How do I create 'draft' items in nanoc? - ruby

I'd like to render posts to different folders depending on a status code in the metadata.
For example, if I have an attribute of status: draft I'd like for these items to be rendered to a folder called /draft/, while status: live would be rendered to /blog/. I could then password protect the draft folder so that only I could view it. If there is no status at all it would default to draft.
Is this possible?

In your rules file, use the following:
route '*' do
if item.binary?
item.identifier.chop + '.' + item[:extension]
elsif item[:status]
'/' + item[:status] + item.identifier.chop + '.' + item[:extension]
item.identifier + 'index.html'
This will create a directory for each status you have.
Eg: A source file that begins with
title: file1
status: testing
will be created in the /testing/ folder.
To remove leftover files after compilation, you can use “nanoc prune” (new in nanoc 3.3.x).


Specifying parameters in yml file for Quarto

I am creating a quarto book project in RStudio to render an html document.
I need to specify some parameters in the yml file but the qmd file returns
"object 'params' not found". Using knitR.
I use the default yml file where I have added params under the book tag
type: book
title: "Params_TEst"
author: "Jane Doe"
date: "15/07/2022"
pcn: 0.1
- index.qmd
- intro.qmd
- summary.qmd
- references.qmd
bibliography: references.bib
theme: cosmo
documentclass: scrreprt
editor: visual
and the qmd file looks like this
# Preface {.unnumbered}
This is a Quarto book.
To learn more about Quarto books visit <>.
1 + 1
When I render the book, or preview the book in Rstudio the error I receive is:
Quitting from lines 8-10 (index.qmd)
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object 'params' not found
Calls: .main ... withVisible -> eval_with_user_handlers -> eval -> eval
I have experimented placing the params line in the yml in different places but nothing works so far.
Could anybody help?
For multi-page renders, e.g. quarto books, you need to add the YAML to each page, not in the _quarto.yml file
So in your case, each of the chapters that calls a parameter needs a YAML header, like index.qmd, intro.qmd, and summary.qmd, but perhaps not references.qmd.
The YAML header should look just like it does in a standard Rmd. So for example, your index.qmd would look like this:
pcn: 0.1
# Preface {.unnumbered}
This is a Quarto book.
To learn more about Quarto books visit <>.
1 + 1
But, what if you need to change the parameter and re-render?
Then simply pass new parameters to the quarto_render function
quarto::quarto_render(input = here::here("quarto"), #expecting a dir to render
output_format = "html", #output dir is set in _quarto.yml
cache_refresh = TRUE,
execute_params = list(pcn = 0.2))
For now, this only seems to work if you add the parameters to each individual page front-matter YAML.
If you have a large number of pages and need to keep parameters centralized, a workaround is to run a preprocessing script that replaces the parameters in all pages. To add a preprocessing script, add the key pre-render to your _quarto.yml file. The Quarto website has detailed instructions.
For example, if you have N pages named index<N>.qmd, you could have a placeholder in the YML of each page:
title: This is chapter N
Your pre-render script could replace yourparamplaceholder with the desired parameters. Here's an example Python script:
for filename in os.listdir(dir):
if filename.endswith(".qmd"):
with open(filename, "r") as f:
txt =
f.replace('yourparamplaceholder', 'params:\n\tpcn: 0.1\n\tother:20\n')
with open(filename, "w") as ff:
I agree with you that being able to set parameters centrally would be a good idea.

Mail attachment in jenkins pipeline

I'm trying to send a mail after my pipe ends that will include some logs that I'm collecting
emailext subject: "${env.JOB_NAME} #" + env.BUILD_NUMBER + " - " + currentBuild.currentResult + " for branch: " + branch_Name + " commit: " + "${git_commit_hash}", body: """
Installation : ${create_cluster_result}
unit test results: ${run_unit_tests_result}
error logs: ${error_logs}
""", attachLog: true, attachmentsPattern: "${error_logs}", to: "$extendedEmailRec"
but I get only one attachment, build.log. What am i missing here?
It seems that "${error_logs}" is the path to only one log file. You can always use wildcards in your pattern as well. For e.g. considering error_logs as your logs directory: (*.log in code below)
""", attachLog: true, attachmentsPattern: "${error_logs}/*.log", to: "$extendedEmailRec"
This way you can end up with as many files with .log extension in your attachments.

WebSphere - Map Module to Target through Jython

We have deployed an ear file to our WebSphere instance. By default, all *.jar & *.war modules are mapped to the jvm.
We would like to map all the *.war modules also to the web server.
I have created the below jython script to map the additional modules to the web server:
modules = AdminApp.listModules('${p:appName}', '-server')
splitted = modules.splitlines()
for moduleLine in splitted:
print "Mapping module: " + moduleLine
appName, moduleUri, target = moduleLine.split("#")
print appName
print moduleUri
print target
if moduleUri.find('.war') >= 0:
print "It's a war: " + moduleUri
module, webXml = moduleUri.split("+")
print module
print webXml
AdminApp.edit('${p:appName}', ['-MapModulesToServers', [[module, module + ',' + webXml, target]]])
The above script works when the name of the module is the same name as referenced in the uri. However, in some cases, the web.xml contains another name as 'display name'. When we do a -MapModulesToServers, it seems to look at the display name of the module, not the uri.
For example:
In the WebSphere console, we would have the following line:
Module URI Module type
Demo,WEB-INF/web.xml Web Module
The 'AdminApp.listModules' method is returning the uri name (, whereas I need the name of the module (Demo).
Am I missing something or is there another way to retrieve the module name, so I can use the AdminApp.edit('${p:appName}', ['-MapModulesToServers', [[module, module + ',' + webXml, target]]]) to update the targets?
The administrative scripting console is not available, so I don't see a way to retrieve the commands that have been issued.
You can use the wildcat to match the name of the module. Replace
AdminApp.edit('${p:appName}', ['-MapModulesToServers', [[module, module + ',' + webXml, target]]])
AdminApp.edit('${p:appName}', ['-MapModulesToServers', [['.*', module + ',' + webXml, target]]])

Chef - Download multiple zip files from website(HTTP) and do some basic operations

I am writing a chef resource with a logic as mentioned with each steps
Search for a 'zip' content from the http website and download it
After downloading unzip the files and put it under a directory - for e.g /u01/var/
Now here comes the tricky part - for each downloaded zip file i need
to traverse through each file and do the same operation which is
applicable to different zip files
My Code -
require 'open-uri'
links = open(patch_depot ,&:read).to_s
patch_files ={ |i| i[/\.zip$/]}
print patch_files
unless patch_files.length>=1'No latest file found..!!')
c = Dir.pwd
patch_files.each do |patch|
if ::File.exist?(::File.join(cache_direc,patch))"#{patch} file is already downloaded")
open(patch, 'wb') do |fo|
fo.print open("#{patch_depot}/#{patch}").read
`unzip -qo #{patch}`"#{patch} is downloaded and extracted")
FileUtils.chown_R osuser, usergroup, cache_direc
FileUtils.chmod_R 0777, cache_direc
So with the code mentioned above i am able to achieve point 1 and point 2
After this code block i have a ruby block which updates a file and i have a bash block which do some operation.
Like below -
ruby_block 'edit file' do
block do
bsu_sh_file ="#{bsu_loc}/utils/asu/")
bsu_sh_file.search_file_replace_line(/^MEM_ARGS="-Xms256m -Xmx512m"*$/, "MEM_ARGS='-Xms1024m -Xmx1024m'")
if bsu_sh_file.unwritten_changes? == false'No Changes need be made to mmy_sh_file')
bsu_sh_file.write_file'Changes made in mmy_sh_file file')
bash block -
bash "test bash" do
code <<-EOH
some operation
My HTTP content may have multiple zip files
So for each zip file i need to unzip and do the operations mentioned on ruby_block and bash block
Kindly provide a solution or a suggestion
EDIT #1 :
The Code written which is already a custom resource , I know i mess up with the loop some where. My code doesn't not moving inside the loop and iterating through the other actions.
Assuming you have a list of urls from where you want to download, you can have some attributes like:
default['your_cookbook']['files']['file_1'] = {
address: '',
name: '',
path: '/where/you/want/it/',
checksum: '12341234123412341234'
default['your_cookbook']['files']['file_2'] = {
address: '',
name: '',
path: '/where/you/want/it/',
checksum: '12341234123412341234'
Then you can do this:
node['your_cookbook']['files'].each do |file|
remote_file do
path "/tmp/#{}"
source file.address
checksum file.checksum
execute "extract_#{}" do
command "unzip /tmp/#{} -d #{file.path}#{}"
action :nothing
subscribe :run, "remote_file[#{}]", :immediate
I think this have the same functionality you need and avoid using custom resources in favor of the default ones, which are quite complete.

Nanoc + Bower = Error - Found 2 content files for

I'm using nanoc to generate an static site.
Recently I added Bower to manage front end dependencies.
When I add Bootstrap via Bower I place the package in /assets/bower/
The Bootstrap package contains multiple files, including:
My Rules file has these rules:
route '/assets/*' do
extension = item[:extension]
if extension == 'coffee'
extension = 'js'
item.identifier.chop + '.' + extension
compile '*', :rep => :spec do
if !item[:spec_files].nil? && !item.binary?
filter :erb
layout 'spec'
route '*', :rep => :spec do
if !item[:spec_files].nil? && !item.binary?
'/specs' + #item.identifier[0..-2] + '.html'
compile '*' do
if !item.binary?
filter :erb
layout_name = item[:layout] || 'default'
layout layout_name
route '*' do
if item.binary?
item.identifier.chop + '.' + item[:extension]
item.identifier[0..-2] + '.html'
When running nanoc I get the following error:
RuntimeError: Found 2 content files for
content/assets/bower/bootstrap/js/tests/vendor/qunit; expected 0 or 1
I tried adding 2 new 'empty' rules for the /assets/bower/ folder but still getting the error.
route '/assets/bower/*' do
compile '/assets/bower/*' do
Any suggestions?
Later edit:
Looks like nanoc supports a static datasource that also takes in consideration the file extension.
Still not sure if I can use both data sources in parallel.
Unfortunately, you can't have two files in the same directory with the same name before the last extension. For nanoc 4.0 it'll be rewritten to change that.
You can definitely have multiple data sources used at once, but that means you can't apply filters to the qunit files, only redirect the output.
Do you explicitly have to be able to organise files the same as Bower installs them? It might be a better idea to split them up into scripts and styles if you can, anyway - you'll almost certainly be filtering based on filetype, anyway, and that means in Rules you can just go
compile '/whatever-path/scripts/' do
filter :concatenate
filter :uglify_js
rather than
compile '/whatever-path/ do
case item[:extension]
when 'js'
filter :uglify_js
when 'scss'
filter :sass
