestContext Framework
and profiles:
beans profile="..."
Introducing #Profile
You could create different beans definition in the XML configuration and then activate them using the"profile1,profile2" env.
You're using the #Autowired mechanism wrong. The qualifier is not a property that you need to set. That's actually the name of a bean, so that the container will be able to choose one particular instance in case multiple beans of the same type are defined in the same context.
So the container will look for a bean of type NotNeededForMyDataServiceTest and the name (which would actually be the bean id in XML): notNeededForMyDataServiceTest.
What I think you want is to instruct the container to not inject anything in that field if no bean of type NotNeededForMyDataServiceTest is defined in the application context. That could be achieved simply by setting the required attribute of the annotation to false:
#Autowired(required = false)
NotNeededForMyDataServiceTest someOptionalDependency;
The only drawback of this approach would be that the container will never complain at runtime if there's nothing to inject in that field (and perhaps you would want this sanity check when your code runs in production).
If you don't want to make that dependency optional (or you can't edit that code for some reason), you'll need to provide a mock / null value for that field by setting that explicitly in your context. One option to do that would be to use Java configuration instead of XML (like in #Abe's answer) and another approach would be to make use of a factory bean which returns null (like in this question).

How to get property from context property placeholder tag inside custom java component

I have Mule Configuration that defines
<context:property-placeholder location="classpath:/"/>
And I also have a custom component class in Java which use #Lookup annotation on one of my field
private String path;
Considering my "" is like this
After I start up the Mule App, I always get Deploy Exception
org.mule.api.expression.RequiredValueException: "Required object not found in registry of Type "class java.lang.String" with name "file-path" on object "class component.CustomComponent"
I also tried to change the #Lookup("file-path") with #Lookup("${file-path}") with no success.
Anyone can give me a better solution ?
Any help is kindly appreciated.
The #Lookup annotation is designed to retrieve objects from the registry , whereas what you are trying to do is to assign a value to an attribute of your custom component.
There are 2 way to do that:
1) Through property injection, i.e. you declare your component like the following:
<custom-component class="org.myCompany.CustomComponent">
<property name="file-path" value="${file-path}" />
2) Through Spring EL support and the #Value annotation, i.e. you annotate your attribute in the following way
private String path;
I'd recommend the first approach since it is easier to maintain from a flow perspective
private String path;
Give this a shot. I think you need to wrap it in an EL block #{} for it to be properly recognized.
