How to create a sequence of numbers in a Ruby on Rails form - ruby

I have 10 form fields and I want to append a number next to each field, going sequentially from 1 to 10. The problem is that the code is already in a loop. It's inside a partial, and the partial is passed a collection.
<%= fields_for "list", f do |f| %>
<!-- I want 1, 2, etc to appear here depending on the iteration. -->
<%= f.label :name %>
I tried using <%= i += 1 %> but it does not work since i is not defined. If I define i, it will keep getting reset to the same number, so it makes no difference. Any ideas?

Rails automatically defines a local variable called partialname_counter where, obviously, "partialname" is the name of your partial. So if your partial is called e.g. _list_item.html.erb you could write it like this:
<%= fields_for "list", f do |f| %>
<%= list_item_counter + 1 %>
<%= f.label :name %>
<% end %>
(The + 1, of course, is there because the counter starts at 0.)
Another option would be to just let the browser do the numbering for you using an ordered list:
In the view:
<%= render :list_item, :collection => #some_items %>
...and in the partial:
<%= fields_for "list", f do |f| %>
<%= f.label :name %>
<% end %>
This option is probably more semantic, and lists are easy to style in CSS.


How to add a class to a number_field bound to model object

No idea why this isn't working, have read through a lot of doc examples, most of those focus on text_field, maybe number_field is weird? I know that number_field doesn't accept a length option...
<%= form_for #person do |p| %>
<%= p.number_field :zipcode, class: "short-number-field" %>
<% end %>
The html never renders with the class, how do I do this?
Note, this is not a number_field_tag, so the number of arguments is 2.

Ruby each, different action depending on index, with a pattern?

Ok so my title may be confusing. What I want to do is to loop through a collection of models, and for the first two, render a template, for the next four render a different template and next two render the same template as for the first ones, and so on.
Like this:
<% ads.each do |ad| %>
<% # if it's 1-2, 7-8, 13-14 and so on render as big' %>
<%= render 'front/home/big_ad', ad: ad %>
<% # if it's 3-6, 9-12, 15-18 and so on render as small' %>
<%= render 'front/home/small_ad', ad: ad %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
What would be the cleanest way to accomplish this?
If your groups would be even long, then you could use in_groups_of command, and alternate between them, but with these specifications, the easiest way is this:
<% ads.each_with_index do |ad, index| %>
<% if (index % 6 < 2) %>
<%= render 'front/home/big_ad', ad: ad %>
<% else %>
<%= render 'front/home/small_ad', ad: ad %>
<% end %>
<% end %>

Can I concatenate the result of two helper methods in single erb output

I created a helper to output some text using erb
<%= helper_method %>
but if i tried to put it 2 times it will not work ..for eg..
<% =
I am expecting the text twice...but I get only once...
Each <%= %> outputs a single string, so either join them in a single string, or do it twice.
<%= helper_method %> (or <%= ... -%> )
<%= helper_method %>
There are a variety of ways to concatenate; %Q, normal string interpolation, etc.
try something like
<%= %Q(#{helper_method} #{helper_method}) %>
<%= helper_method + helper_method %>
If you need to print a String multiple times(the string in your case comes from a helper), you can simply use the multiplier operator
def helper_method
<%= helper_method * 2 %>
The result in a new string like this: TextText
When you say <%= helper_method %>, = means print the output, but when you say
<% =
Rails doesn't know which out put should print, because it has two methods:

Sorting and manipulating a hash in Ruby

In my rails 3.1 project I have a Book model that has a ID, NAME, and BOOK_ORDER. I am using the ranked-model gem, which for its sorting process creates large numbers in the sorting(:book_order) column. Im looking for some help to create a method to sort all of the Books by the :book_order column, then simplify the :book_order numbers.
So, I have this:
#books = Books.all
<% #books.each do |book| %>
<%= book.book_order %>
<% end %>
# book1.book_order => 1231654
# book2.book_order => 9255654
# book3.book_order => 1654
But want this:
<% #books.each do |book| %>
<%= book.clean_book_order %>
<% end %>
# book1.clean_book_order => 2
# book2.clean_book_order => 3
# book3.clean_book_order => 1
Additionally, i don’t want to change the database entry, just use its current values to make simpler ones.
Thanks to nash’s response I was able to find a solution:
In my Book Model I added the clean_book_order method:
class Book < ActiveRecord::Base
include RankedModel
ranks :book_order
def clean_book_order
self.class.where("book_order < ?", book_order).count + 1
<% #books.each do |book| %>
<%= book.book_order_position %>
<% end %>
Oh, I see.

hash enumeration and using outside arguments

I have a form builder and the normal |f| variable. In the middle I'd like to iterate over some hash and get a list of keys by which to build the form. How can I incorporate "f" as an argument to the enumerator.
<%= form_for ..... do |f| %>
<% available_types.each do |k,v| %>
<%= f.text_filed :selection, :value => v %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
As you can see in the code above, "f" is outside of the scope. Ideas?
f should still be in the scope. You misspelled text_field though.
