Dynamically display image (byte array) on jsp with Stripes - image

I am currently working with Stripes and I have an ActionBean that loads a specific User object JavaBean (Email, First Name, Last Name, Blob image) from my database according to a parameter in the url.
This ActionBean then forward to a JSP page that displays these information by using the ActionBean and accessing the User object instance (property of the ActionBean).
I have no problems displaying the text data (Email, First Name and Last Name) but I don't really know how I can display the Blob image (it's a byte array) dynamically.
Is there a way, maybe using a tag from the Stripes Tag lib to load a event (Resolution) that would load the image from the current ActionBean and display it when the page is loaded?
I thought I could call an Resolution (event) from the User JavaBean as the src of the tag but he doesn't seem to work...
public Resolution loadPicture(){
StreamingResolution sr = null;
return sr = new StreamingResolution("image/jpeg") {
public void stream(HttpServletResponse resp) throws Exception {
OutputStream os = resp.getOutputStream();
Thanks in advance!

That's not how HTTP and HTML works. A request is used to load the HTML code. This HTML code contains various <img src="..." /> tags, and a new request is made to load each image. You must generate HTML with img tags that have their src point to a Stripes action which will load the image and stream it to the response.
A StreamingResolution is the right approach to implement this action, but the action will have to be called from another request.


grails - access image in controller to use in pdf

I'm creating a dynamic pdf with gsp and I'd like to add an image to it but I have no idea how to do this coz simply using <img src="${resource(dir: 'images/vip', file: 'heading.png')}"/> in the gsp does not seem to work. When creating an email you use inline 'pic1', 'image/jpg', resourceLoader.getResource("/images/bawHeader3.png").getFile() in the .sendMail so I was wondering if it's possible to do something similar for pdf. Here's what I got so far:
def downloadBooking() {
def result = Booking.findById(params.id)
renderPdf(template: "/pdf/booking/vipConfirmation", model : result)
The above works fine, I just don't know how to add an image into it. Also please show me how I would access the image inside the gsp please.
You need send the bytecode of image to "pdfRenderingService". here is configuration below.
//convert image to bytecode and pass it to the padf rendring service.
def imageBytes=grailsResourceLocator.findResourceForURI('/images/user.png').file.bytes
Passing the value to pdfrendering service.
ByteArrayOutputStream reportBytes = pdfRenderingService.render(template: "/pdf/booking/vipConfirmation", model: [result: result, "imageBytes": imageBytes])
Accessing image in template
<div> <rendering:inlinePng bytes="${imageBytes}" class="header-img"/> </div>
Grails 3.3.9
import org.springframework.core.io.Resource
def assetResourceLocator
Resource resource = assetResourceLocator.findAssetForURI('logo.png')
ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = pdfRenderingService.render(template: "/pdfs/invoice", model: [imageBytes: resource.getInputStream().bytes]) as ByteArrayOutputStream

Spring MVC returns a blank page

In my project, I have a requirement to handle user POST request and fill the results into an iframe (called result_frame).
When POST request data is valid, I return a view to fill the result_frame as ModelAndView(myviewName)
When POST request data is invalid, I want to fill the result_frame with a blank page.
Is there any simple way to return a blank page without creating a separate View for it? (e.g. ModelAndView("_blank"))
Go for this code, It will return a blank page as u wish...
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
out.println(" ");

how to display an image saved in my database

I have a database where I have saved image
How can I display the image ?
Now I display it like this
<img alt="#album.Room_number" src="#album.ImageData" />
But I get this:
You could use the Data URI scheme if your client browser supports it:
<img alt="#album.Room_number" src="data:image/jpeg;base64,#Convert.ToBase64String(album.ImageData)" />
If the browser doesn't support it you will have to create a controller action that queries the database and streams the image to the response:
public ActionResult Image(int id)
byte[] imageData = ... go and fetch the corresponding image data from the database
return File(imageData, "image/jpeg");
and then:
<img alt="#album.Room_number" src="#Url.Action("Image", new { id = album.ImageId })" />
Of course in this case you should not fetch the ImageData property within the initial request to avoid to unnecessary query it while not using it anymore in the view.
You need to create a controller action that serves the raw image data using return File(...).
You can then write <img src="#Url.Action(...)" />.

problem rendering image in browser FileContentResult

I want to show an image from database
I have an action
public FileContentResult GetImage(string param)
type obj = _someRepository.GetType(param);
if (obj!= null && obj.Image!= null)
return File(obj.Image.ToArray(), obj.Image.MimeType);
return "some default image";
in the view I have
< img src="<%:Url.Action("GetImage","ControllerName",new { param= somevalue })%>" alt="some text"
width="100px" height="100px" />
I also have
(Html.BeginForm("actionname", "controllername", FormMethod.Post, new { enctype = "multipart/form-data" })
The image data is fetched from the database But I can't see the image in the browser,
is there something that I am missing?
Here are the steps I would perform in order to isolate the problem. Start with a simple controller action which returns some hardcoded image somewhere from your harddrive:
public ActionResult GetImage(string param)
byte[] image = File.ReadAllBytes(#"c:\work\foo.png");
return File(image, "image/png");
Now navigate directly to /ControllerName/GetImage in your browser and you should see the image.
The next step is to fetch the image from the database and probably store it on your harddisk to ensure that it is a valid image:
type obj = _someRepository.GetType(param);
File.WriteAllBytes(#"c:\work\foo.png", obj.Image.ToArray());
Now checkout the generated file and see if it is valid. The last step is to ensure that the url generated in the <img> tag is the same as the one you used to test directly. Then look at FireBug's Net tab to see if the browser correctly requests the image and what does the server return.
Most probably the issue is that the byte array returned from the database is not valid image or it is empty.
As far as the form you have shown in your question, this is for uploading files, it has nothing to do with serving dynamic images from a controller action, so I don't see what relation it might have to your question.

Salesforce - Is it possible to display image file from ContentVersion to custom visualforce page?

I wrote one simple Visualforce page that let user upload an image file then
save the file to ContentVersion object.
Now I want to display the saved image in my custom visualforce page. Is it even possible?
Looks like <apex:image> cannot be used. Also <img href="{!cv.contentVersion}"...> had no luck.
The real problem is I did upload the image file successfully but what is the URL to it?
I tested with random URL outside on google and I can display the image (like /../..some.jpg"). But I can't figure out what is the absolute URL for the image file that has been uploaded to contentversion.
NOTE: This is not static resource as my users may upload image to change their user image often.
public with sharing class ImageUploadTestController {
public blob file { get; set; }
public String imageFilePath { get; set; }
public ContentVersion cv { get; set; }
public ImageUploadTestController() {
cv = [select id, versionData, title, pathOnClient FROM ContentVersion limit 1];
//fill out the inputFile field and press go. This will upload file to the server
public PageReference go() {
ContentVersion v = new ContentVersion();
v.versionData = file;
v.title = 'some title';
v.pathOnClient ='/foo.jpeg';
insert v;
return new PageReference('/' + v.id);
//v.id sample
}//end class
Visualforce page
<apex:page controller="ImageUploadTestController">
<apex:form >
<apex:inputFile value="{!file}" />
<apex:commandbutton action="{!go}" value="go"/>
<!-- none of below works!! :( -->
{!cv.title} {!cv.pathOnClient}
<apex:image value="/069A00000009Ux3" width="220" height="55"/>
I don't believe its possible to serve it from content currently The format provided by ScottW works for Documents.
The other option I've done is upload a zip file containing my images to the Static Resources which can then be referenced.
This should work:
public PageReference getContent(){
String html = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('html');
PageReference redirection = null;
redirection = new PageReference('/sfc/servlet.shepherd/version/download/' + contentVersion.Id);
return redirection;
Based on my experience, "thegogz"is correct - it is not currently possible to render images directly from Content. As others have indicated, rendering from Documents and/or Static Resources does work, and IMHO using Documents is preferable because you can access the URL, binary data, etc. programmatically in Apex.
The image is shown using "/servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file=" in tag by using URL attribute.
Example : <apex:image URL="/servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file={!recordId}"/>
for more information,
visit Displaying Images in a Visual Force Page
Try <apex:image URL="/servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file={!recordId}"/>
