Am Dispalying a crystal report using javascript Popup :"reports_1_cox.aspx");
Aspx :
<CR:CrystalReportViewer ID="coxReportIdVw" runat="server" Height="50px"
ToolPanelWidth="200px" Width="350px"/>
I can see the report is loaded properly but when I am trying to export or print the report it is throwing me this error :
Failed to export using the options you specified. Please check your options and try again.
have tried placing Viewer in Update Panel but no luck.
Have copied this folder crystalreportviewers13 from my BuisnessObjects installed folder to my app path and it worked properly.
I am using blogdown for the first time and have installed the Hugo-academic theme via the recommended method, blogdown::new_site(theme = 'gcushen/hugo-academic').
I have started editing the config.toml and the updates render as expected. After attempting to edit the file it appears that none of the edits I've made are showing up. I've deleted some of the example files (such as Selected Projects, etc) however the site preview still shows them . I came across (Customize the "about" widget in hugo academic theme) which feels related, and upon executing hugo -v in terminal (within RStudio in the same project) I get the following error which I can't comprehend:
ERROR 2018/06/25 19:50:10 Error while rendering "home" in "": template: index.html:1:3: executing "index.html" at <partial "widget_page...>: error calling partial: template: partials/widget_page.html:23:9: executing "partials/widget_page.html" at <partial $widget $par...>: error calling partial: template: partials/widgets/projects.html:66:84: executing "partials/widgets/projects.html" at <delimit.Params.tags...>: error calling delimit: can't iterate over <nil>
An attempt at understanding: Have I deleted a file I should not have or not updated something in config.toml such that it is looking for a file which I've now deleted?
I'm on a Mac, and using RStudio version 1.1.453 in case it is useful to know
I will have to see what changes you have made in the config.toml.
If you scroll down in the config.toml file you should find [params.menus] in that the first menu is for About. It looks like this:
name = "About me"
url = "#about"
weight = 1
If the params are okay, and if you edited the file in the root>content>home folder it should be okay.
I am trying to use gulp to copy some JS/CSS from node_modules to wwwroot in an ASP.Net core app.
I have what I thought was a fairly simple gulpfile.js
var gulp = require('gulp');
gulp.task('copy-files', function () {
var assets = {
js: [
css: [
_(assets).forEach(function (assets, type) {
gulp.src(assets).pipe(gulp.dest('./wwwroot/' + type));
However, when I look at the VS Task Runner, it just shows an error:
But the output window is empty:
How can I get more information about the error?
This answer here worked for me.
Moved up the $(PATH) location above everything. As I did not have (DevEnvDir)|Extensions\Microsoft\Web Tools\External location as mentioned in the answer.
For VS 2015
Tools > Options > Projects and Solutions > External Web Tools
For VS 2017
Tools > Options > Projects and Solutions > Web Package Management > External Web Tools
The problem is not related to path, but actually there must be some problem with gulp file itself either syntax error or some package is missing which unfortunately visual studio does not show that specific error but generic error what you see in task runner "failed to load". And the right way to see the errors is
Open the command prompt (preferably in admin mode, this is what i did).
Goto the same location where gulp file is located.
Run the task through following command example --> gulp default
If there is any error like package is missing, it will show you, fix those issues.
After all errors are fixed, then you will see that gulp task runs successfully.
Go back to visual studio, task runner, and click on refresh (left top button), and it will show you all tasks.
I'm not sure why but opening a cmd prompt at the directory containing gulpfile.js and running npm install has fixed it.
Perhaps someone wiser than I can explain why.
In Output window, make sure you select Task Runner Explorer for Show output from option. This was my problem why I didn't see the error logs from gulpfile. A rookie mistake.
I'm using Visual Studio Community 2019 Version 16.5.4.
I had the same problem and found the answer in the next link:
Gulp uses node.js but it is important the version to be compatible. I've tried few versions and at the end version 0.12.7 works for me. But had to place absolute path to the place where that node version is installed in VS
Tools > Options > Projects and Solutions > External Web Tools
and move the path to the top. Placing the Path in environment variables and moving $(PATH) to the top didn't help in my case.
I created a new folder test and navigated to the folder via command prompt.Ran Command yo liferay-theme:import.Then I get a question "What theme would you like to import".I give the path of theme in 6.2 plugins sdk.I get error meassage theme doesnot exist when clearly it exists in the path i give
im using CodeSmart to get code metrics from my vb6 projects.
now i want to include codesmart in my build-process using TeamCity.
i know that codesmart can be user in the command line. this works for me. i have my command line.xml file:
<project_file>Path to xyz.smproj</project_file>
<source_directory>Path to Project</source_directory>
which generates a projectXYZ.smproj file.
My question now is...
how do i export data (code metrics like lines of code) from this smproj file using a console command?
i can get code metrics when i open my projectXYZ.smproj file in the codesmart IDE and exporting data using the menue "file...export Checkpoint details" but i need this in a console command
Any ideas?
Got it myself. had to add an export area to the command block
<export_type>2 (checkpoint details as XML)</export_type>
<export_option>1 (do not use any of the options set in the Options dialog)</export_option>
I've tried to follow these steps to get venkman in my xul application:
Get Venkman from To download the package, right-click the install link and save the package locally. (got the newest version).
Create a directory /distribution/bundles/venkman. Unzip the package into that directory.
Add <script src="chrome://venkman/content/venkman-overlay.js" /> to one of your XUL windows.
Add UI to open Venkman to your window (it could be a menu item or a toolbar button). Make it call start_venkman() when activated.
Not sure where to create the distribution directory, I've tried in the same directory as my application.ini in chrome and in chrome/content but when I try to include the script as in step 3 I get:
No chrome package registered for chrome://venkman/content/venkman-overlay.js
And step 4 gives me:
Error: ReferenceError: start_venkman is not defined
I start my application using the following command:
firefox.exe --app application.ini -jsconsole
Changed the BuildID in my application.ini a couple of times but that didn't change anything.
Created the directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\distribution\bundles and copied the venkman directory in there.
In my xul window I added:
<script src="test.js" />
<button label="Press Me"
The content of test.js is:
function toOpenWindowByType(inType, uri) {
var winopts = "chrome,extrachrome,menubar,resizable,scrollbars,status,toolbar";, "_blank", winopts);
When I click the button the Venkman window opens.