What are the equivalents in Sass and LESS of these features? [closed] - sass

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm a LESS user, but I'm considering trying out Sass. Each of them have one big thing that I find attractive, and I'm wondering if both frameworks have equivalents (third-party programs included)
Reason to use Sass (AFAIU):
Sass can be set up to auto-compile into CSS files, saving the need to manually do it
With LESS, the closest is using SimpLESS, but that is still a manual step
Reason to use LESS:
LESS Elements - A set of commonly used mixins (e.g. rounded corners, box-shadow, etc.)
Something similar can be made in Sass, if not available, but I'd like to know if it's already been done

Few things that might clear your doubts:
With LessCSS you include a .js file on your page that doesn't require any other manual step.. That's much simpler than any other method, and I guess you didn't know that.
Less.app for Mac does the work great, and to me, it's better to just launch the app which works than to type "sass --watch etc" in Terminal. Less.app compiles your .less files on every file save, also those which are referenced in the main stylesheet (SimpLESS app doesn't seem to have an option to compile on file save).
I use Twitter's Bootstrap "CSS library/framework" for prototypes/projects, it's fantastic and the code is written in .less format. For me this is a reason I won't switch back to Sass (used it for a while). Check out http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/
Compass looks good, from what I can see it offers exactly what Bootstrap offers, maybe in a more structured way - but I don't see a demo of what it can offer by default, so I don't see myself using it anytime soon. Also, the $7 app.. sorry, got it for free with Less.app.


How to generate documentation for Clojure code on Windows? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I can't seem to find a way to generate documentation for Clojure code on Windows.
Marginalia seems to be broken on all platforms since 1.7 (see here:
Codox has an issue
open on this topic (https://github.com/weavejester/codox/issues/110).
The Autodoc plugin for Lein 2 seems to be broken as well (not
enough reputation to post more than two links, but there's an issue
open on this over at GitHub).
Has anyone succeeded in running any of these three on Windows? Should I try something else?
I do not have a choice here, it must run on Windows.
As I'm building a case for clojure in the company, it must play well with leiningen, which is used to build and test our code.
Another option is autodoc - seems to still be active, but from the README it seems there are no promises it works on windows - still you could give it a try.
I think codox might still be your best bet. It's pretty popular and well maintained (there's only 4 open bugs right now and they're pretty newish - one of which is the one you referenced in your question). So maybe give it some time.
Finally, I know this is probably obvious and not ideal, but you could at least do one-off generations of documentation on a *nix system for the time being.

C++ Boost Docset [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Is there a docset for Boost? I'ld like to add it to Dash for offline documentation search, and can't find one anywhere. All attempts of my own to build it have failed, rather spectacularly.
Not that I've found; they don't even offer a complete set of offline docs, let alone a Dash docset. (Alas, the PDFs that Marchall Clow mentions are only a small subset.)
I've been toying with the idea of creating one, but like you I gave up in frustration. If you want to collaborate, drop me a line!
As I understand it, you'd need to:
Create an offline mirror of the entire set of Boost docs. This is easy enough, something like the following should work:
wget --mirror -p --no-parent --convert-links -P ./boost_docs \
Index the docs. (This is the hard part.) Scrape the HTML and try and pull out interesting semantic elements: classes, functions, types and so on, and create an index.
Many of the components of Boost seem to use a consistent documentation format, but what complicates things is that many other components have their own, idiosyncratic approach, and their HTML markup is not all semantic. (boost::filesystem's docs appear to have been created using Microsoft Frontpage. I wish I was joking.)
I noticed today that Dash has updated with a Boost Docset, based on Doxygen. Not sure how they got it, but it seems to have everything in there.

Php LiveDocx library or another template based pdf creation lib [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I need to generate gift vouchers from PHP code and was looking at PDF libraries to accomplish this. Stumbled upon LiveDocx http://www.livedocx.com/ which looks like an excellent service and then found http://www.phplivedocx.org/ which looks like the natural choice for PHP. Problem is I'm using Zend Framework 1.6 still. Is there a way to get phplivedocx to work with Zend 1.6 or is there another template based php generation library that I can use?
Any other suggestions on accomplishing my original goal of generating vouchers is welcome although I must say that I've gone the programmatic approach before using TCPDF. It works well but is just too much work to get nice pdf design.
I ended up generating an HTML file and converting it with the wkhtmltopdf (Webkit HTML to Pdf) tool: http://code.google.com/p/wkhtmltopdf/
If using a WYSIWYG editor to generate the HTML then I guess one is almost at the kind of functionality that livedocx brings i.e. to allow templates to be created with an editor.
The zend framework is loosely coupled. You should try downloaded the latest copy and placing the Zend_Service_LiveDocX folder in your Zend library in the Zend_Services folder and if you have autoloading enabled, your application should be able to find it and use it... it's worth a try and certainly a better idea than sourcing another third party application. I too have used all the various pdf libraries out there for php and you know what, I hated every one of them.

RapidWeaver-like editor for windows [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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After seeing a friend using RapidWeaver and producing wonderful results in a few clicks, I was astonished and started searching if a tool like that exists for Windows. Unfortunately, so far my search yielded no result, so I'm writing here the criteria I'm using hoping that anybody will come up with a relevant suggestion:
Must work (well!) on Windows (Vista/7)
Must not be web based (I don't care about webapps allowing me to create sites off of crappy templates)
Template-based (and possibly with many templates available)
Pretty flexible (nothing like Dreamweaver, but I wouldn't like being stuck with just entering text into some prebuilt templates)
Intuitive (and possibly good looking) UI
Producing standards-compliant markup (office-like HTML is not an option)
Here is what I don't care about:
Price/License (if it's commercial it's probably even better for my purpose, as if the tool is good I will want fast, quality support)
Good code editing features (when I'll get my hands dirty with the markup I want things to be looking already pretty good so I'll just have to improve certain areas based on my requirements...)
Server-side scripting (I'm handling that otherwise, for this tool I just care about the design part)
Here's a list of commonly recommended tools I consider unfit for my needs:
Microsoft Expression Web
Microsoft Visual Web Designer
Adobe Dreamweaver (good, but too good for my needs. At this stage, I'd prefer something quicker, even if it means having lower quality html)
Thanks in advance for your suggestions!
Probably too late, and not sure if this helps you anyway:

How do I take screenshots of web pages using ruby and a unix server? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm trying to programatically create thumbnail images of a large number of web pages that are hosted on my own ruby/rails-based website.
I want to be able to code a stand-alone bit of ruby that looks something like this:
require 'awesome-screenshot-maker'
items.each do |id|
url = "http://foo.com/bar/#{id}"
shooter = AwesomeScreenshotMaker.new(0.2) # thumbnails are 20% of original
shooter.capture(url, "/images/thumbnail-#{id}.png")
I need the awesome-screenshot-maker library (and its dependencies) to be fairly easy to build on Linux, Solaris and Mac OS X. Ideally it will install with a single 'gem install' command.
I've spent the afternoon exploring various options, including Moz snap shooter, webkit2png and rbwebkitgtk. They are all in the right area, but none seem to work on all three platforms.
RMagick looks like a possible option if I'm willing to output PDFs from my rails app (instead of web pages), but that strikes me as hacky. It's also very laborious to get RMagic and imagemagick up and running on Mac OS X.
Does such a library exist that can easily be setup on three platforms?
Selenium RC has a Ruby interface and can grab a screenshot using capture_screenshot(filename,kwargs).
You'd then have to shrink it to a thumbnail.
you might want to try this:
There is https://github.com/maxwell/screencap which uses phantom.js
There is a ruby wrapper for PageGlimpse available:
Unfortunately, the Terms of Use state that "You must not use or launch any automated system, including without limitation, "offline readers", "spiders," etc. to capture data provided by the Service."
You can use the gem gastly.
Gastly.capture('http://google.com', 'output.png')
